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Wishing For A Happily Ever After (I Wish Book 2)

Page 7

by Lisa Helen Gray

  In the middle of the room is a swimming pool, a hot tub at the top with stairs on the other end leading into the deep pool.

  My gosh, it’s beautiful.

  Another yawn and I’m looking around—for what, I don’t know. When I see a line of reclining deck chairs, I smile to myself. It seems someone is listening to my pleas after all. I really didn’t fancy sleeping somewhere someone could find me, and the only sofa I’ve seen is in the main foyer, where guests were still passing through as I reached the stairs to come up. That would’ve been awkward.

  I’m just about to get comfortable when a dressing gown hanging on the wall near another door has me walking that way, grateful the Donovans think of everything. It’s a soft towel material and I smile as I walk back over to the recliner.

  I’m totally taking this home with me.

  With a yawn, I lie down, getting comfortable. Before I know it, my eyes close and I’m drifting off to sleep.


  Considering I went to sleep on a plastic sunbed, I feel pretty flipping comfortable. Too comfortable, in fact.

  My head is on something soft, my left leg cocked over something even softer, and a cold breeze is blowing over my bare legs and arse—

  Holy crap!

  My eyes open as I twist around and shoot up in bed, looking around the room in a panic.

  Why the hell am I in Drake’s bedroom, and how did I get here?

  How drunk was I last night?

  This is definitely one of those moments where I wish like hell I had listened to my inner conscience instead of my brain and not gotten drunk. I’m positively certain I went to sleep in the pool room after finding Aaron in my bed. However, I once woke up believing I’d met Elvis Presley, so certain in fact that I bet my dad and brother a hundred pounds that I did. Turns out I only met a life-size cardboard cutout of him.

  But no matter how hard I try, I don’t remember coming to Drake’s room.

  Better yet, I don’t remember getting dressed in a blue T-shirt.

  Out of all the shit I’ve done after I’ve had a drink, forgetting how I got into bed with a sort-of stranger is not one of them.

  A door opens, startling me. I’m ready to attack Drake with a million questions, but when I look up, it’s Ada walking through the door.

  I lift the sheet to my chest, looking around the room with a new kind of panic. “Ada, hi. I, um… I can explain,” I start to tell her, gesturing to the room.

  She waves me off, grinning from ear to ear. “We’re all grown-ups, but I already saw that douche canoe coming out of your room this morning. It’s why I’m here.”

  “Here? I don’t even know how I got here,” I squeak.

  How did she know I was here?

  Just as she’s about to reply, Drake comes out of the bathroom wearing only a towel around his waist.

  Good God, he really needs to cover that body of his up. I’m already struggling to think, and he’s not helping matters.

  “Grams, what are you doing in here?” he asks, pulling the towel tighter. He shifts, looking uncomfortable, but not as much as I am right now.

  “Hey! What am I doing here?” I ask.

  “I came to give this to Pagan,” Ada answers him.

  “Give her what?”

  “Hello, let’s talk about me for a second. How did I get here?”

  He’s about to reply when Ada interrupts, dropping a shoebox into my lap. “As much as I’d love to stick around and enjoy the awkward conversation you’re about to have, I need to get going. Pam is just about ready to put some baby reins on me or electrocute my arse into gear. Now, there aren’t any condoms in there, but I do have a stash in my room if you need any. I love kids, but I’m not ready to be a great-grandma.”

  My eyes bug out as my mouth hangs open in shock. I’m still stunned when the door clicks shut behind her.

  What the hell just happened?

  “Um,” Drake starts. My head turns in his direction, and for a split second, he looks a little uncomfortable. But then he grins, his eyes raking down my body. My face heats and I look away, fiddling with the sheets. “Last night was amazing.”

  I squeak, my face burning for an entire other reason. “What? We… I… what?”

  He laughs, throwing his head back. He has a good laugh, deep and sexy. “Relax, I’m kidding. I went down to the gym after dealing with Grams and saw you sleeping. I carried you back to your room but you had a guest. I’m guessing he was an unwanted guest?”

