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The Conception (The Descendant Series Book 2)

Page 12

by L. J. Amodeo

Faith walked back to where Michael stood watching us. She stroked the middle of his firm abs as she headed out the door. “Faith,” Michael called to her.

  “You go. I’ll catch up.” He nodded. The two understood each other’s silent language. A language that was spoken telepathically and at times through their stunning eyes.

  In three long strides, Michael stood behind me, cradling his face in the curve between my neck and shoulder. He inhaled a deep breath as he pressed my back against his chest. “Does this mean you’re not going with them—to find Freddie?” I swallowed back a lump of concern.

  “Tomorrow. I’ll leave tomorrow,” he grunted, placing tiny kisses on my neck.

  “Why must you go! Who will stay with me, then?” my pesky conscience asked.

  “Matthew,” he answered, spinning me around to face him. My body trembled, and so did his.

  “Michael, you’re shaking,” I whispered.

  “I’m not sure I can control myself around you any longer. You’re driving me crazy. I’m losing control, Elizabeth. This is not good and it has never happened to me. Ever!” He panted breathlessly. The pain in my stomach intensified with each word he spoke. I didn’t want to wait anymore. Everything and everyone had a purpose: Michael, me, Freddie, Luca, and Faith. Mine was Michael and he—mine.

  “Elizabeth.” Victoria’s voice broke our intimate moment. “Your bath is ready. Don’t linger too long, or the water will turn cold.” Michael and I stared silently at one another for some time more. The intensity was burning through our skin. I knew he could hear my thoughts, so without uttering a word, I pledged my promise to him: When I’ve cleansed my body and soul in bath waters, I promise to love you with all my heart, body and soul. I stood on the tips of my toes and kissed his supple lips before climbing the staircase to the master bathroom. As I teasingly made my way up the stairs, I turned to look back at my angel who stood watching me with a devious grin on his lips.

  Angels are often silent, but they are listening to every thought that stirs our soul.

  ~ Unknown

  Victoria was just turning off the faucet by the time I walked into the bathroom. The calming fragrances of lavender and rose petals scented the steaming bath water. She’d laid out a luxurious robe across the granite counter of the wash basin. The porcelain bear-claw tub sat cradled between a rotunda of large windows that opened to the incredible views of the lake.

  “I will lay out your night clothes on your bed. Holler if you need me,” Victoria announced as she hurried out of the stately bathroom.

  I slipped off my clothing and slid on the soft robe. I sat at the edge of the tub, letting the water run through my fingers, listening to Enya. Michael was all I could think about. If he were leaving tomorrow, we wouldn’t have much time to spend together. I would take my bath quickly. Time suddenly became a precious commodity.

  I stood up, dropping the robe from one shoulder, then the other until it too, dropped beside my clothes on the cool marble floor. I stared at my naked reflection through the window. My reflection against the mountain peaks emerged as if I had glorious wings jutting from behind me. The moment was magnetic. I sank slowly into the soapy water.

  Michael paced nervously on the terrace. His mind was preoccupied. Victoria came out to join him. “Michael, I’m turning in for the night. Elizabeth’s night clothes are laid out already. Would you mind if I retire to my room?”

  “Not at all. Good night,” he said, sweetly kissing the top of her head.

  “You be sure to behave around that girl, you hear?” Victoria pointed her finger playfully at him.

  “Yes, ma'am!” he winked back at her.

  Michael watched Victoria retreat to her bedroom down the main corridor. Two steps at a time, he raced up the staircase toward my bedroom, passing the master bath on his way. Everything in the mansion was still except for the sound of moving water. The door to where I bathed was slightly open. Unaware of his presence, Michael stepped back, looking into the bathroom. Feeling compelled, he stood mesmerized by my presence. I lay peacefully submerged in a pool of sensual fragrances. From time to time, I’d lather my skin in silky bath oils as Michael watched me, and for the first time, agonized for my touch beyond his control.

  Crazed and confused, he knew his thoughts about me were crossing dangerous boundaries. He walked on uncharted grounds, but didn’t care. Visions of us tampered with his thoughts. Consuming him with an intimacy that no archangel had dared to think. Intimate moments between us, that he’d foreseen, exploded in his head.

