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AIR Series Box Set

Page 61

by Amanda Booloodian

  "We could follow her until she leads us to him," Logan said.

  "No," Vincent said. "Paper trails are fine, but we leave her out of it."

  "It might be faster to follow her," Logan said, "or follow the paper trail and her."

  Vincent's eyes narrowed slightly, but I could see that he was pulling back his inclination to be angry. "Walkers don't have many attachments. The ones we have are left alone and separate, at least unless they're fool enough to jump into the fray."

  Logan leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Those sound like Walker rules. We'll do what we can, but-"

  "You don't understand." Vincent leaned forward, and his eyes swirled with tinges of darkness. "He will pull the world down around us if he suspects that we might even have a passing interest in her. If the wrong Walker found out, any attachments we might have could be used as leverage against us."

  "We find another way." The way Rider said it. It wasn't a demand or a suggestion, but a statement of fact.

  When Logan looked at me I nodded, and, knowing he was overruled, he went on. "Okay, we find him a different way. Now that you know he's here, in the city, would you be able to track him down."

  "Yes," Vincent said, "but I think Hank might find him faster."

  "If you give me the data, I could track him if you'd rather." Neil looked anxious about speaking up. He fiddled with the rock in front of him. "You'll have to tell me what I can and can't use to find him, though."

  Vincent looked surprised. "That might work better."

  "We can start moving on that after we're finished here," Logan said, "but we'll need a plan for once we find him."

  "We're facing the problem of him jumping into the void," Vincent said. "We need to ensure he'll never do this again. There's only one way to do that."

  Logan shook his head. "We go in with the intention of bringing him in alive. That is nonnegotiable."

  "Cassie blocked the demon from his powers last fall," Rider said, "maybe she could do that again?"

  Taylor's eyes widened. That part had been left out of the file.

  "No." Vincent didn't raise his voice, but it came out demanding. "Cole would pull her soul to try to stop her."

  Having my soul sucked out wasn't high on my list of fun things to do.

  "We need to attempt to bring him in. We don't go around killing people," Logan said.

  "I think I have an idea for that," I said. "Let's look at what he's been doing. He pulls a soul from someone, and eventually that person withers away. He puts the soul, or a piece of a soul into an object a person would wear, like jewelry, and when worn, the person gets a small dose of what's there. Neil, will it hurt to pass around the stone?"

  "No." Neil passed the stone to Logan. "This is meant to stand the test of time."

  "When it's a whole soul, it can sustain itself," I said. "I'm not sure we could do this, but what if Vincent takes Cole's soul? We could put it in an object like the one Neil has."

  "Would that not eventually kill Cole?" Rider asked.

  I was on less stable ground here. "I don't think so, if we kept the object with Cole, his soul would be self-contained, but he would only have access to the small parts that leak out." I looked at Vincent. "I think that would sustain him. Keep him alive, but keep him basically harmless. Then we could take him in."

  The room was quiet. I shifted in my chair while everyone mulled over the idea.

  Finally, Logan spoke up. "It sounds like a good plan. Vincent, you know more about Walker powers and their effects. Will Cassie's idea work?"

  "This has never been done before, so there's no way of knowing." Vincent leaned back in his chair. "It's a sound theory, though. Keeping his soul nearby should keep him alive. He may have limited use of his power, but it would be minimal. He shouldn't be able to capture souls or jump between the worlds."

  "We would be relying on Vincent pulling the soul of a friend," Rider interrupted. "Will you do that?"

  "Ex-friend," Vincent corrected. He looked up at Rider. "He's killing people. People we're supposed to protect. I don't think we have any choice."

  Rider gave Vincent a sad look.

  "What about the object?" Logan gestured to the rock that Rider was inspecting.

  Neil looked more confident in this area. "It's made to anchor the soul." Neil walked everyone through the research he had told me about earlier.

  While he talked, I sought out the turtle in my pocket. I didn't take it out, mostly because I didn't want to pass it around, but I reassured myself that I hadn't set it down somewhere.

