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My Enemy's Son (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 2)

Page 15

by J. Naomi Ay

  “We beg your pardon, Madame,” Captain Loman said and both of them bowed and finally left me in peace.

  A short time later, a lady came and sat with me the rest of the day and that night. I think her name was Fern. I was really surprised because she was wearing the most beautiful dress. It looked like it was silk and decorated with seed pearls and gold embroidery. It seemed so out of place for the hospital but apparently I was the only one who thought so. Anyway, Fern sat in the chair next to me embroidering something with more gold thread and chatting about somebody or something and how exciting it all was like I should have a clue what she was talking about. If I needed anything she immediately jumped up and ran to get it or helped me get up. She was very nice though and I never once felt like slapping her.

  I guess these Rehnorians weren't all that bad. In fact, the doctors and nurses were exceptionally polite. Whenever the nurses came in to check me or give me something to eat, they always curtseyed and the doctors bowed which I guess goes to show that if you threaten to fire someone, everyone will walk on eggshells for you after that.

  The next day I was taken back to 41 in an SdK spaceplane. Fern came with me. I didn't realize you guys have your own spaceplanes too. I had a sleeper suite in the very back and it was beautiful. It was as nice as a luxury hotel room with a king size bed and a vid and a console from which I could order anything to eat or drink. Fern kept jumping up to get me this or that but I think I slept nearly the whole way even though I tried to stay awake so I could play with the console.

  I really wanted to get up and check out the cockpit but I got dizzy every time I stood up. Caroline and Jerry met me at 41 and immediately checked me into sickbay where they took care of me for the next week. Jerry stayed by my bedside nearly every night. Fortunately, there weren't any other patients in sickbay for him to worry about. Caroline told me that Elton had been killed by one of the Rehnorians with a light sword. A little laser doesn't hold a ghost of chance against a light sword. I was already feeling sick but this made me feel even more horrible because Elton died because of me.

  After a week, I moved back into my cabin. I was on leave for another week. During that time, Jerry asked me to marry him. I know this is something he wanted for a long time. It would make perfect sense, wouldn't it? We live on the same ship, we're both from Earth. We're a lot alike in many ways and we understand each other. He loves me. I have a little problem that would need to be resolved before I could marry him though, something of a personal nature. I told him I need to think about it and probably find a good gynecologist before I can give him an answer.

  I got my Commander bars. I even got a medal for enduring what I just endured. Funny how Command thought it was heroism to get myself kidnapped and not raped.

  I'm going to be First Officer on my next cruise. Right now I'm not sure I want a next cruise. In one more week, I will have finished this contract and be on leave for six months. I'm going home to Seattle. I will think about Jerry's offer. I will think about Ron because I always think about him even if he is too busy to think about me.

  Love to you and Tim and the kids and my sincere gratitude to Thad even though I still want to slap him.



  My dearest Katie,



  P.S. Okay this is the deal. Ron's family on Rehnor who in my opinion are a bunch of barbaric, savage lunatics gave him an ultimatum. He had to wait an entire year without contacting you in anyway shape or form before they would grant him permission to marry you. Why he needs their permission, that's more complicated. The year is almost over, honey, and he's coming for you because he just asked me to reserve one of the planes and a pilot to take him to SB 41 next week.

  I don't know how you met or where or when but I do know that nothing with him is ever simple or straightforward. He talks about time as if at any point he can just jump between past, present and future and it really doesn't matter where the beginning is. As confusing as it seems, you've already begun so honey, take my advice, strap on your seat belt and go for the ride.

  Hugs and kisses, I will see you soon. Tim, Thad, Gina and I are taking you out to dinner as soon as you are here, Japanese food okay? Kids want desperately to go swimming at your beach. Can I tell them you'll invite them soon?

  P.P.S. I want to slap Thad too. I haven't met Berkan yet but from what Thad has told me, I agree he is also a good candidate for slapping.

  P.P.P.S. Actually, the one who deserves to be slapped right now is Ron and believe me if he was in his office which he is not, I would just about storm in there and do it. One for me and two for you.




  You are crazy. Go ahead and use the beach all you want. I'm going home to Earth tomorrow. If Ron's mother doesn't want me for a daughter-in-law and he can't say no to her than he's not the guy for me. And don't you start telling me that everything is complicated too!


  P.S. I hate sushi.

  P.P.S. Slap away. All of those men.



  Bonus! No mother-in-law. The poor girl died giving birth. Supposedly, those ugly claw toenails did her in. The evil tyrants are the grandfathers and they are evil tyrants! Go smile pretty at them and charm them and all will be well.





  I'd rather let my laser smile pretty at them. Mexican is too fattening.




  Burgers, fries and shakes? Steak and potatoes? Italian? Indian? Mediterranean?




  Mediterranean, maybe.


