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Trail of Blood

Page 20

by S. J. Rozan

  Besides the eulogy, everything else was a matter of Hebrew prayers. When the congregation quieted, the cantor’s voice rose, then hushed, swelled, fell away again. A chill went through me. Here was a sorrow too deep for speech, an ancient grief that could only be told in song. That sorrow, I thought, wasn’t just for Joel. Five thousand years of tragedy called through that voice; and yet it also was for Joel, for this one, unique loss.

  I tried to follow, doing what everyone did, as far as I could. At times the congregation stood, or responded to the rabbi in unison. More than once the entire thing seemed to break down into what I had a sneaky feeling might have been Joel’s favorite part: a murmuring, swaying, every-man-for-himself chaos. Every-woman-for-herself, too, where I was; a low curtain divided the room down the center, women on the right, men on the left. I could see Bill over there, wearing a black yarmulke. I took one quick peek to find him and turned away, because I wasn’t sure it was okay to look over the curtain. At that, I heard Joel’s exasperated voice in my head: Chinsky, if it wasn’t okay, we’d have put a higher curtain.

  Oh, give me a break, Pilarsky, I thought, as I had so many times, and was surprised to find the woman next to me giving me a quick hug. She held out a pack of Kleenex. Finally it dawned on me I was crying. Good going, Chinsky, that’s some detective work.

  I thought about suggesting to Joel that he could only stay in my head if he promised not to sing, but maybe it’s impolite to set conditions on the dead at their own funerals. So I sat a little longer, and stood a little more, and Joel had nothing else to say, and then we must have come to the end because people started filing out.

  In silence and with me wielding Kleenex, Bill and I drove to the cemetery in a line of cars. We stood as a pine coffin with a Star of David on the lid-a box that looked too small for Joel-was lowered. There were more prayers, and some people spoke, including Joel’s now-grown slacker son who broke down in tears and couldn’t finish. Joel’s wife, Ruth, and his children wore black ribbons on their lapels; the rabbi ripped each one in half. Rending the garments, a funeral custom among my people, too. Ruth lifted a small carved box and poured a stream of sand into the grave. “From Israel,” whispered the kind woman I’d been sitting beside, who turned out to be a cousin of Joel’s. “It’s a mitzvah to be buried with soil from the Holy Land. Joel brought it back with him years ago. But not from Jerusalem,” she added with a smile. “From the beach.”

  Everyone was offered the chance to throw a shovelful of dirt into the grave. I wasn’t sure, if I were Joel, that I’d see this as an act of friendship, but I took a turn. In the heavy, damp air, that simple exertion pulled a trickle of sweat down my spine. Then it all was done. We left Joel there and made our way to the gate.

  “Lack of cheeriness seems to be the order of the day,” I said to Bill as I climbed into the car.

  “You okay?”

  “I keep wondering about this.” I tapped the envelopes. “Whether Joel would be happy we’re following a hunch. I think more likely he’d chew me out for letting my imagination run away with me.”

  “Well, let me ask you this. Was he always right when he chewed you out?”

  I gave Bill a long look. “You know, for the Marlboro Man, you’re pretty smart.”

  “Speaking of which, would you mind if I had a cigarette?”

  “Of course I’d mind. It’s not good for you. Though I have to admit, if I smoked, I’d be puffing away right now.”

  “You mind when I do things that aren’t good for me?”

  I stared. “I take it back. Smart. What was I thinking?” I closed my eyes and leaned back against the headrest, just feeling the car roll along for a while. Then I asked, “Listen, assuming Joel would be wrong and the Shanghai Moon’s a good hunch, did you get Dr. Edwards? What did he say?”

  “He has no idea about Major Ulrich beyond what we already know, but he’s intrigued. He’s going to put a graduate student on it and get back to us.”


  “Soon. She’s his ace researcher, so it just depends what there is to find.”

  “Great. Can I nap?”

