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Control - Noah's Rise Bundle (Books I-III): A Billionaire Romance Series

Page 23

by M. P. Lodi

  Jacob came back into the room with a black bean bag chair. He placed it on the floor and sat on it, laying back as if on a bed, facing the TV.

  Charlotte smiled and nodded, then turned back to watch the newscast. The oversized letters on the bottom of the screen were calling it the “The Russo Family Tragedy.”

  They caught the tail end of the story, and as it ended Caesar clicked the TV off and turned around to face Noah. “You've been busy, Sarge.”

  Noah's eyebrows rose. “That I have, my Lord Caesar. Now that most of us in this room are wanted by one or more law-enforcement agencies, I think the time is right. I have our first major assignment and a plan, as you all know. It's time to kick ass and take no prisoners from sea to shining sea.”

  Joshua laughed. “What's that joke? That quote from that movie 'They Live'? ‘I'm here to kick ass and chew some bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum.’”

  Mike chuckled too. “Caesar does the best impression of that one. I lost some beer through my nose once, thanks to him.” Everyone nodded and looked at Caesar.

  “Well what are we going to be doin’, Sarge? Is it time for... you know?” Caesar asked, looking at Noah first, then glancing at Emily.

  From the way Caesar averted his gaze, Noah knew Emily would probably suspect that something wasn't being said. Emily looked at Noah as he cleared his throat and then looked at all of his people, one by one.

  Mike said, “What a crew we all are. But this place smells like weed.”

  Noah sniffed next to Mike. “You smell like weed.”

  “Maybe that's it,” Mike said. Charlotte and Emily both laughed.

  Charlotte smiled at Mike, then looked at Emily and joked, “Mike's nickname at his last job was ‘I thought they fired you’.”

  Emily smiled and looked over Mike. Charlotte continued, “Mike once went out looking for love, but came back with a pizza and beer.”

  Mike nodded. “I found true love that night. Nothing like pizza, beer and weed, then watching something like Archer or the Simpsons. Maybe even some old Beavis and Butthead.”

  “That Archer show is funny, but Beavis and Butthead?” Charlotte shook her head.

  Noah brought them back to the subject at hand. “Our first task is to root out a crime boss, a captain of the Gambinos that was a good friend of the former CEO of the Russo Company. These pigs grew up together off of Cross Bay Boulevard in Howard Beach, Queens. That's the one doing the vendetta for the now-jailed CEO, the one who tried to kill yours truly as part of his little war against my friend and his family. Em here was with me during the last attempt to kill us.”

  Charlotte said, “OK that's not so bad for the time being. For a little bit I thought you'd say we were going to take on the whole Mafia. Then use that to gain even more popularity with the people and...”

  Noah interrupted her. “We're going to start a mob war and have each of the families at each others’ throats. I’m talking about the Russian mob, Colombian drug lords, Mexican gangs, all of them. We’ll also hit several of their little safe houses – the ones that have their cash – and then we'll hand money out to the people and leave our own calling card so they know it’s us. Except for the times when we want this group or that group to go after each other. We're all about to have a load of fun, and since we're all wanted now, we have the ability to truly act the way we want, do what needs to be done and take no prisoners. Unless, of course, we're interrogating them for more Intel…”

  Everyone looked at each other until Caesar grunted.

  Caesar's eyes were wide. “You sayin’ we're startin’ up a whole national war on organized crime, and then giving cash we steal from drug dealers to regular folks?” Noah nodded yes.

  “This is gonna be a lotta fun.” Caesar said.

  “Charlotte chimed in, “No one here wanted to live forever, I hope?”


  That night Emily lay in Noah's arms. She had her right arm around his muscled body, as her head lay on his chest. After his long reminiscing with his war buddies in the living room of the apartment, he joined her late. It must have been at least 2 AM. Emily had waited up for him, in part because she was nervous, anxious and all around confused. No matter what she did, she couldn't fall asleep. Anxiety did that to her.

