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Dave Cameron and the Extraterrestrial

Page 16

by V Bertolaccini

  He recalled the Prime Minister had made an agreement with the three soldiers as he could not find the treasure, and they had found the well for him, and they were searching the well for the treasure for him.

  Yet he had not seen the soldier before at the army camp, which was up passed where Hess’s plane had crashed, where the army had set up tents to look for the alien crash site!

  He was strange and moved and reacted strangely as if he knew him but never, and he watched him move right up to where the well was, where he could hear him, and listened intensely.

  At the side of his eye, like a hallucination, he caught sight of a strange translucence cat formation emerging from the well and they both froze unable to move, and he watched the soldier alter and look like him and the Prime Minister, and he realized that the alien had altered his past and him into having a similar character and name, as it was not able to properly merge them together, as it did in its own universe.

  He watched it merge the Prime Minister and the soldier together, into one person, and he watched the remaining human with amazement, and he finally watched it put itself into him, and hide away in a condensed form in his atoms, in a partially dormant hibernating state, and he realized his true identity.

  He was a combination of three individuals, and he realized why, and that the alien could see the future, and had seen its own death, of it an immortal extremely advance interdimensional extraterrestrial that had lived for millions of years, which it had never faced any form before, and it was a main entity of its species and of vast amounts of species of its universe, which had been sent in reply to a contact message on a peaceful mission, and that it had to return to its universe to warn them of this universe, and its dangers!

  It had invented and perfected a system of carrying out scenarios and finding what their results were, and it had worked through immense millions of future scenarios until it had found one that had worked, which allowed it to survive and leave the universe.

  Cameron realized his full identity, and realized he was mainly the soldier that he had seen, and that his originally life had been empty and that he would profit greatly from the agreement, and Cameron decided to accept it, and so did the Prime Minister part of him, until the interdimensional extraterrestrial left, and it intended to allow both of them to profit from the agreement.

  As Cameron stood staring into the horizon, slightly stunned, he realized the truth, and he realized that it had been the alien all along that had been behind everything, and he realized the army had suspected him as being in contact with it as the army was far more advanced now at the detection of it, and they had detected its presence from him, but it had not been powerful enough to have them react and that they had only monitored him, and they had also detected the Prime Minister’s in him from his DNA, which they had taken from objects he had at the army base.

  They had not touched him as he was the Prime Minister and he would not have been able to do the things the alien wanted without him the soldier.

  The three aliens had been sent to make contact and capture him on behalf of their race, and he recalled their reaction to him when they detected the alien within him, and it had managed to get rid of them, without him knowing, as it had used its powers to do it!

  It had put the black sphere and chamber beneath Downing Street to take him back there, through time.

  He watched the earlier version of himself at the well and him vanish and appear at the pool of muck, over in the distance, and he watched him fall in the pool of muck, which he had thought of so many times, and he turned away.

  He even realized why it had crashed there, and not near where the contact message had been sent from, as it had detected the Prime Minister was there, where he had been looking for the treasure on his own at the time, and it had recognized him as a main leader of the world at the time, from transmissions it had instantly detected on its arrival.

  It had detected him nearby after it had crashed into the wood as it had arrived at the edge of the wood, where it had also turned into a translucent ghost form to hide, and it had watched him, and his attempt to search for treasure at a nearby gravestone, and had watched him over days, monitoring what he did, as it had used many disguises and invisibility to hide itself away, hiding itself in humans, analyzing them and finding ways to remain undetected, seeking a proper plan and way to survive.

  Cameron looked over at the well and realized that he could check the well now, and wondered if they had the ropes there, and he recalled that he went down into it after he had appeared at the pool of muck and army base, and he moved over to it and studied it and removed the covering over it, and searched about him and road, and realized he would be happy for the alien to leave, but realized it had protected him and helped him with many things.

  While he stared into the well he realized it was as though he could see in infrared in it and saw into its deep depths and he watched a large spider crawl up its side from its web, move to a hiding place, and he wondered why he had not realized he had so many powers.

  Chapter 22

  The Treasure

  Cameron could hardly believe everything of the past weeks and it was as if was in one of his dreams and it was astounding that he was hunting for treasure on his own in an ancient well.

  While he entered the well he embarrassingly heard a shout and scream away in the distance and spotted himself up at the pool of muck waving over at the farmer on his tractor, and he swore to himself, realizing how stupid it looked now, and watched himself crazily removing mud from himself, and ignored it, and studied the well with one of the torches he found there, and swiftly fixed the harness around him, getting ready to go down, and closed the top over the well better, and heard a car race passed on the road.

  It was an incredible situation, and he could not realize what the full outcome was! He had once argued that there was nothing there and he had also been the one that had insisted there was and had convinced them that there was something buried away there.

