Blaze of Fury
Page 5
She waited and ate quietly, hoping he’d share his story.
“I was chosen by the goddess Shae, ruler of hawks, to protect these woods from those who seek to hunt the protected creatures which make their homes here.” He paused expectantly, most likely thinking she’d have another question. When none came forth, he continued. “A long while back, when I was a young man attending Forestry school, our class took a field trip into this part of the country to study the endangered species and get hands-on training as Forest Rangers. We were ambushed by a group of poachers…hunters that kill for sport and often target endangered creatures.” Again, the remote stare indicative of suppressed rage sent a chill over her. When he spoke, his voice sounded cold. “Our professor tried to reason with the group of men and asked them to leave. One guy pulled a gun on him. I jumped the prick to try and stop him. But another dude shot the professor point blank. I think everyone went into complete shock at that point because the men opened fire before any of us gained the presence of mind to run.”
“Oh my god…I am so sorry,” she muttered. Tears welled in her eyes over such tragedy and needless loss of life.
“They left us for dead, but I was the only one still alive. That’s when it happened.”
“What?” She hung on his every word and her eyes remained locked on the hard lines of his face.
“I drifted between worlds…you know, like one of those near death experiences where people see loved ones, angels, or something supernatural.”
“Yes, I have read those kinds of stories but never met anyone who’d actually experienced one.”
“Well now you have.” He lifted one corner of his mouth in a derisive manner. “While in that realm a spiritual being approached me. I saw myself lying facedown in the grass but at the same time I was suspended in the most peaceful space of time I’d ever known. The spirit-woman identified herself as the Goddess Shae from the Shasta Realm and told me I was favored by the realm because of my brave act. She explained that I had arrived at the place between mortal and immortal worlds where the spirits of all creatures converge. In that gap, those chosen are given a new name, a single name, which embraces the nature of their animal spirit. She gave me the name Ice, because when I returned to my body I would be the avenger…void of feeling when called upon to kill. I was given the ability to shift and my chosen animal is the hawk.”
Sasha was speechless. This savage-looking man who she’d deemed nothing more than a cold-blooded killer actually had been specially selected for a higher purpose.
“My first assignment was to track down all the men who took part in that massacre. After fulfilling the mission a sentinel was appointed to me, a person who watches with sharp eyes for those in need.”
“Wow…” she said with a soft gasp. “That is incredible. Had I not seen you shift this would be a very hard story to believe.”
“You believe me?” He sounded surprised.
“Why wouldn’t I? At least now I understand you a little better. Is this why you are so outwardly cold? Because you saw your friends brutally killed?”
“Perhaps. I shut down that day. I never left the forest.”
“Didn’t you need a doctor?”
“We had learned extensive first aid by then. I tended my wounds with what nature offered.” He made a sweeping motion with one arm. “There is life everywhere in the serenity of these woods. All one needs to do is draw on the sources naturally available.”
“How does your shifted form help you? A bird of prey is not a great threat to humans.”
“My gift enables me to travel quickly, do the job, then disappear without a trace. I have extraordinary eyesight so I can spot the targets from far away. Nobody can catch something that doesn’t exist.”
“But you must have to become human to kill. Do you worry someone might see you?”
He gave a light shrug. “Sometimes, but not for reasons you might think. I don’t want to force anyone to live with what I live with. Witnessing violence is a tough scene to forget…I know firsthand. I have never killed in front of a witness. I am fast and precise.”
She picked quietly at her food while processing everything he said. They finished their meal in awkward silence.
“I have to ask…” She finally spoke up yet kept her voice soft. “Do you make love to all the women who contract you?”
For an instant she thought he might explode in anger, but an intriguing softness returned to his intense eyes. “No,” he replied. “You are only the second.”
“Oh.” She hesitated, wanting to inquire further but unsure of how.
Ice released a heavy sigh. “One of my first assignments was similar to yours except she only needed one target taken out…not three.” He paused with an openly amused look. “I felt for her, maybe even fell for her. She had a pure heart and a gentle soul. I can’t understand why men abuse these sweet women.”
“What happened?”
“I completed the job and like you, she saw me shift upon my return. She paid me, left, and never looked back.” For the first time his eyes revealed a glimpse of sorrow. “I figured all women would react in the same way so I never pursued another. You caught me off guard.”
“And that made you angry, didn’t it?” she dared to suggest.
“You drew feelings out of me that I buried years ago. I didn’t like it.”
“I wasn’t trying to.”
He took their empty plates, tossed the fish scraps into the woods then the plates into the fire. “My duties to you are fulfilled now. I can take you back to civilization in the morning.”
Unanticipated sadness washed over her. “I take it you made up your mind about our options.”
He turned around with an expression much warmer than expected. Gently he took both her hands into his. “Look, babe, you don’t want to leave your life to live here with me, and I have no desire to coexist with mankind on a daily basis. Let’s not complicate matters.”
She fought back the tears and nodded. “If it means anything…I’m not afraid of what you are. I’d stay if you asked me to.”