  She felt out of place with Noah's people. They all had a history together and had known each other for years. The group's jokes and references were enough to alienate anyone. Especially her. They made her feel like an outsider even with Noah there. She didn't think they did it on purpose; it's just what happens when a close-knit group talks of old times and jokes around.

  She asked, “What do you have going on here? A collection of fellow misfits, all wanted by the law for one reason or another, and all heavily armed from how they talk. You really planning on taking on the mafia and giving money to people?”

  “Like I said earlier, there'll be quite a few small operations as we rob from the rich gangsters and give to the poor. We'll do it in such a way to make sure they'll all be killing each other off. We have excellent Intel. You'd be surprised at how good the Intel is. The kind of big-brother shit that would amaze you.”

  After a few moments she asked, “Where does that leave you and me? Is this like, Noah's Rise? You plan on being some underground folk hero or a Mafia Don in your own right?”

  He massaged her neck and upper back with his right hand. He didn't answer her.

  “What about us? I'm scared for us, and for your safety,” she admitted.

  Noah moved his head, looking down at her as Emily looked up into his eyes. “Sweets, like your friend Jen always said: life is here and in a second it’s gone. All you need to do is add 'Live it to the fullest and take no prisoners'. That's my motto. We're all going to end up in the same place, why not make the most of it? This country is tired of crime, it’s tired of corruption and the rich bankers robbing and taking advantage of the people.”

  With a confused look on her face, “I thought we were talking about one particular mob boss, then one mafia family. That expanded to all organized crime and now every bad character in the country. Including bankers? Where does it stop? I mean, are you for real?” Her eyes were squinted as she looked at him. She was definitely confused.

  He looked at her but didn't answer. She could tell there was much he wasn't saying... even now.

  He closed his eyes, then kissed her forehead. “Remember you saying you wanted to talk more about fantasies and for me to be more loving with you? Well, here I am. On our time. We're alone, so let’s focus only on us. Let's both enjoy each other completely – mind, body and soul. We need to live our lives the best we can. Grab hold of every precious second.”

  Emily looked at him and smiled. “That is so unlike you, to talk like that. You're getting more romantic as time goes by. But I like it. Can we try that fantasy I told you about? Like my friend Jen? I want you to tie me up, cover my mouth with your hand so I can scream into it like I were being raped by some stranger. Some incredibly hot stranger with a beautifully muscular body. Only let me go if I say the safe word.”

  “How are you going to say ‘dragon’ if I have you gagged?” he asked

  “I thought we spoke about this already. If I hum a tune, any tune, that's the same as me saying dragon. That way you know you're not really hurting me. Safety's important.” She said.

  “I like the sound of it. You do talk way too much. I have yet to meet a silence that I've found uncomfortable.”

  Emily narrowed her eyes to give him an evil glare.

  “I'm only kidding sweets, you know I love you. Gagging you is a plus.” Noah took both of his hands and placed them on Emily's cheeks as she positioned herself on top of him. He looked into her eyes. “I love you Em, don't ever forget that. You are the love of my life and I just wish I had listened to you more, about things, and about us.” His eyes looked around as he bobbed his head. Emily started to tear up. It was rare to have her man open up to her in any way. He was the strong but silent type for th
e most part. It was a shame it took such a tragedy to get him to truly commit himself to her.

  He tapped her on her leg. “Let me up to use the bathroom first. I don't want a piss to interrupt us. When I come back in the room, the fantasy is on. We can get right into the role playing. You face the TV so you can't see me coming in.”

  “I like the sound of this. You have something to tie me up with?” She said.

  “I have lots of rope in my bag on the floor. No worries.” She got off of him and sat up on the bed, removing her blouse.

  “To the bed would be great, hands and feet. These posts would work well.” She pointed to them and winked. “I'll be laying here naked waiting for you under the covers.”

  Noah got off of the bed and looked back at her. He licked his lips and seemed pretty excited. “Damn... I'm horny. I'm going to enjoy this. Be right back.” He walked from the room as Emily disrobed, throwing all of her clothes into one pile on the side of the bed. She got under the covers, put the TV on, and waited.