  “Sure, but only if you want to stay in the car while I talk to the roommate from Zurich. We’re here.”

  I sat up. “Here” was the Pilarsky home, where Ruth and her family would be sitting shiva for seven days. Strictly speaking, we weren’t here. Cars already lined both sides of the street; Bill had pulled into a space a block away. He was opening his door when I asked, “Do you think I should go in?”


  I smoothed my black linen skirt, which suddenly seemed very wrinkled. “Maybe they blame me.”

  “Blame you?”

  “I was working with him. I was on the phone with him right before.”

  “Do they seem to? His sister-in-law called you to go on with the case.”

  “But maybe-”

  “Lydia? I don’t think they’re the ones who blame you.”

  I looked away. “If I’d rushed up there like he told me to-”

  “You couldn’t have-”

  “But he told me-”

  “Did you ever wonder why he called you in?”

  “On this case? Because I’m Chinese.”

  “Did he only call you in on Chinese cases?”

  “No. But-”

  “Did I ever call you in on a Chinese case?”

  “No. But-”

  “You don’t do what people tell you to.”


  “That’s you, all the time. You don’t, and by and large it’s a good thing. I know your mother hates it. In a daughter it’s probably irritating.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “But a partner-an associate, fine, whatever-who doesn’t follow directions is a huge plus. I like knowing if you make a move, it’s because you really think it’s the right one. Not somebody told you to. Even me.”

  This was seriously new to me. I said slowly, “Joel was always on my case for not doing things the way he would have.”

  “It can be frustrating day to day. And he did have that mentor thing going, with you. But he didn’t stop calling you.”

  “As opposed to you.”

  “No, hey. Okay. I stopped calling you because-”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “What isn’t?”

  “Calling me. We’ll talk about that later, maybe.” I saw, on his face, the resolve to explain himself warring with the relief of not having to. It was almost funny. “What I meant, you don’t get on my case. About how I do things. One of the last things Joel said to me was ‘You and Bill work well together.’ ”

  “Did that come as news?”

  I thought about it. “Not news. More like one of those pop-up reminders on your cell phone screen.”

  “My cell phone doesn’t have those.”

  “Yes, it does; you just don’t know how to make them work.” I opened my door. “Let’s go. We need to pay our condolences, and find this guy from Zurich.”

  As I walked toward the house I heard, Good going, Chinsky.


  I’d never paid a shiva call before, so I didn’t know what was normal after a Jewish funeral, but the chaos in the house, I thought, would have appealed to Joel. A small boy, shirt untucked, chased an older girl who kept slowing down so she wouldn’t lose him. Women ferried from the kitchen to the dining room with casseroles, salads, breads. Men poured glasses of whiskey or juice. People stood, sat, ate, talked. No one rang the doorbell; you just walked in. Except for the contents of the casseroles, and the black cloths draping the mirrors, it was just like dropping by after a funeral at Wah Wing Sang.

  I spoke to Ruth, who sat on a plain wooden stool in her living room. I’m not sure what I said, though “sorry” came into it a lot. I introduced Bill and she thanked him for coming. As I was offering my sympathy to Joel’s son-I told him Joel had talked a lot about him, which made him smile-someone tapped my shoulder.

  “Lydia? I’m Leah.
I’d have recognized you anywhere.”

  I turned to find an angular, gray-haired woman smiling beside me. “Well,” I said, shaking her hand, “I do sort of stand out in this crowd.”

  “Not just that. Joel described you perfectly.”

  “I’m afraid to ask.”

  “ ‘Small, quick, restless.’ He also once said, ‘Much smarter than she knows,’ but I’m sure by now you know.”

  “She doesn’t.” Bill arrived with a beer, and a seltzer for me. “But it won’t help to tell her.”

  I was afraid I was going to have to squelch this debate about my IQ, but Leah waved over a stocky bald man from across the room. “This is David Rosenberg. From Zurich, that you wanted to talk to. David, this is Lydia Chin, the investigator Joel was working with. And this is her partner, Bill Smith.”

