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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 17

by Nancy Lieder

  hydrogen, and oxygen in the atmosphere. Those who doubt this statement may point to modern day volcanic eruptions

  and lightning storms, which give no evidence of such formations, but the modern day environment is not equivalent to

  what is present during a Pole Shift, during the trauma that the Earth undergoes during the passage of her brother, the

  12th Planet.

  Why is it that oil and gas deposits are not forming today? Is the climate so different from the climates of the past? Do

  not earthquakes bury forests and does not lava flow over grasslands? The theories on oil and gas formations could be

  put to the test daily, during this modern day, but no such proof has ever been proffered or in fact even sought. Oil and

  gas do not form under normal circumstances, they form under extraordinary circumstances, and for the Earth most

  often these circumstances are presented during a pole shift, where forests do get sandwiched between layers of rock

  and lava floods over broad areas. Petrol-chemicals that form in the sky, where they fail to burn due to lack of free

  oxygen, soak into the fractured ground and become trapped during the settling process that afterquakes provide for

  many years after a pole shift.

  In most cases, such petrochemicals formed in the atmosphere during pole shifts and seeping into the fractured ground

  are broken down by the normal process of decay of organic matter. Oil that humans find today was protected from this

  process by being sealed off from the air, creating a tomb where bacteria could not proceed unabated. On land, this

  quick seal occurred because the massive tidal waves that accompany pole shifts would smother the fractured ground in

  a stagnant layer of trapped sea water. This, of course, would evaporate over time, leaving a salt cap over the oil

  deposits, and thus the association of oil with salt deposits.

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  ZetaTalk: Planet X

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  ZetaTalk: Planet X

  Note: written on Feb 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Planet X does exist, and it is the 12th Planet, one and the same. When first sighted via infrared readings and reported

  by the IRAS team in 1983, the IRAS findings were taken in many ways by the human scientists reading the reports,

  and thus they cast many interpretations on just what the 12th Planet's infrared reading might imply. Infrared heat can

  be taken to mean many things, depending on distance, size, and composition of the object being sensed. A very hot

  object far away can be comparable to a barely warm object near at hand, or a very large object far away can be

  considered to be a smaller object close at hand, and as the compression caused by the mass of an object is considered

  to produce infrared rays, then a very heavy but cold object could be considered comparable to a lighter but warmer

  object. The scientists reading the IRAS findings took the 12th Planet, a.k.a. Planet X, to be larger, colder, and farther

  away, as the mind does not want to comprehend the alternatives. When first sighted in 1983, it was on the right hand

  side of Orion, as viewed from your northern hemisphere. It will first move left and up toward the elliptical plane as it

  nears the Earth's Solar System for its passage, as though to assume a place with the other planets in the Solar System,

  at this point being slightly to the left of Orion. In 1998 it will veer right, moving toward Taurus and Aries, assuming a

  retrograde orbit, and will come up through the plane as viewed from above the elliptical plane, in its first passage.

  The reason given, officially, for the search for Planet X was the perturbations in the outer planets, known for some

  centuries and hardly explained by the discovery of Pluto. Just as the planned settlements on Mars are given and official

  explanation to the populace, which is paying for all of this, the search for Planet X could scarcely be hidden from

  public view. What the public was not told, of course, was that the press for certainty was due to information we had

  given MJ12, and that this information appeared to be solid based on decades of careful monitoring of the skies.

  Following Roswell, as the story tells, we established a contact with the US government, which put this into the hands

  of MJ12 to avoid information contamination of the normal federal bureaucracy. We were interested in the human

  leadership of the world informing their public, so early on we made clear what was about to happen, in 2003 [Note: see

  2003 Date explanation]. As the story of the Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 tell, the immediate reaction was to save a few skins.

  When it became clear that they were likely to be on the surface of Earth during the next pole shift, they wanted

  confirmation. Running away is relatively easy, as one is just suddenly absent. But if one must build a safe complex in

  front of those one is lying to, this is more difficult. Thus, to secure cooperation among those they would have to enlist,

  on Earth, they needed confirmation. MJ12, via NASA and JPL, had been monitoring the approach of Planet X,

  according to our coordinates and predictions. This was proving accurate, so they mustered the IRAS search in the early

  1980's which resulted in the find of what they hoped they would not find.