  Chapter 11


  It was a bad winter, a terrible winter that reminded me of the worst ones during my time at the Old-Mishnah Orphan Home when every day we lost another baby to the cold. I was warm though. Bit by bit, things had begun to improve in Mishnah. People started going back to work and so my tenants began to pay me the rents again. I turned on my furnaces as now I could afford to purchase the electricity. Though they had been silent for several years, my furnaces worked well and kept all my buildings warm even when it seemed that the snow never stopped falling. There were many who took refuge in my doorways and under my steps and I let them. On the really frigid nights, I let them sleep in my hallways too.

  The SdK Medical Centre had opened not far from my street. It was a beautiful glass building and through the fog and endless swirl of snowflakes, it emitted a warm beckoning glow. I had been there and was fixed. My back stood straight and my face had new skin. I looked in the mirror and saw shades of the girl I once was. I thanked Senya for this. He had brought these doctors and machines to our street and it was with his real mother, the Princess Royal's trust that many who could not pay would receive services and be healed. I had paid for my doctoring myself for now with my buildings and Mishnah healed, I became a little wealthy. I decided I would set up my own trust someday and take care of the people of Old Mishnah too.

  I was walking carefully in my boots and cloak through my streets. I had purchased more buildings and in the morning despite the weather, I liked to check on each one. Sometimes I found a window broken or a mess upon the front steps and I would tell my managers to clean and fix them so they would not be unsightly. From my building on the cross street which faced north, you could see the clock tower in New Mishnah. My Senya's face graced the side and from nearly every angle, it seemed that his silver eyes gazed down upon you. He was even more beautiful now, in his fancy court uniform with gold braid, buttons and thread. His black hair was thick and wavy and curled past his shoulders. Sometimes I couldn’t help myself but held out my hand as if I might once again touch his ch
eek and stroke his hair. I had not seen him since they took him away to the Palace nearly twenty years ago but he was with me in my heart every day.

  I heard a noise. I was walking past one of my buildings and behind the steps nearly covered in snow, I heard a whimpering. At first, I thought it was a child but as I came closer, I saw it was a girl, no, a woman. She was small with fair skin and golden blonde hair that curled even more than my Senya's. Her face was flushed with fever and her body was wracked with chills for she covered herself with nothing more than a cardboard box that had long since soaked through. She was wearing ragged clothes and her feet were frozen. I hoped she would not lose her toes.

  I did not think she could walk the distance to the hospital and I was not strong enough to carry her. I ran up the steps of my stoop and summoned the manager. Begrudgingly, he put on his coat and boots. He was a big fellow and young and was able to carry the wisp of a woman the few blocks.

  “What is her name?” The nurse at the front desk of the SdK Medical Centre asked me as the woman was put in a wheelchair and whisked away.

  “I have no idea,” I replied. “She did not speak to us.” My manager shrugged and I dismissed him so he might go back home to his wife and small child.

  “I found her on the street,” I said.

  The nurse filled out the admission request with a small smirk on her face. “Another charity case for the Princess Royal Lydia Kalila Trust. If you are not family or friend, then you may go home now too.”

  “I'll wait,” I said. “I should like to stay with her for a little while. Might I?” There was no one at home waiting for me this day and the hospital was cheerful and welcoming.

  The nurse shrugged and told me where the woman had been taken.

  I walked down the hall and took the lift up three floors and down another hall until I found the correct room. The woman was in the bed asleep and she had tubes in her arms and a mask on her face so she may breathe. Her color looked better though and I could see that all her toes were pink again too for her feet were encased in a special warmer. I sat in the chair next to the window for the rest of that day. Nurses and occasionally doctors came in and out. They checked the monitors and made notes on their screens and I was lulled by the warmth of the radiator next to me and by the sunshine that was now surprisingly shining in the window.

  Several hours later I was awoken by a voice in the hall

  “Do you think it is her?” A man spoke in a loud but whispering voice.

  “Let me look again,” a woman replied and she tiptoed into the room and pretended to straighten the blankets atop the mysterious blonde lady. She glanced at me briefly and the paper in her hand and then walked out.

  “Yes,” she replied. “I think so. You had better call Admin.”

  I saw the paper in her hand. It was a missive from the Palace. The Palace was looking for this woman.

  Now I was truly intrigued for Prince Akan had no interest in women and Senya was living on Rozari.

  A short time later two men arrived and I gasped as they come into the room. I knew these men. The younger one was called Berkan and he was the president of my Senya's company and his little friend from his days in the Palace. I had seen Berkan on the news not long ago when this hospital first opened. The other was the fine gentleman, Captain Loman, who brought us the purses so many years ago. He had put on much weight and aged but still wore the fine clothes of one who worked in the Palace.

  “My lords!” I cried as they came in and stood before the woman's bedside.

  The older gentleman looked at me curiously and furrowed his brow. I knew I looked different now with my face repaired. I was pleased by his confusion.

  “I was called Sister Meri,” I told him. “I raised…”

  “I recall who you are,” he interrupted me. “How come you to this lady's bedside?”

  “I found her on my street,” I replied haughtily for he had spoken to me as if I had trespassed here into this room. “I brought her here. Who is this lady?”

  The two men looked at each other as if this lady's identity was some great secret, and were unsure if they wished to share it with me.