  “What am I thinking? What shall I do?” Michael whispered in desperation, hanging his head low as he imagined touching the soft skin on my legs and arms, the fragrance that lingered on my neck, and the lines of my shoulders and bare back—all visions sending his skin crawling. Michael was losing control. His mind felt impure. How could he have allowed himself to fall so deeply for me? The Trinity had warned him of this. However, he believed he was in complete control of his feelings.

  He could only take in my vision for a mere second more before he imploded. He needed fresh air.

  I stepped out of the bath and quickly wrapped the robe around my wet body.

  Moments later, I was in my favorite silky shorts and camisole. I wrapped my hair in a messy bun and blotted on some pink lip gloss before running down the stairs toward the terrace. As promised, Michael waited for me there, staring out at the lake. The sky was ablaze in magnificent sprays of colors reflecting off the water, painting it pink, orange and violet.

  “Hey.” I exhaled long and slowly taking in the sight of him. Michael turned to face me, surprise escaping his gorgeous face.

  “Are you ready for bed?”

  “That all depends.”

  “On what?” He stepped closer, wrapping one hand around my waist. He pulled me in. I knew where I wanted this to go. His touch released what felt like millions of tiny butterflies dancing inside my stomach and chest. I turned away from him, but Michael grabbed me with both his hands, pulling me into his chest, tickling my belly. “On what, huh? Come on spill it!” He teased, his accent more notable.

  “Well, it depends on a certain someone.”

  “And who may that someone be? Do I know him? Is he as good looking as I am?” He pressed his lips to my bare shoulder. As he did, something unexplainable quaked deep in my stomach. I knew by his touch that he felt it too. I turned my head to look at him unsure of what we were experiencing, but the look of surprise in his deep blue eyes wondered the same exact thing.

  “What was that?” I whispered, splaying my hand over my belly, settling the excitement that stirred deep within.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Michael—” There was so much I wanted to say, but didn’t have a clue where to begin. Michael pressed his finger to my lip, outlining the shape of my mouth with his thumb.

  “Walk with me to the garden. It’s time,” he whispered gently.

  The evening was clear with a warm breeze blowing. Michael led me toward my garden allowing me entrance first. We stood in the center of my circle of gardenias looking into each other’s eyes. “Why are we standing here?”

  “Do you have any idea how perfect you are?” His breath soft and comforting.

  “Stop it. You’re just saying that to be nice.”

  “Seriously, you are. I watch you every night, sleeping so peacefully, and at times I comfort you and hold you in my arms when you are having nightmares,” he lovingly informed me.

  “How long have you been watching me sleep?”

  ‘For an eternity.’ A voice whispered in my mind as the breeze wrapped itself around my exposed skin. Michael stood silent.

  “Did you—just say something? The brilliance in Michael’s eyes quickly changed to surprise. “You heard something?”


  “What did you hear, Elizabeth?”

  “I heard . . . an eternity” Before I could say another word, Michael lifted me and held me so tightly, wildly kissing every part of my face, claiming m
y lips with feverish hunger. I finally pulled away from Michael’s kiss. My heart pounded uncontrollably inside my chest.

  “What’s going on?” I giggled nervously holding some distance between us.

  “Elizabeth, you can hear my thoughts!” he shouted, lifting me high off the ground from my waist. I laughed nervously as he slowly put me down. His words made me lightheaded, balancing myself on the boulder.

  “Hold up, what do you mean I can hear your thoughts? I hear voices, Michael, not thoughts.”

  “Elizabeth, you heard my thoughts! I communicated those words to you. There is something happening to us. Back there, on the porch, you felt it too, right?” He rushed through his words, and as he did, I couldn’t help but imagine spending my life with him. An immortal. But another of his kind had his own ideas for me. Thoughts of Luca left me paralyzed and wishing my mother were here for one of her heart-to-heart talks.

  “How is she?” I interrupted Michael’s glee. His face settled to concern. He knew precisely who I was thinking of.

  “She’s happy, Beth, but still worries about you.”

  “Will you tell her I love her and miss her?”

