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ZetaTalk: Science

Page 39

by Nancy Lieder

  would. The answer to mankind's energy needs do not lie in superconductors, however seductive they may be. There are

  energy sources known to your government, developed and operational, which dwarf by their operation the goal of

  super conductor developers. There is no need. The problems that should be addressed lie not in science but in politics

  and the corporate decisions that force archaic energy sources to continue. We are speaking here of coal, oil, natural

  gas, and nuclear energy. This is the issue that should be addressed!

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  ZetaTalk: Crystals

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  ZetaTalk: Crystals

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1995.

  Crystals do have what humans would call magical properties, as they don't know how else to explain the results.

  Crystals capture and focus energies that mankind is not aware of as yet. These energies cannot be seen and measured,

  yet their presence leaves its mark. Like most myth makers, crystals have given life to stories that bear no relationship

  to the truth. It has been reported that crystals can prevent disease, grow sturdier plants, and affect the passage of time.

  Only the latter is true, but this cannot be put to any practical use. Not all crystals have this effect, and a certain size

  must be attained before any effect at all occurs. A synergy is in process.

  It has been reputed that the lost city of Atlantis used large crystals, and that such a crystal lying under the waves in the

  Bermuda Triangle is causing havoc. None of this is true. Crystals of any size or shape or of whatever nature are not

  having any significant effect on mankind or on the Earth at the present time, and any reports to the contrary are false.

  Crystals have at times been used as a communication booster by various alien groups, but for no other reason. These

  crystals, left on the surface of Mars or the Moon or even here and there on Earth, are not being activated at the current

  time and thus have no more influence on their surroundings than other inanimate objects. These crystals are immense,

  as large as a pick-up truck, and flawless. Humans are incapable of building them, and should they uncover one on

  Earth would be incapable of activating it. This would be a toy the Council of Worlds would not allow to be placed in

  the hands of 3rd Density entities. The rules do not allow it.

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  ZetaTalk: Cold Fusion

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  ZetaTalk: Cold Fusion

  Note: written on May 15, 1996.

  Cold fusion is a myth, the dream of those who would have endless cheap energy readily available. Energy is released

  from fusion or fission, but in both cases this is a barely controlled explosion. Nuclear bombs are the extremes that man

  is aware of, and when trying to harness this energy they sit on the virtual nuclear bombs called nuclear power stations,

  tinkering with the controls. How would it be that cold fusion would be possible, among the molecular components on

  Earth, yet not already fused? What is to stop the process? Are the molecules waiting for the signal from eager

  scientists? Fusion happens under great compression, not on the benign surface of the Earth, and anyone asserting

  otherwise in only looking to fuse hard cash to his wallet.

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  ZetaTalk: Newman's Machine

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  ZetaTalk: Newman's Machine

  Note: written on Jun 15, 1999.

  This is not what it seems, but is a measure of some other reactions which are being interpreted as free energy. Man

  does not understand the atom, or atomic interactions, well enough to interpret correctly. If one did not understand fruit,

  that fruits contain juice, but that this juice is finite, then a juicer would seem like a magical generation of fruit juice!

  Put in this round ball, press the lever, and out it comes! This may seem overly simplistic, but a quick glance back into

  man's past will show that concepts that are taught, today, to children in grade school were not known to adults just a

  few hundred years or so ago. How disease caused by germs is spread, so that epidemics could be prevented rather than

  suffered or considered a curse. That the Earth revolves around the Sun, not that the Sun is moving about the Earth.

  That the Earth is not flat, but round, and could be sailed around. How recessive genes can express, so that the

  occasional blue eyed child from brown eyed family lines was not magic at all. All these were concepts unknown to

  man in the past.

  So Newman, in the construction of his machine, is pulling electricity from the surrounding area, but this would occur

  on a depreciating manner, less and less over time as the surroundings are being depleted. Thus, this is no more than a

  curiosity, not a solution to energy needs.