With a soul-searching gaze, he offered her a light smile. “Yeah…it means something. But our worlds don’t blend and I’ve become too accustomed to living in the wild. I don’t expect any woman to accept this.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to try my world? I live a very private life and you just eliminated my biggest enemies.” She stared up with pleading eyes.
“You make it very hard to say no with those sultry blue eyes and pouty lips.” He brushed her cheek with the back of one hand.
“I’ve never met a man like you. In your arms I felt safe even when I should’ve been afraid.” Her hands slid into the long black strands framing his ruggedly handsome face. “If we must part then at least love me one more time.”
“I’m surprised you’d want to be with me again now that you know I am part animal.”
“What you are is blessed by spirits most people dream about. I don’t see you as part animal. You are all man to me.”
His eyes locked on hers and he sucked in a sharp breath. “You are a very special woman. I wish I could return to your world but I cannot and I don’t want to use you.”
Slowly she began unbuttoning the oversized shirt—the only garment she was wearing besides her ripped panties. “The pants were too big.” She offered him a demure smile. With each release of the fabric, his gaze drifted lower.
“Sasha…” His head dropped to her neck.
He kissed a satin trail along her jaw line and downward over her shoulders. Easing to his knees, he pushed the shirt off her shoulders then let his large hands glide down her back. She closed her eyes and tilted her head upward as he held her tightly and continued the tantalizing trek toward her breasts.
Kneeling before her, he clutched the cheeks of her behind with a feral grip while closing his warm moist mouth over one tingling nipple. She moaned as he sucked. Each tug of his mouth intensified the ache rising in her core. He licked his way t
o her other breast and drew hungrily on the nipple with his hot mouth.
Slowly, teasingly, his lips moved over her midriff then to her navel where he swirled his tongue around the inside. She wondered how far he would go. Her body responded to his every touch with intense heat. Sliding those powerful yet tender hands around, he took one breast in each one while working his way down her body with scorching kisses. She entangled her fingers in his hair, basking in the sensations he created.
He pulled her already torn panties down her legs. She kicked them away.
“I want to taste you,” he purred, then lifted one leg and draped it over his shoulder.
She gasped when hot wet heat closed around her now throbbing clit. A whimper escaped her as his long tongue swept up the middle of her sex. He feasted aggressively between her thighs, sucking, lapping and using his tongue in ways she never dreamed possible.
“Ohhh!” she cried out when spasms hit without warning.
With a feral groan, he buried his face deeper and forced his tongue into her opening. She nearly went out of her mind. In automatic response, she arched her back and thrust her hips toward his seeking mouth. He growled his approval and intensified his actions. She came hard and fast. He pulled her down and laid her on the grass. Their eyes met as he spread her legs with both hands.
“I’m not done eating your sweet pussy,” he said in a voice so heavy with sensuality she felt faint.
All she could do was lie with her legs spread wide and writhe as he used his tongue with staggering skill to stimulate her throbbing sex. His heavy breathing joined her moaning and floated around her. Lost in a seductive haze beneath his powerful sexual aura, she let herself soar to unprecedented heights. She lost track of how many orgasms he’d induced with his ravenous tongue.
“You are ripe and ready like a female in heat.” He glanced up while swirling that long, pleasure-giving tongue over her clit.
Without a word, she reached for the waist of his jeans. He slid to his knees and allowed her to undo the fly. His rock-hard erection sprung free as the denim gave way. He wriggled free of the tight fabric.
“Let me show you how turned on I am,” she whispered.
He didn’t resist when she tugged his hips toward her face or when she guided him to turn around and straddle her. They ended up in perfect position for some hot pleasure. Reaching down between her legs with both hands, she slipped one finger inside to gather cream from her sex. Immediately he sucked her finger and released a deep groan.
“I love the feel of your tongue all over me.” Her words came out softly on panting breaths. “Now give me your long hard cock.”
“Mm, baby,” he murmured then dipped his head and lowered his hips at the same time.
Knowing he’d most likely get wild and aggressive, she prepared herself by relaxing every muscle in her body especially her throat. She was determined to give him the best oral sex he’d ever had so that he would never forget this night.
He pressed the tip of his cock to her lips. Eagerly she lapped the pre-cum from his fully engorged head then took him into her mouth, enjoying the velvety feel and heady taste of male. And he was all male! He pushed a little deeper on each stroke as she adjusted to his impressive size. The fervent licking between her legs continued. He left no part untouched, sweeping his tongue over and through and inside her sex as if staking his claim. She felt utterly dominated and loved it.
Her hands moved over his tight ass, drawing him lower still as she took more of him down her throat. She longed for him to fuck her orally, to feel every ripple of his sex bulge with the need to come then explode in her mouth with hot release. She wanted him to lose control and fuck her from behind with all the wildness in his soul. Her thighs fell open like a wanton bitch in heat as he took her to peak upon multiple peaks. The flesh of her sex throbbed with unbelievable pleasure.
The untamed desire in her soul bubbled over. Digging her nails into his lower back, she tugged him down and sucked every delectable inch of his cock into her mouth. He released an intense growl and thrust deep. She knew she had him now. They merged into something between animal and human as he fed on her and she on him. His self-restraint caved to her desire and he pumped against her face with an urgency that thrilled her.
