Book Read Free

Best Friends For Ever!

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by Chloe Ryder

  For Lucy, Jessica, Andrew and Harry

  With special thanks to Julie Sykes


  The Pony Royal Family

  Map of Chevalia


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chevalia Now!

  Early one morning, just before dawn, two ponies stood in an ancient courtyard, looking sadly at a bare stone wall.

  ‘In all my life this wall has never been empty. I can’t believe that the horseshoes have been taken – and just before Midsummer Day too,’ said the stallion.

  He was a handsome animal – a copper-coloured pony, with strong legs and bright eyes, dressed in a royal red sash.

  The mare was a dainty yet majestic palomino with a golden coat and a pure white tail that fell to the ground like a waterfall.

  She whinnied softly. ‘We have so little time to find them all.’

  With growing sadness the two ponies watched the night fade away and the sun rise. When the first ray of sunlight spread into the courtyard it lit up the wall, showing the imprints where the golden horseshoes should have been hanging.

  ‘Midsummer Day is the longest day of the year,’ said the stallion quietly. ‘It’s the time when our ancient horseshoes must renew their magical energy. If the horseshoes are still missing in eight days, then by nightfall on the eighth day, their magic will fade and our beautiful island will be no more.’

  Sighing heavily, he touched his nose to his Queen’s.

  ‘Only a miracle can save us now,’ he said.

  The Queen dipped her head regally, the diamonds on her crown sparkling in the early morning light.

  ‘Have faith,’ she said gently. ‘I sense that a miracle is coming.’

  Chapter 1

  A high-pitched cry woke Pippa. Throwing the duvet back, she was out of bed even before she’d properly opened her eyes. In the enormous bed opposite hers, Princess Stardust was tossing about, thrashing her hooves and sobbing like a little foal.

  Pippa went to comfort her best friend.

  ‘Stardust, what’s wrong?’

  ‘No,’ Stardust wailed, her breath coming in noisy snorts.

  Gently Pippa shook her friend awake.

  ‘It’s all right,’ she soothed. ‘You’re safe now. It was just a bad dream.’

  Stardust struggled up, sleepily squinting at Pippa through the darkness as if she couldn’t quite remember who she was. Pippa smoothed a tangle of white forelock away from the Princess Pony’s eyes.

  ‘Better now?’ she asked.

  Stardust nuzzled at Pippa’s hand.

  ‘I was dreaming,’ she said flatly. ‘It was awful. It was Midsummer Day and we hadn’t found all the missing horseshoes. The moment the sun set everything went completely black and there was a terrible roaring sound. Stableside Castle collapsed and the island shrivelled up, leaving nothing but a lump of volcanic rock. All the ponies were huddled together on a tiny piece of land surrounded by sea. The tide was coming in, swirling around our hooves and rising quickly up our legs. There was nowhere to go to escape the water. Baroness Divine had wings and she flew over us, shrieking with laughter and telling us that from now on we must wear hoods and not tiaras.’

  Stardust clambered out of bed, picked up a comb and half-heartedly tugged it through her mane.

  ‘We’re not going to let that happen!’ Pippa said, taking the comb and brushing Stardust’s mane with long, calming strokes.

  ‘You’re such a good friend,’ Stardust neighed. ‘And perhaps we can find the last horseshoe.’

  Pippa hugged Stardust and walked over to the turret window.

  ‘It’s dawn,’ she said, pointing at the streaks of pink that stained the dark sky.

  Stardust picked up her pink jewelled tiara from the dressing table and hurriedly placed it on her head between her ears. Grabbing a cloth, she gave her hooves a quick polish. Usually Stardust spent ages getting ready so Pippa could tell that the nightmare had really frightened her.

  Pippa reached for the clothes that had magically appeared overnight and were laid out in a neat pile on the dressing table – her new outfit was a pretty stripy top and cut-off trousers.

  ‘I’m ready,’ Pippa said, shoving her feet into sandals.

  Stardust hesitated at the bedroom door.

  ‘Pippa,’ she whispered, her brown eyes suddenly looking too large for her face. ‘What if we don’t find it in time?’

  ‘We will,’ Pippa said, her confident tone masking her own fear, ‘if we work together!’

