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Mythe & Magick

Page 10

by Shiloh Walker

  “Stop thinking about it,” he whispered. He leaned down, cursing himself, but knowing it was for the best. Catching her eyes with his, he waited until she was staring at him and he focused, then he pulled her under.

  She slumped forward, asleep.

  He took her from the bike, carrying her inside the cabin. He lay down with her on the bed, wrapping his big body around her smaller one and whispered into her ear, “You’re mine, Jordan. I’m sorry he hurt you, but I’m glad it happened. Because now I can have you, and I’m going to keep you.”

  You’re mine, Jordan. I’m sorry he hurt you, but I’m glad it happened. Because now I can have you, and I’m going to keep you.

  Jordan heard the rumbled words distantly in her sleep, and wondered if she was dreaming.

  There was something else hovering at the edge of her consciousness, something awful, that she didn’t want to think about. She shied away from it, and burrowed into the warm presence that curled around her, shutting whatever that awful thing was away.

  That’s it, baby. You don’t have to think about it. She sighed, rolled over. Rubbed her cheek against a broad, warm chest. Lee? She wondered absently. Then she shuddered. Not Lee. Lee had done something…he was what she didn’t want think about.

  No. It’s not Lee. Sleep, Jordan. Just sleep, baby.

  With a sigh, she slid deeper into sleep and shuddered as a big, broad hand stroked down her back and settled on her hip, pulling her lower body closer to the wonderful source of heat.

  He was right. There was nothing really worth thinking about, was there?

  No. Nothing at all.

  Chapter Three

  Even in her sleep, she had realized it wasn’t Lee holding her. Angelo was trying hard not to be too satisfied with that as he slid from the bed. He laid a hand on her brow and told himself he was just doing it for her own good as he made sure she wasn’t going to wake up too soon.

  She seriously did need to sleep.

  About ten years ago Angelo had developed a new talent, something connected to his empathy, something that allowed him to do what he had done to Jordan earlier. Just guided her into sleep. He had used it to hypnotize others before, a few times. He used it rarely because he was uncomfortable with it. People shouldn’t have gifts that could allow them to coerce others.

  And if Jordan hadn’t been through what she had been through today…

  Damn it, he really wanted ten minutes alone with Lee. Just ten fucking minutes. How in the fuck—

  He felt the pressure on his mind and left the room before he acknowledged it. It was Lee, looking for him. The touch was like a knocking on the inside of his mind. Angelo could have ignored him but there was no point. Yet.

  What in the fuck do you want?

  Where in the hell are you? Where’s Jordan? Lee demanded.

  None of your business, bro. She gave you your ring back, remember?

  That’s for me and her to discuss. Bring her back. Otherwise, I’ll find her.

  Angelo smirked and flopped down on his couch, staring out the window into the darkness of the night. You can always try.

  He felt the presence of Lee’s reach as he probed and he felt Lee’s surprise as he easily deflected it. Surprise, big brother, Angelo said, laughing out loud. If you had bothered to keep in touch, you might have realized little brother has been discovering some new tricks.

  Jordan is mine, Lee said flatly. Lee’s mental voice was as clear to Angelo as though he was standing in the room. When he chose, he could even make others without the talent hear it. But Lee hadn’t realized that somewhere along the line, Angelo had picked up those same gifts. And Lee hadn’t developed any new talents at all.

  You don’t love her, Lee. You hurt her. Even if she never found out, you still hurt her. Kait was her best friend and you two betrayed her. It’s unforgivable. If you loved her, it wouldn’t have happened.

  Stay out of this, Angelo. You just want her because she’s mine, Lee warned.

  Wrong, Angelo said quietly. He opened his eyes and thought of Jordan, sleeping in his sprawling bed under the skylight, her eyes still swollen from the tears she had cried on the ride up here. She cried, Lee. For hours. You hurt her, and you don’t really care about anything except losing what she can do for you. She’s not yours.

  She’s mine now, and I’m keeping her, he said softly. Then he dropped his shields back in place, closing Lee off, easily and quickly. And none of the pounding Lee subjected him to could change that. He checked on Jordan, made sure she was still sleeping before he headed out.

