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Lucas, Samantha - The Seduction of Anne Ruby [The Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 19

by Samantha Lucas

  She shook twice more. A shiver traveled under her skin, throughout her entire body, all the way to her toes before she relaxed into his embrace. Eyes closed, she pushed away any thoughts that would rob her of this moment and just accepted him. His touch on her hair, his kiss on her head, it was everything she needed.

  “You amaze me, Anne.” He pressed another kiss to the top of her head.

  She smiled against his chest, feeling very much like a kitten who’d been placed in a soft bed to sleep before a crackling fire, but she pushed it away. She was, after all, still at work, and last she’d checked the clock, she had another three hours.

  She sat away from him and smiled, not sure exactly what was the proper thing to say at a moment like this. He caressed her cheek and stared down at her with a look in his eyes she’d never seen before but that warmed every part of her.

  “Words fail me, Anne. You are more than I ever knew.”

  She sensed there was more, but he stopped, and she could tell he wasn’t going to finish. She reached up and pulled him close, kissing him softly, allowing his tongue entrance when he pushed against her mouth. His kiss was always so sensual and giving. She moaned softly against his lips, hungry for him despite her sated mindset of the moment.

  “You make me feel things I don’t understand, Grey.”

  He tilted his head, searching her face. “Does what you feel scare you?”

  She thought about his words, wanting to give him a serious answer and not just a flippant chuckle and dismiss the question—her usual reaction to any personal question. However, Grey deserved more, and she wanted to give him everything.

  “No. I think, I think that it should, and that confuses me. Why it doesn’t. I’m not making any sense, am I?”

  Grey pulled her down off the desk and held her steady on her feet. He pushed her skirt back down into place and straightened her blouse and jacket then kissed her forehead.

  “Actually, you are.” He tugged on her hand and led her back to the seat she’d been occupying when he walked in. “There’s something going on between us that’s special and rare.”

  She got the strangest sensation of foreboding and drew a steadying breath for whatever would come next.

  “I just wish we’d met at a different time.” He ran his hand over his head and looked honestly pained, and for the first time, she really understood how short-lived whatever this was that was going on between them would be.

  “It’s okay, Grey. I wasn’t asking for a ring or a house or a…I mean I get that you have a life. You’re here for the convention. I assumed when the convention ended, you’d go back to your mansion in Bel Air and I’d”—she raised her hands, putting the room around her on display—“Well, I’d go on as before, only…” She smiled as the warmth of what they’d shared spread over her. “I’d have a lot of really wonderful memories.”

  He was silent for so long she wondered what she had done wrong. She started chewing on her lip, trying to come up with something to interject that would end the prolonged silence, but nothing came to her mind.

  Eventually, he took both her hands in his and pulled them to his lips. He turned them over and placed the softest kisses to her palms.

  “Well, three more days, and I guess we’ll know, but I don’t see any real reason to end this before the trial begins, Anne. We’ll just have to find a way.”

  He cupped her cheeks and pulled her lips to his, placing a scorching kiss to them. He kissed her breathless then placed one more kiss to her forehead before he turned and walked out, leaving her staring after him. It took her a full five minutes after he was gone before she realized he’d taken her panties with him!

  Chapter Seventeen

  Anne stood outside Grey’s hotel room door anxiously waiting for him to answer her knock. She twirled the note he’d sent her, sliding it through her fingers and turning it over and over. He invited her for breakfast when she got off her shift. She rather also hoped he would give her back her panties. He’d taken them from her the night before, making her finish her shift bare-assed which, of course, made her think of him the entire night. Now she was so painfully aroused she thought there was a good possibility she’d come just upon the sight of him when he ever got around to opening the door.

  She looked down both ends of the hallway. A maid was vacuuming, but she didn’t know her, and she gathered the hour was a bit early for the musicians that occupied most of the floor to be up and wandering. Still, she could get fired if she was seen going into a guest’s room, and she’d really rather avoid that. She knocked again, this time louder.

  Grey opened the door almost immediately. He looked amazing. Wearing soft, gray, flannel pajama bottoms and nothing else, he leaned against the doorjamb, and she nearly melted at his feet.

  “I was wondering if you’d get serious or not.”

  She shook her head, not understanding his words. “What?”

  “Your first knock didn’t sound certain as if you wanted to be here.” He raised and lowered one shoulder. “So I was waiting for you to decide.”

  Her eyes opened wide as she began to understand he’d been standing at the door the entire time waiting for her. She softened, realizing he was simply waiting for her to find her courage. He’d told her from the beginning he was only interested in being with a woman who wanted to be with him and all that implied. She guessed this had been a little test for her, and she hoped she passed it. To make certain she had, she reached out and grazed his stubbled jaw.

  “There’s no place else on the planet I want to be more.”

  There was a flare in the depths of his eyes that she’d seen once or twice before, usually when she surprised him. The nice thing was, it was usually when she surprised herself, too, and she was coming to love that look. It was like getting a marvelous reward.

  He stood back and bowed slightly, gesturing over the threshold of the room with his arm. “Do come in then.”

