Page 5
Once again, his instincts were correct. All the news media could talk about for the past two days was her and Hunter. They were making history. Her life was not her own to live anymore. At least, not for the next year.
Suddenly, something Morning Fire had told her made a lot more sense to her. Lifting her eyes, she could see Hunter studying her with undisguised worry creasing his face. “Thank you,” she murmured.
He started slightly. “For what?”
“For helping to make this transition as painless as possible. And … and for protecting me against that crap Fire said was going on in the starliner today.”
She watched as he gave her a sincere smile. Hunter always had a warm, genuine gift of making people feel more at ease whenever he gave one of those rare smiles. “Isn’t that my job?” he teased her lightly. “You look out for me, and vice versa. Speaking of … even though we have the ceremony in the morning, we’ll be on the clock. But, personally, I don’t want to go over there in uniform. We’re going to be in the spotlight enough, without standing out in the crowd. That’s the other reason why I’m here. Would you mind wearing a regular gown tomorrow, and then we could come back to Command and change into work clothes afterwards?”
Giving him a weary smile, Star agreed. “I don’t mind. Sounds good.” She watched as he uncrossed his arms, and a look she couldn’t read flashed over his handsome features.
“I meant what I told you over at the botanical garden the other night,” he reminded her gently. “You will be the one to determine when and where. It’ll be difficult, but if we concentrate on the work, we might be able to keep our business life separated from our private one, regardless of what the media wants to say or predict.”
Taking a quivering breath, Star clenched her hands into small fists. “For the time being, then, we’ll meet h-here.” Damn, but her knees were shaking. Quickly she walked over to the small, overstuffed chair by the huge picture window, and sat down. “Are you scared, Hunter? Please. Tell me you’re as terrified as I am.”
“Terrified? I can’t begin to tell you how I feel,” he admitted, letting her hear his own pain he’d been keeping from her. “The only thing that’s getting me through this is the knowledge that it’s you, Star. The only thing.”
At his confession, she glanced back up at him. For a split second she almost wished she could run back into his embrace and let him cuddle her, like he had in the past whenever she’d needed it. Closing her eyes, Star prayed she hadn’t lost that permission from him.
“I’ll see you in the morning, then,” Hunter dismissed himself. “Eight-thirty.”
“On the roof,” she reiterated.
There was the slightest movement of air against her skin, and she knew he was gone. Transported out of her chambers as silently as if he’d gone out the door. But he hadn’t used the door this time. Not to leave. He would spare her any emotional agony he could, and prevent others from seeing him come and go.
They would never have the luxury of privacy that the other HandFasting couples were allowed. They would not be given quarters apart from friends and families, so they could concentrate on their duties. On their requirement to reproduce.
They would have to make do with serving their planet and the other worlds, while trying to keep to the laws that demanded more of them than any other Guardian had ever been forced to endure.
Fire was right. Star nodded through her tears, as she clasped her arms about her for warmth in the suddenly chilly room. If it had been anyone else besides Hunter…
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Chapter 5
As he had suspected, the Hall of Magistrates was surrounded by the media and public waiting to catch sight of the two Guardians who were scheduled to participate in the HandFasting at ten a.m.
When StarLight had appeared on the roof that morning where he was waiting with a small hovercraft, Hunter felt a sudden rush of wooziness come over him at the sight of her.
She wore a gown the same deep purple color as her eyes. Her thick hair had been pinned to the back of her head, with tendrils curling down around her shoulders. If she looked beautiful in her tight-fitting uniform, she was incredibly stunning in the thin layers of sheer material that covered her down to her slippered feet.
After she had secured herself in the upright, locking harness beside him, and flashed him a weary smile, he’d taken the craft up and piloted them the direct route to where the ceremony would take place. During the brief trip, he glanced over at her, noticing the faint shadows under her eyes, and knew she’d probably gotten no more sleep than he had last night.
As they approached the hall, Hunter chose to land on the second story parking area, which was normally reserved for Committee members. Thankfully, Guardians were allowed to park wherever they chose. Even though this wasn’t a business venture, Hunter didn’t think anyone would argue his placing a vehicle with the Guardian insignia splashed across its surface in a restricted sector.
To his surprise, he felt a cold hand snake its way into his as they headed for the elevators that would take them downstairs to the main audience chamber. Glancing at her, he sensed her trepidation. It was like a discoloration on an otherwise perfect countenance, but it did nothing to stop the painful hammering of his heart. Hunter cursed himself for his thoughts. They were nowhere on the moment at hand but on the night to come. His body began to tighten, forcing him to fight back.
“Are you going to be all right?” he whispered, knowing he must look as pale as she did.
Giving him a barely perceptive nod, Star began to chew on her lips nervously.
As the elevator doors opened, and they exited down the tiny hallway, emerging into the cavernous hall, they were spotted by nearly a dozen news crews, who began to descend upon them like a swarm of insects. Immediately, Master Hunter went on the defensive, keeping StarLight slightly behind him as they faced the multitude.