  I noticed that Logan gave Taylor the briefest of skeptical looks, but Taylor nodded, and Logan didn't raise any objections.

  Vincent didn't appear to want to touch the stone when I shifted it towards him, but he slid it over to Taylor.

  "Thank you, Neil," Logan said. "This looks like excellent work. We have the who, what, and how that we need in place to meet him."

  "It would have to be somewhere we couldn't be seen," I said, "but if we ask him to meet in the middle of nowhere, he's going to know something's up."

  "Chances are, he'll know anyway," Vincent said. "He'll come."

  "If he will meet, then you do not have to hide your intentions, correct?" Rider asked.

  "I don't think it will be necessary."

  "What did you have in mind?" I asked.

  "The MyTH property, where he took Am." Rider looked at Taylor. "We would stay away from the gnomes, and we would need permission to use the property."

  "We can look at some maps," Taylor suggested, "and find a good meeting spot. If you think he'll show up out there."

  "He'll be there," Vincent said.

  Chapter 34

  It baffled me that Cole agreed to the meeting. The next evening, we found ourselves in the country on the top of a hill, in the middle of the woods.

  We stood behind Vincent, letting him take the lead. I couldn't get a good look at Cole when he walked up the hill, but I saw his Path clearly. Dark purples swirled around black cords. Encased were small cores of other colors shifting and moving, but always being drawn back down. The remains of his victims that he hadn't yet released. Chills swept up my spine as I watched the mixed swirl of color around Cole.

  "It's been a while," Cole said as he approached. "I guess by our surroundings, and our company, this isn't a casual meeting."

  "It's not," Vincent said. "I didn't want to believe that you could do this."

  "Have you been able to help your girl yet?" Cole looked at me and winked.

  Vincent balled his hands into fists. "Not in the way you mean."

  "I've been able to help mine," Cole said.

  I was caught off guard by the response. He was helping Fatima in the travesty?

  "What do you mean?" Vincent asked.

  "Her family wouldn't let her be with me, and it was tearing her up." Unlike Vincent, Cole didn't try to hide his emotions. My mood boiled at his indifference. "I tried to get around it, of course, go the easy way, you know. But in the end, her uncle took a shine to me."

  "You worked for him and received the family’s blessing," Vincent said.

  Cole shifted from one foot to another. "You know you can't take me in."

  "And you know I have to try," Vincent said.

  "You've really changed. This girl has muddled your mind." Cole sneered in my direction before turning back to his friend. "The Vincent I know would have gone straight for the fight. Kill first and ask questions later."

  Vincent shook his head. "That's not the way it works, and you know it. We take away only what needs to be removed."

  "And now you think I need to be removed," Cole said.

  "You're killing innocent people."

  "The Lost are no more innocent than they are people."

  It took a large amount of restraint not to give Cole a piece of my mind. Logan had the stone box and I hoped he was ready.

  "You can't continue like this."

  "Let's get on with it then!" Cole lurched forwar
d and tried to grab Vincent.

  Vincent dodged out of the way. "We don't have to do this. We can talk this out."

  "I've helped so many people," Cole snarled. "You have no idea."

  He launched himself at Vincent. Vincent grabbed Cole’s outstretched hand. They stopped moving, but in the Path, I could see their struggle. There was a sway in the energy around each man. It was like a churning tide, the energy flowed back and forth. With all the sparks of souls trapped inside him, Cole had the upper hand. Slowly, Vincent's aura began to drain away into Cole.

  "No!" I yelled moving towards the two.

  Cole was taken off guard and Vincent was able to regain some ground. Without thinking, I grabbed Cole's arm as soon as he was in range. Little sparks of life leaped from Cole, eager to be free of him. He looked stricken as their power left and he shoved me to the ground. When he looked up, he saw Logan and Rider moving forward, more cautiously than I had been.

  Cole's eyes turned black, and a grin broke across his face. "Time to take this to a more private location."