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  ZetaTalk: Element 115

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  ZetaTalk: Element 115

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

  Regarding element 115. This is an accurate story, told by an individual who was disheartened by what he saw while

  working for the United States government. He survived, against the precepts he was employed under, but not without

  injury. In the end, those who would silence him have learned to use his rebellion. Secrets lie heavy on the hearts of

  those who must maintain them. Element 115 is only one of the elements available to use, which you are unfamiliar

  with. Earth does not naturally have an element that equates to Element 115, nor do other worlds. This is a

  manufactured element, and about this process we can say no more. As with the discussion of time manipulation, this

  discussion could not go much further under the rules we are bound to follow.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:55:33 AM]

  Document Outline

  ZetaTalk: Science

  ZetaTalk: Universe

  ZetaTalk: Big Bang

  ZetaTalk: Follows After

  ZetaTalk: Black Holes

  ZetaTalk: Turnabout

  ZetaTalk: Dark Matter

  ZetaTalk: Space/Time Curves

  ZetaTalk: Gravity

  ZetaTalk: Anti-Gravity Devices

  ZetaTalk: Repulsion Force

  ZetaTalk: Suns

  ZetaTalk: Solar Atmosphere

  ZetaTalk: Binary Suns

  ZetaTalk: Solar Flares

  ZetaTalk: X-Rays

  ZetaTalk: Star Birth

  ZetaTalk: Atmosphere Building

  ZetaTalk: Sonic Booms

  ZetaTalk: Rotation

  ZetaTalk: Tides

  ZetaTalk: Auroras

  ZetaTalk: Planetary Magnetism

  ZetaTalk: Gaseous Planets

  ZetaTalk: Opposition

  ZetaTalk: Earthquake Predictions

  ZetaTalk: EQ Clouds

  ZetaTalk: Tunguska Explosion

  ZetaTalk: Deflecting Asteroids

  ZetaTalk: Light Particles

  ZetaTalk: Light Particle Bonds

  ZetaTalk: Red Shift

  ZetaTalk: Gravity Particles

  ZetaTalk: Gravity Flow

  ZetaTalk: Galaxies

  ZetaTalk: Par
ticle Flow

  ZetaTalk: Energy Waves

  ZetaTalk: Ball Lightning

  ZetaTalk: Ice Formation

  ZetaTalk: Explosions

  ZetaTalk: Subatomic Particles

  ZetaTalk: Unified Theory

  ZetaTalk: by Human Hand

  ZetaTalk: Ferromagnetism

  ZetaTalk: Water Cradle

  ZetaTalk: Sentience

  ZetaTalk: Early Man

  ZetaTalk: DNA Building Blocks

  ZetaTalk: Biorhythms

  ZetaTalk: Aging Process

  ZetaTalk: Auto-Immune Diseases

  ZetaTalk: Spontaneous Human Combustion

  ZetaTalk: Dinosaur Extinction

  ZetaTalk: Dolphin Talk

  ZetaTalk: Worldwide Infertility

  ZetaTalk: Mind/Body Connection

  ZetaTalk: Brain Waves

  ZetaTalk: Coma

  ZetaTalk: Brain Capacity

  ZetaTalk: EQ

  ZetaTalk: Telekinesis

  ZetaTalk: 12th Planet

  ZetaTalk: Magnetic Field

  ZetaTalk: Gravity Field

  ZetaTalk: Equilibrium

  ZetaTalk: Status Quo

  ZetaTalk: Resonance

  ZetaTalk: Orbit Perturbations

  ZetaTalk: Booms

  ZetaTalk: Flashes

  ZetaTalk: Pole Reversals

  ZetaTalk: Rotation Reversals

  ZetaTalk: Shift Threshold

  ZetaTalk: Weakest Link

  ZetaTalk: Close Pass

  ZetaTalk: Magnetic/Geographic

  ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles

  ZetaTalk: Chance of Collision

  ZetaTalk: Rotation/Orbit

  ZetaTalk: Asteroid Belt

  ZetaTalk: Near Earth Asteroids