  I give him a dry look, not amused. “Not funny. And what do you think?”

  “By the look of his face, I’d say unwanted,” he laughs. Then I remember what I did to Aaron’s face last night and giggle lightly. He’s going to suffer for days trying to get that off his face. They’re the best Sharpies I’ve ever had.

  I just hope Amelia and Jesse aren’t mad. It’s not like he’ll look like that at the wedding.

  “He wouldn’t wake up.” I shrug, then notice the T-shirt I’m wearing and look back up at Drake, who is still half-naked. “How did I get into your T-shirt? I don’t even remember coming up here.” I’m also well aware I’m only wearing a thong underneath. I’m pretty sure I had a bra on before I fell asleep too.

  I’m pretty mortified over waking up with my arse hanging out. There’s no hoping that he hadn’t seen the goods, though I’d flaunted them without knowing.

  He grins, sitting on the edge of the bed. “You were out like a light, snoring away.”

  “I do not snore,” I snap.

  “Trust me, you do. And drool,” he teases. Being mature, I stick my tongue out, smiling lightly. “And don’t worry, I managed to change you without seeing anything. Although, I’m pretty sure you copped a feel or two while I was getting you undressed. And who the hell made your shoes, NASA? It took me twenty minutes to get them off.”

  “Oh God,” I groan, leaning back against the pillows and covering my face. I ignore the comment about the shoes because I wouldn’t win the argument. They are a pain in the arse. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  He chuckles. “No, you really have a thing for my abs.”

  That makes me blush harder, and I start to giggle. “I’m so sorry. And thank you. I’d dread to think how I’d be feeling right now if I had slept downstairs.”

  “It’s not a problem. Although, you owe me now.”

  I can see he’s serious. He turns to the far side of the room and I follow his gaze, smiling when I see a throw blanket and pillow on the small leather couch.

  “I’m sorry. Thank you for giving up your bed. I’m pretty sure I would’ve fitted better on that than you though.”

  “It’s fine. I’ve slept in worst places at work between shifts. Now can you please open that box? I’m desperately dying to know what my Grams is up to.”

  The box rattles when I shake it and I give Drake a wary look. “She wouldn’t put a snake or spiders in a box, would she?”

  He laughs, shaking his head. “I don’t think so, but with Grams, you never know.”

  My eyes widen as I move the box off my lap and closer to Drake. “I swear, if something crawls or jumps out of that box, I’m gone. You’ll see smoke coming from behind me.”

  Laughing, he knocks the lid off the box and then frowns, looking inside. “Oh God.”

  “What?” I ask, then peer inside, laughing when I do.

  It’s a box of tricks. Not magic tricks, but pranks. The first thing that catches my eye is the box of laxatives, and I remember the conversation the Donovans had at breakfast the morning before.

  It’s the duct tape that has me confused and a little worried. Picking up the note left on the side, I read it out loud.

  “Laxatives are old-school but they do the trick. Make sure you swap his toilet roll with the duct tape though—wouldn’t be funny otherwise. Now I only had a few hours to get some research done, but luckily for you, I already had some stuff on the slimeball. It comes in handy, so don’t judge me. Anyway, he’s a clean freak, hates fee
ling dirty, so I’ve left some itching powder and stink bombs in the box. You’re probably wondering what the toy snake is for. Well, I heard through the grapevine that he’s petrified of them and mice. I didn’t have a toy mouse on me, but wait till I get back. I do have some better tricks up my sleeve. Now I know what you’re going to say—why would I help you? I’m doing this because we girls need to stick together… and okay, things here were getting really boring. Until I return, Ada.”

  I pause, reading over the letter once again.

  “Ah, the duct tape makes sense now. I was worried for a second,” Drake chuckles.

  I shoot him a look, wondering how any of this makes sense. “Is she trying to get me fired?”

  He laughs. Yes, laughs. “No, but she means well. Plus, after what he did last night, he does deserve payback. I haven’t had this much fun in ages.”

