California Connection 3

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California Connection 3 Page 2

by Chunichi

  “Word. I apologize. You right.”


  “Well, after my pops passed, I figured it was time for me to man up. I started hustling on the streets. It was small at first, but because people respected my old man, I got a lot of help, and my business started to grow. People were paying attention. Including the cops. I was careful, so I operated for years without getting one bust. Then I got a domestic abuse charge on me, and that’s when the cops really started gunning for me. They had some big old undercover sting to set my ass up. Now I’m looking at some conspiracy charges.”

  “Son, you got heart just like your daddy. You and me can do some big things, but you got to keep your nose clean though. You willing to listen and learn?”

  “Hell yeah, my nig–yes, sir.”

  Jimmy smirked and nodded slowly. He patted me on my shoulder and walked out of the cell. From that point on, he took me under his wing. He even made plans to put me on to some work when I got out. Things were looking up. Now I needed to take care of all these bullshit charges against me.

  Chapter 3


  “Free My Man”

  It had been days since my brief phone call from Touch, so I took it upon myself to call Virginia Beach City Jail and find out their visiting schedule. I wasn’t able to make it until the weekend, so Touch was going to have to wait another few days before he could get a look at me.

  I made sure I looked my best as I straightened my hair and applied my makeup. I squeezed my plump booty into my tightest pair of jeans, sure to show every crease and curve. I hadn’t seen my prince in nearly three months, so I wanted to put a smile on his face.

  When I reached the jail, I went through visitor check-in and was in the back visiting with Touch in no time. It was much quicker than the two-hour waits I had endured during my visits to Norfolk City Jail. I barely had time to even start the book I had brought along to read before I was called into the visitors’ room.

  “Hey, baby!” I yelled and waved as soon as I saw Touch walking up to our designated glass booth.

  It was a bitter-sweet moment. While it was great to see him, it was sad to see him under such circumstances. His hair was freshly braided as though he’d just left the shop, and his smile was still gleaming white and perfect. Besides the orange jumpsuit, he was the same Touch I’d always known. He actually might have been a little bit more muscular from the weights he had been lifting.

  “What’s up, baby girl?” Touch said through the phone receiver.

  “I miss you so much. You look good.” I said, admiring my man and touching the glass that separated us.

  “Thanks. You look good too. You got my dick rising.” Touch massaged his penis as he spoke. “It don’t even look like you have gained a pound. Are you eating okay? You making sure my son, a’ight?”

  “Oh, I’m good. Let’s not worry about me. The question is, Are you okay in there? Do you need anything? What exactly are your charges, and how did you get caught anyway?” I spat one question after another.

  “Damn! Jewel. Hold up. I feel like I’m under interrogation.” Touch gave me that million-dollar smile then added, “The important thing is, I’m no longer on the run, and I got a bond. The bond is one hundred thousand dollars. I need you to holla at the bondsman and give him ten grand.”

  There was an instant lump in my throat and a pit in my stomach. Ten thousand dollars? Where the hell am I gonna get that? I thought as I listened to Touch’s instructions.

  Touch must have noticed the worried look on my face. “What’s the problem, Jewel? Why you looking all crazy and shit?”

  “Well, baby, it’s just that I don’t have that kind of money.” I cringed as I explained, knowing Touch wasn’t going to be happy. I was now happy there was a barrier between us.

  Touch yelled, “What you mean, Jewel? I left fifty thousand dollars behind when I left the house.”

  “Touch, it’s been three months! We have a mortgage, two car notes, and a shitload of credit card bills.” I kept my tone even, but I was pissed. He left me high and dry. What did he expect?

  “So you mean to tell me you blew fifty grand in three months? You don’t even have ten Gs to get a nigga out?” Touch shook his head then dropped his head down into his hand.

  Seeing him look so defeated made me feel real fucked up inside. I had to make things right. “Don’t you worry, baby. I got this. You will be out by morning. You know I’ve never let you down before, and I’m not about to start now.”

