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Beautiful Scars

Page 18

by Shiloh Walker

  Her heart jumped up into her throat when she saw him.

  He’d gotten his hair cut. Trimmed it so that the long lengths weren’t tumbling into his face. And he’d shaved. Nothing hid that beautiful face, not a damn thing.

  Golden eyes gleamed at her as he looked her over from head to toe. “You look amazing.”

  “Ah…you do, too,” she said, licking her lips.

  A wicked grin slanted his lips. “What do you have on under the dress?”

  She winked at him and then tugged up the hem, revealing the lacy top of one stocking.

  “Hmmm.” He reached over, laid a hand on her thigh, stroking up. “Nice.”

  She held her breath, waiting.

  But then he backed away. “Are you ready?”

  Well, damn.

  “Yeah. I just need to grab my purse.” Pout for a minute.

  He waited on the porch while she did it and when she turned to lock the door, he crowded her up against it, dragging her skirt up, nudging his cock against the silken strip of her panties. “I’d like to come in,” he whispered against her neck. “But if I do that, I won’t take you out. And I want to take you out.”

  A shiver raced through her as he pumped against her, raking his teeth along her neck.

  “Ah…you can always come in later.”


  A few seconds later, he let go. She remained against the door, her brow pressed to the glass as she waited for her breathing to calm. “You’re mean, sometimes, you know that, Marc?”

  “Yeah. This isn’t news, though,” he said.

  She turned around, smoothing her skirt down, and eyed him narrowly. He had an unrepentant look on his face and his eyes all but burned with hunger as he stared at her. As she moved past him, she brushed the back of her hand against the ridge of his cock, smiling a little as his breath hissed out of him.

  Her smile widened when she saw what he’d driven.

  She didn’t know enough about cars to know what it was, but it wasn’t the sleek, sexy little sports car. Nor was it one of his bikes. No, this was his SUV. Nice. Roomy. With tinted windows. As he opened the door for her, she turned and gave him a guileless smile. “Do we need to be there at a particular time?”

  Marc pushed his hand into her hair, stroking down to her neck absently and massaging. “Yeah. But not until dinner. That’s at eight.”

  “Maybe want to drive up by the lake?”

  He lifted a brow and then shrugged.

  Smiling at him, she slid into the SUV, clicked her seatbelt.

  Once he’d pulled out of the neighborhood where she lived with Shera, Chaili reached over, laid a hand on his thigh. Stroked upward. He hissed out a breath. As she started to stroke him, she closed her eyes.

  Marc groaned as she dragged his zipper down.

  Parked on the side of the road, his hands gripping her head, he rasped, “If a cop sees us, we’ll be lucky if this doesn’t end up on the news.”

  “Then you need to watch for cops,” she whispered, opening her lips and taking him into the hot, wet cave of her mouth.

  Watch for cops, he thought, half dazed as she licked. Stroked. Sucked. Staring out the window, when he could be looking at her?

  A car whizzed by and he jerked his head up, following it with his eyes for a moment and then lowering his gaze to stare at her. She hummed as she sucked on him. Licked. Nibbled at the flared head.

  Over and over, working his length deeper, deeper…

  He tangled his hand in her hair when she stopped and groaned, arching his hips upward and growling, “Don’t stop there, baby. Take more.”

  She lifted her head a little and then slid back down. Slow. Excruciating.

  But always stopping just a little short…

  “Damn it, Chaili,” he growled.

  She lifted her head, kneeling on the seat, nose to nose with him. Her mouth was red, plump. “This is my game,” she whispered. “I’m playing this time.”

  Groaning, he slammed his head back against the padded headrest of the seat, certain he was going to die of a heart attack if she kept this up. “Play it then, before I decided to take the lead.”

  “No, it’s my game,” she whispered again, as she went back down. Taking him in her mouth again. That amazing, wonderful mouth…

  A little faster this time and she wrapped her fingers around the base, stroking. Teasing. Slamming against the door, he stared blindly out the window, arching to meet each movement as his hand cradled the back of her head.