“How are you both feeling this morning?”
“Are you anticipating tonight?”
“How do your fellow Guardians feel about all this?”
“Any chance they’ll be here to watch the ceremony?”
“What are the possibilities your child could have a special ability? Maybe become a future Guardian?”
Taking a stance, Hunter allowed a trace amount of his domination powers to emanate from him, until the media felt the initial shadows of fear and slowly began to back away, giving the couple room to continue across the hall.
He rarely had to use that part of his ability, but on this occasion Hunter was glad to know he had the power to give the “prey” that sense of being hunted. Of being stalked. Targeted for capture or annihilation. As he let it seep from him like an invisible pulse, he could see the growing fear in every person’s eyes the moment before they instinctively reacted, and pulled back.
As they reached the center of the hall, the majority of the other called couples had also gathered. In their faces Hunter could see the same trembling defeat reflected. As he looked over at StarLight, who had never let go his hand the entire time, he could tell she was also noticing the fact that they were not alone in their feelings.
“Will the couples please take a position on one of the Fasting squares?”
Hunter led Star to one of the designated marks on the floor of the hall. A moment later, a representative from the Committee stopped between them. A familiar blue ribbon rested in his grasp.
Around them, the room hummed with talk. Hunter grimaced knowing his and Star’s images would be plastered across every vidscreen that could receive the transmission. Without realizing it, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze for reassurance. She returned it with one of her own.
“Couples, please hold out your right hands and grasp them firmly.”
StarLight switched hands, giving Hunter her right. Immediately the representative symbolically wrapped the wide ribbon around their hands, starting from Star’s wrist and ending around Hunter’s. Once he was done, he
left the hall, as did nineteen other reps. The booming voice coming from overhead continued.
“The HandFasting Ceremony is ordained by law. Listen closely as each of these laws is given to you.
“Law number one. The HandFast is for the duration of one year, starting from the date of this ceremony, the sixteenth day of the month of Ordoris, in the year eighty-four sixteen.
“Law number two. The HandFast is solely for the purpose of procreation, and the continuation of our species. Refusal to follow the edicts of the laws will result in permanent loss of citizenship, and expulsion from this world.
“Law number three. Once conception occurs, both parties are automatically dismissed from the HandFast, and neither will be held responsible for any further acts.
“Law number four. If there is no conception at the end of one year, both parties will be allowed a rest period of one year before being readmitted into the lottery.
“Law number five. If the conception is lost due to natural means, both parties will be allowed a recovery period of three years before being readmitted into the lottery.
“Do each of you understand and agree to abide by the laws of the HandFast? If so, say ‘I do’.”
Forty voices echoed their agreement. Hunter’s eyes cut to Star as he felt her grip tighten in his. He was not surprised to see tears on her cheeks.
“Legislator, has each party been given adequate time to read the edicts mandated through these laws, and has each party understood them?”
A tall man climbed the short steps to a podium at the far side of the hall. At the question posed to him, he nodded and responded. “Yes, they have.”
Edicts. Hunter remembered when that piece of mail had flashed upon his private viewscreen in his chambers the day before. He’d read through all forty of them, each one detailing a specific requirement of the laws, before signing off that he’d understood and agreed to abide by them. Some of the edicts were callous and to the point. Others allowed for some leeway of definition.
Another squeeze of his hand brought his attention back to the present. Star gave him a fleeting smile. They were in this together, and for the umpteenth time Hunter gave silent thanks they had been spared the most harrowing part of the HandFast ordeal—forced copulation with a total stranger. There had been incidents in the past where a couple had met with a disastrous end when one member turned out to be extremely cruel or dangerous.
“So be it,” the booming voice proclaimed. “Each party present today has been duly sanctioned. Go forth this day, and good fortune to you all.”
That was it. Short and simple.
Reaching for the length of blue satin, Hunter began to unwrap the ribbon from their hands when he heard her softly spoken concern. “Hunter?” A glance up to see her wide-eyed expression made him whirl around. The media was bearing down on them like starved animals racing for a meal.
“Can you slow them down?” he asked, not expecting to see the twinkle in her eyes that suddenly appeared with her quick grin.
She threw out her free hand in the media’s direction. Before they were aware of her gesture, the floor beneath them began to vibrate with increasing activity. Many immediately lost their balance, falling and tripping others who tried to escape the landslide effect of catching each successive person behind them. The floor continued to undulate; the tiles cracked and split as they rolled forward and back, and bits of wood and dust swirled in the air above them.
Hunter and Star took advantage of the disruption, and raced for the elevators. Once they reached the safety of the second story parking lot, they stopped to assess their next move. Their shuttle had been spotted, as they knew it would be. Already two news shuttles were circling overhead, waiting for them to emerge.
“You know, I never thought I would see the day I didn’t like being in the spotlight when it came to being a Guardian,” Star commented irritably under her breath.
Hunter chuckled. The remark was so much like the old StarLight. “The media is going to make this year a pain in the butt,” he observed.