  She felt giddy as she walked into his room. It was the sort of happiness that had always eluded her, and though she had no way of knowing how long it would last, she was smart enough to enjoy it while it did!

  As she left the small alcove and entered the main part of the room, she saw he’d already had breakfast sent up. A veritable feast was spread out on the table by the balcony doors, which he had wide open, allowing the fresh morning air to flow freely throughout the room. There were vases of fresh flowers sporadically placed about the room, and she noticed, despite the fact that he still wore pajamas, the bed was made, and she could see no laundry or papers lying around. She assumed maid service had been there that morning already, which meant he’d called for an early service.

  “This is lovely.”

  He nodded, but there was something in his expression that told her to brace herself for whatever would come next.

  “Undress, Anne.”

  Her body reacted to his tone, as it was beginning to do. She shivered and grew wet almost instantly. She could have refused him. Any normal woman on the planet probably would have, but she didn’t want to. She wanted him to command her, and she wanted to please him, more than she wanted almost anything else, but she was frozen to the spot on the rug where she stood. Her fingers went limp, and the note fell from them, drifting to the floor. She bit her lip, knowing he expected her to obey him but not quite being able to do as he asked.

  He stepped forward and grabbed her head almost harshly, but she could never fear him. In truth, his aggression turned her on even further. She gasped at his rough touch, feeling completely helpless to fight back. Her voice dried up, and her breathing nearly stopped. All the while, her heart beat double time with anticipation of what he would do next.

  “Are you disobeying me, Anne? Do you wish to end this between us?”

  “No!” She was confused about almost everything else in her life these days but not that.

  “Good.” He released her and stepped back. “Then undress, and don’t make me tell you again.”

  A thrill ra
ced down her spine as her mind raced to fill in the blanks of what might happen if she failed to obey him. She’d always been compliant. She remembered as a child, it was the only thing she’d ever been praised for, always doing exactly as she was told. That was a skill she’d learned well and was only too happy to please Grey with it now.

  She moved to the dresser and set her purse down. She removed her jacket and her shoes. She slowly rolled down one stocking and then the other. Grey’s gaze on her the entire time made the otherwise normal act of undressing seem wicked. She turned to face him as she undid her blouse.

  “I like that you’re still wearing your uniform. Something about it makes me hot.”

  Ordinarily, she would have gone downstairs to her locker and changed before coming to Grey, but as he’d taken her panties, and she didn’t really want to be spied in the locker room without them, she’d come straight here once she clocked out. She was glad now that she had.

  “Finish undressing, Anne.”

  She waited for the shiver to pass. The one she always got when he used that tone with her. Then she unbuttoned the blouse and slid it off. She reached for the clasp on her bra and dropped it to the floor on top of her blouse, then worked the side zipper on the skirt. When that, too, hit the floor, she stood before him completely naked. She put her arms behind her back and twisted her fingers together nervously. She’d never been comfortable naked before, and she wasn’t sure “comfortable” was the right word for how she felt now, but she didn’t feel the need to hide from him anymore, either—a rather empowering feeling.

  It was so strange how ever since she started playing these games of submission and dominance with Grey, she’d felt stronger rather than weaker, more empowered and more confident than she ever had before, and not just while she was with him. The confidence was leaking into her day-to-day life as well. When Cole had called her the other day, he had no effect on her whatsoever. He’d wanted her to loan him some money that she knew she’d never see back, just like all the other times. She’d stood up for herself and told him no.

  In fact, she’d gone further, she’d told him that they were no longer together and did not see any reason he thought it would be okay to ask her for money. She smiled at the memory now, remembering the shock in his tone and how he’d stuttered in response to her newfound dominance.

  “What has that sweet smile on your face, love?”

  Grey had stepped in close and was rubbing his hands up her arms. She wondered if she should tell him or not. She couldn’t imagine he’d care, but she really was proud of herself and hadn’t shared this with anyone, not even Jordan.

  “I was just thinking how strange it is that through submitting to you, I’m finding my dominant side with everyone else.”

  He brushed his finger down the bridge of her nose.

  “That’s not strange at all. You are a delightfully submissive woman sexually, but you are also strong-willed, stubborn, intelligent, and capable. By finally finding the right place to put your submissive side, you are no longer needing to give it away to everyone else.” He smiled in such a way she felt heat singe her soul. “Only to me, my angel.”

  He pushed his hand through her hair, grabbed a large portion at the base of her neck, and tugged. She gasped. It didn’t hurt, but it sent a shocking sensation of overwhelming need through her entire body.

  “Only to me will you submit. Only I get to possess you. Only I get to complete you.”

  In that second, she thought she would most likely agree to anything he wanted, but this was easy. She never wanted anything more than to submit, but he was right, only to him.

  “Yes. Only to you.”

  He kissed her hard on the mouth, so differently from any of the other times he’d kissed her. This kiss was nearly savage, and she loved it.

  “Good girl, Anne. No woman has ever pleased me more than you do.”

  He always sounded so calm and in control. Her heart was beating out of her chest, her desires screaming for completion. She felt desperate, primal, and she wanted to fuck him senseless. She could not fathom how he held it together so perfectly.