  They needed food.

  He needed a few other things. He was going to mark his claim on her tonight…and what better way to do it than by giving her the fantasy he had seen lurking in her mind?

  Jordan awoke to the feel of Angelo sleeping at her back. A large, warm, oddly comforting presence. She squeezed her eyes closed against the memory of yesterday, and wished she had stayed in Williamsburg a few more days.

  But then she might not have found out for a long time.

  Maybe never.

  “Go back to sleep,” Angelo whispered against her ear, his voice low and rough.

  “I’ve slept enough,” she said hoarsely. “It’s not going to undo it.”

  “Hmmm. Guess not,” he murmured. She shuddered as he buried his face against her neck and breathed in deeply. The arm he had banded around her waist tightened. Jordan felt liquid heat pool in her belly, felt her sex clench. Against her butt, she felt the hard, firm length of Angelo’s cock. “You smell so sweet, Jordan.”


  “I’ve spent the past year hating my brother for having you,” he whispered, raking her neck with his teeth and rocking his cock into her, flattening his hand against her belly and holding her still. “If I had any idea he would have treated you like this…”

  Jordan’s breath caught in her throat as the hand that had been resting rather innocently on her belly slid up and cupped her breast. “I wanted you the first time I saw you, Jordan. You belonged to my brother and I couldn’t have you,” he told her as he rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Will you let me now?”

  No. That was what she should have said. But she was frozen and unable to answer as he rolled her onto her back and covered her mouth with his, driving his tongue deep inside to taunt and torment her while his hands went to the buttons on her shirt. His hands cupped her breasts as he ate at her mouth, hungrily, avidly. Jordan gasped as he pinched her nipples through her bra, causing them to bead up into tight, stiff points.

  His mouth left hers to close over one nipple, sucking roughly through the lace. Jerking it down, the lace pressed against her breast, framing it, the aureole red and tight from his touch. “Will you, Jordan? I want you, want to taste you, touch you, fuck you. You want it, don’t you? Lee treated you like a lady, didn’t he? You want to be treated like a woman, not a doll,” he murmured as he licked and nuzzled her breast, then moved across and shoved the lace down from her other breast.

  Lifting up, he studied her, the lace from her underwire bra pushed down, framing her breasts, pushing them higher. “That’s pretty,” he decided, then he lifted his chocolate eyes and studied her green ones. “I know what you want, what you dream about. I can give you that and more,” he whispered, bending low to catch one plump nipple and bite down hard enough, just this side of pain, watching as her lashes lifted, then fluttered down, while her back arched up and a shudder racked her long, slender body.

  She cried out as he slid his hand inside her loose-fitting, wide-legged black trousers, inside the black lace thong she wore, and pressed his fingers against her clit, rubbing it with slow, maddening strokes. She sobbed his name as he pushed two long, thick fingers inside her tight, wet vagina, quick and hard. Jordan closed her hands into his long, golden-blond hair, holding him tight against her.

  “Say yes, think yes, and I’ll know,” he told her as he fucked her with his fingers, moving higher on her body and staring into her eyes.
“I’ll show you things my brother would never dream of doing to you. He has this idea about how to treat you—and I know it doesn’t mesh with what you want, does it?”

  Mutely, she shook her head.

  Beguiling, he whispered, “Tell me yes, think it, and I’ll make you feel more loved and needed than you’ve ever felt in your life, Jordan.”

  “Yes,” she whimpered, then she screamed, “Please!” as he thrust his fingers high and hard, bringing her to quick and sudden climax. The muscles in her pussy clamped down on his fingers and she lifted up against him, riding it, rocking against him and clutching at his big, wide shoulders while she arched up and kissed him hungrily.

  Jordan was still a bit dazed when she felt him stretching her arms overhead. It was the cool snick of metal against her wrists that woke her out of her daze, she decided. If it wasn’t for the hungry, tender look in Angelo’s eyes, she might have been scared witless.

