California Connection 3

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by Chunichi

  California Connection 3


  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1


  “Snitch Bitch”

  “Baby, how much longer before you get here?” I asked Touch in my sweetest voice.

  “About fifteen minutes,” he replied then hung up.

  There was a lump in my throat as big as a rock hanging up the phone. I swallowed in an attempt to get it down. With my head hung low, I gently rubbed my stomach and thought about my unborn child.

  “Take your positions, guys. He’ll be here shortly!” the head detective instructed his guys to man their posts to prepare for Touch’s arrival.

  “Please forgive Mommy, baby,” I whispered toward my protruding stomach. “I just want the best for you.”

  My palms started to sweat, my heart was racing, and tears rolled down my eyes. Seconds seemed like minutes, and minutes seemed like hours, as I waited for Touch to come home. I knew as soon as he walked through the door they would sweep him away and I would never see him again. My child would be without a father, and I would lose the love of my life. But I also knew with life comes sacrifices, and this was just a sacrifice I had to make. It was either him or me, and there was no way I was gonna give birth to my child in jail.

  “You sure you got this?” the police officer asked me as he escorted me from my bedroom to the living room.

  “Yes, officer!” I rolled my eyes, sick of the officers constantly checking to make sure I was down for this.

  “You just stay hidden in the bedroom−”

  “Oh my God!” I yelled, interrupting the officer mid-sentence. “We’ve been over this too many times.” He’d gone over the instructions time and time again. I had it already!

  “Just want to make sure you’re not having any second thoughts or planning to try anything tricky. If this goes wrong, it’s your head, little lady.”

  Save your threats, asshole; they don’t scare me, I thought. I definitely wasn’t having second thoughts. At this point it was all about my baby. The only thing I had to worry about was getting the fuck out of dodge when this was all over with because I knew, once Touch realized I was the bitch who got this show in motion, all hell would break loose.

  “He’s here,” I heard another police officer announce from the hallway.

  I looked out the window to see Touch cautiously walking up to the house. Now I was having second thoughts. The fifteen minutes came sooner than I expected.

  The officer quickly whisked me into the bedroom. My nerves were building, and it took all I had to refrain from bursting into tears.

  “Honey, I’m home,” Touched yelled as he opened the front door, a huge smile across his face.

  Within seconds cops came out from every closet, corner, and room in my house, commands coming from every direction as they rushed Touch with weapons pulled.

  “Don’t move!


  “Hands in the air!”

  Touch was surrounded. Taken by surprise, and with no chance to run and nowhere to escape, he stood frozen. Despite all the warning the cops gave me, I couldn’t resist looking out into the living room. All eyes were on him, but his eyes were only fixated on me. There was a cold look in his eyes. A look I’d never seen before. I could imagine it was a look of disgust, hurt, anger, and betrayal. Maybe that’s why I’d never seen this look before because I’d never done such a thing to him to warrant such emotions.

  Touch yelled out, “How the fuck could you do this to me? After all we’ve been through, Jewel! You bitch!”

  I felt ashamed that I had set him up. I had to keep telling myself it was for my own good, the good of my unborn baby.

  With my cover blown, the officers didn’t try and stop me when I walked out of the bedroom. They moved him to the kitchen, and I watched as Touch placed his hands on the counter and the officers patted him down. For a second, I thought I saw a tear in his eyes. Unable to bear the pain, I turned away.

  “Answer me!” Touch demanded. “Answer me!”

  I refused to give him any explanation. Besides, I knew it would only anger him even more.

  “It’s over, Touch. Say good-bye,” one of the officers said.

  Suddenly, in one cat-like movement, Touch reached in the kitchen drawer, pulled out a small handgun, and Pow!

  An enormous force slammed into me, and I fell to my feet as a stinging pain ripped through my stomach. I looked down to see my white shirt soaked with bright red blood.

  “Oh my God!” I screamed out in a panic. “He shot me! He shot me!”

  My body jolted, and I shot straight up. I was panting and sweating. I was confused as I looked around the quiet room. Where is the police? Where is Touch?

  I rubbed my eyes and gathered myself. It was then I realized I was still in bed. I’d been dreaming. I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I gathered myself. Whew! Why was I having this dream? The vividness of it scared the shit out of me. What did it mean?

  Chapter 2


  “One-way Ticket to Jail”

  The minute I heard I was wanted for conspiracy I disappeared. I didn’t even bother telling Jewel I was getting ghost, I just vanished. Well, not really vanished. I went and holed up at my other girl, Lisa’s house. We never went out together, and I never told any of my boys about her. She was my side bitch, and as long as I kept her lifestyle funded, she never complained.

  It had been weeks since my disappearance, and I was really starting to miss Jewel. Not a day went by that I didn’t think of her and my unborn child. I’d spent days wondering if it was a boy or a girl, and who it would look like, if it would look like my other kids, me, or Jewel.