  “Come now,” I said. “You know I have kept greater secrets than this for thirty and two years. What interest does the Palace have in this lady?”

  “Indeed you have,” Captain Loman replied with a shake of his head. “Perhaps then you will be pleased to know that this lady whom you have rescued is soon to be the MaKani, Crown Princess of Rehnor. You have rescued your own Senya's fiancé.”

  I was tickled by this beyond measure. Senya was soon to be married to this lovely lady. “But,” I inquired. “What was she doing out there in the street?”

  “She's seems to have been born from a bone of his body,” Captain Loman replied. “For just like he, she refuses to stay when told to do so and must find trouble where ever it hides.”

  I laughed as I gazed down at her face. It pleased me that he had found a woman with great spirit. She would need it, I knew. “He loves her?” I asked for it would grieve me to know that he was matched to one he cared naught for.

  “Very much,” Berkan replied. “He has chosen her and refused all others.”

  “This is good,” I said and rose to take my leave. “May I speak with her privately before I go?”

  “She is asleep,” Berkan said as if I was a fool.

  “I will whisper in her ear,” I replied and the two men exchanged glances and then left us. I leaned forward. “Take care of him, my lady. He is much more fragile than he appears. Hold his heart close to yours and make him happy and all Rehnor will bless you for it.” She stirred and for a moment her eyes fluttered open and looked at me. I kissed her hand and curtseyed to her and then I left her to Captain Loman and his son.

  Chapter 12


  “So I told him, I'm not interested in going to Disneyplanet,” Caroline said. “I don't like rides. Every day I am riding. I want my feet on the ground. I want my feet in warm sand on some blissfully blue beach somewhere.”

  “How about a pink beach,” I suggested.

  “Pink? I never saw a pink beach. Where the water was pink too? Where's that?” She grabbed her bag off the conveyor as I threw mine over my shoulder.

  “Oh,” I shrugged. “Back on Rozari. Dr. Ron had a piece of property he was building a house on that was on this beautiful pink sandy beach.”

  “My oh my,” she sighed. “Why you don't go after that man, pink beach or not is beyond me.”

  “Caroline,” I warned. “Let’s not go there.”

  “I know, I know.” She waved her hand back at me as she headed out into the terminal. “So you don't mind if I go after him then?”

  “Caroline! Didn't you just tell me that you were madly in love with some guy named Fred?”

  “Well not madly,” she sniffed. “Just a little bit. Let’s get some java.” She headed toward the Starbucks kiosk. “After all this business about Disneyplanet, maybe I don’t even love him a little bit. I so need some coffee. That damn Jerry kept me up working all night, filing this, stocking that as if the next crew ain't gonna have hands or fingers to do it themselves. I'll just fall asleep on the spaceplane I know, but in the meantime, I've got a three hour wait here in the terminal.”

  “I only have a half hour wait.” I got in line behind her.

  “Oh you must be on the same flight Jerry is taking then. United?”

  “Oh no,” I groaned. “Are you serious?” The thought of spending the next ten hours flying back to Earth sitting next Jerry while he pressed me for an answer to his proposal made my stomach turn. The thought of walking off of the plane to greet my parents with Jerry next to me filled me with panic.

  “Why are you even considering spending the rest of your life with him if you can’t even fly back to Earth sitting next to him?” Caroline asked.

  “That’s a good question,” I agreed and then called to the barista. “Decaf, vanilla, soy latte. You sure he's on United to Earth?”
I turned back to Caroline. “I thought he said he was going to Spacebase Mars for training. I just can’t deal with this all right now.”

  “I know, honey,” she said, taking a sip of her coffee. “Uh...” she gasped and spat out her coffee. “Uh,” she said again, shaking her fingers.

  “Uh what?” I reached for my own coffee and scanned my pay code. “Too hot? Did you spill?”

  “Uh, Katie?” Caroline cried for the third time and pointed across the terminal. A sea of blue uniforms were passing by, so at first I couldn’t tell what it was she wanted me to see. “Katie!” She shook my shoulder. “Look over there!”

  “Where?” I snapped, shaking drops of coffee off my hand. I reached for a napkin from the condiment bar and turned to see what Caroline was so excited about. Then, I dropped my cup on the floor, splattering it on my shoes and spilling it entirely.

  “Katie,” Caroline hissed. “Go over there.”

  “Uh,” I said before recovering my wits. “No.” I turned back to the barista and ordered a fresh latte.

  “I will,” Caroline declared. “Open season!” She practically ran across the hall.

  I waited the thirty seconds for my drink, before casually glancing over there. Leaning against a post and smoking a cigarette, was a very smug looking Senya. He was dressed in jeans and sneakers, a torn t-shirt and the leather jacket I bought him more than a year ago when I was last on Rozari. Caroline stood in front of him, trying every trick in the book to get his attention.

  “Fine,” I mumbled, taking my drink. “Let her.”

  I was pissed though, very pissed. Tossing my bag over my shoulder, I headed down the hallway toward to the passenger gates as quickly as I could without spilling the rest of my coffee.


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