  But as he reached underneath her, grasping the neck of her shirt, all she could think was…

  Oh, man…

  She felt the shirt fall away from her shoulders with a loud, abrupt rip. He smiled, a slow, wolfish smile, as he ran his thumb along the edge of the scalloped lace of her bra. “It looks pretty, framing your breasts like that. We can leave it. And your pants won’t be so much trouble.” And they weren’t. He slid them off, quick and easy as you please, sliding the flats of his hands down her legs, slowly caressing them with a slow, downward stroke as he stripped the article of clothing away, leaving her black lace thong in place.

  “And that’s pretty, too,” he mused, brushing the back of his fingers against it. “Let’s have a taste.”

  She cried out when he grabbed her thighs, spread them wide and pressed his face against the lace, stabbing his tongue against it, sucking at her clit greedily, until she was rocking up against him. He jerked the lace out of the way, used two fingers to part the lips of her sex, and speared her with his tongue, groaning as her taste flooded his mouth. Jordan flexed her wrists against the cuffs that held her hands pinned, sobbing when he moved higher, fastening his mouth on her clit and suckling, then working two fingers back inside her slippery wet pussy.

  She made a soft, forlorn sound low in her throat when he pulled away, and he laughed, pressing kisses to her navel, her torso, her nipples, her neck as he moved up her body. When he kissed her, deep and rough, she tasted herself on him, and blushed, trying to pull away. “Mmmm, no, baby. Can’t have that,” he murmured, holding her face still with one hand. He pulled his fingers from the tight grip of her pussy and used them to paint her cream onto her lips, watching as blood stained her cheeks red. “Dessert,” he crooned. “My favorite.” Then he captured her face with his hands and caught her mouth roughly with his. Kissing her voraciously, groaning deep and low in his chest, he plunged his tongue deep, and thrust his jeans-covered cock against the softness of her belly.

  She shuddered as he released her face long enough to jerk at the opening of his jeans, freeing his cock. She felt it burning into her belly, hard as rock, silky smooth, hotter than a branding iron. A soft gentle brush inside her head. When Lee made love to you, did he use a rubber? Angelo purred as he took her mouth again, kissing her deeply while he forced his thoughts into her head.

  Only…Lee had told her Angelo couldn’t do that.

  Lee doesn’t know me as well as he thinks. Answer me. When he touched you, when he fucked you, did he wear a rubber?

  Yes, she thought as disgust and shame rolled through her. He had been her only lover, and she hadn’t thought it was necessary. She was on the pill for crying out loud, and she hated the smell, the feel of latex. Lee had told her they needed the extra protection.

  Maybe you did, Angelo whispered inside her mind. But we don’t.

  Whimpering low in her throat, she rocked against him, squirmed and wriggled, dying to feel him inside, feel him fuck her hard—

  A loud scream escaped her as he did just that, using his thighs to spread hers wide and taking his cock in hand, aiming for her entrance and driving in to the hilt with one long, ruthless thrust that stole her breath. Burning, tearing pressure arced through her as molten pleasure flooded her groin and spilled outward. Jordan’s heart started to pound with slow, thrumming beats that echoed in her womb as he pulled out and surged back inside, lifting his head and staring down into her eyes as he joined his naked flesh to hers.

  “You don’t have any idea how long, how badly I’ve wanted to do this,” he muttered, reaching up and unlocking one of the cuffs, so that her hands came free. Pinning her wrists with one of his hands, he held her down as he started to thrust deep and hard, shuddering at the wet, clinging clasp of her pussy on his cock. “Every damn time…I thought of Lee…touching you like this…”

  “He never did,” she whimpered, arching her hips, trying to hold him inside as he pulled out. “Not like this.”

  He smiled, a sexy, lopsided curl of his mouth that heated her insides even more. “Never made you feel like I will,” he promised hotly, as he released her wrists and rose to his knees, catching her thighs and opening her legs wide, draping them over his forearms and staring down at the display she made, her labia spread wide around the thickness of his cock, her clit hard, gleaming and swollen.

  Pushing slowly back inside her, he whispered, “Play with yourself, Jordan. Show me how you like to be touched. So I can do it later.”

  The blood rose again to her cheeks as she slowly slid one of her freed hands down, the cuff still dangling from her wrist as she stroked her clit in slow, hesitant circles. He cocked a brow at her, his blond hair spilling into his dark eyes. “Is that really how you like it?” he asked doubtfully as he drove his cock high and hard inside her, bringing a gasp to her lips.

