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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 9

by Nancy Lieder

  arguments with additional material, so that his critics would have to shut up and think. Thus, the Unified Theory is

  incomplete, as it was never intended to be otherwise. What's missing? Mankind can scarcely be unaware of gravity

  and can quantify this force as well as the behavior of moving objects fairly accurately, as even the playpen of a babe is

  a lab in this regard. Einstein postulated that there were two other forces, equally as influential, but as with his theory of

  relativity these involved factors and views new to man.

  The third force, which he called vibrational intensity, was considered theoretical by Einstein's peers, but it manifests in

  nature in the Bermuda Triangle and other such spots where natural density shifting occur, and was the basis of the

  Philadelphia Experiment. To detail this third force beyond what Einstein provided would be to empower the likes of

  those who conducted the Philadelphia Experiment, who would surely return to their tinkering, sending yet more

  enlisted men to a horrible death in their lust to harness the ability to transmute to other densities. The Philadelphia

  Experiment stands as a perfect example of why 3rd Density worlds are not given technology beyond their spiritual

  maturity. Babes in the sandbox are not handed loaded guns, at least not by any responsible person. Thus, any press by

  humans to learn more of Einstein's third force will simply not succeed no matter where this press is applied or how

  cleverly it may be packaged. The answer is no.

  Einstein's fourth force was what he termed pressure rebound, and this equates to what we have termed the repulsion

  force. This force mystified Einstein's peers, who could not determine how to test the theory and were given no help in

  this matter by Einstein. In truth, in that era, there was no way for humans to demonstrate the repulsion force, as the test requires an escape from Earth's gravity, not possible before the space age. Will Einstein's Unified Theory be completed

  during the age of man? As mankind will phase out during the coming Transformation and is considered too immature

  to handle such knowledge, the Unified Theory will remain for man just that - a theory. The theory as presented by

  Einstein was lacking several key pieces, and without these pieces no progress is possible. Sorry. Grow up, and then

  we'll talk about it.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:54:00 AM]

  ZetaTalk: by Human Hand

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  ZetaTalk: by Human Hand

  written Sep 10, 2005

  Is there weather manipulation going on? [and from another] Did someone create hurricane Katrina using

  HAARP? [and from another] Nikola Tesla was able to manipulate the weather in the early part of the 20th

  century. He was well known to police in Greenwich Village responding to complaints from terrified

  neighbors about the lightening bolts originating from the top of his building. [and from another] HAARP -

  the government's High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - is a multi-megawatt natural gas

  fired power station in Alaska with more power than 20 regional FM stations operating all at once. [and

  from another source] Many now believe that the Russians used high tech energy beams to steer Katrina to

  New Orleans. [and from another] Katrina was an Anunnaki assault. Certain world leaders are aware that

  events are all part of the alien wars, but they face a dilemma. Do they announce alien wars on the planet

  or keep up the façade that these are natural disasters? As time goes on, many parts of the planet will be

  impacted by alien weather incidents. [and from another] In the scalar EM extension, EM field energy can

  be turned into gravitational field energy and vice versa. [and from another] Divine retribution is meted

  out according to the principle of measure for measure, just as the Jews were forced out of their homes as

  a result of U.S. pressure on Israel, so too are Americans being forced out of their homes. [and from

  another] There has been a suspicious increase in frequency of otherwise very rare category 5 hurricanes.

  Before hurricane Andrew (1992, apparently a time when scalar technology was available) there were only

  two recorded category 5 hurricanes in the US. Katrina suddenly and inexplicably exploded over the Gulf

  of Mexico allegedly due to the warm Gulf waters. Then, the next item of suspicion is the target: New

  Orleans, shaped like a basin and beneath sea level, also conveniently a center of oil refining for the US

  and located near the Gulf of Mexico oil production.

  We stated a decade ago, when ZetaTalk began, that the weather was going to become extreme and detailed in what manner. In step with increasing volcanism, weather extremes emerged in the mid 1990's because the core of the Earth

  was swirling and in turmoil, creating pressure on the magma. This, of course, due to the approach of Planet X. Both

  volcanism and weather extremes emerged, as well as an up-tick in earthquake frequency and strength. Was this due to

  the ionosphere being heated by some secret weapon? When the Earth developed a wobble due to the presence of

  Planet X near the Sun, a Figure 8 discernable and measurable and well documented, this added a new weather

  anomaly, as the crust is pulled under the atmosphere suddenly during the wobble, creating vertical drafts over the prevailing westerlies. Should someone desperate to deny the presence of Planet X say that all this is caused by the

  Sun's effect on the atmosphere, we point to another well documented fact, the times when global shuddering is

  registered on the live seismographs, discernable since early 2003 when Planet X entered the inner solar system. These are times when the Atlantic Rift either faces or is in opposition to the magnetic presence of Planet X, which wishes the

  Atlantic Rift to stay in alignment with it. And another well documented fact not taken into consideration by those

  wanting an alternate explanation to the presence of Planet X is the Moon's orbit, consistently too far North and then too far South during the Month, in a pattern established in early 2004.

