The training of Ophelia (Masters of the Mansion Series)

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The training of Ophelia (Masters of the Mansion Series) Page 5

by Steele, Suzanne

  He bent down viciously grabbing a handful of her hair and embarking on a full blown barrage of verbal humiliation.

  “You are a fucking slave! You have no rights! This fixation that you have developed on Master Richard Baron is unacceptable! You have ruined any chance of redeeming yourself and remaining here at the mansion! He doesn’t want you!”

  Barbie sobbed; literally sobbed, as the discipline continued into the night. Though the beating hurt, it was the violent onslaught of words that broke her.

  Hearing that Master Richard Baron did not want her was a death blow. But what Barbie did not realize, was that it was a death blow to her ego; an ego that had no place in the being of a true slave. You see—a slave should have no love of themselves—and their image should be of no concern to them. Their concern should for that of their Master’s or Mistress’s ego—and their Master, or their Mistress’s image.

  They should be consumed with not misbehaving and causing others to look at their Master or Mistress with disdain; as if they had not trained their slaves effectively.

  Master William was the best of the best; in his training abilities. People came from all over the world to have their slaves trained by him, or to acquire a slave that had been trained by him.

  When you received a slave from The Mansion; you received not only the best of the best, you received the elite. You received the thoroughbred of slave. The slaves that came from the mansion were world renown and coveted; by those who could afford quality of the highest standard.

  Though Master William was sadistic—there was a wise reasoning to his cruelty. Barbie had used her beauty to manipulate all of her life. She would undermine to get her way. Ego and deception had no place in a slave’s temperament, and it simply would not be tolerated.

  Master William knew that breaking was part of the process—therefore Master William was doing what he did best—training a slave.

  Chapter Ten

  Master Richard Baron

  Master William chuckled as he eyed his boss, “I thought that you were going to jump over the table and strangle the Senator last night.”

  “I can’t say that it didn’t cross my mind. On another note Master William, I don’t want slave Barbie serving Ophelia’s food, preparing her food, or having access to her in any way. I don’t want her near her things, in the Master suite, or left to her own devices around Ophelia. She is not to be unaccompanied as long as Ophelia is here. She either remains with you or a trusted slave. I basically want her babysat as long as Ophelia is at the mansion. I don’t want her so much as doing Ophelia’s laundry.”

  Master Richard knew how deep jealousy could go, and he also knew that the old adage: “That hell had no fury, like a woman scorned,” was a proverbial truth. To put it simply, he did not trust slave Barbie.

  Master William hid it well but he was shocked. He had never seen Master Richard act like this, over any woman. Master William would make it a top priority to make certain that Ophelia was protected during her stay here at the mansion.

  Master William spoke, “My brother, why not assign a slave, as a type of assistant to her? It would also be very effective concerning Intel. People forget that slaves are there and let their guard down; thus you have someone to report back to you. May I suggest ‘slave Selena,’ she doesn’t like Barbie and she doesn’t cower to her like the others do. She is also Latin and will be able to translate; due to your employee’s ability to speak Spanish.”

  “Oh you are a smart man,” Master Richard chuckled. “Very good suggestion my man; very good.”

  “One more thing Master William, Absolutely no male slaves are to be anywhere near her…”

  “Yes, this woman is most certainly different,” William thought.

  “As you wish,” Master William stated as he left the office.


  I sat on my laptop typing and trying to prevent intrusive thoughts of the night before from entering my head. There was no way that I was letting this guy get into my head.

  I was a toy to him right now and I knew enough about rich men to know—that rich men tire of their toys. I had no intentions of being another notch on Richard Baron’s belt.

  No sooner than the determination to resist Richard had set in, he came sauntering into the room.

  He sat in the chair next to the bed and just stared.

  I continued to type and did not look at him. “You’re staring, Richard. I’m trying to write—go away.”

  He jumped from the chair leaping at me and I gasped.

  “Fuck Richard, what is wrong with you?”


  I lifted her t-shirt, “No bra, easy access for me,” I taunted her.

  “I have a deadline, Richard.”

  I clamped down on her breast with my teeth. “I own your ass! You have a deadline, if I say that you do”

  She busted out laughing, “You do not own me.”

  “Fuck I don’t! Get those panties down girl.”

  I began tearing at them and she panicked setting the laptop to the side.

  “The way I see it, is you are in my bedroom, in nothing but a t-shirt and panties; now you are my slave. I want to taste you.”


  He forced my legs up and apart and literally began assaulting me with his tongue and demanding me not to cum.

  “Richard please you have got to stop, I can’t control this.”

  “Oh you are screwing up big time girl, calling me Richard and cumming without permission.”

  “Master, please I forgot, please stoooooooooooop.”

  I tore into that girl, showing no mercy. Oh, she was going to cum, I was going to make sure of that. I was going to use it for a major ‘mind fuck’ session later on.

  “Aaah, ahhh, Maaaaaaaasssssssssssttttttter, I can’t stop it, I can stop it, I can’t stop it.”