  The human mind does not wish to entertain the awful, so most in this group were in denial, though going along with

  the search as an interesting scientific exercise, not unlike most of the activity NASA et al undertake daily. The

  discovery of solid proof so stunned most of those involved in the search that their guard was dropped, and thus the

  reports such as the 1983 Washington Post front page article. Interest in Planet X was roaring along going into the 1983

  IRAS search. Had Planet X not been found, interest might still be roaring along, in the media, that is. When the

  blanket of suppression was dropped on the media and major observatories, who know just where Planet X is at all

  times these days, it took some time for an explanation for the silence to be concocted. Thus one finds the strange

  silence, that lasted almost a decade, following the Planet X discovery in 1983. Since JPL and NASA are firmly in

  hand, doing the bidding of the establishment on so many information issues, they became the designated arm of the

  explanation. The mystery of why the outer planets appeared perturbed to astronomers for the last 160 years was

  explained away by adjustments in the size and composition of these outer planets discovered by probes. The public

  gets the conclusion, but not the details, or they get the details in such a manner that an independent conclusion can't be

  arrived at. All very safe.

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  ZetaTalk: Planet X[2/5/2012 11:54:26 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Comet Orbit

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  ZetaTalk: Comet Orbit

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The 12th Planet's path is elliptical, making a long flat circle around its two gravitational masters, your Sun and a body

  you cannot see. The Sun's alter ego in this matter is not an object on your sky maps, but for the purposes of calculating

  the 12th Planet's orbit, you can assume it be have the same mass as the Sun, and to be at a distance that allows the

  curve of the ellipse to smooth to an essentially straight line between the two or
bital foci. The 12th Planet's travels are

  not unlike a train on parallel tracks, where the train is on one side of the tracks going in one direction, and on the other

  side coming back. It will surprise you to know that the second foci is not that far away. Since it rivals the Sun in mass, the assumption would be that your astronomers would know about it. However, being dark, they stare past it and think

  it space. To use multiples of the distance from your Sun to its farthest known orbiting planet, which you call Pluto, this

  foci is from the Sun 18.724 times as far away.

  The elliptical path of the 12th Planet does little direct damage to the planets in your Solar System, which are lined up

  on a plane with each other. The 12th Planet comes in on an angle, such that it is only the Point of Passage where a direct collision could occur. This point, at the present time, is not in the orbital path of any of your Solar System

  planets, although that was not the case in the distant past as your Asteroid Belt attests. For this pole shift, we estimate

  that the Earth will be on the same side as the 12th Planet, at approximately an 18 degree angle from where the 12th

  Planet comes closest to the Sun. Its return is on the other side of the Sun, but for the Earth, hapless in this matter, this

  may be an advantage or disadvantage depending on where the Earth is in its own orbit at the time. On the 12th Planet's

  return voyage, during this passage, the Earth will be protected by the Sun from a full impact, but mild earthquakes and

  heavy tides will recur at that time.

  Having passed by the Sun, the 12th Planet now slows. The rate of slowing is dependent on two factors, essentially - its

  speed and the fact that both its gravitational masters are now behind it. As fast as the 12th Planet picked up speed

  approaching your Sun, it slows even faster, the nearness of your Sun behind it no small factor in this. Nevertheless, for

  a traveling planet the size of the 12th Planet, putting on the brakes and turning about is no small matter. It must first

  come to a stop, which it does in approximately 2 years 3 months after passing your Sun. The 12th Planet's orbit takes it

  well away from the Sun after passage, so that it moves out a distance equal to 1/4 of the distance between the Sun and

  its other foci before it slows to a stop. After passing through the Solar System, the 12th Planet moves out on the

  opposite side some 3.560 times the distance from your Sun to its farthest planet, Pluto, then stops. It then hovers, not

  moving, essentially, for 3 years 6 months, and then slowly begins a return trip which telescopes or mirrors the voyage


  There are no stars in the sighting line that can be used as a guide, but one need not grope about in the heavens for

  guide posts when the best are within your own Solar System. Neither the 12th Planet's orbital plane or any axis placed

  upon it at intersection points have identifiable stars directly on the plane or such an axis. It would be a bit to this side

  or a bit to that side, and there we are again with imprecision. Let us suggest that a more satisfying approach would be

  to use stabilizing points within your Solar System. The path of your Moon is well known and its orbit forms a plane as

  it moves around your Earth. Even though your Moon circles the Earth and the Earth circles the Sun, the orbital planes

  are at an angle to one another and thus the Moon's orbital plane consistently intersects the Earth's orbital plane at

  opposing points twice a year. This will be stable until the cataclysms are upon you and thus can be used to triangulate

  with other planes.