  Those wanting any explanation other than the presence of Planet X, which is not only discernable from the Earth

  changes such as more extreme weather and an Earth wobble and increased volcanism and earthquakes and the

  face/dark shuddering and a tilted Moon, but also visible by eye and captured by camera, will apparently grasp at anything. In primitive times, such times of unease resulted in sacrifices to the gods, as surely some human action had

  caused this, brought down the wrath of the gods. These fingers are already being pointed in your supposedly modern

  time, the ultra-right in the US pointing to New Orleans as a sin city, and the like. An explanation outside of the Planet

  X explanation simply is not forthcoming. The cover-up, by official sources, tried Global Warming, but this ignores the

  incresing volcanism and earthquakes, so is inadequate. Mustering anything they had, and spewing these alternative

  explanations onto the Internet in the hopes they might catch on, the cover-up now has the secret weapon theories, and[2/5/2012 11:54:01 AM]

  ZetaTalk: by Human Hand

  their proponents.

  Lasers, ray guns, control of mysterious particle flows that are a hybrid of gravity and electromagnetic particles, secret

  technology that leaves no evidence and has no parallel in human science, somehow at fault. This is scarsely a step

  from sacrifices to the gods because some human action has caused a catastrophe. Perhaps throwing virgins into

will come into fashion again. Perhaps the gods are angry and clapping their hands in the sky or in

  underground caverns where they hang out amid the molten lava. How much easier it is to cling to such explanations,

  than to examine the evidence. Look at the Moon, the periodic global shuddering, the Earth torque which we predicted almost a year before it emerged, which likewise is consistently confirmed by USGS charts, the Earth wobble, the

  anomalies next to the Sun captured on film and observed by thousands over the past couple years, and put those facts

  into the mix, and see what explanation covers them all. The presence of Planet X, solely.[2/5/2012 11:54:01 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Ferromagnetism

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  ZetaTalk: Ferromagnetism

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1996.

  From childhood to adulthood, magnets have fascinated man. Young children are given sets of magnets to play with,

  linking them end to end. School children are shown, with iron ore dust, just how those invisible magnetic lines reach

  and curl, preparatory to a lecture about the Earth's magnetic field and on to how to use the compass when lost in the

  woods. The use of magnets so permeates industrialized human society that one would be hard pressed to find an aspect

  not affected. Claspless doors are secured with magnets, airplanes fly on automatic based on magnetic alignment, and

  recyclers separate out metal with magnets, to name but a few. Yet magnetism is not understood by man, though

  theories abound. It's clear that something flows, but just what is flowing is unknown. It's clear that direction is

  important, but just what is dictating this direction is unclear. It's clear that magnetism occurs naturally, especially in

  certain ores such as iron, but what it is that is special about iron ore is a puzzle.

  Magnetism is the palpable, measurable effect of a subatomic particle not yet delineated by man. In fact, there are

  several dozen sub-atomic particles involved, out of the 387 involved in what humans assume to be simply the flow of

  electrons. Where electric current can be made to flow in any direction, the path of least resistance, magnetic flow

  seems to be very single minded. In fact, it is also going in the path of least resistance, as can be seen when one

  understands the path and what constitutes resistance for magnetic flow. Unlike electricity, which only occasionally

  flows in nature, the flowing sub- atomic particles that constitute a magnetic field are constantly flowing. This is the

  natural state, to be in motion. The path of least resistance, therefore, is to go with the flow, and the flow is determined

  by the biggest bully in the vicinity.

  A single atom of iron, isolated, will establish the direction of flow based on the tightly orbiting electron particles, of

  which there are hundreds of sub-types. These tight orbits arrange themselves in a manner not unlike the planets around

  a sun, but the field, of course, is much more crowded. Given the fairly static number of these particles that will hang

  around an iron ore nucleus, the orbiting swirl may have a rhythm, rather than a steady hum. Put 3 groups of 3 into a

  cycle of 10 and you have whomp whomp whomp pause. Should the cycle, based on the nucleus and the electron sub-

  atomic particles it attracts due to its size and composition, be 4 groups of 3 in a cycle of 12, you would have whomp

  whomp whomp whomp. The steady hum of the second cycle does not lack a magnetic flow, it is just diffuse. The

  irregular cycle in the first example finds the magnetic flow escaping during the pause. Being attracted again to the best

  partner in the vicinity, the single iron atom, the magnetic sub-atomic particles will circle around, taking the path of

  least resistance which of course is on the other side of the atom from the outward flow.