  I tore out of my pants and pinned her legs back. I began fucking her and threatening her as I did.

  My hands pulled at the sides of her hair forcing her head back into the pillow as I growled into her ear.

  “I’ve got somebody to watch your ass 24/7. My slave, and she is going to tell me everything that you do. I’m going to bring her in here and let her watch me fuck you. Then, she is going to go tell all the patrons of the mansion that you are my bedchamber slave.”

  Oh my gosh! What was he doing to me? The things that he was saying were horrifying me. Why was my body reacting?

  He spoke as if he were reading my mind, “My little bedchamber slave is going to cum again. I may just call my slave in here to watch. Tell me; tell me you’re my slut!” He hissed. “Do it!”

  “Ahhhhhh, Master, I’m your slut, your slave, I’m whatever you want me to be.”

  I snarled, as I eyed the beauty beneath me. She brought out a raw, primal part of me. I wanted to tear her flesh apart and eat her alive. “Cum slave!”

  I unloaded into her as I felt her whole body shake and erupt violently beneath me.


  I lay beneath him spent.

  What the hell just happened?

  Richard was like a Tsunami that came and washed over me—leaving me in a totally disoriented state, but he always brought me back safely—like any good Master does. He always……. brought me back………. safely………


  I lay at her side; stroking her hair and staring at her. I knew that I would never let her go. She was mine. I had made up my mind that she was mine. It did not matter what anyone else wanted. Fuck the rules of the game. This wasn’t about BDSM, or the lifestyle, it wasn’t about the rules of the game anymore.

  Nothing had been as it should be with this woman. All that I knew was that I had to have her! And nothing…….. Else………. Mattered…..

  Chapter Eleven


  I must have fallen asleep. I awoke to a soft tapping at the door and a beautiful woman entering the room.

  I looked up to eye an absolutely stunning, Latina woman. Her hair cascaded down her back in b
lack ringlets, until it reached the top of her perfectly shaped ass. Her eyes were chocolate brown and had just enough of an almond shape to them to add beauty and intrigue. Her full lips needed nothing but a hint of gloss to pull you in.

  She shook me from my thoughts, as she spoke. “Master Baron wants you to be ready by 8 pm, come on—let’s get going.

  I rose from the bed as if I were in a trance and followed her to the bathroom where she had already run a tub of water for me.

  She sat her nude perfect body on a vanity stool that she had pulled over and began to wash my hair. “I can wash my hair,” I yawned.

  “No time and Master Baron has already given me his permission.”

  I must have looked shocked because she answered, “It is necessary to obtain permission before one touches one of the Master’s guests. Does this not seem appropriate; even for your vanilla culture?”

  “So everyone knows that I’m not a slave, what do they think about me sleeping in his bedroom?”

  “It is not a slave’s place to speculate—only to obey.”

  “I need coffee,” I yawned, too tired to try and wrap my brain around the rules of ‘BDSM 101.’


  I was ushered into what appeared to be a ballroom. As soon as we reached the ballroom and Master Richard made his way towards me, slave Selena stepped back and went into the same pose that Barbie had used in the dining room. He took my arm and swept me into the festivities. He leaned in and spoke as we made our way in, “I trust that you will be on your best behavior, Ophelia.”

  “Yes, Master Baron.”

  “Very well.”

  We made our way to the bar where he asked the bartender for a glass of red wine for me and bourbon for him. He then led me to a couch and we were seated.


  I crossed my legs and eyed my little Ophelia as I swirled the bourbon in the snifter. “You are going to see a lot of things tonight, Ophelia—things that you have never seen before. Regardless of what appears to be going on, you are not to get involved. I can’t stress this enough, do you understand me?” I have appointed ‘slave Selena’ to watch over you for the duration of your stay here at the mansion.”

  “I don’t have much longer here. I’ll be done with my article soon. I am thinking two, or three days, tops.” Richard set his bourbon down and leaned in, and over towards me. “That remains to be seen, Ophelia.”

  He leaned back pulling at his suit coat and moving his neck as if he was frustrated about something. I never could read him and I damn sure wasn’t going to try to now.

  “Finish that wine—we are taking a walk.”

  He pulled me along almost as if he was frustrated. I struggled to keep up. We walked until we stood in front of a St Andrews church cross and I stood intently watching as a man in black leather wielded a whip. He literally mastered it, as he marked patterns across the back of his slave.


  I watched my little Ophelia as she stood intrigued with Master Atticus and his slave. I had expected her to be horrified. She was not horrified—she was intrigued. It was one of the things that I liked about her; she had an innate curiosity to understand, not just one thing—but anything that she was writing about. I would make sure that her intrigue stayed directed where I saw fit.

  “Master Baron your room is ready.” A male slave approached and informed me.

  “Come Ophelia, it is time to go.”

  I followed beside Richard assuming that we were going to another section for more research.

  I would soon see—that was not the case.

  I was led into what looked like a Dr’s office and I began to panic. “Wha, what are we doing here Richard?”