  He was determined in finding what was there and he swiftly lowered himself into the well.

  As he rushed down air currents made strange sounds, and it sounded as if he was hearing it in its real form, and he was sure he heard insects scurrying over rocks and into cavities, and he listened to his breathing with types of echoes there.

  He wondered what was happening to him as his body seemed to be altering to something he could not quite grasp, and he wondered how far his hearing could alter, and if he would alter into something else, and he was sure he now had sixth senses in places he never realized.

  He realized that he would some day soon have to get use to being normal again, and wondered what the effects would do to him, and he listened to how mind-bending sounds were!

  His breathing rushed through the shaft with a fury that was stunning, and no matter how he tried to shake it off and contemplate how it could happen it never altered and he started ignoring it.

  Clouds of powdered dirt came down on top of him as he hit the ground at the bottom of the well, swirling through thin beams of light in gusts of air, and he felt heat from the air.

  The well was strange now and looked as if it had been filled in, but most of it had not been dug yet, and he swiftly checked the walls of the well to make sure he had not made a mistake and realized that the wall with the metal box was not buried beneath the ground.

  He realized that Hess must have found the well and thrown the treasure down into it, and perhaps not even known if it was a well! There was little on what was there and he realized why they had such a bad time searching.

  He recalled all the faint lines on the map, and scribbles, and was sure it was a map drawn quickly and was almost incomprehensive! It was a map of there and had a mark on it that was where they were digging.

  He had considered having it dated and having it compared with Hess’s writing, to get who had written it.

  He suddenly removed his harness and threw the rope away from him and started examining the
surrounding well wall going around him and examined it in detail and recognized the part of the wall, covered in a thick layer of dried muck.

  When he pulled chunks of it away he eventually found a black slab embedded in the dried muck, and that it looked like some form of shiny black stone, measuring a foot by half a foot, and it interested him greatly and he wondered why they had not properly searched the whole wall first, and realized how careless they were.

  He grasped it furiously, and felt the weight of it, and it seemed too light now, and he wondered if he imagined it!

  He was sure it had been on the ground at one point and that the well had been flooded and it and the muck had become embedded on the wall.

  Cameron cleaned the muck from it and found its keyhole, and proved the metal box was locked, and for fifteen minutes he patiently used a piece of wire to unlock it and successfully did it while examining the hole they had been digging.

  Clouds of powdered dirt came rushing down and some swirled about through the well in torch beams as he raced to pull the rusted metal box apart, and as he examined a hammer and chisel on the ground it started shifting up and he wondered if he had made a mistake as he now recalled examining the pieces of glass and was sure he proved that they were, and he wondered what the outcome of it would be.

  Cameron heard the army truck go by, above the well, as it went to collect him at the pool of muck, as he watched in amazement as he wrenched it up and wide open and stood with his mouth wide open as it opened to reveal incredible valuable sets of jewels with large rare diamonds and abundant precious stones packed into its interior, and he straight away valued them as being worth millions, with historical sources.

  Chapter 23

  The First Contact Scenario

  Cameron was a complex combination of consciousnesses created and altered over months by the IE after it had invented a system of creating future scenarios and their outcomes, when it had worked through a colossal of millions of scenarios until it found one that worked right, which allowed it to survive and leave the universe.

  Only Cameron in the right way could have had a message sent!

  At first the IE, as an invisible entity formation, had not been able to get how the scientists at the Edinburgh science center had sent the contact message that had left the universe and entered its universe with such power that it had contacted its species in the deepest depths of its universe.

  It had analyzed all their equipment in every possible way it could and though it was a new form of technology it never found how it had carried it out! The scientists had been lucky! It could not have been carried out without a vast unknown energy supply, of inconceivable force, even to its species, and it had searched all their records until it discovered that a vast thunderstorm had occurred at the time it had occurred!

  After its examinations of their equipment it had detected where a vast incomprehensible thunderbolt had hit and supplied their power supply at the exact moment the form of neutrino message had been transmitted.

  The IE not only needed to leave the universe it had to contact its species and warn it of the dangers of this universe and of what it had discovered, and it had found that it had not been able to recreate the unknown thunderbolt and thunderstorm, and it had searched the records of weather occurrences until it found similar thunderstorms and it discovered only two had occurred. It could not use the first that had done it and found it could use the second to carry it out.

  Though it had a way to get it to strike the same place again only one scenario had them use the equipment and send its message at the exact time, and it had Cameron visiting there as Prime Minister, with him having them send his contact message.

  The IE put him directly at the science center door, and Cameron never fully realized how he got there!