Suddenly his body lurched forward and a thick, hot stream of liquid burst into her mouth. She swallowed hungrily. He came with such staggering intensity that ejaculate dripped down her chin. They moaned and shuddered together while drinking each other in.
Before his erection lessened, he eased around and as if he’d read her mind, he quickly positioned her on hands and knees.
“Oh yes…” She gasped when he knelt behind her.
“I thought this is what you wanted.” His teeth grazed her back.
Warm semen dripped over her sex as he nudged his cock between the sensitive folds. He was still coming and the feel of his emission flowing over her clit made her climax again. Oh the thrill of it! The taste of him lingered on her lips as her tongue swept over them and to know he was still in mid-release while sliding his massive sex into hers felt exhilarating.
He held her hips steady and took her hard, slamming into her with hard male sex. She spread herself wide for him in a silent invitation for deeper penetration.
“Ah yeah, babe,” he uttered in a low growl. “You’re so fucking hot and tight.” His soft grunts filled her ears with each drive.
He grew so unbelievably thick and hard that she felt every ripple, every pulse of his cock as it stretched and filled her to full capacity. The sensation was unreal. Her body trembled violently when the next orgasm hit but he wasn’t done. She panted for breaths as he fucked her hard and fast, then slow and teasing.
“Ohhh fuck!” she cried out when he dragged the head of his sex over her clit then thrust back inside.
With one hand pressed firmly against her lower belly and holding her tight against him, he reached under her with the other hand to fondle her breasts, rolling her nipples between a thumb and forefinger. Her head dropped forward from the sheer force of another orgasm. She could barely breathe. He took her this way again and again. His stamina was mind-blowing.
When she didn’t think it possible to endure yet another wicked climax his body jerked and a flood of hot semen surged deep into her core, which triggered the most powerful orgasm yet. Something between a scream and a growl erupted from her throat as they crested the idyllic wave of ecstasy together.
“Fuck yeah…” He groaned long and low. “Hell yeah.”
Chapter Six
Sasha sat beside the window of her small bakery, waiting for Sienna. Every muscle in her body felt sore from the previous night’s sex marathon. Ice had pleasured her in unfathomable ways. She wondered if his elite gift contributed to the raw sexual prowess he owned. Never had a man terrified and thrilled her more or come close to making her feel as he had.
Parting had been sad when he’d driven her back to the beach where they’d first made contact. She traced her lips with a delicate finger. They were still tender from his wild aggression. Even after the intense lovemaking he had kissed her with undeniable hunger into the early morning hours.
She wished more than anything that their worlds could become one. She wondered if he even wanted the same. Maybe he’s happy with the way this turned out, she thought. This was the first time since her divorce that she’d allowed herself to consider another man. An unpleasant emptiness shadowed her heart today as if she’d walked away from something—or someone—too easily.
The door opened and in walked her beautiful daughter along with her sweet little girl. “You’re still here,” Sienna said with a smile. “You usually leave right after baking.”
“Just thinking.” She reached for her granddaughter and pulled her onto her lap. “Hi, little munchkin, how’s my pretty little girl today?” Then she directed her attention toward her daughter. “How are things going with Mick’s new change of heart?”
“So far it’s good.” Sienna pulled up
a chair. “Did you hear about Jona and Grandpa?”
Sasha tapped a newspaper lying on the table. “Yeah. How are you?”
“I’m fine.” Sienna gave a shrug. “You know how I feel about them. Nobody knows what killed them. The police think there might be a renegade bear. Grandpa was carrying fish and Jona was found by the dumpsters. Sounds like a hungry animal or something because the fish had been eaten.”
“Or something.” She forced herself not to smile.
“All the custody threats have stopped. It’s like some bizarre coincidence. Just when they were closing in again some wild animal killed them and now the dictators of that family are gone…for good.” Relief shone in her pretty blue eyes. “And without those two arrogant bullies filling Mick’s head with their hatred he seems much better. I am cautiously optimistic.”
“Yeah…me too.”
“How was your weekend getaway?”
Sasha peered over the rim of her coffee mug while taking a sip, then replied. “Liberating.”
“Did you meet anyone? I’d like to see you happy. You deserve it after what those people put you through.”
“I did meet a man, but we are from different worlds. It was nice while it lasted.”
“What world is he from? You shouldn’t let him get away unless he’s from another planet.” She laughed.
“Who would run the shop if I went to live with him?”
“I can do it. Annie is old enough now to play in the back. You wouldn’t be in another country, would you?”
“Nooo, just a little farther north, too far for a daily commute though.”
Sienna wrinkled her brows and shook her finger. “If you have a chance with this man, then take it. I can manage the shop on my own if you come in a couple times a week to bake those special pies. I think Annie is ready to start helping me with the cupcakes.”
She glanced at her granddaughter who nodded eagerly. She’d always been a quiet, kind-natured little girl.
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. When will you let yourself be happy?”