The training of Ophelia (Masters of the Mansion Series)

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The training of Ophelia (Masters of the Mansion Series) Page 4

by Steele, Suzanne

  Chapter Six


  I had been instructed to be dressed and ready for dinner by 6:00pm promptly. Timing was everything here at the mansion. There was order, rules, and protocol. Once again my clothing had been picked out for me. Master Richard, had insisted that my hair be worn down and I wasn’t about to defy him on the matter. My ass insisted that I adhere to his wishes. The stings of the day before; reminded me of him each time that I sat down.

  Dinner was always a formal affair in the mansion and guests were expected to be dressed accordingly. Black Tie was usually the genre of attire that was donned by the professionals—professionals that were guests for the evening.

  Sometimes fetish wear would be worn and that was accepted. There seemed to be an unspoken protocol here and those who got it were accepted. Those who didn’t—were asked to leave. They were black marked from the upper echelon of the BDSM community.

  Very few graced the doors of the mansion. This was the playground of the high rollers and the most elite of the BDSM community. There was a shroud of secrecy and discretion was of the utmost importance here.

  Though I struggled inwardly with my relationship with my Boss, there was a part of me that was honored to be here. I held him in the highest esteem and respected him immensely—yet I warred inwardly with the fact that he was pulling me into his world. And it was as if I was losing control and he was gaining it.

  I am an Author and certain personality traits come with that. It carries with it an innate desire and curiosity to research things, until I have a full understanding of them. I don’t just want to know how something works, or how someone thinks, I want to know why it works that way and why they think that way.

  I will study something until I understand it, and I compartmentalize the same way that many professionals that are successful do. This keeps my head straight and it keeps me thinking clearly and on top of my game.

  Dinner was not just dinner to me; dinner was research. This was my opportunity to go and learn. I was excited by that. My phone rang and it was my best friend, I put it on speaker and continued to apply my makeup.

  Debbie chattered into the phone. “Hey girl, how is everything going with that mysterious kink story that you are doing?”

  “Debbie, you know me better than that, I don’t interview and tell.”

  “Any ravishing Masters, that you can have kinky sex with?”

  “No, Debbie; I am here to work—purely professional.”

  I’m such a liar.

  Even though it was a lie, to put it simply, it was none of her business. Trying to explain this world to a vanilla was ludicrous at best. It would not matter what story that I was doing, I was always professional and discreet.

  “Ooh girl, let me fill you in on the dirt.” Debbie said, off on another trail.

  “Please do, inquiring minds want to know,” I chuckled.

  “Well, it seems that Bob has a friend who is a publisher and he has been asking questions about where you are and what kind of story that you’re doing. Hmm, of course he had to throw his two cents in—on what he thought about you working for a kink magazine. His opinion is that you make enough money selling books. Of course—he doesn’t understand why you have to go and work for some kink magazine. He seems to think that they are all a bunch of kooks, and quacks.”

  “Debbie, I don’t care what Bob thinks; it is none of his damn business where I work, or what I do. I broke up with him because of his uppity judgmental ways. He needs to go find some boring, conservative woman, who agrees with all of his uptight bullshit.”

  Richard listened from around the corner and when he had heard enough, he made his way into the dressing room. “Please hang the phone up Ophelia, you are at work.”

  “I need to go Debbie, time to work.”

  Ophelia hung up before her nosey friend could ask any more questions. This was one time that she was glad for the intrusion, she was sick of hearing about Bob anyway.


  I stood in the mirror tying my bow tie that accompanied the Tuxedo that I wore and eyed my little Ophelia.

  “Ophelia……….I do hope that I have made myself perfectly clear on the issue of you dating.”

  “Oh shit,” I thought….”Here we go.”

  “I’m not dating anyone Richard. I have no desire to date anyone.”

  I listened as he chuckled. He immediately after chuckling became serious. “You do remember how to address me in front of our guests this evening—don’t you?”

  “Yes Richard.” I answered.

  I had finished with my makeup and was headed to get my dress—when his voice cut through the air. “Not so quickly, I want you to go to the bedside and bend over with your elbows on the bed, Ophelia.”

  “Why?” I whined, humiliated at the prospect of being exposed.


  I turned cutting my eyes at her and she hustled over to the bed to carry out my mandate; she was learning.

  I stood behind her and slowly dribbled her black g-string over her hips and down around her ankles.

  I could smell her arousal. Oh yes, my little Ophelia brought out the primal side of me.

  “How many times have you thought about your Master fucking you in his office today? I bet that little pussy of yours is mad at you for getting it into trouble.”


  His fingers slid over my opening and immediately my legs began to tremble.

  “Please,” I whimpered. I don’t know what I was asking for.

  His long, strong fingers began to stroke at my neglected opening.

  “Please, don’t tease me. I promise that I’ll be good.”


  I removed the egg from my pocket and she jumped, as I began pushing it into her wet little opening.

  “I’m just beginning to tease you Ophelia, you have no idea.”

