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Jake 2

Page 4

by Hilary Storm

  "Well, that's all fine and dandy... but where are his fucking clothes?" It just hits me as I sit there.... I'm in my fucking drawers.

  "Well, the doctor decided they were in the way, so they're trashed." G is trying to be all logical.

  "I was getting ready for you to show up. You know you want the D."

  "Hey Golden, do you have some shorts or something he can wear?" She acts like she's not even phased, but she wants the D. I can tell by how mad she is.

  "No problem, he can wear some of mine. Take anything you want of mine... it's yours. Except that Audi. That's my baby."

  "Thanks, man. I just need some pants and maybe a place to crash for the night. I'm fucking done."

  "I'll take him to his house." I look over at Addi. She said it very quietly. Like so quiet, I'm not sure I heard her right.

  "You're gonna take me home?"

  "Yes. I've got you."

  "I knew you wanted the D."

  "Not happening, Jake."


  Chapter Thirteen

  "Just keep it wrapped and clean. Call this number tomorrow and tell Janice to schedule you at the office. I want to take another look at it and make sure we keep any infection out."

  "You're the fuckin' best doctor I've ever-"

  "Uh, thank you, Doctor." She stands and interrupts me, taking the card from him and putting it in her back pocket, she turns to glare at me. I stare into her green eyes until she turns away.

  "Yes thank you, Doctor. I'll be sure to bring my proper ass straight into your office so you can check out my stab wound." I think all those words came out clearly, but I'm not too sure. I watch her, knowing she'll catch my smart ass remark. She does and turns to smile a tiny smirk in my direction. Just enough that I know she's not a complete stiff ass.

  "See ya tomorrow, Bro. I'll expect you there bright and early, ready to do some commemorative ink on this leg of mine. It'll be fuckin epic!"

  "Sounds great. Addi, are you sure you won’t need help with his drunk ass?"

  "If I do, I'll call his brother. Thanks. I'm sure I'll see you at the shop soon."

  "I'm right here, you asses." They both look at me like I'm fucking hilarious. Just because I'm having a little trouble walking. I mean shit, I was fucking stabbed. I lift my arm to high five as I pass by G for the last time. See, I landed that without issue.

  "Night! G, you have a badass house. Thanks for the invite and enjoy the rest of this party."

  "Sure enough. Night."

  "Night." She puts her arm around my waist to help me walk as we begin toward the little path of sand before we get to the area where the cars are parked.

  She stops at the very first Jeep and hits the unlock button.

  "How the hell did you get such a close parking spot? You were late to the party."

  "I made a spot."

  "I can see that. It's a good thing these four cars didn't want to leave."

  "Ehh. They weren't going to hit me. Look at them. I bet they don't see sunlight that often because they're displayed inside some expensive garage like trophies."

  I could see that. Man, my fucking leg hurts even more when I try to slide into the passenger seat. She's there trying to help me like I'm an old man or something.

  Can I not catch a break when it comes to being around her? Shit. She seems to see me in my worst moments, yet here she is about to help me get home. Which is great and all, but she doesn't want to fuck me at all. How the fuck is this even possible? Maybe she's a lesbian. I'm gonna ask her. Hell, maybe if she is, we can work something out.

  She gets in and starts up the engine. I look over and see her hair moving around her face from the wind as we start to move down the drive. She purses her lips as usual when she looks over and I just want to lean the fuck over and feel those lips. I know they're soft.

  "Are you a lesbian?"

  "What? No. Why would you ask that?"

  "I'm just curious."

  "Oh, you think just because I'm not jumping on for a ride that I must be into girls."

  "Something like that."

  "Sorry to burst your bubble."

  "Alright. That's it. I'm done fucking trying. When you're ready for it, you tell me."


  "Yes, when. It will happen."

  "Always so sure."

  "There's nothing wrong with confidence." She looks over at me just as a street light brightens up her face.

  "No, I guess there isn't."

  "It looks like I'll be leaving for Vegas in a few days."

  "Oh yeah? What takes you out there?"

  "Business. We're opening up another shop out there. Drew has been working on venues and it looks like he's nailed the prime location for us."

  "That's awesome. Does that mean you'll be moving?"

  "What if I said yes?" I see a glimpse of disappointment in her eyes. She'd never admit it, but she doesn't have to. Her lack of a poker face tells me everything I need to know.

  "I'd say good luck on your venture." She forces herself to look forward down the road. The wind starts to grab the bill of my hat, but I catch it just in time as she hits the gas pedal to take us soaring down the road. It's almost as good as riding on my bike.

  "You like the wind in your hair?"

  "Yeah, I like to get lost every once in a while. There's something about getting away in my Jeep and driving with no destination in mind. No plans, no worries except gas to get back home."

  "I know exactly what you mean. You'll have to let me take you one day."

  "Yeah. Maybe so."

  "You tell me when." She goes quiet on me again. It's an awkward silence, so I try to come up with something to fill the gap.

  "You keep catching me in terrible predicaments."

  "Yeah, I noticed."

  "One day maybe the roles will be reversed."

  "You never know."