  Six days ago Pippa had just arrived at the seaside for a holiday with her family when two giant seahorses magically whisked her away to Chevalia, an island inhabited by talking ponies. There she had learnt that the enchanted island was in grave danger. Eight golden horseshoes were supposed to hang on an ancient wall in the Castle courtyard. Every Midsummer Day the horseshoes’ magical energy was renewed by the sun, ensuring that the island continued to thrive. But the horseshoes had been stolen and Pippa learnt that it was her quest to find them and bring them home in time for Midsummer Day. If she failed, Chevalia would fade away.

  With Stardust’s help she had managed to find seven of the missing horseshoes, but now Midsummer Day was here and if Pippa didn’t find the last one before sunset then it would all have been for nothing. Fear gripped her stomach like an icy hand. Leading the way out of the bedroom, she set off down the turret’s spiral ramp at a run.

  ‘Breakfast first,’ Stardust said, nosing open the dining-room door.

  Pippa was desperate to get going but Stardust was right – they needed a good breakfast before beginning their final search.

  Pippa was surprised to find that they weren’t the only early birds – Stardust’s brothers and sisters were already at their feeding troughs. No one seemed to be eating much, though. Princess Crystal rolled an apple around three times without even taking a bite and Prince Comet’s hot bran mash grew cold while he listlessly flicked through a book.

  ‘It’s the last day today,’ Princess Honey said bravely, as Pippa and Stardust squeezed in beside her.

  ‘Please don’t start to worry yet,’ Pippa said.

  She was shocked by Honey’s untidy appearance. Pretty Honey usually took such care of herself and was a regular customer at the Mane Street Salon, but this morning her mane was tangled and she wasn’t wearing any hoof polish.

  Pippa ate a dish of fresh fruit salad without tasting any of it.

  ‘We should go up the Volcano today,’ she declared. ‘I bet that’s where Divine has hidden the last horseshoe.’

  Yesterday Stardust and Pippa discovered that it was Baroness Divine, a courtier, who had stolen the horseshoes. She foolishly believed that she could make a better life for herself without the Royal Ponies.

  ‘That’s if she hasn’t already destroyed the horseshoe,’ Stardust said glumly.

  Comet snapped his book shut. ‘I don’t understand it. I thought every adult pony has read the ancient scrolls but clearly Divine hasn’t,’ he said. ‘If she had read them then she’d know how, a long time ago, Chevalia was little more than a volcano surrounded by the sea. It’s the eight golden horseshoes that allowed it to grow into the wonderful island it is today and they must have their magical energy renewed for all our sakes.’

  ‘Peggy told me that story yesterday,’ said Pippa. ‘She also mentioned her friend Nightingale, the scientist-magician.’

  Comet nodded. ‘Yes, it was Nightingale who discovered the magical gold buried in the volcanic rock. She used it to fashion the horseshoes.’

  ‘Mum used to tell me that story at bedtime but I thought it was just a s
tory for little foals.’ Stardust stared around the dining room. ‘Where is Mum? Is she still in bed?’

  ‘Mum and Dad were up long before us,’ Crystal answered. ‘I think they went to the courtyard.’

  ‘Let’s go and find them,’ Stardust said, leaving most of her oaty breakfast untouched.

  Queen Moonshine and King Firestar were indeed in the courtyard, standing close together and staring forlornly at the ancient Whispering Wall. Seven horseshoes sparkled in the early morning sun but, in spite of their brightness, Pippa’s eyes were drawn to the gap where the eighth horseshoe should have been hanging. The bare space made her feel like a failure.

  A shadow fell over the courtyard. Glancing up, Pippa saw Princess Cloud hovering above her in the air.

  Queen Moonshine called out a greeting to her daughter and Cloud swooped lower, taking care to keep her hooves away from the stone floor, because touching down would mean losing her wings.

  ‘I’ve got a plan,’ the Queen said urgently. ‘Cloud, if you rub noses with every pony on the island then, come sunset, when the island begins to fade, everyone could fly away to safety.’

  ‘But that would take Cloud ages,’ squeaked Stardust.

  ‘And where would the ponies go?’ asked Pippa.

  ‘They could find homes in the human world,’ the Queen said.