  She squirmed, “What is that?”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. Everything was so new to her. In just a matter of days, she had added a spark into my life that had been missing for so long. It was the truth when I told Master William that I was bored. I hadn’t felt this kind of chemistry with a woman in a long time.

  I leaned over growling in her ear; “Its control—baby girl.”

  I flicked the switch on right when I said “control” and she jumped.


  I could feel his hands shimmying my panties down and I literally began to twitch between my legs. His fingers felt like they handled the promise of satisfaction and I began to push into them. I couldn’t believe how wet I was. I was scared that I would stain my dress. I felt him pop something into me and before I thought I asked what it was. I immediately knew—when he turned the remote on, it was a vibrating egg.

  Oh no, he can’t expect me to wear that through dinner; not with people around.

  “Ophelia, you had better be on your best behavior.”

  With that he rose and commanded me to be ready within five minutes. I can’t say that the idea of popping that thing out didn’t cross my mind. But he would know if I did—he knew everything. Oh well, it couldn’t be that bad—could it?

  Chapter Seven

  Master Richard Baron

  Barbie stood at attention in the dining room. Her arms were bent at the elbow, and crossed and folded behind her back. Her back was straight and her breasts stuck out, almost as if protruding and begging for attention.

  She looked straight ahead as if she would not be doing everything that she could to use her peripheral vision, to spy on Master Richard Baron and Ophelia.

  All eyes were on Master Richard Baron as he graced the dining room with Ophelia on his arm. Master William eyed them as he thought: They really do make a striking couple.

  Richard pulled out Ophelia’s chair and she sat keeping her attention on him. It seemed to help with the awkwardness of being the ‘new kid on the block.’ Where at times Master Richard had been a thorn in her side; he was now her lifeline in this room full of strangers.

  Conversation flowed as wine, soup, and salad were served as the first course. Ophelia was glad for the deep red burgundy that was quick to take the edge off of her nerves.

  “Well, Master Richard, please do introduce us to the lovely lady accompanying you.”

  “This is my employee Senator. She is here doing a story on the mansion.”

  “Quite lovely, it is sad that she is not one of your slaves. I would be very interested in playing with her.”

  “As I stated Senator, she is not on the market; shall we say? She is only here to do a story.”

  The Senator was not giving up, “Well then—she is perfectly capable of speaking for herself—being that she isn’t one of your slaves.”

  Master Richard Baron neatly folded the napkin in his lap and laid it to the side as he ran his tongue over his teeth.

  He was clearly irritated, but very calm in his demeanor. “The young lady is more than capable of speaking for herself,” Richard’s black eyes bore into the Senator as he spoke. “If you wanted to speak to her, then you would have done well to ask my permission to address her. Now……You may NOT address her……”

  Senator Dixon immediately began to re-cant, “Master Richard, I meant no disrespect.”

  Master Richard Baron had all but funded his last campaign and losing him, could mean losing his next election. He would steer clear of this woman on Master Baron’s arm; whoever she was.

  Conversation ensued and Ophelia had all but forgotten the egg…….Until Richard turned it on; that is.


  Oh shit!

  Master Richard reached into his pocket and set the egg on its lowest setting. It would be just enough to excite her, unnerve her, and yet not satisfy her.

  “This is going to be fun,” Richard thought.

  Barbie turned in Ophelia’s direction as she saw her jump—and all but tip her wine over.

  That bitch is wearing an egg, I hate her!

  Master William turned and cut his eyes at Barbie, and she immediately went back into her staunch pose. She would be paying for that act of nosiness later—that was for certain.

  Master William knew exactly what she was doing. As usual, her actions had not gone unnoticed. Nothing ever got past the Masters of the mansion.


  I sat trying to ignore the constant vibrating of the egg, but the fact that I had been denied orgasm and toyed with throughout the day, was making it a challenge. Suddenly it hit me; I would go to the restroom.

  I just needed to get out of here, it was too intense and the egg wasn’t helping.

  I rose to leave. “Excuse me everyone, I will be right back, I need to use the restroom.”

  Master Richard eyed Ophelia and rose, “I’ll show you where it is.”

  “Oh that is ok, I can find it.” His black eyes cut into me and I immediately began to back paddle. “I would be honored Master Richard if you did so. Thank you for your kindness, Sir.”

  He placed his hand in the small of my back and gently pushed me through the archway that would exit us out of the Dining hall and away from prying eyes.


  I took my little Ophelia down a small hallway and pinned her into a wall. “Where are you going, Ophelia?”

  “I, I, I, just, just have to pee,” I stuttered.

  “Liar! I certainly hope that you were not considering taking that egg out against my wishes. That caning that you got the other night will look like child’s play if you disobey me. I grabbed her hair with one hand and turned the egg up with the other. I stared at her as her lips parted and her eyes began to beg me. Fuck………..this little girl stirred something in me. I pulled her lips to me violently kissing her and taking her small helpless little whimpers in.


  This man made me feel like I was on fire. He literally consumed me every time that he entered a room. He sucked me into his presence whenever he was near and I simply couldn’t escape it. He was getting in my head, he was getting into my emotions, and I couldn’t allow him to get into my heart.