  “Glad to amuse you,” I mutter dryly, picking up the packet of stink bombs before dropping them back into the box. “I can’t do this. I’m supposed to be working. I’m a respectable businesswoman. No one would hire me if they heard I acted like a three-year-old.”

  “No one will know. If you don’t do it, Grams is only going to do it herself, and who knows what else she has planned.”

  I look over the letter again and shake my head. “I still can’t believe she thought the first thing I’d think of is to ask her why she’s helping me.”

  “What was your first thought?” he chuckles.

  “Why none of you have had her sectioned,” I joke.

  Laughing, he gets up from the bed, walking over to his drawers. Then it dawns on me that I’m still in his room, in his T-shirt and in his bed.

  “I’m going to go get changed,” I rush out, thankful to see the T-shirt falls to above my knees when I climb out. Picking up the box and letter, I head for the door, turning to Drake when I reach it. “Thank you again for last night.”

  He smiles. “Pleasure was all mine. I’ll see you for breakfast.”

  My body locks up, not wanting to leave him, which gives me pause.

  What the hell am I doing? I’m working. I’m not here to sleep with my client. Not that he’s my client, but he’s a relative of the client and well… I don’t know, it’s just not ethical.

  “You forget something?” he rumbles.

  Shaking my head, I give him a fake smile and turn to leave, smacking my head into the door. “Fuck, I really hate this door.”

  “Oh my God, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I tell him, rubbing my head.

  Before he can come over, I rush out of his room and straight into Alison’s. She’s looking a lot better this morning with more colour in her cheeks.

  “Hey, you okay?” I ask when I notice her stormy expression.

  “No, I’m not okay. Do you not look at your phone?”

  I frown, then remember. “I’m sorry. I left it in my room.”

  “Wait, what are you wearing? And where have you been all night if you weren’t in your room?” she asks, sitting up straighter.

  I shrug, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Long story, so first, why don’t you tell me what has your beautiful face all frowny.”

  “Flattery will get you everything you want,” she chuckles before the smile dies on her face. “Last night some drunken idiot got into bed with me, practically naked, telling me how we belonged together.”

  “What?” I ask, shocked. “What did you do?”

  “I didn’t have to do anything. I woke up screaming, which made me gag, and I puked all over him. After that he stumbled out of the room without looking back.”

  “By any chance did he have a baby face and dark hair?” I ask, realising where this is going.

  “Um, yeah. How did you know?”

  “His name is Aaron Beckett.”

  Her eyes widen, her mouth gaping open. “Your ex Aaron?”

  I nod. “The one and only.”

  “Holy shit. What is he doing here?”

  Her expression says it all. She’s just as shocked as I am. Not that she would’ve clicked that they were the same person, even if she knew his name. Because come on, what are the chances your ex-boyfriend happens to be a part of the wedding party you’re planning?

  “Turns out he’s the best man and still a complete jackass. I don’t know what I ever saw in him.”

  She closes her mouth before opening it again. “I’m totally speechless. I don’t even know where to start with the questions. Has he said anything? Did he recognise you? What am I saying, of course he did. What are we going to do? Do you want me to take over?”

  “Wow, slow down. I’ll be fine. He got drunk, then started harassing me last night. He even got into my bed and passed out. I left him with Sharpie all over his face and went to sleep downstairs in the pool room. Drake found me and carried me back to his room. Ada also left me a box of pranks to get back at him for what he did to me.” I let out a huge breath and wait for her reaction. A lot of emotions are crossing over her face as she blinks at me.

  Shaking herself out of it, she squeals, “You slept in Drake Donovan’s bed?”

  Rolling my eyes, I hold my hands up, quieting her before checking to make sure no one’s opened her door. “Keep it down. And yes―”

  “Oh my God, this is great. He is fine.” She giggles, her face lit up with excitement.

  “He slept on the sofa in his room. Nothing happened. I didn’t even know he carried me up until I woke up this morning.”

