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The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change

Page 64

by Al Gore


  196 in order to protect a tiny portion of the industry’s profits

  Emad Mekay, “Beef Lobby Blocks Action on Mad Cow, Activists Say,” Inter Press Service, January 8, 2004,; Charles Abbott, “Analysis: U.S. Mad Cow Find: Lucky Break or Triumph of Science?,” Reuters, April 25, 2012.

  197 a regulation that embodies the intent of the law rejected

  “Obama Bans ‘Downer’ Cows from Food Supply,” Associated Press, March 14, 2009.

  198 could be reversed by Obama’s successor


  199 In 1922, a “model eugenical sterilization law”

  Paul A. Lombardo, Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008), p. 91.

  200 were sterilized under laws similar to Laughlin’s design

  Alex Wellerstein, “Harry Laughlin’s ‘Model Eugenical Sterilization Law,’ ”

  201 were burdensome to the state because of the expense

  Paul Lombardo, “Eugenic Sterilization Laws,” Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement,

  202 people who were reproducing at rates not possible in the past

  Jonathan D. Moreno, The Body Politic: The Battle Over Science in America (New York: Bellevue Literary Press, 2011), p. 67.

  203 he obviously believed they were heritable

  Ibid., p. 67.

  204 Laughlin was himself an epileptic

  Wellerstein, “Harry Laughlin’s ‘Model Eugenical Sterilization Law.’ ”

  205 Europe was influential in forming the highly restrictive quota system


  206 influenced by deep confusion over what evolution really means

  Moreno, The Body Politic, pp. 64–67.

  207 Sir Francis Galton, and was then popularized by Herbert Spencer

  Ibid., p. 65.

  208 based on the crackpot ideas of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck


  209 after their birth were genetically passed on to their offspring


  210 was also promoted in the Soviet Union by Trofim Lysenko

  “Trofim Denisovich Lysenko,” Encyclopaedia Britannica,

  211 mainstream genetics during the three decades


  212 Geneticists who disagreed with Lysenko were secretly arrested

  Ibid.; Moreno, The Body Politic, p. 69.

  213 some were found dead in unexplained circumstances

  “Trofim Denisovich Lysenko,” Encyclopaedia Britannica; Moreno, The Body Politic, p. 69.

  214 that biological theory conform with Soviet agricultural needs

  “Trofim Denisovich Lysenko,” Encyclopaedia Britannica.

  215 rather those that were best adapted to their environments

  Michael Shermer, “Darwin Misunderstood,” February 2009,

  216 “undesirables,” and had enabled them to proliferate

  Moreno, The Body Politic, pp. 67–68.

  217 led to the proliferation of “undesirables” in the first place

  Ibid., pp. 69–70.

  218 quite a few reactionary advocates of eugenics


  219 described as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center

  Ibid., p. 70; Southern Poverty Law Center, Intelligence Files, “Pioneer Fund,”

  220 founding president was none other than Harry Laughlin

  Wellerstein, “Harry Laughlin’s ‘Model Eugenical Sterilization Law.’ ”

  221 Eugenics also found support, historians say

  Moreno, The Body Politic, pp. 67–70.

  222 what was appropriate by way of state intervention in heredity


  223 theories that were even vaguely similar to that of Nazism

  Ibid., pp. 67–69.

  224 debate over current proposals that some have labeled “neo-eugenics”

  Leroi, “The Future of Neo-Eugenics.”

  225 half of all Americans still say they do not believe in evolution

  Gallup, “In U.S., 46% Hold Creationist View of Human Origins,” June 1, 2012,

  226 one of the more than two dozen state eugenics laws

  Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200, May 2, 1927.

  227 the young woman, Carrie Buck, had already had a child

  University of Virginia—Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, “Carrie Buck, Virginia’s Test Case,” 2004,

  228 “Three generations of imbeciles are enough”

  Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200, May 2, 1927.