  In less somber circumstances I’d have objected to Bill’s unauthorized promotion back into his old job, but in less somber circumstances he’d have smirked. As it was, we all shook hands, and Leah, after suggesting we might have more privacy on the screened porch, left us. We settled ourselves in creaky wicker chairs and watched some kids making a mess of their good clothes by digging in the dirt. A few overgrown shrubs symbolically marked the boundaries of the Pilarsky backyard. Toward the rear rose a surprising and well-tended vegetable patch featuring an even more surprising scarecrow dressed in an old gray suit of Joel’s.

  “That’s a little spooky,” I said.

  “His daughter Amy once said it was scary how many years Joel could wear the same suit,” David Rosenberg said. “So Joel wondered if it would scare the birds, too.”

  “Does it work?”

  Rosenberg gazed at the scarecrow with a sad smile. “I don’t think Joel ever scared anything, in person or in effigy. Leah said you have questions for me?”

  “Yes. You were one of the last phone calls Joel made. Not long before he died.” I tried for clinical detachment, but I could hear I hadn’t made it. “Alice Fairchild said she’d gotten Joel’s name from a contact in Zurich. Could that have been you?”

  “Yes. She called me a few weeks back to ask if I could recommend an investigator who knew his way around Forty-seventh Street. Because I’m originally from New York.”

  “Is that why Joel called you? Something about the case?”

  “I wish I could say something that could help you, but we really didn’t talk about much of anything.” Rosenberg looked out at the scarecrow again, maybe thinking if he’d known this was his last conversation with his friend he’d have made sure to cover all kinds of topics. “I’ve already told this to the police. He called to thank me for sending Alice his way. He asked about her. I’ve known her for years, slightly. To say hello at cocktail parties, that sort of thing. She didn’t say why she needed an investigator, and I didn’t think it was right to ask.”

  “When Joel called, how did he sound? Was he upset, worried?”

  “No. Nothing about the conversation seemed urgent. He sounded in a good mood.”

  Bill asked, “Can you remember that conversation in any detail?”

  Rosenberg shrugged. “I’m a journalist. Remember is my middle name.” He closed his eyes and, one hand going back and forth as though he were following a Ping-Pong game, he started to mutter.

  “… hey, David, how are you…”

  “… hey, great to hear your voice…”

  “… how’s Ingrid…”

  “… how are Ruth, the kids…”

  “… when are you coming to New York…” At that David Rosenberg paused but didn’t open his eyes. “… met with this Alice Fairchild day before yesterday, wanted to thank you… interesting case, Shanghai ghetto, stolen jewelry… called in that Chinese girl…”

  “… the one with the mother?…”

  “… yeah, keeps me young… this Alice Fairchild, you know her well?…”

  “… no, just hello, good-bye… she asked about a PI a few weeks back, gave her the best I knew…”

  “… gave her the only you knew, bubbaleh…”

  “… well, if you know the best, who needs the rest?…”

  “… you say that to all the boys… she tells me she was born in Shanghai herself, missionary family…”

  “… I know, met her sister a few years ago, like Mutt and Jeff…”

  “… asset recovery, strange work for a shiksa…”

  “… someone has to do it…”

  “… she say anything about the clients?…”

  “… no, nothing at all, just she needed a PI…”

  David Rosenberg’s hand drifted to a stop, and he opened his eyes. “That’s it. I’m sorry, but that really was it. I had a meeting to prepare for. He promised to think about coming to Zurich with Ruth, maybe in the winter. And we hung up.”

  For a few minutes we all sat in silence, watching a sparrow singing from the scarecrow’s shoulder. I hoped it was belting out the bird version of some Broadway song.

  “Does that help at all?”