  So damned good, so…yeah… “Damn it, Chaili, if you stop, I’m going to paddle you, you hear me?” he snarled as he felt the movements of her head slow.

  She made another one of those little humming sounds in her throat. And kept moving. Faster. Taking him deeper. “Yeah, just like…”

  Another car sped by. Marc groaned. Shuddered.

  She lifted up, slightly, nipped the head of his cock and then fell back into her rhythm. Taking him deeper, harder, until she was all but swallowing him with each stroke. Then, as another car went speeding by, she tugged on his balls, hard.

  With a hoarse shout, he came.

  Chaili sat next to him with a cat’s smile on her face, looking about as pleased he’d ever seen her.

  He reached over, covered the hand she had on her thigh. “I’m crazy about you.”

  Her gaze swung his way, a startled look in her eyes. Then she grinned, shrugged. “Well. I’ll be sure to give you impromptu blowjobs more often.”

  “Well…” He squinted at her and then looked back at the road. “I’m not going to argue with that, but that’s got nothing to do with it.” He thought about the picture he still carried in his pocket. About the stuff he’d taken from his sister’s house. He should let her know he had it.

  Just…not yet. He was still adjusting to everything he was feeling about her. Still trying to wrap his head around it, and it was powerful stuff. Very powerful.

  Everything else paled in comparison. Everybody else…

  Frowning, he thought about earlier. Lily. Shit. Was that something he should mention?

  Well. Duh. Yes. The answer seemed pretty clear, because he knew if she’d run into that asshole ex of hers, he’d want to know. Yeah, they weren’t exactly at the stage where they were talking about a future…

  A future.

  His brain fuzzed out on him and he realized he was thinking about thoughts he’d never let himself contemplate before.

  A future. With Chaili.

  Oh. Damn. He was in trouble. Completely the right kind of trouble, for once. But no way, no how was he prepared for this.

  Something they maybe needed to figure out.

  A talk for tomorrow. They’d talk about that, he’d let her know about Lily. Because there was no way he was going to mention Lily right after she’d just given him the best blowjob of his life.

  From the outside, Blue’s place looked like a posh sort of club. Maybe a restaurant or something.

  But one had to flash a membership ID to get through the doors, and those memberships weren’t cheap. Chaili could remember how much Tim had chucked out for the basic. The basic level got you inside the doors. Tim had made decent money—he was a junior partner at his dad’s law firm, thus the need for discretion. But he still hadn’t been able to afford anything more than the basic membership and the occasional jaunt to the other floors.

  Marc had a higher level. Obviously.

  He pulled up at an entrance she hadn’t seen and before she could even open the door, somebody else was there doing it for her, a man dressed in black who gave her what looked like a polite little bow.

  “Hey, Hank.”

  “Mr. Archer, a pleasure to see you.” The man gave Marc a smile that looked pretty damn genuine as he accepted Marc’s keys.

  Chaili glanced at the door in front of them, eyeing it curiously.

  As they headed toward it, two more men appeared, coming out of the shadows, quietly, again giving both Marc and Chaili that polite little nod.
As the doors opened, she saw a set of stairs, an elevator and a hallway. She could hear the beat and throb of music and she smiled a little. Dancing…with Marc.

  “You want to dance before we go upstairs?”

  She glanced to the elevator. “Ah…upstairs?”

  “VIP levels are on the top floor,” he murmured in her ear. “We’ll be dining there.”

  Ahhh, she hadn’t known that. “Sure. Let’s go dance.”

  There was no way in the world she was going to miss out on a chance to dance with Marc.

  While it might look like a posh sort of club or restaurant on the outside, once you got inside, especially once you hit the dance floor, anybody with eyes would see the difference.

  Chaili wasn’t too concerned with their surroundings, though. She’d been to Blue’s often enough that it no longer surprised her. On the dance floor, just about anything could happen…except sex. As long as the partner was willing.

  There were stages elevated if somebody wanted to put on a show, and all of them were occupied. Several floggings were being done. One woman was being bound, a very complicated form of bondage—she thought it was kinbaku, but she wasn’t sure. It was a lot more than just tying her hands behind her back, though.