  “Now that’s the Jewel I know.” Touch smiled, his mood instantly brightening.

  The brief tension between us subsided. We talked away. About how he was faring in there, about how his meeting this old head named Jimmy. The whole time I just wanted to touch him and kiss him. Before we knew it, our visiting time was up. We tried to prolong our good-byes as long as possible, but the damn COs were being assholes.

  “Love you, baby. Mwah!” I kissed him through the phone. I was getting emotional but tried to stay strong for my man. It was no use. I couldn’t stop the tears.

  “Love you too. Take care of my baby boy.” Touch then hung up the phone.

  I watched his back as he walked away and the heavy steel door slammed behind him.

  “Damn it!” I yelled after jumping back into the truck.

  I didn’t know how I was going to get ten thousand dollars by the next morning. Touch’s fifty thousand had dwindled down to a mere four thousand dollars. I knew if I didn’t get him out by the time morning hit, they might find out about his conspiracy charges. Then he may never get out. I stayed calm as I thought of my options.

  After a few minutes of thinking, I made a phone call. A call I didn’t really want to make. I hope this shit works, I thought after dialing a phone number on my cell.

  “’S up?” Rico said after answering the phone.

  Rico was a little side item I’d had for the past few months. Before Touch was on the run, we were having problems and had decided to split up. He was seeing other chicks, so after a while, I decided to date too. And that’s where Rico came in. Rico was a nice guy. He worked as an engineer for the United States government. He had dough, and the best thing about it was that it was legit. I usually liked my men a little rough around the edges, but after the shit I’d gone through with Touch, it was time for a change. He was everything opposite of Touch.

  “Hey, baby. How are you?” I asked.

  “I’m still tired from the ride you gave two nights ago. Other than that, I’m good. What’s going on with you?”

  “Well, I’ve some great news.” I tried to sound excited.

  “Oh, yeah? What’s that? You’re coming over to ride me again?” Rico asked playfully.

  “I got accepted into nursing school, and I start next week.” I lied.

  “Damn, baby! Congratulations!” Rico said, happy about the news. “You ain’t even tell a nigga you had applied for school. I’ll tell you what. Let me buy your books for you. It will be my present to you.”

  That shit was easier than I thought. Little did Rico know, I was prepared to beg, fuck, suck, and do something strange for a little change, but to my surprise, I didn’t even have to ask. This nigga offered, so I wasted no time going in for the kill.

  “Oh my God! Are you serious?”

  “Come on, baby girl. You know I’m big on education. I’m proud to see you trying to do something for yourself. I got you.”

  “Well, I need about seven thousand to cover everything,” I said in a whiny voice.

  “No problem. You’re worth every penny. Plus, after you finish school, a shitload of money will be rolling in. Come over and get it when you’re ready.”

  “I’m on my way.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

  I started my truck and headed to Rico’s house. As soon as I walked in, he had the money waiting for me. Of course, after giving me the money, he wanted to celebrate my acceptance to nursing school by dicking me down. Normally I loved sex with Rico, but this time I wasn’t
interested in him touching me at all. My mind was on Touch and getting back with him.

  “Baby, I can’t,” I said between kisses.

  “What’s wrong? It’s that time of the month?”

  My initial thought was to agree and tell Rico I was on my cycle, but the one huge lie I’d just told him was enough. My conscience wouldn’t allow me to tell another.

  “No, honey. I’ve got some business I need to take care of, and I’ve gotta do it right away.” I gently rubbed Rico’s erect dick.

  I was about to rain-check his ass and dip out the door, but seeing the look on his face and afraid he would take the money back, I got on my knees and gave him some head. It didn’t take him long to nut all over the place. I zipped his pants back up, gave him a small kiss on the cheek, then headed out the door, leaving him drooling at the mouth.