She snorted in response. “Well, best defense is a good offense. I’m in the mood for a good old-fashioned chase.” Tilting her head at him, she smiled playfully. “How about you?”
“All right, but I’m flying,” he told her, and they bolted for the craft.
The chase was over before it began. Even the most seasoned pod pilot was no match for Hunter’s expertise at the controls. The sound of Star’s laughter as they raced for the sanctuary of Guardian Command was like the sun breaking out from behind a dark cloud bank. It had been too long since Hunter had heard it, and he smiled in spite of himself.
As they landed inside the bay, the rest of the Guardians were there to meet them.
“I hope there was a reason for that bit of fancy flying I saw on-screen a few minutes ago,” Deceiver dryly commented.
“The news media was out for blood,” Hunter replied without humor, locking the controls before stepping out of the craft. “I detest being prey.”
“Yeah. We saw Star throwing a whammy at them inside the hall,” Blender grinned.
Animator added, “Deceiver’s already gotten a call about repairs.” The blonde woman with enormous brown eyes threw back her head and laughed. “I would have done the same thing to those newsmongers, Star, except I probably would have given the floor little bitty teeth, and let them have a go at chomping away at them.”
They were interrupted by a loud wailing, the signal of an incoming distress call. Almost to a man, they all raced for the main communications area, where Deceiver answered the panel.
A smoke-stained face stared out at them from the viewscreen. Behind him they could see the extent of damage from what had been a major disaster.
“Guardians! We’ve had two fuel cells suddenly go up, taking out nearly four square kilometers of the manufacturing plant and surrounding area. We need help! We have missing personnel, and we need help in containing the other tanks so they don’t go up, too! Can you help us, Guardians!”
“We’re on our way!” Deceiver responded. “Send us the coordinates, and we’ll be airborne immediately!” Over his shoulder, the Guardian leader called out, “All right, everyone. Disaster, power up Three. Every single one of us is on this mission! Board up. Hunter, Star, we’ll wait for you to change.”
“I’ll meet you there,” Hunter said and vanished.
Deceiver turned to ask Star if she would follow, but she had already raced out of the room. Unlike most of them, where wearing a uniform was merely a way of distinguishing themselves from the rest of the populace, everyone knew she needed her special suit to help her absorb and control her abilities.
Just in case she needed the coordinates, he threw the location of the plant onto her private viewscreen, then turned to race for the ship that was already hovering, ready to take off.
Less than five minutes later, they were streaking toward their mission.
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Subterfuge 2
The call came through a secured line via a frequency no longer used by modern technology.
“Is everything in place?”
“Almost. Another couple of days, and we’ll have all we need. The only thing that’s impeding progress is your end.”
There was a snort of derision. “StarLight and Master Hunter are HandFasted. I’ve paid plenty to get them listed in the lottery, but their price is well worth it, knowing how they’re going to be instrumental in our defeating the Guardians.”
“We have only seventy-nine days left,” the voice warned with a threat clearly intended.
“And, as I’ve told you before, there is nothing to worry about. Did you see the looks on their faces when they were in the hall? Did you watch their expressions? They’ve worked together. Who’s to say they haven’t already been humping in the sack? You know about StarLight. I have it on good authority she’s slept with almost every man at Guardian Command. No … Like I told you earlier,
if our lovely little tramp isn’t pregnant after the initial two-week period, you can send your toughest men to knock down my door and rough me up. Take your aggravation out on me.”
“Don’t worry. I will,” the doubtful voice promised.
The call was ended simultaneously, and no record would ever exist of it occurring.
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Chapter 6
Little Nexus was the smallest of the double moons circling Vai’ilit. Both moons were nothing more than enormous deposits of Birisium, the mineral that made up the basic component of all power cells.
Initially found in a soft powder, Birisium was liquefied, purified through several passes in a hot iridite bath, and the resulting pure form could then be poured into any shape or size needed.
The only danger in handling Birisium, despite it being a potent source of power, was during the sterilization process—and then it was the iridite, heated to a temperature well over three thousand degrees, that would cause any worry.
The iridite was stored in huge vats, or tanks. Alone, it was a harmless chemical. Stored alone in separate tanks, Birisium was harmless. Put together, the two were basically harmless. Yet, if any one of a number of any third chemical was introduced to the combined elements, disaster was immanent and guaranteed.
Someone had introduced one of the destructive third elements, and now a large chunk of Power Plant Number Eight had become so much dust in the outer atmosphere.
It took Transport Three exactly twenty-one minutes to reach Little Nexus, which lay roughly three parsecs from the home world. By the time the Guardians landed beneath the atmospheric bubble, which simulated an oxygen-rich atmosphere, and began to assume command of rescue procedures, StarLight was already present, lifting and shifting mammoth-sized chunks of debris away from the blast zone, negating their gravitational field and easily moving the pieces that now weighed no more than a few ounces. Master Hunter had arrived ahead of her, his abilities allowing him to transport vast distances as far as five parsecs away. So far he had recovered one survivor and six casualties, and taken them to the med unit.