  I was excited about having a kid with Jewel because I knew I would always have access to it. Unlike with my other kids. Their mother was a bitch who never let me see my babies, and it hurt. I wanted the best for all my babies, but this new one was going to get spoiled. I already knew that.

  I wondered if Jewel was eating right. I was hoping she was seeing the doctor and taking care of herself. Sometimes I even wondered if the stress of all the bullshit would cause her to have a miscarriage.

  Life was truly fucked up, and I had no idea I’d be so miserable without Jewel and my unborn child. Being on the run was for the fucking birds!

  When I’d unexpectedly caught conspiracy charges, Lisa was my only hope. I had no place else to hole up. I damn sure wasn’t about to go to one of my boys’ houses. Those loose-lipped niggas would have told someone where I was laying my head. And a hotel was out of the question because I wasn’t about to pay some crazy amount of money to get caught on video surveillance cameras. So I had been laying low at Lisa’s crib until I could figure out my next move.

  “Have you seen my Ben and Jerry’s mint chocolate chip ice cream?” Lisa asked me, a look of disgust on her face.

  Lisa had just come home from work. She hadn’t
been in the house five damn minutes, and she was already tripping. Lisa was cool with being my side chick, but lately she was really starting to annoy a nigga. I don’t know what her problem was, but it seemed that since my money had run low, her attitude was all out of whack. I guess my pops was right when he warned me, “Women think you ain’t shit when your paper ain’t right. But as long as you got money, they respect you.”

  “Yeah, I ate it a couple of hours ago,” I responded, trying my best to keep my focus on ESPN.

  “Well, can you go run to the store and pick me up some more? I’ve had a long day at work, and I was really looking forward to coming home and eating my ice cream,” she expressed with some attitude.

  This bitch must be on dope. Is she forgetting I am wanted? I looked at Lisa like she was a damn fool. I didn’t know if it was that time of the month for her or what, but she was really on some shit lately.

  I rarely went out the house, and if I did go out, I was dressed in all black, with dark shades, and a fucking rastaman hat with fake dreads. I wasn’t about to go through all that for some ice cream! I wanted to cuss Lisa’s ass out for talking stupid, but I stayed calm in an attempt to keep the peace. I needed her crib to stay and only had about two hundred dollars to my name.

  I tried to smooth things over. “When my paper gets right, I will pick up anything you want, baby girl.”

  Lisa snapped at me, “Go do something! Get a job! Because I’m tired of you laying around here.”

  I already had enough on my plate, so dealing with a nagging woman every day wasn’t something I needed. Waiting for the perfect time to make a move wasn’t easy. It took patience and planning, because one wrong move could easily get a nigga locked up. I was miserable not being able to move around the way I used to.

  With the word on the street that I was wanted, nobody was willing to fuck with me on no business shit. I had no connects. I knew in a time like this I needed to be with Jewel. She was a true rider. She would have found a way to make shit right. Lisa, on the other hand, was selfish as hell and stingy with her money and her pussy.

  “You know damn well I can’t go get no fuckin’ job! So, for once, will you just shut the fuck up with your smart-ass comments? I’m trying to watch the game.” I turned the volume up on the TV.

  “Nigga, please! I pay the cable bill in this house.” Lisa grabbed the remote out of my hand and turned the TV off. “If I have something to say, you damn sure are going to listen.” She then threw the remote back at me.

  That was the last straw. This bitch had been riding my ass for the past week. I couldn’t take it anymore. That move sent me into a rage. I grabbed Lisa by the neck and slammed her on the couch. I’d lost it for a minute. It wasn’t until I noticed blood all over her face that I snapped back to reality.

  When it was all said and done, I’d choked her and punched her in the face, giving her a bloody nose. Realizing I’d truly fucked up, I quickly let her go. I just couldn’t control my rage sometimes. I had one domestic abuse case on my hands, and I sure as shit wasn’t looking for another.

  “You done fucked up, muthafucka,” Lisa screamed and ran to the kitchen. She grabbed a knife and started after me.

  I picked up Lisa’s car keys and ran for the garage. My time with her was up. Time to find a new place to crash.

  “Get the hell out of my house! And if you take my car, your ass is going to jail,” she shouted as I rushed into the garage and jumped in her car.

  I knew what she was saying was probably true, but at the time, I was all out of options. I pressed the garage opener and threw the car in reverse.

  Lisa banged on the hood of the car as I was backing out the driveway.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  “Your ass is going to jail!” she shouted. “Stupid-ass nigga!”

  I put the car in drive and sped off, leaving her standing in the middle of the street. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw her on her cell phone. I already knew what that meant. That bitch was calling the police. I needed to get rid of her car fast.