  Picking myself off the ground, I reached out again towards Cole. He took a step away and jerked Vincent towards him, locked arm and arm. There was a rapid buildup of energy around them and the Path began to twist.

  They were going between the worlds.

  I wasn't letting Cole get away that easily. I certainly didn't want Vincent to be swept away between the worlds with him. The traces of their Paths stood out, but they twisted with the Path surrounding them, ready to move out of this dimension.

  I grabbed the familiar imprint of Vincent. Forcing power through, I made his Path solid and firmly locked it in place. Cole was more difficult. His Path tried to escape my grasp, but I wouldn't allow it. Refusing to think they might be gone, I slammed even more power into my work, making Cole's Path solid. Holding on tightly, I wrenched them back from the energy that Cole had amassed to make his escape.

  Both men stumbled and they broke apart. Before Cole could get his bearings, Rider was on him.

  When Rider hit him a second time, Cole was knocked to the ground. From there, Cole reached for Rider's leg.

  Logan took Cole's foot and dragged him back, as Rider retreated. Cole kicked out and jumped to his feet when Logan let go. Cole's hand clamped around Logan's arm.

  My heart spasmed when Logan's essence poured into Cole. That sunny golden energy was racing away. Vincent yelled out before slamming into the two of them, breaking them apart.

  Cole was too strong, so I decided to bring him down a notch. I jumped into the fray, grabbing hold of Cole's arm. The remaining souls of the Lost, at least those not tethered down, jumped to me. When I tried to reach for Cole's soul, I realized I was no Walker. I could see it and even feel it, but it was his soul and it wasn't budging.

  "You stupid bitch!" Cole squeezed my arm while I clung to his.

  Chapter 35

  I could feel myself weaken quickly. The specks that belonged to the Lost tried to stay with me, but they were being dragged in as well. Then a fragment like fire and ice shifted.

  Cold poured through my body and Cole's black eyes widened. He tried to pull away, but I bore down harder. That cold, dark piece of the void was retreating from me. Cole swung his fist into my side and we broke contact.

  The damage was already done.

  The void had come out of me, but it had not passed into Cole. It was out.

  The small piece hung in the air at the top of the hill. The world paused as though taking a breath, and all eyes were on the tiny ball of darkness that lingered in the air. A small breeze picked up. Within seconds, the air turned wilder, pulling at our clothes as it dragged past us. Soon, the wind roared through and was sucked into the dark mass. I could see the little spot grow larger.

  Images and emotional vines of the Path were also being sucked in. Cole and I were the closest to the whirling mass. I could see the terror on his face as we clung to each other.

  Managing to take few steps away was all I could muster; the strength of the object was too strong. With Cole's help, we managed to push a further step away before being overpowered and we began to slide the other way. We each tightened our grip and tried harder, but we weren't having any luck. Cole looked across the clearing, then at me, and I could see his fear.

  When he let go, I tightened my grip, but he easily pried himself away from me. He spoke, but the sound was lost, and it was too late.

  I watched in horror as Cole was torn apart before my eyes. There was nothing left of him.

  As the void fed, it became stronger. My mind went blank after watching Cole disappear, but it sprung back into action when I felt myself being dragged in. Looking around, I could see that my friends were having the same problem.

  Panic welled when I swept the clearing for Logan. Had he been pulled in? Rider was further away. It looked like he was trying to work his way over to me, but I could tell he would never make it. With each step he took, he slid closer to the void. Vincent was on the other side of the clearing, trying to maintain his footing. He was yelling, but the sound, like everything else, was lost in the swirling mass.

  In the Path, I tried to tie myself to the ground. Shoving energy down, I rooted to the spot. The void tugged, and ties to the Path wavered while my mind groped with what could be done.

  An indistinguishable barrage of words came from behind me. A large chunk of granite sped past my head and sunk into the depths of the void. I held my breath and wondered if throwing the box in do anything?

  Nothing happened.