  Pippa shook her head. ‘Many of the ponies came here from the human world because they were neglected or treated badly there. We can’t send them back again. And it isn’t over yet – there’s still time to find the last missing horseshoe.’

  ‘Pippa MacDonald, you’ve already faced so many dangers in your quest and Chevalia is already in your debt. It’s not right for us to ask even more of you.’

  ‘I’m not giving up now.’ Pippa’s eyes burned with determination. ‘I promised to save Chevalia and I will!’

  ‘Stardust,’ said the Queen, ‘make your friend see sense. It’s too dangerous.’

  Stardust tossed her head. ‘No, Mum. Pippa is right. We can’t give up now, not when we’re so close to saving Chevalia.’

  The Queen sighed in acceptance. Reaching out, she nuzzled Stardust and Pippa closer and hugged them tight.

  ‘Stardust, you’re the bravest foal I know. And you, Pippa, are the most courageous girl.’

  Pippa flushed red.

  ‘You haven’t met any other girls,’ she said modestly.

  ‘I don’t have to,’ the Queen said with a smile. ‘So where will your search take you today?’

  ‘The Volcano,’ Pippa said immediately. ‘That’s where the hooded pony ran to with the horseshoes we found yesterday, which suggests the eighth one is hidden there as well.’

  Pippa knew that if she said it was Divine, the apparently loyal courtier, who had stolen the horseshoes, the Queen wouldn’t believe her. Pippa would have to prove it.

  ‘Then you know your path,’ said the Queen. ‘Good luck, Pippa. Good luck, Stardust. Keep safe.’

  Chapter 2

  Pippa rode Stardust out of the Castle and over the drawbridge, towards the base of the Volcano. As they began climbing the rugged Foothills the Volcano towered above them, its fiery top illuminating the sky. Now and then a puff of smoke rose in the air, spilling red cinders that drifted over the Cloud Forest and on to the lower slopes.

  ‘It’s getting hotter the closer we get to the Volcano,’ Stardust said, stopping to catch her breath.

  ‘I’ll walk,’ Pippa said, starting to slide from Stardust’s back.

  ‘No,’ the Princess Pony said quickly. ‘I like it when you ride me. It feels right.’

  She shied, narrowly avoiding a cloud of sparks as they shot to the ground.

  ‘Even the Volcano feels angry. Maybe this really is the end for Chevalia.’

  ‘Never,’ Pippa said vehemently.

  They continued in silence and soon they entered the mysterious Cloud Forest, home to the secretive unicorns. The forest felt cool and fresh. Pippa loved the way the sunlight filtered through the ancient trees, dappling the path with golden puddles of light. Stardust slowed down, weaving a careful path through the forest to avoid the enormous vines that trailed from branches like fantastic snakes. They were over halfway through the forest when the hairs on Pippa’s neck rose and her arms prickled with goosebumps. Convinced she was being watched, she looked around.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ asked Stardust.

  The forest around them was silent and still. As they stared into the cloudy gloom suddenly something jumped from a tree and stood on the path ahead. Stardust shied then burst out laughing.

  ‘Misty!’ she cried.

  Pippa appreciated once more just how similar Misty was to Stardust. The unicorn was almost identical to her friend, from the tilt of her head to the tip of her snow-white tail. The only differences were the pretty golden horn at the top of Misty’s head and their size – Misty was the size of a large dog.

  ‘Hello!’ Misty’s musical voice bubbled with excitement. ‘Is it time already? Have you come to get us for the Midsummer Concert?’

  Stardust shook her head sadly.

  ‘I’m sorry, Misty, but there might not be a concert now. One of the horseshoes is still missing.’

  ‘No!’ Misty gasped. ‘But it’s Midsummer Day.’

  ‘That’s why we’re here. We’re on our way to the Volcano – we think the horseshoe could be hidden there,’ Pippa said.

  They quickly told Misty everything that had happened since the unicorns had helped them retrieve a missing horseshoe from the Cloud Forest.

  ‘That’s awful.’ Misty’s eyes were wide with alarm. ‘I’m coming with you.’

  ‘It might be dangerous,’ Stardust warned her.

  ‘It’ll be more dangerous if the horseshoe isn’t found,’ Misty answered.