  "I got you something." She turns quickly, giving me a surprised look. Shit, do people not buy her things?

  "Why would you do that?"

  "Because I wanted to."

  "I can't even imagine what you picked out."

  "Ah. Don't think you have me figured out just yet."

  "I can't even take a guess. I have no idea what you would feel the need to buy me. Unless..." She's got to be thinking sex toys. I mean who wouldn't, given what we've been through.

  "I'll show you when you drop me off." I can't help but smile, knowing where her thoughts are. She's hell bent on fighting that pull that keeps building between us.

  "Jake, I told you-"

  "It's not what you think. Shit, I'm not gonna bite." Her unsure look tells me she doesn't know how to handle this situation. She pulls into my driveway and I have to stumble out to enter the code. She gets out of her Jeep and walks with me to the key pad.

  "Why don't you pull your Jeep inside the garage until you're ready to leave?"

  "I won’t stay long."

  "Ok. I'll let you out when you decide to go." I watch her reluctantly move the Jeep into the confines of my garage knowing she won’t be here long, but none the less, I'm looking forward to what little time she does stay.

  "Damn, these stairs will be the death of me for a few days. Fucking asshole who stabbed me better not ever show his face around me again." I'm so glad there are only a few steps into the house, but fuck if they aren't big steps. I may need to get that changed.

  "I can't believe you didn't get the cops involved."

  "Yeah, I'm not sure what all was going down at that party, I figured it was best to keep it low key. Besides, I'm getting treated by a good doctor, or so it seems. I'm sure G wouldn't let some clinic receptionist work on me."

  "He seems like a fun guy." She follows me to the bar, where I set my hat down.

  "He is. It looks like he'll be my new guy at the shop. Replacing ole' Martin."

  "You know I still feel bad that he lost his spot because of me."

  "It wasn't because of you, it was his fucking mouth that sealed his fate."

/>   "I know, but I should've just walked out instead of causing such a big scene."

  "I'm glad you caused that scene. Things have a way of working out for a reason." I reach my hand out to touch her arm, wishing I could just fast forward this scene before she has a chance to think about it.

  "How's that tattoo doing?" She didn't pull away. This is a start.

  "It's tender, but I think it's doing well. I'm eager to see it done."

  "Let me see how it looks today." She slowly lifts her shirt to reveal it; I can tell its sore by the way she's moving.

  "Let me put some ointment on it. Remember to keep putting stuff on it and it will heal faster." I start to hobble into my bedroom to get the cream.

  "I can get it for you. I know your leg must be killing you."

  "Yeah, I think that vodka is wearing off on me, I can definitely feel it."

  "Here, you just tell me where the ointment is and I'll get it. You get in bed and tell me where to find your pain meds. I'll get you set before I head out."

  "Bathroom cabinet. Both bottles should be toward the front. You know this isn't quite how I imagined you getting me into bed."

  "I know what you've imagined."

  "Are you through fighting it yet?" She walks back into the room with both bottles in her hand.

  "Let me get you some water for this." She leaves the room and I continue to slide this fucking leg onto the bed. Sitting up against the fuck ton of pillows that Rikki insisted I needed to make my room look nice, I wait for her to return.

  "I hope you don't mind, I grabbed one for myself."

  "Nah, of course not." She sits on the edge of the bed and hands me the water, opening the pill bottle to pour out the pills.

  "Is two good?"

  "Yeah. That would be great."

  "Thanks for bringing me home and there's nothing like bedside service to make a guy feel better."

  "Sure. I guess I better get going."

  "Hold on. Let me get your gift and you need to put that ointment on." I reach for the bag on the dresser just out of reach.

  "I'm going to use your bathroom for this." It's not like I haven't seen her completely naked, but I get it. It keeps the conversation in a place where she's comfortable.

  "Let me know if you need my help."

  "Where's Brutus?" she yells at me through the door.

  "Rikki took him for the night. His spoiled ass is probably spread out in her bed."

  "Glad to hear he's doing better." She's genuinely concerned about the beefcake. Hell, there's not many that even get the opportunity to meet him, let alone get the chance to fall for the big lug.

  "Did you get it covered?"

  "Yeah, I got it."

  "Well, here's your gift. I hope you like it." I hold the bag out and she smiles at me, standing still in a spot at the end of the bed.

  "Jake, what have you done?"

  "It's nothing, really." I begin to move toward her since she's frozen in place. "Just thought I would see if I could help out a client."

  Her eyes watch me as I edge toward her, using the bed to help stabilize me. I hand her the bag and she looks inside, again freezing.

  "Oh no, you're going to make me cry. Did you find an old Peter Pan?"

  "Yes, I have connections." She slides it out, treating it in the gentlest manner.

  "This looks so much like my dad's." I wait for her to realize it is his. She sits on the edge of the bed and begins to flip through the pages slowly. She makes it about half way through before she stops. I'm not sure what she sees, but she takes in a sharp breath and quickly flips to the very back.

  She bows her head and begins to cry. Tears of sadness always gut me, but shit if this isn't really breaking my heart. I didn't expect her to react like this, but then again, she is getting a massive tattoo to remind her of these memories.