  “I’m having an information overload moment. I can’t even process any of this until I’ve had some coffee and more sleep.”

  “You still not feeling any better?”

  “Did you hear the part where I threw up on your ex?” she deadpans.

  I laugh. “Oh yeah, sorry. Are you sure you don’t want to head back home? I’m sure I could hire someone to take you.”

  “No, I’m feeling so much better. A little weak still, but I think some sleep will help with that. I’ll be back in full swing by tomorrow, I promise.”

  “Are you sure? Jessica offered to come in and help if you’re still not any better.”

  “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss this wedding for anything. Is that the box Ada left you?” she asks, snatching it out of my hand.

  “Help yourself,” I mutter. “I need to go shower and get ready. Do you want me to bring you up something to eat?”

  She doesn’t look away from the box as she laughs at its contents. “No, I’m fine. Emily’s already been in to ask what I needed.”

  “Okay, well I’ll see you in a little while.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she says distractedly, still looking through the box.

  “I’ll just see myself out, then.” I get up from the bed and walk over to the door, opening it a little. She still doesn’t move a muscle. “I might jump off the roof,” I say, trying to get her attention. She grunts but still doesn’t look up as she finds the letter. “Better yet, I might go have sweaty, dirty sex with Drake right on the breakfast table.”

  “Now that is what I call a good breakfast,” Drake rumbles from behind me. I scream, turning around to find him standing in the open doorway, a big grin on his face.

  “Don’t sneak up on people like that!” I yell, my face red with embarrassment.

  “Will you go have sweaty, dirty sex on the breakfast table already. I have plans to make,” Alison interrupts.

  So she was listening. Little traitor.

  I turn my glare her way, finding her grinning at me with a twinkle in her eye. She’s seriously loving this.

  “I like this plan,” Drake adds.

  “Me too,” Alison laughs.

  “Grrr.” I stomp my foot. “I can’t believe you two.”

  “It was your idea, darling.”

  I can’t even look at Drake when I turn back to Alison. “I hate you.” With that, I stomp down the hall, wondering if this is gonna be how I spend every morning—making an arse out of myself.


My nerves are skyrocketing as I make my way down the main stairs to meet everyone for breakfast. I’ve never had a problem talking to people, but after last night and then again this morning, meeting Jesse and Amelia scares the crap out of me. I’m worried of what they’ll think and if they’ll still want me to plan the wedding. Not that they have much of a choice since the wedding is in less than three weeks, but still, they could ask me to leave. The thought of leaving so soon, even before I get to see the finished touches, saddens me. I don’t know why, of course, considering I’m leaving anyway at the end of the three weeks. I guess the Donovans get under your skin.

  Or one in particular.

  In the short amount of time I’ve spent with the Donovans, I’ve actually grown fond of them. They’re nothing like I imagined. I like them, even if Ada is batshit crazy,

  “Hi, Pagan. They’re in the dining room. It seems everyone had a lie-in this morning,” Jeff tells me as I meet him at the bottom of the stairs.

  I smile at the old man, taking his arm when he offers. “I think it’s the booze that did it.”

  He laughs, squeezing my arm gently. “It probably was. My Emily had to put Miss Ada to bed after she found her asleep outside by the pool.”

  “Oh no!” I chuckle. Can’t help it.

  Poor Emily.

  “Jesse, Amelia and their sister, Gabriella, are already in there. Angela’s gone out for breakfast, and Drake just stepped outside to answer a call. I’ve not seen Mr Beckett this morning.”

  My smile turns tight when we arrive outside the dining room. “I’m sure he’ll make his presence known.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. Be wary of that one,” he says, gazing down the hall. “Go on in. Emily will be in shortly with breakfast.”

  “Thank you.” Leaning up, I kiss his cheek, giggling when a blush rises on his face. “See you in a bit, Jeff.”

  He clears his throat. “You too. Now eat.”

  When I enter the room, everyone turns to me with bright smiles.


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