  Charlotte and Joshua were the last two left in the living room. Noah had gone to bed about ten minutes earlier, leaving the two former lovers alone together. Charlotte paused the TV for a moment and listened. Joshua said “What's wrong?”

  She had her ear towards the bedrooms. “Don't you hear that squeaking?”

  “Joshua listened, then said “Yeah I do hear that. What the hell is that? Mutant giant rats? I know they grow them big here in New York City?”

  Charlotte smiled. “It's the Sarge knockin' boots.”

  “Joshua smiled, good for him. They needed some tension relief.”

  Charlotte smiled, and un-paused the TV.

  They were watching Game of Thrones. Emily and Noah had told them both that they would love the show and the books, although Charlotte suspected that Noah hadn’t actually read any of the novels. She was already a fan of both the books and the HBO show. In all her experiences with Noah though, she had never seen the man read anything. Back in Afghanistan, it was a running joke within their unit that books were like Kryptonite to Noah. It all started when Joshua had tried to get him to read the latest Vince Flynn novel and Noah backed away from it, not wanting to even touch the paperback that had been passed around by each member of their unit. It wasn't that the Sarge was stupid. Not by any means. It was just that he never wanted other people to see him reading for whatever reason. It was like reading was some personal affair to him, and not to be shared.

  As the show ended and the credits started to roll, Charlotte looked at Joshua. The creaking of the bed inside Noah and Emily's bedroom kept going for almost 15 minutes non-stop. She said “The Sarge is getting quite a workout.” She saw Joshua sneak a glance at her boots. He was so predictable.

  “So... are we going to put the past behind us and fuck, or what?” Joshua made a face, and Charlotte resisted the urge to punch him. “What's that look for? You suddenly disgusted by me or something?”

  She was more confused than anything; she knew Joshua was into her. He had often told her how beautiful she was. But that was before their last breakup. The fourth in three years. They tended to have bad breakups, but wonderful make-up sex. Earth-shattering make-up sex that made Charlotte almost want to dump him even more often.

  He looked right at her. “You have to be kidding me? You forget our last break up? My clothes in a pile, on fire in the backyard? That sort of gave me a hint, don't you think?”

  He looked at her for a response. She didn't blink as she asked “So... we're not going to fuck then... I'm guessing?”

  Joshua shook his head and closed his eyes for a few seconds. “Sweetheart... when it comes to men, you're a couple cans short of a six pack. I can't afford to get a new wardrobe every time we breakup, or another paint job for a car.”

  She smiled and turned back to the TV. “You had some scratches on the paint before I accidentally scratched the door. It needed to be painted so don't cry to me about it.”

  Joshua let out a couple of laughs. “You fucking keyed up the whole car, that's not scratching the door. Why are all women that are great in bed damned psychos?”

  They both listened as the squeaking of the bed frame in Noah's room got even louder. They turned to each other smiling. Joshua licked his lips so Charlotte knew she had him. It was a matter of time. She looked at the TV thinking of her next move.

  She turned to face him again, this time shifting her whole body. She picked her left leg up over his lap. That all but forced him to look. Joshua had a thing for leather boots, and Charlotte had on black knee highs that she knew he loved. She moved her leg back and forth on his lap, watching his face closely as he did his best to not look down at her leg and boot. She always knew how to seduce him, and even after a vicious breakup, she could get him in her bed. Sometimes it took a few extra minutes of schmoozing, but she always got him right where she wanted.

  “Charlotte, I'm serious this time. Let's call it a night. I need to get some sleep.”

  Squeak, Squeak, the loud sound coming from Noah's room made them both look toward the bedrooms.

  She said “Sound does carry really well in this basement.” Squeak, Squeak, Squeak. They both looked towards the bedroom again. Charlotte was horny and knew Joshua was as well.