  "It's his book. How did you find it?"

  "I just got lucky. It had been pawned recently and I have a friend who is a collector of many things. She actually had purchased it for her own shelf."

  "Oh, Jake. I can't even believe this. You have no idea what this means to me." She stands and wraps her arms around my waist, letting me hold her for the first time. She feels so good in my arms and in this moment it's not about what my dick wants, it's something much different than that. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but with her head against my chest, I give her time to let her tears fall.

  "I knew it was important to you." She steps back and bows her head, trying to hide the tears.

  "Thank you. I will cherish this forever. You have to know that." She turns her back to me and I start thinking of ways to lighten the mood a little.

  "I know you will."

  "How can someone so tattooed be this kind?"

  "Hey now. Did you just stereotype me?" Her laugh is great to hear in such an awkward silence.

  "Yeah, I guess I did."

  "That's not even right."

  "Well, you haven't exactly shown me the best track record. Who'd have thought you'd go out of your way like this."

  “I’m not all bad. There’s a tiny bit of nice in here.” I hold my hand against my heart. She gives me a glance and a huge smile as she turns to begin flipping through the book again. I just watch the smile on her face and the excitement in her eyes and let her have this moment.

  “This is totally my book. I’m just in shock, Jake!”

  “I’m glad you’re this happy! I’m just not sure how I’ll ever top this if I decide to surprise you in the future!”

  “You don’t have to. This is more than enough for a lifetime.”

  “Are you hungry? I need some food after that shine.”

  “I could eat.”

  “How about we order a pizza?” Spending time with her sounds like a perfect ending to this day.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Fuck. Who’s in my bed? I wake up to an arm on my neck and hair on my fucking beard. It takes me a second to realize its Addi. The preview menu keeps playing over and over on my DVD player.

  This breaks a few rules of mine. I don’t let women in my house. I don’t bring them to my bed, and I sure as fuck don’t let them stay the night. I guess this doesn’t count though, since there wasn’t any fucking going on.

  It was nice to just chill with her. I’m not sure how long it’s been since I laughed so much. Her smile is contagious and I knew I didn’t want her leaving last night. The movie was a great attempt to keep her here a little longer, I just didn’t expect to fall asleep during it and I sure didn’t think I’d wake up with her sprawled out next to me.

  I try to slide out of bed without interrupting her. She starts to stir when my feet hit the ground.

  “How’s the stab wound?”

  “Ah it’s actually not too bad this morning. I think I’ll survive.” She’s moving for the bathroom before I get the chance to head that direction. She closes the door and I’m not sure what the fuck she does in there, but she takes forever.

  I could go to one of my spare bathrooms, but I won’t. She shouldn’t expect anything less than this. I make my way across the room and open the door. She’s trying to calm her hair down as her eyes lock on mine through the mirror.

  “I have to piss.”

  “Oh, sorry! I’m almost done.” I keep walking straight to the toilet, pull it out and start pissing while she watches in confusion.

  “You did not just do that.”

  “What’s the big deal? I mean, we just slept together!”

  “You’re funny.”

  “You passed out.” I reach around her to wash my hands after I finish pissing. I do save her from any gas I’d usually rip. I do have some class.

  “So did you.”

  “I did. How’d you like my bed?”

  “Apparently, I was comfortable.” I step out of the bathroom and let her have the space back again. I’m in my closet when I hear her respond.

  “You’ll have to test it out again sometime and see just how comfortable it really is when I haven
’t been stabbed.”

  “You never know.” Ahhh, there it is…. That’s my yes. That’s my little hint that she’s going to break. She will be under me by the end of the week. I can fucking guarantee that. I’m not even going to fight for it right now. I need to get to the doctor for this leg and give it a few days before I spend that kind of time with her.

  “I have to go check on a few things. Do you need me to help you get to the doctor today or anything?”

  “Nah. I’m good.”

  “Jake, thanks for the book… and last night. I really had a great time!”

  “Anytime. I mean that.”

  “I’d be up for it again.”

  “Let me know when.”

  “See ya, Jake.”


  She’s gone and I can’t stop thinking about her. I need to fucking get a grip on this shit. Time to get a plan. Doctor, gym… I should be able to do arms, eat, and then work at the shop. Take out the doctor and that’s a normal fucking day. That’s exactly what I need.

  Chapter Fifteen

  This week has been quiet in the female department. I haven’t done anything but focus on work and hitting the gym. I’ve been texting and talking to Addi on the phone all week and that’s been great getting to know her even more. It’s been a long time since I’ve spent this much time talking to the same girl. I’ve just never found one that didn’t irritate me to death in the first few hours of talking.

  I’m at the club tonight because I felt like it was time to see her again. She’s busy working as usual when I find her, but that doesn’t stop me from walking behind the bar to talk in her ear.

  “You’ve got me watching you tonight.”

  “You watch me every night.”

  “I do, so when will you just admit that we’d have insanely hot sex together.”

  “I don’t doubt that.”

  “So, how about tonight?”


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