  ZetaTalk: Continental Drift

  ZetaTalk: Meteors

  ZetaTalk: African Coapies

  ZetaTalk: Earth Twin

  ZetaTalk: Oil Deposits

  ZetaTalk: Planet X

  ZetaTalk: Comet Orbit

  ZetaTalk: Sling Orbit

  ZetaTalk: Second Foci

  ZetaTalk: Distance from Earth

  ZetaTalk: Retrograde Orbit

  ZetaTalk: Entry Angle

  ZetaTalk: Conflict

  ZetaTalk: Speed

  ZetaTalk: Slowing Influences

  ZetaTalk: Esape Velocity

  ZetaTalk: Second Pass

  ZetaTalk: 12th Planet Glow

  ZetaTalk: Brown Dwarf

  ZetaTalk: Red Planet

  ZetaTalk: Swirling Moons

  ZetaTalk: Surging Magma

  Magma Suring Switch, Zetas Explain

  ZetaTalk: 3rd Magnet

  ZetaTalk: S. Pole Tug

  ZetaTalk: Stage Set

  ZetaTalk: Dust Cloud Arrival

  ZetaTalk: Charged Dust Cloud

  ZetaTalk: Sacred Orbits

  ZetaTalk: Light Illusion

  ZetaTalk: Point of Passage

  ZetaTalk: Float Past the Sun

  ZetaTalk: Precursor Drift

  ZetaTalk: What Magnets Do

  ZetaTalk: Dance of the Moons

  ZetaTalk: Second Sunlight

  ZetaTalk: Whither the Earth?

  ZetaTalk: Dancing Partners

  ZetaTalk: Comets Come Early

  ZetaTalk: Constellation View

  ZetaTalk: Jupiter's Blue Ring

  ZetaTalk: Hazelwood Killer

  ZetaTalk: Newton's Clock

  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin

  ZetaTalk: Whiplash

  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Visibility

  ZetaTalk: Dark Twin Looms

  ZetaTalk: Shrouded Monster

  ZetaTalk: Photographic Proof

  ZetaTalk: Big Squeeze

  ZetaTalk: Waiting to Exhale

  ZetaTalk: Plowing Ahead

  ZetaTalk: a Twirling Wobble

  ZetaTalk: 23 is the Key!

  ZetaTalk: Rings of Planet X

  ZetaTalk: Eye of the Storm

  ZetaTalk: Lull in the Eye

  ZetaTalk: Dark Meaning of Sedna

  ZetaTalk: Jerking Nancy Around

  ZetaTalk: June 8 Transit

  ZetaTalk: Bait and Switch

  ZetaTalk: Venus and Mars

  ZetaTalk: Venus, Playing Chicken

  ZetaTalk: Magma Voids

  ZetaTalk: Storm Clash

  ZetaTalk: Bigger and Closer

  ZetaTalk: Beneath the Dust

  ZetaTalk: Simulating the Seasons

  ZetaTalk: Solstice

  ZetaTalk: Intermittent Lurch

  ZetaTalk: IERS Flatlined

  ZetaTalk: Light Towers

  ZetaTalk: Planets

  ZetaTalk: Orbits

  ZetaTalk: Elliptical Orbits

  ZetaTalk: Slowing Probes

  ZetaTalk: Orbital Plane

  ZetaTalk: Binary Orbits

  ZetaTalk: Planet Revolutions

  ZetaTalk: Perturbations

  ZetaTalk: Centrifugal Force

  ZetaTalk: Satellite Orbits

  ZetaTalk: Trajectories

  ZetaTalk: Oort Cloud

  ZetaTalk: Repeating Comets

  ZetaTalk: Ephemeris

  ZetaTalk: Dark Ages

  ZetaTalk: Contradictions

  ZetaTalk: Newton

  ZetaTalk: Absolute Properties

  ZetaTalk: Mathematical Proofs

  ZetaTalk: Vectors

  ZetaTalk: Quantum Mechanics

  ZetaTalk: Spin

  ZetaTalk: Statistical Analysis

  ZetaTalk: Time Travel

  ZetaTalk: Time Flow

  ZetaTalk: Interstellar Travel

  ZetaTalk: Hover

  ZetaTalk: Super Conductors

  ZetaTalk: Crystals

  ZetaTalk: Cold Fusion

  ZetaTalk: Newman's Machine

  ZetaTalk: Element 115

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  Document ID: 76fbb517-163b-4af6-b798-3253ecddbb77

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  Document creation date: 25.8.2012

  Created using: calibre 0.8.53, FictionBook Editor Release 2.6 software

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