  Placing a second iron atom next to the first finds the two lining up, so the flow escaping during the pause of each goes

  in the same direction. This is a bit like forcing a second water flow into a flowing stream. Toss a stick into both

  forceful streams and you will see that the water flows are moving in the same direction as much as possible - the path

  of least resistance. In this manner the magnetic flow of the largest bully forces all else in the neighborhood to line up.

  Where the iron ore atoms are caught in an amalgam and not altogether free to shift their positions within the amalgam,

  the magnetic flow may physically move the amalgam, this being, again, the path of least resistance. For those who

  would state that magnetism is not a thing, as it can't be weighted or measured or seen, we would point to the child's

  trick whereby two magnets are held positive end to positive end. Let go and they move so that they are aligned positive

  end to negative end. What made these magnets move, if not a thing?

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:54:01 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Water Cradle

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  ZetaTalk: Water Cradle

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1995.

  On almost all worlds, life evolves in a liquid. This is reasonable as the liquid provides mobility, and increases greatly

  the chances that any complex molecule will encounter another. If one examines the physical structure of intelligent

  species, one finds rudimentary gills, fins, egg sacs, webbing, if not the frank requirement of a liquid for the home.

  Most telling is the development of the fetus, where the evolutionary history repeats itself. We, the Zetas, do not have

  records we can tap regarding these early beginnings on your planet. Planets, especially water planets, are seeded with

  simple DNA components and left alone. Things work out or they don't, and these planets are not checked that

  frequently. If life did not start, re-seeding, perhaps of a different nature, is done. To trace your beginnings, we must do

  as your scientists have, and look at the stages the fetus goes through. The forebrain develops last, and arms and legs

  also come late. It takes a long time for the tail to disappear, and gills are unmistakably evident in the early days. You

  were first a fish.

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  ZetaTalk: Sentience

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  ZetaTalk: Sentience

  Note: written on May 15, 1996.

  Man values his intelligence, forethought, empathy, and consciousness, as these place him above the other animals on

  the Earth, or so he thinks. Man is a sentient being, but the low life of the Earth have these qualities in some measure

  too, as they are concomitant with what the basic building blocks of life throughout the Universe produce. From simple

  one celled creatures to the complexity of a hominoid, life interacts with its surroundings in the same manner. Life that

  survives at all is self protective, and thus has self awareness of sorts. If it must do more than simply react to survive,

  must be proactive, then a form of forethought has occurred. Animals with the same genetic structure can scarcely help

  but experience empathy with each other when cries of distress are heard or the tensed posture of defense is assumed.

  Early empathy is simply shared neuron patterns and shared experiences. Thus, depending on the chemical components

  of the world and the path evolution takes on that world, the sentient creatures that result may take any form, and the

  list would be infinite. Sentience is not exclusive to man, or to mammals, or to the Earth - it is concomit
ant with life

  itself throughout the Universe.

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  ZetaTalk: Early Man

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  ZetaTalk: Early Man

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1995.

  Man has a fascination with his early forms for good reason. Early Man was father to the child, and the child wishes to

  know whereof he sprang. Early Man's appearance changed as his developmental stages changed - ranging as one

  would expect from ape-like to man-like. Hypothesis on his appearance almost always leans in the direction of man-like

  traits, as humans feel uncomfortable to some degree when contemplating their origins. Monkeys have bright coloration

  on their faces and behinds, and so did early White Man. Sharp prominent teeth were a characteristic of Gypsy Man,

  whose grimacing face was more tooth than otherwise. African Black Man was covered with hair, in his early stages,

  and though black men of today are without beards in the main, beards were present in the prototype. And the

  descendants of China Man would be surprised to learn he had a tail for quite some time.

  Man, in each of the 6 races, was developed in stages, and between these development stages was allowed a period of

  time for things to settle down and for the genetically engineered product to be road tested. Would it break down?

  Frequently this happened, resulting in intervention, fine tuning the product to correct whatever was deemed to be the

  problem. Archeologists discover bones, such as those of Neanderthal Man, and wonder what became of him. Did he

  die out? Did he evolve? It seems he rather abruptly disappeared, and such a strapping fellow, he was!

  Neanderthal Man was taken in hand to correct a problem. All of him? Yes. This was affected by making him sterile, a

  simple snip to the male, where he roamed free, and genetically engineering those taken into the lab. So there be no


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