  There were a few submissives being disciplined on the floor.

  Mostly, people were dancing.

  Marc pulled her into his arms and she went, sliding her arms around his neck, glad she’d worn the heels. She was eye to eye with him now. Staring into those golden eyes that had haunted her dreams for so many years.

  He flicked his gaze past her, his eyes lingering on the stage. She followed his glance, saw that he was watching the woman being bound. “I think I’d like to do that to you,” he murmured.

  Chaili smiled and leaned in, pressed her lips to his ear. “I think I’d like to have you do it.”

  He turned his face in to her hair and breathed her in. “You know, I’m trying to figure out how I didn’t find you before now.”

  Chaili closed her eyes and tucked her head against his chest. She’d been right here. Wishing for him. Waiting. Dreaming. But he’d never seen her.

  No point in regretting it, though. Especially when she had all she ever wanted right here.

  One song bled into another. Some faster, some slower. But Marc never let her leave the circle of his arms, and she was just fine with that. As the music once more fell into a slow rhythm, slow and sensual, he tugged her even closer, pushing his thigh between hers, dragging the material of her skirt up so that nothing separated her from him but the material of her panties and his trousers.

  The beat of the music sank into her, almost as powerful as the music Marc could make. He moved her in time to it, the hard muscles of his thigh rubbing over her until she was shuddering, just from that.

  “You’re getting wet,” he whispered, one hand splayed low over her spine. “I feel it.”

  She turned her head to say something…anything.

  But his mouth came crushing down on hers. As she opened for him, his tongue pushed inside. Demanding. In. Out. Stabbing into the depths of her mouth, a rhythm that was unmistakable. She was panting by the time he lifted his head. “I’ll be doing that to you soon. Very soon.”

  Unable to resist teasing him, she whispered, “And what if there aren’t any rooms?”

  You had to have a room if you wanted to engage in sex at Blue’s. It was the one hard and fast rule and she stuck to it. People could get banned for it, their memberships permanently revoked.

  Those golden eyes just glittered at her.

  “Not an issue,” he promised.

  The need almost made her knees buckle.

  “You ready to go upstairs?” he whispered, his breath ghosting over her skin.

  She couldn’t find the breath to speak. So she just nodded.

  If they’d gotten to the steps five seconds sooner, they would have missed him. If they’d bothered working through the crowd to the velvet rope that separated the VIP’s entrance, they would have missed him. But the main area was closer and as they mounted the steps to the third floor, he was heading down.

  The music from the dance floor was muted at this level, although she wished it were blasting. Deafening her.

  Tim stared at her for a long moment. Then he cut his eyes toward Marc, his mouth twisting in a sneer before he jerked his gaze back to her. “Back to your usual, it looks like,” Tim said.

  “Not hardly,” she said. “After all, I moved past you.”

  Marc moved a little closer, his hand resting at the base of her spine. “Come on. We’re not here to mess with fools like him.”

  “Why are you here? Ready to get your freak back on?” Tim jeered. “Yeah, I know you had to let your membership lapse and all. Probably raring to go after all this time. And you got one hell of a money train going now, don’t you?”

  Marc let go of her. Moved around her. She caught his arm. “Stop it,” she said quietly. “He’s not worth it and we both know it.”

  Marc shrugged her away.

  “You have a very, very short memory,” Marc said quietly. Snaking out a hand, he jerked Tim forward, glaring into the shorter man’s face. “Do I need to get you a refresher on what I was going to do to you if you mentioned her name again?”

  “You can’t,” Tim sneered. “You know the rules here.”

  “Well, the thing about being a money train, you can buy your way out of a lot of trouble,” Marc whispered softly.

  “Damn it, Marc,” Chaili said. “Enough.”

  He turned his head, looked at her.

  Her blue eyes, blazing like flames against the soft gold of her skin, snapped at him. “He’s not worth it.”

  “You are,” he said softly.

  She closed her eyes, caught her breath. A few seconds later, she opened then and then looked at him. “Then let him go. If I’m worth this, then I’m worth letting him go. He doesn’t mean anything to me, and neither do his words.”