  At the time he had been getting drunk in his hotel room, celebrating his discovery of the jewels, and him recalling him placing the pieces glass in the metal box in the well and replacing it in the well wall.

  It was incredible as his Prime Minister consciousness took control of him as he was shown around the science center by all the scientists, while they showed him their new technology!

  The head scientist showed his disapproval when he suspected he had been drinking, and he had just told him that he had been visiting a brewery earlier!

  Things took a different perspective when they entered the place the message was to be sent and he watched the scientists with interest, and was surprised that most thought that the technology had not even worked, as nothing had shown anything of it doing anything, and Cameron was sure that it was because the army still had not found the alien crash site!

  “I was just thinking!” an aged scientist joked to the other scientists. “We should allow the Prime Minister to give his message this time! Perhaps we may receive a reply!”

  Cameron nodded his head and the scientist took him to a computer keyboard and Cameron typed a short message giving his greetings from the planet Earth and was amazed his fingers typed further on using symbols and strange unknown words for minutes.

  Until one of the scientists complained to him that it needed to have proper wording at the end of it and be short to allow them to add a photo of the Earth.

  Cameron’s fingers swiftly completed the message and he stood looking as though he was considering how to delete the end of the message when the outside thunderbolt struck and he fell over and accidentally activated it!

  The IE had finally sent a secret message telling his species of what had happened and what to do!

  The head scientist showed his announce, and threatened to show it fully, and stopped when the other scientists stopped him.

  Cameron smiled, and replied, “I think your technology should be advanced further! It should be funded further!”

  The scientists clapped loudly at his reply, and they ignored the incident.

  A few seconds later all their screens, all around them, activated and exploded into life as a reply was received, and first contact messages appeared, with messages and greetings, and some with symbols and strange unknown words, and the IE read the messages and knew it had completed its mission, and survived.

  The scientists stood shocked and staggered, and one even forced himself to ask Cameron what he had written, and he just replied, “I asked them to come here and meet me!”

  Suddenly over the Earth a white sphere appeared, and stopped anything from detecting it, and weapon systems from attacking it, and it made contact with the IE!

  The science center made contact with them for the human race, and Cameron helped, and they made agreements, which included an agreement that their presence and what occurred would to stay unknown to the outside world for at least a year.

  Cameron eventually left and once outside the building he separated into two people, the Prime Minister and Cameron, and the IE vanished, and they vanished into the future, into the chamber below Downing Street, to where and when the black sphere vanished from, where they shared the jewels.

  The Prime Minister watched Dory’s face, as he climbed out the chamber, as she gasped, examining his face, and he remained silent and allowed the Cameron to climb out, and she watched on as they discussed where the nearest bar was.

  She eventually asked, “What were you doing there?”

  They laughed like identical twins, and the Prime Minister joked, “He’s my twin!”

  “What happened to that object down there?” she asked, examining their faces closely.

  “It’s highly classified!”

  “My god!” she replied, looking at Cameron. “What happened? You look different!”

  He smiled, and declared, “I think they better start preparing for a visitation from IEs in the near future!”

  The Alien Artifact Quadrilogy

  V Bertolaccini

  A pioneering SF masterpiece with four high quality action-packed thriller novels of explores encountering deadly objects of alien origins and mind-bending universes!

  The A
lien Artifact 4 (2013)

  A voyager probe of inconceivable magnitude and origins explores universes and detects something of unknown origins in this universe and emerges into this world, and after it has been buried away for centuries, warped and haunting a vast region and castle, explorers uncover the deadly mind-bending supernatural voyager!

  The Alien Artifact 3 (2012)

  A newly invented voyager explores the deepest depths of the universe, and leaves space and time when a deadly entity starts killing them all, and on a world in the depths of a new minding-bending universe encounter a deadly alien artifact of supernatural origins, hidden away since the dawn of time.

  The Alien Artifact 2 (2011)

  Scientists, the military, archeologists, hunters, and treasure explorers uncover a fifteen-mile alien artifact, from beyond the universe, after it has been buried away for millions of years on a desolate Pacific island, in an immense crater, with a monstrous devil-like alien entity inside, with powers capable of destroying the galaxy.

  The Alien Artifact (2010)

  An entity/transcendent in an alien artifact from beyond space and time crashes into the Earth and explorers uncover the ancient alien artifact after it has been buried away for millions of years, with the voyager inside waiting to be revived.

  The Alien Source Code

  V Bertolaccini

  A classic action science fiction thriller of the adventures of explorers detecting and uncovering a perfectly symmetric black sphere voyager of transcendent origins!

  The explorers only find its true origins and it being an ultimate time machine/voyager when they activate it, with one of them in it, and it explores the whole of space and time as an ultimate time traveler searching for something!


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