  The Earth's orbit forms a plane. The Moon's orbit forms a plane that bisects the Earth's orbit in a fixed place twice a

  year. The 12th Planet's orbit, coming and going, forms a plane that also bisects the Earth's orbital plane. The 12th

  Planet's orbital plane can be calculated if points are taken on the other two planes and used as a reference. The Earth's

  distance from the Sun is known. Take the placement of the Earth at the two points where the Moon's orbital plane lines[2/5/2012 11:54:27 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Comet Orbit

  up. Use these two points as two of three points in a triangle. The third point in an equilateral triangle will be on the

  plane of the 12th Planet's orbit. This third point is more stable than any point we could give you where you would be

  looking out into space. Recall that the 12th Planet is lifting up and away from the Sun when it is this close, so will not

  actually be at this third point as it approaches. However, for purposes of calculating the orbit in the heavens, this third point should be useful.

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  ZetaTalk: Sling Orbit

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  ZetaTalk: Sling Orbit

  Note: written during the 2001 sci.astro debates. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The gravitational perturbation affecting the outer planets in your solar system is outside your solar system but affecting

  all your planets steadily, and by more than a gravitational pull. There is confusion, in understanding the nature of the

  Planet X eccentric orbit and the effect it and your Sun's dark binary twin have, because man is struggling to reconcile

  this new information with existing astrophysics theories and the math formulas used to describe them. Somehow they

  all must fit, and they don't. The problem lies with the theories and formulas, though few throw them aside as then they

  feel adrift, without an anchor. The insecure slam shut the doors, close out new information, and develop the closed-

  mind syndrome recently under discussion here on sci.astro. For those not closed minded, we will describe the eccentric

  orbit of Planet X, between your Sun and its dark twin. This unlit binary sun lies some 18.74 times the distance from

  your Sun to Pluto, at a 11 degree angle from the ecliptic, in the direction of the constellation of Orion. Though farther

  away, twice the distance or more, from where Planet X rides at the moment, it is a large gravitational giant, and thus

  between these two binaries Planet X is caught in a highly elliptical orbit. This orbit does not fit into man's astrophysics theories, and thus it cannot be described by the math used by man to describe comet or orbit behavior. Yet the orbit

  makes sense, if one puts the dictates of man's current theories aside.

  There is a desk-top toy composed of several metal balls hung in a line from a

  wooden frame, which when set in motion causes the end balls to swing out, then

  return to bump all the balls in the row until the ball on the opposite end swings

  out in an equal manner, thence continuing until gravity wears the motion down to

  a stop. This toy is a simple example that an object will stop, when "escaping" a

  gravity pull, and return toward that gravity pull by reversing its course. That most

  known planets or moons go around their gravitational giants is due to a

  phenomena of gravity we have termed the Repulsion Force, though it is simply

  gravity particles spurting out from large bodies such that they are kept apart like two fire hoses turned on one another.

  Planet X, like the balls in the desk-top toy described, slings back and forth between its two gravitational foci, returning

  on almost exactly the same path. Its momentum causes it to overshoot a focus, then like the balls in the toy, to return

  on the same path after coming to a full stop. Why would it not do that, when both foci are directly behind it? This is

  equivalent to the end ball i
n the toy, dropping back toward Earth due to gravity. When approaching one of its suns,

  Planet X picks up speed, as the end ball does when dropping, and thus acts like a comet when coming through the solar

  system. It shoots through the solar system, its speed causing it to bypass the sun. Once past, with both gravitational

  pulls behind it, it stops, as the end ball in the toy does, and then returns on the same path, as the end ball does.

  This is not a curved orbit, it is a sling orbit, and for those who would argue that such an orbit cannot exist, we would

  point to the desk-top toy, where the end ball returns so precisely that it connects with the other balls in the toy line-up so that the motion repeats itself with only gravity bringing it to an eventual halt. The back and forth sling is a return

  trip, as the toy demonstrates. The difference between Planet X and the desk-top toy is that the toy had its major gravity

  pull in the center, bringing the motion to a stop, where Planet X has dual gravitaional pulls at the ends of its sling

  orbit, which keeps the slinging motion going.

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  ZetaTalk: Second Foci

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  ZetaTalk: Second Foci

  Note: written on Oct 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The Earth and the dark star that is the second foci of the 12th Planet's orbit do not rotate around each other any more

  than the planets in your Solar System rotate around each other. The reason for the latter is that the Sun dominates the

  planets, and their influence on each other becomes the lesser voice.

  In like manner your Sun and this dark star, of a comparable size, are caught in a larger net and are essentially

  motionless within your Galaxy. This net exists for all the stars in your Galaxy, as elsewhere, and is the reason the stars in the sky do not lose their position and float toward each other. It is not that they are so far apart that they do not

  influence each other. Influence, however slight, is always there. It is rather that influences have been balanced to where


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