  The trio set off at a brisk trot. It was fun having Misty with them. She knew the Cloud Forest like the back of her hoof and showed them a much quicker route through it. But it was still a long way.

  Finally, they emerged from the treeline at the base of the Volcano and continued up its blackened slopes. The ground grew hotter and Stardust and Misty hopped from hoof to hoof, trying to avoid stepping on the lumps of hot volcanic rock. The path twisted and turned and, as they trotted round a corner, Stardust came to an abrupt halt. Misty almost ran into her and only just stopped in time. A giant river of molten lava blocked the path. Pippa turned her face away from the fiery heat rising from the bubbling red liquid.

  ‘That was close,’ Stardust said, carefully stepping backward. ‘We’ll have to find another way round.’

  Pippa considered the bubbling lava which stretched as far as she could see in both directions.

  ‘That could take ages,’ she said. ‘It would be much quicker to cross it.’

  Her brain whirred with images as she tried to work out a solution. Luckily one came to her.

  ‘Misty, could you freeze the lava with your magical horn?’

  ‘I’ve never frozen something so hot before,’ Misty said doubtfully. ‘But I’ll try.’

  Bravely she stepped right up to the edge of the flowing lava.

  ‘Careful,’ Pippa warned, as a shower of sparks cascaded to the ground.

  Misty lowered her head until the tip of her horn touched the lava. She winced then shied away.

  ‘It’s not working,’ she said sadly. ‘It’s too hot and it burnt me. Plus I can sense that the lava has a magic of its own. My magic would never be strong enough to freeze it.’

  As if the lava river was aware of its audience, it began to hiss. Bubbles rose to the surface, rapidly growing to the size of balloons before popping. They smelt of rotten eggs.

  Stardust wrinkled her nose.

  ‘Pooey! That’s disgusting.’

  ‘We’re going to have to jump it,’ Pippa said at last.

  ‘I can’t! It’s too wide,’ Stardust squeaked.

  ‘But there isn’t another way round.’

  Stardust edged away from the hissing lava.

‘I’m sorry, Pippa, but I can’t. It’s much too wide.’

  ‘I bet you could if you tried. You jumped much further than this yesterday when the wild ponies taught you how to free-trot.’

  Stardust stared at the molten lava rolling across their path. ‘Did I?’ she said in a small voice.

  ‘Yes, you did,’ Pippa said encouragingly, stroking her mane.

  ‘But I’m scared!’

  ‘I know,’ said Pippa. ‘But I’ve been scared so many times during our adventures and I always knew you’d help me. Why don’t we practise first? My mum always says practice makes perfect. Look – there are lots of boulders to jump over in preparation.’

  ‘All right,’ Stardust said finally.

  Turning away from the lava, she began to hop over boulders, starting with the smaller ones. Each time she cleared one Pippa cheered loudly. Misty joined in, stamping her hooves enthusiastically. Stardust’s confidence grew, until soon she was jumping large boulders, clearing them with ease.

  ‘Faster!’ urged Misty. ‘The faster you run at the jump the easier it is. Watch me.’

  Misty galloped towards a boulder almost twice her height. She cleared it with a triumphant flick of her hind hooves. Stardust stared in amazement. Singling out a boulder almost three times her height, she pawed at the ground then took off at a gallop.

  ‘Brilliant!’ Pippa shouted, as Stardust cleared the boulder with half a metre to spare.

  Stardust pulled up, her sides heaving as she struggled to catch her breath.

  ‘I’m ready,’ she said when she was breathing normally again.

  A shiver of fear ran down Pippa’s spine. Now that the moment had come to jump the lava river she didn’t want to do it.

  Swallowing back her panic, she said, ‘Let’s do it for Chevalia!’

  Stardust circled away from the lava river. She went so far away from it that for a second Pippa wondered if she was running away. Then she turned on her hind hooves. Taking a deep breath, she put her head down and galloped flat out towards the lava. A stride’s length away she sprang, muscles bunching as she launched herself skyward. Pippa’s face and arms glowed in the fiery heat beneath her. She held her breath, hardly daring to look down. Stardust hit the ground with a thump and galloped several strides before she was able to pull up.


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