  I had no idea where to go. I didn’t want to involve Jewel in anymore of my bullshit, so her crib was off limits. It seemed my only hope was Lexi, my baby mother. She and I had ended on a real fucked-up note—with a domestic abuse rap. In fact, I couldn’t stand the bitch, but I had no other choice, so I headed her way.

  After twenty minutes of cruising down the highway, constantly looking over my shoulder and making sure to abide by the speed limit, I was at my baby mother’s exit. Two more minutes and I would be at her crib. I couldn’t believe I had made it all the way here.

  I was hoping Lexi would let me in. My plan was to drop the car a few blocks away and walk the rest of the distance to her house. That didn’t happen because, as soon as I exited the ramp, blue lights were flashing from every direction.

  “Muthafucka!” I yelled to no one in particular.

  I wondered how the fuck they had found me. No use trying to figure that shit out now. I needed to figure a way out. My first instinct was to jump out the car and run, but my out-of-shape ass wouldn’t have made it one block, so I pulled over. My plan was to talk my way out of this predicament.

  The cop came to the window and asked for my driver’s license and registration. I grabbed the registration from the glove box then began to search for my ID. Damn! I realized I had no identification. I had purposely stopped carrying it on me since I was wanted. I had planned on getting me a fake ID but kept putting it off. Now I was really fucked up.

  It didn’t take long for the cop to slam me against the car and arrest me for driving a stolen vehicle, and assault and battery. This is some real bullshit, I thought as I was being hauled off to the city jail.

  I’d only been in jail a week, but it seemed like a month. I knew once I got processed and they realized I had those conspiracy charges, there would be no bond in my future. Because of jail overcrowding I sat in a holding cell for an entire week. This was my first day on the block, and I was looking forward to finally having an opportunity to use the phone. I stood in line patiently. It was taking forever, so I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to start any trouble.

  The dude in front of me finally got off the phone. I had a feeling he wasn’t even talking to anyone, that he was just being a dick and holding up the line on purpose.

  The first person I thought to call was Jewel, who’d been on my mind all week. Hell, just the previous night, I beat off my dick, thinking about her sexy body and phat ass. I wasted no time dialing Jewel up. I hadn’t really spoken to her since I’d disappeared. There were a few three-second conversations where I told her I was alive and safe, but that was it. I was paranoid her phone was being tapped, so I would always cut it short.

  “Touch? Baby?” Jewel yelled into the phone, after accepting the collect call.

  Before I had a chance to respond, I felt a shove in my back.

  “Get off the phone,” this dude demanded.

  “Fuck you mean, nigga? I been waiting for the phone for an hour. Get yo’ ass in line, duke!” I said, pointing toward the end of the line.


  I took a punch to the stomach. Obviously this man wasn’t up for conversation. But I wasn’t no punk, so I gave him a fight like he wanted.

  Bam! I hit him in the head with the phone receiver.

  Immediately he and I were throwing blows at each other.

  “Yo’, yo’, yo’!” I heard someone yell. “Back up off him,” the voice calmly said.

  The dude I was fighting released his grip and backed up off me. I watched as he skulked away like a dog with its tail between his legs. I looked up to see an old head standing over me. He reached out his hand and helped me off the ground.

  “Thanks, man,” I said as I brushed my clothes off.

  The man walked me over to a nearby cell. “Clear this bunk,” he ordered another dude sitting in the cell. The dude immediately got up and left the cell. It didn’t take me long for me to figure out this old head ran things in the block and a
ll these niggas was scared of him.

  “Son, we need to talk,” he said to me.

  “A’ight.” I agreed right away. There was no way I was gonna challenge this cat.

  “You all right, Touch?” he asked.

  “I’ll make it. How do you know my name?”

  “I know everything about the streets. I heard you were doing some big things, until you caught those drug charges. You kinda remind me of myself when I was your age. My name is Jimmy. Tell me your story, youngblood.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jimmy. Thanks for stepping in back there, although I coulda handled that dude myself.”

  “I know, young’un, I know.”

  “You wanna know my story? A’ight. I been hustling since I was in grade school. My father was a hustler. He left my moms when I was a baby, but he was always around the neighborhood, so I saw him a lot. His daddy was a hustler, and he brought all three of his sons into the game. My pops and his two brothers ran the streets for a while there. Then the cops decided they was enemy number one and shot my dad and arrested my uncles, Mike and Kendall.”

  “I know those two cats. They doing a bid in the federal pen, right?”

  “Yeah, that’s them. Damn! That’s crazy. How you know those two?”

  “We used to run together on the streets. How you think I know about you?”

  “I like that. You a smooth nigga.”

  “Young buck, don’t you ever call me that again. I ain’t no nigga, you hear? That’s the trouble with you young fools today, calling each other nigga this, nigga that.”


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