  229 which has never been overturned

  Dan Vergano, “Re-Examining Supreme Court Support for Sterilization,” USA Today, November 19, 2008.

  230 had been forcibly sterilized

  Stephen Jay Gould, “Carrie Buck’s Daughter,” Natural History, July 1985.

  231 Buck was lucid and of normal intelligence


  232 who had been raped by a nephew of one of her foster parents

  “Carrie Buck, Virginia’s Test Case.”

  233 to avoid what they feared would otherwise be a scandal

  Vergano, “Re-Examining Supreme Court Support for Sterilization.”

  234 had syphilis and was unmarried when she gave birth to Carrie

  “Carrie Buck, Virginia’s Test Case.”

  235 declared Buck “congenitally and incurably defective”

  Vergano, “Re-Examining Supreme Court Support for Sterilization.”

  236 “The fix was in”


  237 “shiftless, ignorant, and worthless”

  “Carrie Buck, Virginia’s Test Case.”

  238 “There is a look about it that is not quite normal”


  239 was taken from her family and given to the family of Carrie’s rapist

  Vergano, “Re-Examining Supreme Court Support for Sterilization.”

  240 Carrie’s sister, Doris, was also sterilized at the same institution

  Gould, “Carrie Buck’s Daughter.”

  241 which was the basis for the Virginia statute upheld

  Alex Wellerstein, “Harry Laughlin’s ‘Model Eugenical Sterilization Law.’ ”

  242 President Woodrow Wilson

  Vergano, “Re-Examining Supreme Court Support for Sterilization.”

  243 Alexander Graham Bell

  Glenn Kessler, “Herman Cain’s Rewriting of Birth-Control History,” Washington Post, Fact Checker blog, November 1, 2011,

  244 Margaret Sanger


  245 remain celibates or have no children or only one or two

  Harry Bruinius, Better for All the World: The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America’s Quest for Racial Purity (New York: Knopf, 2006), pp. 190–91.

  246 “To assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit”

  Lori Robertson, “Cain’s False Attack on Planned Parenthood,”, November 1, 2011,

  247 “More children from the fit, less from the unfit”

  Daniel J. Kevles, In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity (New York: Knopf, 1985), p. 90.

  248 “mixed-race individuals, single mothers with many children”

  Nicole Pasulka, “Forced Sterilization for Transgender People in Sweden,” Mother Jones, January 25, 2012.

9 From 1972


  250 could officially change his or her gender identification

  Nicole Pasulka, “Sweden Moves to End Forced Sterilization of Transgender People,” Mother Jones, February 24, 2012.

  251 “However, the Stockholm Administrative Court”

  Rebecca Nelson, “Transgender People in Sweden No Longer Face Forced Sterilization,” Time, January 14, 2013.

  252 “Sixteen other European countries”

  Ibid.; Zack Ford, “Sweden Ends Forced Sterilization of Transgender People,” Think Progress, January 11, 2013,; Pasulka, “Forced Sterilization for Transgender People in Sweden.”

  253, 254 apparently began in 2004 and became official state policy

  Natalia Antelava, “Uzbekistan Carrying Out Forced Sterilisations, Say Women,” Guardian, April 20, 2012.

  255 allegations by escaped activist Chen Guangcheng

  Ashley Hayes, “Activists Allege Forced Abortions, Sterilizations in China,” CNN, April 30, 2012,

  256 paid a bonus for each person who is sterilized

  Gethin Chamberlain, “UK Aid Helps to Fund Forced Sterilisation of India’s Poor,” Guardian, April 14, 2012.

  257 already completed the full genomes of fifty animal and plant species

  “The Dragon’s DNA,” Economist.

  258 But China’s principal focus seems to be

  Tam, “Scientists Seek to Unravel the Mystery of IQ.”

  259 China’s National Gene Bank in Shenzhen

  “China Establishes National Gene Bank in Shenzhen,” Xinhua News Agency.