  “You don’t need me for that. Call her—she will come. It is time. Listen with your heart . . . you will hear and feel her love for you, clearly through the whispers of the breeze,” he said, facing me toward the warm air that escaped the lake.

  Breathing deeply, I closed my eyes, desperately wanting to hear her voice. The garden went silent, not even the chirp of a bird or the shuffling sway of the lake water could be heard for some time. Then suddenly, it happened. A warm wind picked up as it blew against my face and through loose strands of my hair. Gentle strokes of the breeze caressed my cheeks like the nurturing touch of a mother’s hand. Light whispers of her voice filled my ears like Vienna’s symphony of Angel’s Serenade. Tiny prickles of goosebumps skittered up my spine and onto my scalp. Thousands of fireflies emerged out of the flowerbeds, outlining my symbolic sanctuary in glistening splendor, sending rays of illuminating lights into the evening sky. Slowly I turned, facing every direction of her voice, listening to the music of our souls, finally connecting from two worlds apart.

  “Elizabeth . . .” Her voice cantillated through the breeze.


  “My sweet girl.” The wind whispered as my emotions got hinged in my breath. I cried tears of happiness, experiencing what no other mortal could.

  “Mom, where are you? Why can’t I see you?” I sobbed. My heart was so full of love, I thought it would burst.

  “I am here . . .” she sang as I felt a comforting sensation brush across my cheek.

  I reached up to where my face tingled from her touch, springing more goosebumps on my skin. Michael allowed us some time and privacy, standing quietly outside the perimeter of the sanctuary.

  “Look closely,” she whispered. I turned toward the lake, squinting at a soft ray of light. But it was no ordinary light that glowed from afar—it sparkled and flickered like a sun shower of golden flakes or fireworks in the night sky. My heart hammered hard in my chest as she came into view and I stood speechless, staring at her beauty. Noticing first her face, the color of a pale rose. She moved daintily about, like a weightless feather, while her shimmering gown blew delicately in the breeze. She was young, as I remembered her when I was a child, with long flowing hair and bright eyes. Seeing her inner radiance only brought me to my knees, crying at her splendor and grace. “Mom, you’re beautiful,” I whispered through sobs. I found it hard to breathe.

  “Beth, do not be sad. I am happy now. There is only serenity here.” Her voice serenaded me. “I miss you, Mom.” I gazed at her spirit.

  “I know, Sweetie. I know,” Mom whispered.

  Michael stepped into the garden with a growing look of concern. “Elizabeth, your mom must go now.”

  “Can’t I have a few more minutes with her, please?” My mother’s face grew grim, tired.

  “I’m sorry, it’s much too dangerous for her to be here for long. She has used too much of her energy already.”

  “Michael, please don’t—” With a wave of his hand, my mother’s words were immediately silenced. I could only watch the interaction between the two in silence myself. My mother turned to me, a tear glistened on her cheek. “I love you, Beth Anne . . .” Her voice hummed as her image faded.

  By the time the pain in my heart began to ebb, the sun had set beyond the mountains in rich indigo hues. Michael allowed me the time to absorb what had transpired moments earlier. Unsteadily, I stood up and wiped the remnants of dirt and mud off my bare knees.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m okay, I guess,” I whispered sadly. Michael stroked my hair and softly kissed my hand.



  “Will I ever get to see her again?”

  “You will, and each time she will grow stronger so that she may spend more time with you.



  “I must leave soon to find Freddie. Will you be all right while I am gone?” he asked. I replied with a small nod.

  “That’s my girl. Come you’ve had an enormous day. Let’s get you to bed.”

  “Does that mean you’ll be watching me tonight, as I sleep?” I whispered with a ghost of a smile on my lips, stirring strong emotions in me, yet again.

  “I always do Elizabeth . . . I always do.” Michael took my hand and led me back to my room.

  It wasn’t until something stirred my sleep, that I awoke to find the full moon’s rays, drizzling its luminance over Michael’s body like flecks of golden honey. The vision was extraordinary. His whole being glowed brighter than the moon itself. My body trembled, my head hurt, and my heart ached something fierce. I knew that the being who stood before me meditating in the radiant light, was my balance, my reason for existence. My love and my destiny. Michael’s brilliance lifted the veil from my eyes, ruminating clear visions of my fate. Visions of when Freddie said I had the power to change. If he couldn’t claim me, then I’d claim him.