  “Don’t they?” he asked, searching her face. He kept thinking of the sadness he saw. The lingering pain.

  “No.” She moved closer, resting a hand on his arm. “You mean a hell of a lot more than he ever could…ever did. Don’t you know that by now?”

  Heavy footsteps sounded on the steps above them. Blowing out his breath, Marc uncurled his grip from the man’s shirt, shoving him away. “You get this walk,” he warned him. “But don’t keep pushing your luck.”

  He didn’t bother to watch as Tim disappeared, just focused on Chaili’s eyes, those amazing eyes. “I won’t keep letting him mouth off like that. He’ll go too far.”

  “Yeah. Probably. But not here.” She leaned in, pressed her lips to his. “Come on, didn’t we have a date on the top floor?”

  It was 7:38 when they got to the room.

  It was 7:39 when Marc had her pressed back against the door.

  It was 7:40 when he had her cuffed, the cuffs hooked over a convenient little hook fastened into the door.

  It was 7:41 when he had her knees hooked over his elbows as he pushed inside her. “I told you I’d be doing this soon,” he said, his voice a low, throaty purr in the stunning silence of the room.

  It was one of the private rooms, Chaili had noticed that, but unlike any of the rooms she’d seen before.

  Dazed, stunned, she stared into his eyes as he continued to burrow deeper inside her. Next to no warning. Just in the room, and…bam. Arms stretched over her head, her legs hooked over his forearms as he fucked her…she sucked in a desperate breath and whimpered his name.

  “Say it like that again,” he said, his voice calm, easy. Like he was ordering a pizza or something. “I like it when you say my name all broken like that.”

  Groaning, she bucked in his arms and tried to ride the ridge of his cock. But he held back, watching her. Waiting.

  “I want to hear you whimpering,” he whispered. He started to shaft her with slow, teasing little strokes that did nothing to assuage the fire inside her. “You’r
e so fucking beautiful, Chaili. Let me hear it. Give it to me…”

  She cried out, squeezing her eyes closed as his name fell from her lips.

  “That’s it…” He slid deeper. Withdrew. Pushed in. Harder this time, so that the flared head of his cock rasped over the sensitive bundle of nerves buried in her pussy. “Come on…do it again. I want to see you break for me.”

  She jerked against the cuffs, clamped down around him and tried to keep him inside her.

  He surged deeper. Harder. “Break for me, baby girl,” he growled. “Break…”

  Chaili shuddered, feeling it rise inside, taking her deeper, deeper. Harder. Harder. As he moved…harder, harder…deeper, deeper.

  Her heart couldn’t take it. Couldn’t handle it. Couldn’t handle it. Like it was going to explode, shatter…and she thought maybe she was…oh, oh!

  He growled, slamming inside her. “Come for me,” he rasped, his mouth crushing into hers, tongue thrusting past her lips to take her mouth the same way he took her body.

  She shuddered. Quaked.

  And as he drove into her once more, she climaxed.

  Chaili stared at the silvery strands in the box.

  “Marc…I…I can’t…”

  He pulled them out of the box. “Why?” He held one of them up to her ears, smiling a little. “They’ll look good on you.”

  “I…just. Well.”

  “We’ve been going out for over two weeks. I think that means I’m allowed to buy you a present.”

  “Is that in the dating handbook?”

  He tugged on her hair. “Well, for it to be official, I think I have to ask you to go steady…” He leaned and brushed her hair back. “So, tell me something, Chaili, you wanna go steady with me?” he teased.

  He might have been teasing, but it still managed to settle a lump in her throat. Swallowing around it, she looked down, staring at the box so she wouldn’t give herself away. “I think we’re a little past the high school drama stuff, aren’t we?”

  Marc shrugged. “Hell, out of high school, maybe. But the drama stuff, does that ever end? And I’m not entirely joking…” He laid a hand on her cheek. “There’s something real here. You know it. I feel it. We don’t need to put a name to it, but I’m not planning on walking away from this.”


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