  I approached my little Ophelia backing her into the exam table, until she could do nothing but sit.

  “Shhh, don’t call me ‘Richard.’”

  “We’re not in a bedroom or in front of anyone, Richard.”

  I popped her tits over her corset leather dress and began suckling at one of them.

  “I am going to fuck you on an exam table.”

  I jerked her head back staring into her face, “Now be a good girl and slide your little ass up on that table and put your feet in the stirrups.”

  I jerked her head back and spoke through clenched teeth, “If you call me Richard again, I’m going to take you out into the ballroom and use you in front of everyone attending my little soiree.”

  I almost had to laugh at the shock on her face as her mouth dropped open and she almost kicked me swinging her legs around to put them in the stirrups.

  “That’s better,” I spoke, as I unhooked her shoes and she placed them in the stirrups.

  I made my way to the head of the table as I fingered the zip ties in my pocket. I bent down sucking on a tit and listening as little squeaks, began to escape her mouth.

  I looked up to view a tear roll down her cheek as I stood looking down on her.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  I felt a tinge of guilt about what I was getting ready to do but it had to be done. I licked the tear from her face and commented “Here,” as I grabbed a blindfold mask and placed around her eyes.

  I quickly made my way to the head of the table and placed a zip tie around her wrists and then both of her ankles. She needed to calm down and there wasn’t but one way that her inhibitions were coming down.

  I pulled a stool up with rollers on the wheels just like what a Dr. would use; this was the med room after all.


  I could hear him, as he rolled over on a stool. I felt the cold metal from the scissors as they raked my flesh and cut through my underwear. His hands began to toy with the folds of my labia and I could already begin to feel myself squirming. I could feel the heat of his mouth as he assaulted me with his tongue. He plunged a finger into me and began to maneuver it with quick little pumps and thrusts. I found my hips thrusting upward to meet the thrusts of his fingers; until we were in unison.

  He lifted his legs standing and I cried out because the assault with his tongue had ceased. I didn’t miss its moist member for long as he began thrusting two of his long, strong fingers into me, pulling back towards his direction.

  “I am going to peeeeeeeee,” I screamed.

  “No you aren’t.” He chuckled

  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” I screamed out as fluid erupted all over me.

  I barely remember much of what happened next—due to the euphoric state that Master Richard Baron left me in.


  I pushed into her and pushed the button on the remote that operated the blind, it opened to reveal Barbie and Master William.

  I grabbed her hips yanking her down towards me. I’m marking you, in front of William and one of my slaves. I’m marking you, I repeated it as if I were a man that was obsessed. “I’m marking you, I’m marking you, I…Am…..Marking…….You…….Mine……..Mine…………


  Master William

  William stood behind Barbie pushing her face towards the glass with the handful of hair that he gripped. “Do you see that, do you? Does that clarify to you that he is not and never will be your Master, he doesn’t fucking want you!” The verbal barrage continued. This time, Barbie shed tears but she didn’t sob. Finally……..she understood that she had ruined any chance of being at the mansion due to her excessive manipulation, and her attempts of topping from the bottom.

  She could only hope that she would end up with a Master that she could joyfully serve. Then again……she could always go back home and realize that being a slave was not a fashion statement, or the cool thing to do. It was a calling. Nothing more………nothing less………..

  Master Richard Baron

  Hushed whispers could be heard throughout the ballroom as servants and Masters alike snuck peeks at Master Richard and Ophelia. He sat with his tie loosened, his shirt out of his pants, and he held her in his arms. He looked down on her as if she were his newborn chi
ld. Her head lay limply against his breast. It was as if they were in their own world; none other existed.

  It was evident that they were bonded and it was highly unusual for Master Richard Baron to bond with anyone…

  Chapter Twelve


  I awoke to bright sunlight streaming through the large picture frame window and the sound of landscapers perfecting the grounds. I looked over to view slave Selena standing in the pose that the slaves stood in; when awaiting direction.

  “Your coffee is here and your bath is run, Miss Ophelia.”

  “Just hand me the coffee, Selena. I am brushing my teeth and finishing this article today with any luck,” I muttered, “I will be sleeping in my own bed tonight.”

  It was time to finish this article and get on with my life, sans (without) Richard.

  “As you wish, Miss Ophelia.”

  Master Richard Baron

  Master Richard sat eying Master William as he spoke.

  “I’m not shocked, I never saw Barbie as slave material anyway. I’m sure that all of her confidentiality clauses and paperwork are up to par.”

  “Absolutely, they are legal and air tight; so that the rumors and speculations become nothing more than just that, rumors and speculation.”

  Master William smiled a sadistic smile, there will be the standard ‘departure lecture;’ on the woes of those who have tried to make trouble for The Mansion.

  “Very well,” Master Richard said, turning his attention back to work. Master William took this as his cue to exit and rose leaving the office.

  The Mansion had seen more than its share of disgruntled women; women who had come in believing that they were going to be the one. They, in their minds, were going to be the one woman that was different.


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