  My mind groped again for a solution. What could we do? Would the world be swallowed completely?

  Feeling a hand on my arm, I tried to turn, but the strength of the force in front of me wouldn't allow it.

  Logan yelled in my ear, but only part of the sound reached me. "...wrap it... girl..."

  Wrap it up. Maybe he meant the Path. The little pearl of void that started this whirlwind had been trapped in me, and it held pretty well. Was it possible to do that again?

  The last time I absorbed the void it had been a struggle, but it had held together like any other soul. There was no way to absorb the monstrosity now; it would tear me to shreds.

  If I could re-anchor it, like our original plan, it might work.

  Gripping hard, I took the sea turtle out of my pocket. Holding the smoothly worked stone in my hand, I concentrated hard on the Path.

  My root of power was strong, doing its work to keep me grounded. Rider was sliding dangerously close to the tempest that the void had become. Working fast, I made a wall of air around myself, but it was torn apart, and the power fell into the void.

  The idea of trying to block the Path of the whirlwind was tossed out as well; the energy would be sucked up. How could all this happen?

  The pull of void was becoming stronger as it gained more fuel from the Path and the world around us. Vincent was pulled closer. Rider didn't have much more time either. I had to act.

  The Path roared past and I grabbed hold. Strings of emotions and memories slowed. Past and present images of the Path melded together, but their trail to the void stalled while real world objects flew by.

  Holding the stone, I concentrated on the unwavering root of power holding me to the ground. When I stepped forward, it moved with me, and my foundation stayed strong. Concentrating hard on the Path of the chunk of granite in my hand, I managed to stop it from being dragged away from me.

  My next step brought pain. Was this what Cole had gone through?

  This would have to be close enough. The void had to create a Path of its own, even if it destroyed it as fast as it was being created. Reading its Path, I targeted an area and drew it to me. The pain grew greater. Without thinking, I pushed part of the Path into the real world, anchoring my body down. The pain lessened, and the void grew nearer.

  I yanked on the Path of the void and wound it around my turtle. The granite soaked it in. It didn't take long before the void rushed into the turtle. I guided it forward. The pull of th
e void lessened. The Path stilled first. Then the outside world quieted as I guided the last vestiges into our rock.

  Turning the stone repeatedly in my hands, I searched for leaks. Once I was assured our turtle would hold, I shoved away the Path and looked around for my partners.

  I felt jittery. The air was motionless, but having spent more power than I had expected, I was wavering. Vincent heaved himself off the ground across the clearing. Rider was wide eyed. There were ruts in the ground where he had been dragged forward. Logan moved around from behind me. It looked like he was talking, but there was nothing but the rush of wind filling my ears.

  Logan reached out to inspect the turtle. It was hard for me to release my grip on the statue, but once I did, I knew I didn't want to hold it anymore.

  The struggle was over, but my body wasn't so sure. I have to say, I was more than a little relieved when normal sounds returned. Vincent looked shaky when he reached us. He gave a cursory look at the turtle before trying to pull me into a hug. I returned it the best I could, but I was stuck to the spot.

  The Path was no longer open to me, but when I looked down, I could see its familiar shimmer engulfing my feet and legs.

  "What is it?" Vincent asked as he walked around me.

  "It's the Path." My voice was as shaky as I felt. "I'm not sure how it happened. I needed to hold myself down."

  "Can you step out of it?" Vincent asked.

  I tried to lift my legs, but they weren't budging. Exhaustion was clouding my mind, but the Path shining brightly in the physical world fascinated me.

  Rider came over and laid on the ground inspecting it from the ground up. He eyed it for a while before reaching out and touching it. His finger sunk through.

  Vincent ran his hand over the surface, but it remained solid for him.

  "It's like glass," Vincent muttered watching Rider.

  Rider experimented with the substance. He pushed his hand through in a few different areas, then took my foot and pulled it out. He freed the other foot, and we all inspected the results. There was not a trace of Path left on me, but it remained locked to the ground.


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