  When I got back into my truck, I whipped out my cell phone and called Touch’s lawyer. I informed him I had the money for bond and made an appointment for them to discuss his options. Next, I called up a bail bondsman well known to all the guys into the drug game. In fact this bondsman used to be a drug dealer himself, except he was one of those smart enough to turn his drug money into something legit. Sad to say, but even I had to use his services once.

  I felt proud as I met the bondsman at the jail. I had exceeded Touch’s expectation. I got the money, talked to the lawyer, and got his ass that same night.

  I waited patiently for Touch to walk from behind the jail walls. As soon as I saw him, I rushed toward him and jumped into his arms.

  “What’s up, baby girl?” Touch said as I kissed him all over his face.

  “Looks like your dick,” I responded, rubbing on his erect penis.

  “Yeah, that’s all for you tonight.” Touch laughed, and we hopped in the car.

  The ride seemed like it took forever. All I wanted to do was get home, get naked, and ride Touch all night long. I asked him how he had gotten caught, and he was pretty vague. I felt like he wasn’t telling me everything. I wasn’t going to push it, because I was just so happy to see him again.

  Touch smacked my ass before we entered the house. “You didn’t give my pussy away, did you?”

  “You know this pussy is yours.” I assured him with a kiss.

  I was dressed in a trench coat. Touch didn’t think anything of it because there was a chilly nip in the air. Underneath my trench coat I wore a skimpy French maid set with a small apron to match. My five-inch stilettos added an extra touch. As soon as we entered through the front door, I dropped my coat.

  “Damn, Jewel! You never cease to surprise a nigga. I love that about you.” Touch hugged me close.

  I could have sworn within seconds his dick grew at least two inches. And it got even harder as I began stroking it.

  After Touch stripped right in front of me, I quickly got on my knees and started deep-throating his dick.

  He pulled my head in even closer. “Aah, man. Don’t stop.”

  I knew just what it took to send him to the moon. My head was definitely like no other. The key with Touch wasn’t my tongue, it was the way I stroked his dick. I could make him come in less than five minutes. But I made sure not to give him too much because I wanted him to last all night.

  Touch ripped my lingerie off and carried me up the stairs into the bedroom through the gardenia petals lightly covering the foyer floor and trailing up the stairs leading to the bedroom. My pussy instantly became wet. After he let me down, I pulled him onto the bed. I began massaging him, working my way down to his feet. After his massage I turned on the surround sound CD player. Jeremih’s song, “Birthday Sex” started to play. Touch’s birthday was a few days away, so this was an early present. I began dancing to the song.

  Touch loved to see me feel all over myself. Popping my pussy in front of him was his favorite. Not being able to take the uprising sexual tension, he grabbed me up and lifted me up against the wall.

  “Which titty do you want in my mouth while I fuck you?” he asked, sticking his thick penis inside of me.

  “The right.”

  For the next hour we had sex in every position thinkable. He literally put me to sleep that night.

  For the next few days, Touch didn’t leave my side. Besides having sex, all he wanted to do was rub my stomach. After a while, it became quite annoying. He was truly about the birth of his baby. He was convinced it was a boy. I, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure.

  Meanwhile, Rico was blowing up my phone. He’d been texting and calling me continuously. At first I was playing it off like I was in class and couldn’t return his calls or texts. But that didn’t work for long. All he did was start calling and texting at night. I was doing everything, from sneaking to the bathroom to text him to making bullshit trips to the store to call him. I was afraid it was becoming too obvious that something was up, and the last thing I wanted was Touch to catch on to what I was doing. I turned my phone on silent and ignored all Rico’s calls and texts. Pretty soon I began getting calls from strange numbers and private numbers, but I was on to that trick. I knew it was Rico. He was doing anything he could to get me to answer.

  Finally I could no longer ignore it. I figured if I just answered one time Rico would stop calling. I snuck upstairs while Touch was sleeping, so I could answer Rico’s call.

  “Hello?” I said in a soft tone, trying not to make too much noise.

  “Hey, sweetie. Where have you been? I’ve been calling you for days?” Rico said before giving me a chance to respond. “I’m right in front of your house. I was just about to knock on the door when you answered.”

