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Merchant of Death: Money, Guns, Planes, and the Man Who Makes War Possible

Page 37

by Douglas Farah

AK-47s (Kalashnikov assault rifles)

  Al Asad (Iraq)


  Albright, Madeleine

  Allison, Graham

  Al Qaeda

  Bout quoted on


  diamonds and

  drug trafficking

  Madrid bombing and

  Massoud killed by

  ongoing Bout operations and

  September 11 attacks

  Al-Quds al-Arabi (London)

  Amnesty International

  Amputee and War Wounded Camp


  Força Aérea Popular de Angola (FAPA)

  UN intelligence on

  U.S. intelligence on

  See also União Nactional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA)

  Antiterror Unit (AU)

  Antonov planes

  Arefee, Abdul Shakur

  Ariana Afghan Airways

  Bin Laden and

  drug trafficking and

  U.S. intelligence about

  weapons trafficking and

  Armitage, Richard

  arms. See weapons

  Arms Export Control Act

  Arms Fixers, The

  Aspin, Les

  Aum Shinrikyo cult

  Austin, Kathi

  Baghdad International Airport (BIAP). See also Iraq

  Bah, Ibrahim

  Bahari, Nasir al-

  Balad Air Base (Iraq)

  Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)

  Barnes, David

  Bart, Devos

  Beacon Field Corp.

  Beers, Rand


  Air Cess

  Air Charter Center (ACC)

  arrest warrant for Bout

  Occidental Airlines

  “Operation Bloodstone,”

  Ostend airport activity by Bout

  Ruprah arrested by


  Bemba, Jean-Pierre

  Benjamin, Daniel

  Berger, Samuel R. “Sandy,”

  Bin Laden, Osama

  Ariana Afghan Airways and

  Chichakli and rewards offered by Taliban acquisition of weapons and

  See also Afghanistan; Al Qaeda; Taliban

  Blair, Tony. See also England

  Bloomfield, Lincoln P., Jr.

  Bockarie, Sam “Mosquito,”

  Boies, David

  Bosnia and Herzegovina

  Bout, Alla (wife)

  Bout, Sergei (brother)

  assets frozen by U.S.

  interview of

  Taliban and

  Bout, Viktor

  arrest warrants for

  assets frozen

  biographical information

  business acumen of

  business competition of

  business diversification by

  businesses registered in U.S.

  homes of

  identity/aliases of

  interviews of

  as “merchant of death,”

  personality of

  planes acquired by

  planes registered by

  present-day activities of

  Taylor and

  as “transnational threat,”

  travel ban on

  U.S. contracts, continued reliance


  U.S. contracts confirmed

  U.S. contracts investigated

  U.S. contracts monitored by journalists, UN

  U.S. contracts suspected

  U.S. travel plans of

  weapons acquired by

  See also airline personnel; individual names of businesses and associates

  Bowen, Stuart

  Branch Energy

  Bremer, L. Paul

  British Gulf International


  Burj al Arab

  Burkina Faso

  Busch, Gary

  Bush, George H. W.

  Bush, George W.

  Bout arrest and

  Bout sanctions and

  foreign policy of

  2000 presidential election

  See also Afghanistan; Iraq; individual names of U.S. agencies

  Cage, Nicolas

  Camps, Antonov An-8

  Candids, Antonov An-8

  cell phones

  Cen Sad/Sin Sad

  Centrafrican Airlines

  Central African Republic (CAR)

  Central Command (Centcom)


  Chandler, Michael

  Chapman, Keith


  chemical weapons

  Cheney, Dick

  Chichakli, Richard

  Air Bas incorporated by

  on Air Pass

  assets frozen by U.S.

  Bout businesses in U.S. and

  Bout statement by

  international travel ban on

  on Transavia

  U.S. contracts with Bout and

  children, as soldiers


  Christopher, Warren


  in Africa

  Bout identified by

  rendition practice of

  on Taliban, Al Qaeda

  U.S. intelligence community cooperation and

  on U.S.-Bout contracts

  Clarke, Richard A.

  arrest warrant pursued

  Bout task force assembled

  Bush administration pursuit of Bout

  intelligence on Taliban

  interagency cooperation and

  on Russian corruption

  Scheuer and

  Clinton, Bill

  on Ariana Afghan Airways

  Bosnia conflict and

  Bout arrest warrant and

  Bout task force assembled

  early U.S. intelligence on Bout

  foreign policy of

  “Plan Colombia,”

  prioritization of Africa

  See also individual names of U.S. agencies


  Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)




  Committee on Transnational Threats

  Compagnie Aérienne des Grands Lacs

  Compaore, Blaise


  Cook, Robin

  Côte d’Ivoire. See also Ivory Coast

  Council of Foreign Relations

  Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG)

  Cressey, Roger


  Daniszewski, John

  Dart, Kenneth

  Defense Energy Support Center (DESC)

  Defense Intelligence Agency

  Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

  Bout’s humanitarian gestures in

  Goma, Bakuvu airports

  Kabila in power

  See also Zaire

  Dennisenko, Sergei

  De Smet, Ronald

  De Temmerman, Luc



  Al Qaeda

  “blood diamonds,”

  Lebanon and

  Liberia and

  Sierra Leone and

  smuggled into U.S.