  “I can’t see how,” I admitted. “He called me a few hours later and told me something was wrong, but I don’t see anything in your conversation that would make him think that. I’d found out something odd about the clients, and I thought maybe he’d learned it, too, but if you didn’t tell him, I’m not sure how.”

  “What was it?”

  “About the clients? That they’re not who they told Alice they were.” I explained about Horst Peretz and Horst Chen Lao-li. “That’s true, right?” I suddenly thought to ask. “About Jewish names?”

  “Yes, it’s true. But Joel didn’t hear anything about the clients from me.”

  “Well, thank you. If you think of anything else, could you call me?”

  “Of course. So you really do think Joel’s death is connected to this case? Ruth tells me the police don’t.”

  “They might be right. But they’ll have to prove it, before I stop.”

  Rosenberg smiled. “That’s exactly what Joel would have said.”

  David Rosenberg returned to the crowd in the living room. Bill and I stayed on the porch. The day had grown grayer and heavier, and the kids had come back indoors. No one scolded them for getting their clothes dirty.

  “That morning, before he called you,” Bill said, taking out a cigarette, “there were only those two other calls. Rosenberg and Alice. If whatever was ‘fishy’ had come up the night before, wouldn’t he have called you then?”

  “Probably, yes.”

  “So if there was nothing in that conversation with Rosenberg-”

  “Then whatever it was must have been in the call to Alice? Well, but that may not be true. He might have found something on a Web site. His laptop’s gone, so we don’t know where he surfed. Or he might have met someone for a quick cup of coffee. Or just put something together in his head. It doesn’t have to have been on the phone.”


  “But it would be worth knowing what he and Alice talked about in detail anyway, is that what you’re thinking?”

  “That, and also, how Joel sounded.”

  “Well, in the process of firing me again, she did say she’d call when she got back today. I guess she’s not back yet.”

  “Possible. But let me remind you, you also implied you’d give up the case.”

  “Ah. And if one of us was fibbing, maybe the other was, too? You think it’s okay to call from here?”

  “Yes. You think it’s okay to smoke?”


  I dialed Alice, got voice mail, and left a message. “I bet she’s ducking me.”

  “She’s probably tired of firing you.”

  “So she should stop. What does ‘Mutt and Jeff’ mean?”


  “Mr. Rosenberg used it about Alice and her sister. It’s one of those cultural references I don’t get, right?”

  “It used to be a comic strip. Two guys very different from each other. They stopped running it more than twenty years ago, so if you don’t get it it’
s probably because you’re young, not because you’re Chinese.”

  “You say that as though it makes my ignorance better.”

  “Well, youth is a condition that will change.”

  “Oh, thanks.”

  Leah Pilarsky stepped onto the porch bearing a plate of rugelach. “I thought you might be hungry. Did you talk to David?”

  “Yes, thanks. Though I’m not sure how much good it did.” I stood. “Leah, thank you. We’d better go now. If I can do anything, will you promise to call me?”

  “And you’ll tell us if we can help in your work? I know Joel would want that.”

  I promised I would, thinking that what Joel would really want would be for me to find the bastard who killed him. Silently, I promised I’d do that, too.


  As we drove back to the highway, I pulled Bill’s papers from the envelope.

  “You want to read those again?” he asked. “You’re not depressed enough?”

  “Well, for one thing, you paraphrased some, so I haven’t actually read them. But also, I keep having this feeling there’s something we missed.”

  “What kind of thing?”

  “I don’t know.” I started to go over his translations of Rosalie’s letters again. He was right, they were depressing, but he was also right, I was already depressed. I scanned the ones I’d already read, and was about to slip the last of those back in the envelope and start the first of the ones I hadn’t, when I reached its final paragraph.

  “Bill!” I yelped. “This is it! What we missed! It’s the jeweler!”

  “What jeweler?”

  “Mr. Friedman’s book said the name of the jeweler who made the Shanghai Moon was lost. But here it is! Corens, Herr Corens.” I whipped out my cell phone.

  “What do you-”


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