  She arched up, lifting her breasts, a moan falling from her as the pleasure streaked through her in hot, fast licks. Quickly, she circled her fingers around her clit, falling into a familiar rhythm. “That’s better,” he purred in praise, hunkering over her and settling into a deep, driving rhythm that had his large muscled body shuddering, his balls drawing taut against his body. Her tight, narrow little vagina hugged him snugly, her slender torso heaving as she panted for air, her rounded little breasts topped with tightly drawn nipples, red and peaked.

  Her slim fingers started to gleam from her cream as she stroked her clit, her lids drooping, her head arching back while she hummed in her throat. “Damn…” she sighed, her tongue sliding out to wet her lips. An orgasm was starting to build. She could feel it. And it was gonna be massive…every muscle in her body was starting to tighten, the muscles in her thighs quivering as he held them splayed with his big hands. The thick head of his cock rasped over the rich bed of nerves buried at the mouth of her womb, once, twice, then a third time, as she lightly scraped her nails over her clit. Jordan’s back arched up and she went screaming into orgasm, the muscles in her sheath locking down and convulsing on his cock.

  He groaned, sounding like he was in agony, and slammed into her repeatedly, his large body crushing down on her, trapping her hand between them. He took her mouth savagely, hungrily, driving his tongue inside and stealing her breath. His thoughts barreled into her brain and she trembled, overwhelmed by the force of the orgasm ripping through her, by the force of his need and emotions…tight wet, love you sweet…damn it…not letting you go, baby…don’t ask me to…

  She wrapped the arm not trapped between them around his neck and held him tightly as her vagina spasmed around his cock. He drove deep one last time and held there, his length jerking violently as he started to come, jetting her full of his hot, creamy seed, his body shaking violently. Under the pressure of his mouth, Jordan sobbed and held him tightly as she felt her body fly over into places she hadn’t thought she could ever go. So it wasn’t just make-believe—a climax could really make that happen. Her toes curled, her body slowly relaxing as Angelo rolled his hips in the cradle of her thighs and lightened his kiss, brushing softly against her mouth.

Chapter Four

  He could feel the slow, heavy pounding of her heart, the blissful satisfaction that flooded her, the almost dazed confusion. The embarrassment.

  Angelo…? she kept thinking.

  “Hmm,” she hummed with pleasure as he lifted his head to study her, her face glowing, damp, her eyes sultry.

  “I love you,” he said softly, meeting her eyes. “I’m not expecting anything from you once we leave here, but I am going to pursue you, and I will have you. I just thought I should I give you fair warning.”

  Her pretty, green eyes widened and her mouth parted. “You hardly know me,” she stuttered.

  One corner of his mouth curled up in a smile. Angelo sighed and shook his head. “I know you. I’ve always known you Jordan, even before I met you. I knew the minute I saw you climb out of Lee’s car that you were with the wrong brother. But he’s my brother…what I was supposed to do? Kidnap you? Steal you behind his back? Granted, Lee has no problem operating that way,” he mused, remembering. Then he shook his head, threw off old memories. “I think I always knew something would happen, so I could wait. Or maybe I’m just being sentimental. But you weren’t right for Lee. And he doesn’t deserve you.”

  He watched as her eyes widened, then fluttered closed while he surged back inside her. “Did he ever, even once, make you feel like this?” he murmured, lowering his head and catching one tightly pearled nipple in his mouth. Her taste, salty now from their loving, but sweet and so her, so very…Jordan, intoxicated him. The tight clasp of her sex, wet from her cream, his come…he shuddered with pleasure as he pushed back inside, rising to his knees and gripping her slim hips while pulling her upright and guiding her legs around his waist. “Did he?”

  “No,” she moaned, rolling her hips against his, catching her lower lip between her teeth and whimpering with sheer pleasure as he used his hold on her hips to pull her completely down, imbedding his thick, burning length inside her. He reached behind her, lubricating his fingers and drawing the moisture up and back, watching her eyes as he started to probe the tiny pucker of her ass.


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