  Zaire and

  Dobby, Jerry

  D’Olivera, Jan

  Dolphin Airlines

  Dostum, Abdul Rashid

  Doungovo, Fulbert Armand

  Draulans, Dirk

  D&R Sporting Goods

  drug trade

  Afghanistan and

  Colombia and

  Taliban and

  U.S. intelligence on


  East Germany

  Emirates Bank International

  end-user certificates


  Bout pursued by

  intelligence on Bout

  intelligence-sharing with U.S.


  “Operation Bloodstone,”

  Taylor monitored by

  Equatorial Guinea


  Escobar, Pablo

  European Union (EU)

  Council of Ministers

  protest to Russia about Bout

  See also individual names of countries

  Evening Standard (London)

  Executive Outcomes (EO)

  Exparc Air

  Eyadema, Gnassingbe

  Falcon Express Cargo Airlines

  Farhadi, Ravan

  Faso, Burkina


  intelligence community cooperation and

  Ruprah and

  Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

  Federal Express

  Feingold, Russell

  Fenzel, Michael

  Financial Times (London)


  Flying Dolphin

  Focus on Africa (BBC)

  Força Aérea Popular de Angola (FAPA)

  Foreign Affairs

  Fowler, Robert

  Frames International Travel


  Freeh, Louis

  fueling records


  Gaddafi, Muammar. See also Libya

  Galleoti, Mark


  Gambia New Millennium

  Gbagbo, Laurent

  General Service Administration (GSA)



  Goldblatt, Steve

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Gore, Al

  Great Lakes Business Company

  Guardian (Manchester, England)

  Guevara, Ernesto “Che,”


  Gul, Janat

  Hain, Peter

  Hall, Wendy


  Hamiedullah (Janat Gul)

  Handy, John W.

  Harridine, Michael

  Harrowell, Alexander

  Hatfield, Frank

  Hayat, Ahmet Muslem



  Hirsch, John

  Hogendoorn, E. J.

  Hooper, Jack

  Houphouët-Boigny, Félix

  Human Rights Watch

  Hussein, Saddam


  Ilyushin planes

  Inchuk, Alexei

  Inderfurth, Karl “Rick,”

  Institute of Policy Studies

  International Court of Justice (The Hague)

  International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA)

  International Peace Information Service (IPIS)


  Interservices Intelligence Directorate (ISI)



  Bout income from U.S. contracts

  contracts confirmed

  contracts exposed

  contracts investigated

  contracts monitored by journalists, UN

  U.S. airlift


  continued use of

  fuel records

  monitored by journalists, UN

  replacement of

  See also Iraq

  Islam, rise of militant factions in

  Islamov, Alexander




  Ivory Coast. See also Côte d’Ivoire

  Jackson, Reverend Jesse

  Jammeh, Yahya A. J. J.

  Jet Line, Inc.

  Jobe, Baba


  Kabila, Laurent

  Kabiwar, Dinu

  Kabulov, Zamir

  Kagame, Paul

  Kakharov, Maridiboy

  Kangunga, Alcides Lucas “Kallias,”

  KAS Engineering


  KEC International

  Kellogg, Brown, and Root (KBR)

  Kelly, Paul V.

  Kerrick, Donald

  Kerry, John

  Ketov, Vladislav

  Khodorkovsky, Mikhail


  Kouwenhoven, Gus


  Kyrgyzstan Air Star Company (KAS)

  Lakhiyalov, Apandi

  Landesman, Peter

  Latif, Abdul

  Lauwereins, Ronny

  Lavrov, Sergei


  Lebedev, Viktor


  Belgrade shipments to

  helicopters supplied to

  Liberian Aircraft Register

  Liberian International Shipping and Corporate Registry (LISCR)

  Liberian Special Security Service

  Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD)

  planes registered in

  Ruprah and

  rutile mines

  ship registry in

  Slovak shipment to

  UN sanctions against

  U.S. Senate inquiry

  weapons demand in

  See also Taylor, Charles

  Libya. See also Gaddafi, Muammar

  London Sunday Telegraph

  Lord of War

  Los Angeles Times

  on Al Qaeda

  on Bout-U.S. contracts

  on Taliban

  Wolosky, Wechsler op-ed


  Madrid, Spain

  Makhtoum, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al

  Mankhayev, Sergei

  Mansour, Mullah Akhtar Mohammed

  Massoud, Ahmad Shad “Lion of the Panjshir,”

  Mbeki, Thabo

  McVeigh, Timothy

  Melrose, Joseph

  Merckx, Dirck


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