  He slid his fingers between her folds. She cried out, needing his touch, but he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked her juices from them, all the while still holding her by the hair so she could not move.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, Anne?”

  “Yes.” There was no way she could play this cool, as she was damn near blind from need. “Please, Grey. Please, I’ll do anything you want.”

  He seemed to consider her words for a moment, and she wondered if he was about to test her, but she seriously couldn’t think of a single thing he could ask of her in that moment that she would not give him gladly.

  He pushed her down on her knees in front of him, and she knew of course what he wanted, but she waited for his instructions.

  “Untie my pants, free my cock, and take it in your hands, get it good and hard, then slide it between your lips and pleasure me, Anne.”

  She was so aroused that she felt tears welling in her eyes. Her heart raced, her breathing was uncontrollable, and her need was so fierce it drove her past any concern or insecurity. She loved that he did this to her. The freedom she found in being submissive to his commands was such a gift and more than she ever knew was possible.

  She did exactly as he said, untied his pants, pulled his cock free, and wrapped her fingers around it. He was hard already, but she applied pressure and slid her hand from base to shaft, his moan of pleasure ringing in her ears like pure praise. She had worried for a time that she’d lost her mind, but what he said to her before made so much sense. It wasn’t that she was weak or sick—it was that she was meant to be submissive to his commands when they were together like this. It was perfection, and she thrived on it.

  “Now, Anne. Fuck me with your mouth.” He tugged on her hair again, pulling her head so she was forced to stare up at him. “And when I come, I want you to swallow all of it.”

  She’d never swallowed before. Cole had always wanted her to, and once she’d come close, but it had triggered her gag reflex, and she panicked. She didn’t want to disappoint Grey. More than that, she desired so badly to do this for him. The thought of having Grey in her mouth, of swallowing his seed, spoke to the woman inside her she’d long kept bound and gagged. The one Grey was systematically freeing, but she was still scared she wouldn’t be able to do it.

  “Do you have a problem with my command, Anne?”

  “No.” Still, she hesitated.

  Grey released her hair and touched her cheek with tenderness.

  “You know how to stop this if it is too much.”

  She shook her head. “It’s not too much, I’ve just…I’ve never…” She drew in a choppy breath, afraid of how he would react if she told him the truth but knowing this kind of relationship would never work without total and utter honesty, and she wanted it to work. “I’ve never swallowed before. I’m afraid I won’t do it properly.”

  “But you want to. You desire to swallow my cum, yes, Anne?”

  “I do, very much so.”

  His reassuring smile did wonders for her nerves.

  “Then you will do so brilliantly. Don’t think. That is the key. And no matter what happens, I will not be angry with you. You cannot disappoint me. Do you understand?”

  She did, but she hadn’t realized exactly how much she had needed to hear those exact words. Grey’s acceptance of her possible failure at something so important astounded her, and she started to cry. He instantly scooped her into his arms and carried her to the large chair they cuddled in the last time they had sex. He held her tight while she cried, and though she felt entirely stupid, once she had gained control of her emotions, she looked directly into his eyes.

  “That wasn’t about swallowing my cum, was it?”

  “No.” She felt a surge of power go through her so potent she felt she could tell him anything without fear. “No one has ever expressed to me that I could fail at so
mething and it be okay. You overwhelmed me with your acceptance of my—”

  “Being human? Fallible?” He dropped a soft kiss to her lips. “We all fall down, Anne. What’s important is we get back up. And I promise you this, when we are together like this, anything you need or desire to learn, I will teach you with kindness and acceptance. I will help you stand again when you fall. And when you succeed—and I know you will—you are the kind of woman who could take on the entire world if she wished to do so, and no one will be more proud of you than I.”

  She took in his words and marveled at them.

  “All my life, I’ve felt this need to be perfect. To do everything right, and that I couldn’t fail or else…” She tried to think of a logical or else, but there just wasn’t one.

  “Or else what, love? You aren’t responsible for the world. You aren’t even responsible for me or for my pleasure. I would hope you’ve seen by now that I receive the most pleasure in watching you grow, and seeing your desire. In other words, by you simply being yourself, by you allowing me to dominate you, and by letting me past your walls and defenses. You’ve already given me more pleasure than I deserve. Your submission and passion are gifts that any man would be a fool not to seek. Damn it, Anne, I want to fall at your feet and worship you half the time. You are so genuine and so vulnerable, and you have this spark in your eyes that whispers of how wicked you truly want to be, and that you trust me with that. Oh my God, I feel like I…”

  He cupped her cheeks, stared deeply into her eyes, and grew entirely serious.

  “No one could ever give me more. What you’ve given me means more to me than all my money in the bank, my houses, my awards, there’s nothing”—he closed his eyes for a moment then stared back at her—“except for maybe Sophie that could ever mean more to me than that. So you see, you have already pleased me, and nothing else can ever take away from that. I see your desires, Anne. I know what you want, and I think I can give it to you, so if I push you or if I…I just want to give back to you what you’ve given me. I want you to find yourself and experience everything you are, because I don’t think you have any idea how strong you are or how amazing. If I could give you that, if I could help you find that…”


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