  He was a man that had slaves, he fucked who he wanted, how he wanted; I simply couldn’t allow myself to fall for some rich playboy.

  He began lightly chewing on my bottom lip and I felt as if I would liquefy and ooze down the wall into a puddle.

  As quickly as he had begun his assault he stopped and eyed me. “Come; it is time for us to go to the restroom.”

  “I’m a big girl. I can go to the bathroom by myself.”

  Richard’s eyes cut into me so sharply that I felt as if he had me pinned to the wall. “Ok, already.” I moaned, allowing him to push me into the restroom.”

  “I’m not peeing with this egg in Richard; it will probably spray all over me, yuck.”

  “So you where lying, you were coming to take that egg out.”

  “No, I was trying to get out of a room full of tension. I thought that you were going to jump over the table and grab the Senator by the throat.”

  “Well now……..that’s a thought.” Richard stated, as he straitened his tie in the mirror.

  “Fix your lipstick, Ophelia.”

  “Yes Master,” I stated, rolling my eyes.

  “Do that again, and I’ll spank your ass with a belt when we get back to the bed chambers.”

  He said it as if it were as natural as talking about the weather.

  Oh well, it probably is to him.

  The rest of the evening was uneventful, other than Richard kept playing with that fucking egg all night…

  Chapter Eight

  I made it through dinner and back to the room. I was no more in the door than Richard started his assault on my body.

  I stood behind her trembling body. I loved the way that her body reacted to me; even though she tried to fight it. I breathed into her neck as I slowly and tediously unzipped her gown—letting it fall to the floor.

  I reached into one of the cups of her bra, removing a breast and popped it out over the under wiring. I moved my hands over and repeated the process on the other side.

  I pinched at her teeny tiny little nipples and began to speak into her ear. You have full breasts Ophelia; breasts that beg to be tortured by their Master.

  “You’re not my Master,” she whimpered, barely able to get the words out.

  “I beg to differ slave, you are in my bedchambers and in here the rules apply. Say it Ophelia, say Master.”

  “Ah, ah, ah, Master.”

  “Good girl, such a good girl,” I stated, as I pinched, pulled, tweaked, and teased her breasts with my hands.

  “You be a good girl and bend over that bed like I had you do earlier.”


  I bent over the bed and though I knew that I would hate the exposure of it; I hoped that he would take the egg out of me.

  He came over and removed my underwear leaving my bra on, with my breasts popped over it and my thigh highs and heels on.

  He turned the egg up and left me there, but not before he leaned down whispering in my ear; “Don’t move a muscle, slave.”


  I went to the bar pouring myself bourbon and loosened my tie as I watched her. She had the hardest time not fidgeting and this would be a much needed lesson for my little Ophelia.


  I had leaned over the bed as he had asked me to and he left me—just left me. But not before he turned that stupid egg back on. He moved around the room as if he did not have a care in the world and then sat in a chair behind me; as if it were normal behavior.

  I was embarrassed. I began to whine, “I want up. I don’t like this.”

  “Silence, Ophelia!”

  I knew to shut-up, or he would leave me like this longer.

  I watched that sweet little girl twitch for me until I finished my bourbon. I rose and spoke as I undressed. “You had better not move a muscle, Ophelia. You are not allowed to move and you damn sure better not cum, until I give you permission.”

  I made my way behind her and leaned into her ear whisperi
ng. “Beg your Master; beg him to take that egg out of you and replace it something bigger and better.”

  Her little cries, whimpers and pleas, were so precious and sweet to my ears.

  “Please, take this out, please, please I need you, ahhh, I need you, I’ll do anything, anything, anything……….”

  “Push Ophelia, push that egg out baby girl and I’ll give you what you need.”

  I slid into her ever so slowly, into her sodden opening, then I pushed and stopped.

  “Ahhhhhhh, that is so good, it hurts. How can it hurt and be so good?”

  I pulled completely out and listened as she begged; for its return.

  “No, no, no, please, please I will be good, I’ll do anything, I need you, Master, Master, Master, Please, please, Pleeeeeeze.”

  I watched with interest as she began banging her fists into the mattress, begging, pleading, promising, and bargaining.

  I slowly ran my cock up and down her opening and listened to her abandoned cries for me; sweet, sweet music to my ears.

  I pushed back into her, viciously grabbing her hips and squeezing as I began to pump in and out of her—with more rhythm and force.

  “Please don’t hurt me, please don’t hurt me, please let me cum, please, Master pleeeeeeeeze.”

  “Cum for me…… little bed chamber slave!”

  We exploded, as if in sync. Yes; Ophelia had definitely added some much needed spark into my life and my Mansion…

  Chapter Nine

  Master William

  “You just don’t fucking get it, do you slave?”

  Master William hissed into Barbie’s ear before the crash of the paddle hit her flesh.

  He had subdued Barbie into a large wooden type of stock contraption. It held her neck pinned in place and her arms bent at the elbow and subdued by her wrists.

  He had placed a spreader bar on her legs. She was now motionless and completely at his mercy.


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