  Lead me not into temptation, heaven help me to be strong. I can't fight all that I'm feelin', and I can't do it alone. Help me break this spell that I'm under, guide my feet and hold me tight. I need 10,000 angels watchin' over me tonight.

  ~ Mindy McCready

  This was my chance to claim what was mine. My body. My choice. I had to change my fate. I loved an archangel and he loved me. This could be justified, and if not, I didn’t care. Michael stood majestically, staring out the window, barefoot, in dark jeans and a white tank top. “Michael,” I whispered touching his bare shoulders. He turned to me, his face serene with a smile so warm that crossed his lips, it charged my whole body with the greatest love I’d ever felt.

  We stared into each other’s eyes, communicating our thoughts without uttering a word.

  I love you, Michael. I won’t fight what I’m feeling any longer. I don’t want to and I don’t care about the consequences, I said, transferring my thoughts to his.

  To my astonishment, Michael’s voice floated through my mind like my own.

  Elizabeth, you make me want to be human and give up all that I have to be with you, but I can’t. I must protect you and the realms, he thought as an incandescent teardrop trickled down his cheek.

  Touching his hand, Michael lifted my palm to his lips, his words pleading with me. Elizabeth, you know we cannot do this. I can’t be around you as a mortal much longer without crumbling. I find myself . . . wanting you like no other. It would be . . . I placed my finger to his lips, silencing his thoughts.

  “Michael, I’m not asking you to get down on one knee and ask me to marry you, but to live like this is making us miserable. I love you and being with you, loving you—knowing you love me has given me the greatest joy of my life. All I’m asking for is one kiss before you go,” I led him slowly toward the bed.

  Inflicted with pain in his eyes, Michael rested his forehead on mine, feeling the
same intense heat emerging from his body as my own, slowly caressing the contours of my shoulders, arms, waist, thighs and fingertips. Gently, he stroked my hands, touching each of my fingers before entwining his with mine. I stare intently into his eyes, licking my lips and desiring him, knowing for sure what I wanted for both of us. In an abrupt eruption of emotions, Michael let out an afflicted groan and lifted me onto the bed, kissing my neck and chin, fighting the urges to claim me as he so desired. Together our hearts beat wildly as I tugged on his T-shirt, pulling it over his broad back and muscular shoulders, outlining every curve of his smooth chest and stomach with my fingertip.

  “Elizabeth, your role is much greater than you know. This is wrong of us. I must fight the urge—both of us do. As much as I want this, I shouldn’t let this happen,” his disgruntled voice begged, but I refused to listen as I stroked his silky hair. I knew what I wanted and what I had to do to save our love, myself and the existence of all humanity. The urgency in the voice that spoke to me insisted I was making the right choice. The only rational choice to save all that is good.

  “I’m tired of fighting, and I know you are too!” I said, claiming his lips feverishly. Without warning, I straddle my legs over his, like I’d done to Freddie. It almost made me feel guilty, consumed by thoughts of Freddie as his face morphed into Michael’s. I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing away Freddie’s face. If my friend knew what I was about to do, it would kill him, and in a silent plea, I asked him for forgiveness.

  “Elizabeth, I mustn’t do this . . . it isn’t sacred. It isn’t right—especially for Freddie. I know you have feelings for him, and I’d only be taking advantage,” Michael whispered hearing my thoughts. As quickly as I thought of Freddie, I pushed him away.

  “I love you. Can’t you feel it in my heart? I will never regret what I do with you, Michael. We’re meant to be together.” He looked at me with a hunger in his eyes. One I had never seen before. A look that pierced my soul; igniting the force of desire within me that I had no control over.

  Michael momentarily turned his eyes away from me, releasing my deep desires for an instant. My thoughts quickly returned to Freddie. He stared up at the ceiling. His beautiful eyes now squeezing shut as if to push away any building emotion. To my surprise, his silent thoughts spoke to the heavens above, “Forgive me, for I must do this, against all that is decent, and for the good of all—there is no other way.”


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