  260 which genes are involved in determining intelligence

  Tam, “Scientists Seek to Unravel the Mystery of IQ.”

  261 link genetic information about a child to intelligence

  “Bob Abernathy’s Interview with Francis Collins,” PBS Religion and Ethics Weekly, November 7, 2008.

  262 eventually genes associated with intelligence may well be identified

  Moheb Costandia, “Genetic Variants Build a Smarter Brain,” Science, June 19, 2012.

  263 measured by Moore’s Law

  Ian H. Stevenson and Konrad P. Kording, “How Advances in Neural Recording Affect Data Analysis,” Nature Neuroscience 14, no. 2 (February 2011): 139–42.

  264 which has only 302 neurons, has been completed

  Jonah Lehrer, “Neuroscience: Making Connections,” Nature, January 28, 2009.

  265 Nevertheless, with an estimated 100 billion neurons


  266 and at least 100 trillion synaptic connections

  “Scientists Have New Help Finding Their Way Around Brain’s Nooks and Crannies,” ScienceDaily, August 9, 2011,

  267 mapping all of the proteins that are expressed by the genes

  Human Genome Project, “The Science Behind the Human Genome Project: From Genome to Proteome,” March 26, 2008,

  268 which themselves adopt multiple geometric forms

  Jie Lang et al., “Geometric Structures of Proteins for Understanding Folding, Discriminating Natives and Predicting Biochemical Functions,” 2009,

  269 biochemical modifications after they are translated by the genes

  Christopher Walsh et al., “Protein Posttranslational Modifications: The Chemistry of Proteome Diversifications,” Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 44 (2005): 7342–72.

  270 “in extraordinarily complex biochemical cascades”

  Evan R. Goldstein, “The Strange Neuroscience of Immortality,” Chronicle of Higher Education, July 16, 2012.

  271 Exploiting advances in the new field of optogenetics

  Karl Deisseroth, “Optogenetics: Controlling the Brain with Light,” Scientific American, October 20, 2010.

  272 corresponding genes, which then become optical switches

  Matthew Hougan and Bruce Altevogt, From Molecules to Minds: Challenges for the 21st Century (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2008).

  273 observe its effects on other neurons with a green light

  Ibid.; Carl E. Schoonover and Abby Rabinowitz, “Control Desk for the Neural Switchboard,” New York Times, May 16, 2011.

  274 control of symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease

  Amy Barth, “Controlling Brains with a Flick of a Light Switch,” Discover Magazine, September 2012.

  275 by having each category light up in a different color

  Hougan and Altevogt, From Molecules to Minds; Schoonover and Rabinowitz, “Control Desk for the Neural Switchboard.”

  276 much more detailed visual map of neuronal connections

  Hougan and Altevogt, From Molecules to Minds.

  277 decoding other parts of the connectome is thereby accelerated

  Joshua T. Vogelstein, “Q&A: What Is the Open Connectome Project?,” Neural Systems & Circuits, November 18, 2011.

  278 scans of body parts, tracks blood flow in the brain to neurons

  “Shiny New Neuroscience Technique (Optogenetics) Verifies a Familiar Method (fMRI),” Discover Magazine, May 17, 2010.

  279 take in blood containing the oxygen and glucose needed for energy

  Ibid.; Leonie Welberg, “Brain Metabolism: Astrocytes Bridge the Gap,” Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10, no. 86 (February 2009): 86.

  280 difference between oxygenated blood and oxygen-depleted blood

  “Major Advance in MRI Allows Much Faster Brain Scans,” ScienceDaily, January 5, 2011.

  281 identify which areas of the brain are active at any given moment

  “Shiny New Neuroscience Technique (Optogenetics) Verifies a Familiar Method (fMRI),” Discover Magazine.

  282 discoveries about where specific functions are located in the brain

  Pagan Kennedy, “The Cyborg in Us All,” New York Times Magazine, September 18, 2011.