  “Oh my God! Rico, no!” I panicked. I felt as though I was gonna shit in my Victoria’s Secret G-string. “I’m not home yet. I’m on my way, but I need to stop at the store.”

  With Touch’s temper, if Rico had come knocking, there was gonna be a fight, possibly a death, and it sure wouldn’t have been Touch doing the dying.

  “Okay, I’ll wait for you here.”

  “No, I’m gonna be a little while. Meet me at the grocery store.” I started getting my outfit together.

  On my way to the garage I peeped in on Touch to make sure he was still asleep. Luckily I hadn’t awaken him, and he was sleeping like a baby. I grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter. From the living room I looked out the window and watched as Rico got in his car and pulled off. I rushed in my car and headed out my neighborhood in the opposite direction.

  I met Rico at the store. He’d beat me to the store, since I took the long way from my house.

  “Hey, baby. What’s going on?” Rico said as soon as I got out my car.

  I planned on going the distance with this lie and walking around the grocery store and shopping, hoping to bore Rico into leaving while I shopped for my house. But as soon as I saw his face, I changed my tactic.

  I told him, “Listen, baby, you can’t come over. This is not a good idea.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I took a deep breath in. I really liked Rico, so it wasn’t easy for me to tell him. “My man is back home.” I let out the breath I had taken in and prepared myself for his verbal onslaught.

  From the day I’d met Rico, I had told him about Touch. Sure, I should have done things a little different and maybe prepared him for this day, but it all happened so quickly. I was hoping he would just go away on his own, but he didn’t. So I decided to just put it out there to keep him from getting killed.

  “So that’s how it is, Jewel? And to think I really was feeling you. You didn’t even respect me enough to let me know what was going on. This is how I had to find out? Cool.” Rico simply walked away, got in his car, and pulled off.

  Damn! That hurt me more than if he had gone off on me. At that point I didn’t know what to think. I expected and would have accepted name-calling or the standard “Fuck you!” but a dude talking calm, no cursing or anything, now that was strange. It unnerved me a little bit.

  All sorts of thoughts began to run through my brain.
Could this linger into something else? Do I need to tell Touch so he can protect himself? Hell, do I need to carry a gun to protect myself? I didn’t know if Rico was crazy or what. I’d just taken seven grand from this dude then dissed him. I figured it wouldn’t be long before he put two and two together and realized I’d used his money to bond Touch.

  As soon as I walked in the house through the garage door, Touch was standing in the kitchen waiting on me. “Where did you go?” he asked after biting into a turkey sandwich.

  “To the store,” I said, startled.

  “So what you buy?”

  “Oh, I didn’t get anything because they didn’t have what I was looking for,” I said, unable to come up with anything better.

  “It must have been important because you left in a hurry. What were you looking for?” Touch wasn’t letting up so easy.

  “Huh? What you mean?” I said, trying to buy time to come up with an answer to satisfy Touch and get him off my ass.

  “What was it that you were looking for at the store that you couldn’t find?” Touch repeated, like he was talking to a child.

  “Oh, I was just craving for some white Oreos. You know, pregnancy craving.” I knew anything about the baby would ease Touch’s mind.

  “Oh, okay.” Touch gulped down a glass of juice and headed out the kitchen. “For a second I thought you had run off to see a little dude around the corner or something.” He chuckled. “Don’t let me find out,” he said as he playfully smacked my ass.

  I knew he wasn’t joking though. If he found out I had gone to see another dude, there would be hell to pay.

  “Yeah, your brother.” I played along, relieved he hadn’t caught me in my lie.

  Throughout the evening the private calls continued back to back. I had to wonder what sane person would spend hours constantly calling a person’s phone. Rico was really starting to scare me.

  Later that night, Touch and I went to the store to pick up a few things. The whole time while shopping I couldn’t help this overwhelming feeling that someone was watching us. Especially as we put our groceries in the truck.


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