  She used her leg to keep him on the sofa as he tried to get up. He was faking wanting to go to sleep. She knew him well. Restraining him with her leg made him look down, breaking his concentration. His attempt to avoid looking at her booted leg failed. She knew men with a fetish were the easiest men in the world to control and manipulate.

  “Joshua.” She emphasized his name, as it was out of place for him to call her by her name when they were alone. It was his own stupid way of trying to remove himself from a situation that she knew he didn't want to truly be removed from.

  He licked his lips and faced her. “Did Noah end up doing that favor for you, with your Mom in Illinois?” He was still deflecting.

  She looked at him and pursed her lips. He was still pretending to not want to focus on the two of them. She decided to play along since that leg wasn't letting him off the sofa until she was ready.

  “He did. You know the Sarge always takes care of his own. He didn't tell you?”

  “You know the Sarge. He never brags at helping any of us.”

  “Well I can say that my mother is now well set. He fronted money for her to open up that small diner that had gone out of business. He paid a lot to have it all renovated too. It was her dream. That was over a year ago, and last I heard my mother was going to open up another one. I thought I had told you the last time we were together. Noah is her silent partner. I'm pretty sure the Sarge has friends like that in at least a dozen states.” She said.

  Joshua agreed with a nod. “That's the Sarge for you. I never told you about my sister and her husband who beat on her. Last year I was going there to fuck the guy up, and rather than risk me getting arrested he arranged... something. Never wanted to tell me. A few weeks after we spoke, my brother-in-law was run over in a hit and run.”

  Charlotte smiled. “I think it was a Dodge Ram that did it, late at night as he came out of a bar to go home drunk.”

  Joshua's mouth was wide open. “Don't tell me that...”

  “I won't,” she interrupted.

  “As for us, in the here and now...” Charlotte rubbed his legs with her booted left leg, then brought her second leg up to his lap. She put the heel of her right foot to his right leg without pushing it in. It was more for the visual. Men with leather and boot fetishes often love particular types of heels. This one was Joshua's favorite kind. He looked and licked his lips. She had him. It was much faster than she had thought it would take.

  Joshua put his hand on her booted left leg, pushing it down into his crotch. He was already almost fully hard. She rolled her boot over his blue jeans and could feel it easily.

  He took his eyes off of her boots and looked her in her eyes. “We don't exactly have any privacy. Every room's o

  She tilted her head, smiling. “Let’s go into the sub-basement. That room is cold but we can generate our own heat. There's no access except from the hidden entrance under the stairs. A side benefit is no one can hear any screams from down there.”

  She jumped off the sofa, and Joshua was right behind her.

  “The Spiderwoman – as you call me – needs to practice her craft,” she said as she winked at him. The sub-basement was the perfect location for anything private. It was part of an old subway system that was never used. At least 50 years old, and now walled off from the inside. Perfect privacy.

  “I never liked when you talked about your self in the third person. OK... hold on a minute. Listen, me wondering if I'm going to wake up with a knife at my throat is not a good thing. It's not a relationship, and it scares the hell out of me,” he admitted.

  “You're right, I shouldn't have done that.”

  “Honey, that's what I'm worried about. Your gorgeous, amazing in bed, but your crazy is like diarrhea. You can't hold it in for very long.”

  “Trust me. I promise we'll both have fun. We better get to it already, we have things to do at 0900,” Charlotte stated, walking to the hallway. Joshua was right behind her. Like a moth to a flame.


  During the night, Mike had liberated a 2012 Audi A4 from a nearby car dealership. The next morning, Joshua was driving it with Charlotte riding shotgun. In the backseat, Noah sat behind Joshua and Caesar sat behind Charlotte.

  Near their destination, Mike waited in a separate vehicle with Rob and Frank, two more combat buddies from their Afghanistan unit which had served under Noah's command. They had all been friends and very close since the war. A bond is formed by men and women in the service that transcends all other relationships. When you have to rely on others for your very life, and they you, a trust exists like no other that lasts for the rest of your life. All veterans of past wars have expressed similar thoughts.


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