  283 at the University of Cambridge in England

  David Cyranoski, “Neuroscience: The Mind Reader,” Nature, June 13, 2012.

  284 select pictures that are then displayed on the iPhone’s screen

  Kennedy, “The Cyborg in Us All.”

  285 empower users to control objects on a computer screen

  Katia Moskovitch, “Real-Life Jedi: Pushing the Limits of Mind Control,” BBC, October 9, 2011.

  286 “muscle rhythms rather than real neural activity”

  Clive Cookson, “Healthcare: Into the Cortex,” Financial Times, July 31, 2012.

  287 headset to allow thought control of other electronic devices

  Moskovitch, “Real-Life Jedi.”

  288 approach to build wheelchairs and robots controlled by thoughts

  Cookson, “Healthcare: Into the Cortex.”

  289 Four other companies

  Moskovitch, “Real-Life Jedi.”

  290 that enable soldiers to communicate telepathically

  Kennedy, “The Cyborg in Us All.”

  291 devoting more than $6 million to the project


  292 target date for completion of the prototype device is 2017

  “Pentagon Plans for Telepathic Troops Who Can Read Each Others’ Minds … and They Could Be in the Field within Five Years,” Daily Mail, April 8, 2012.

  293 According to Nick Bostrom

  Nick Bostrom, “A History of Transhumanist Thought,” 2005,

  294 a ferment that continued into the twentieth century


  295 First used by Teilhard de Chardin


  296 “Shortly after, the human era will be ended”

  Vernor Vinge, “The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era,” 1993, http://www-rohan

  297 form that can be comprehended by and contained in advanced computers

  Lara Farrar, “Scientists: Humans and Machines Will Merge in Future,” CNN, July 15, 2008,

  298 “post-Singularity, between human and machine or between physical and virtual reality”


  299 has challenged Kurzweil to a $20,000 bet

  “By 2029 No Computer—or ‘Machine Intelligence’—Will Have Passed the Turing Test,” A Long Bet,

  300 before the computer-based “Technological Singularity” is ever achieved

  John Chelen, “Could the Organic Singularity Occur Prior to Kurzweil’s Technological Singularity?,” Science Progress, June 20, 2012.

  301 replace not only hips

  Ben Coxworth, “New Discovery Could Lead to Better Artificial Hips,” Gizmag, November 27, 2011,

  302 knees

  James Dao, “High-Tech Knee Holds Promise for Veterans,” New York Times, August 18, 2010.

  303 legs

  Alexis Okeowo, “A Once-Unthinkable Choice for Amputees,” New York Times, May 14, 2012.

  304 arms

  Thomas H. Maugh II, “Two Paralyzed People Successfully Use Robot Arm,” Los Angeles Times, May 16, 2012.

  305 but also eyes

  Carl Zimmer, “ ‘I See,’ Said the Blind Man with an Artificial Retina,” Discovery News, September 15, 2011.

  306 replaceable with artificial substitutes

  Richard Yonck, “The Path to Future Intelligence,” Psychology Today, May 13, 2011; Rob Beschizza, “Mechanical Fingers Give Strength, Speed to Amputees,” Wired, July 2, 2007.

  307 Cochlear implants, as noted, are used to restore hearing

  “Cochlear Implants Restore Hearing in Rare Disorder,” Science Daily, April 20, 2012.

  308 exoskeletons to enable paraplegics to walk

  Melissa Healy, “Body Suit May Soon Enable the Paralyzed to Walk,” Los Angeles Times, October 6, 2011.

  309 confer additional strength on soldiers

  Susan Karlin, “Raytheon Sarcos’s Exoskeleton Nears Production,” IEEE Spectrum, August 2011.

  310 bespoke in-ear hearing aids are already made with 3D printers

  Quest Means Business, CNN transcript, November 8, 2012,; Nick Glass, “Pitch Perfect: The Quest to Create the World’s Smallest Hearing Aid,” CNN, November 9, 2012,


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