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Pieces Of One, Part 2 (The Dark Life Collection)

Page 19

by Ricketts, SVC

  To the blogs and readers that have read either of my books and left reviews, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you as well. I have said in the past that I don’t care how many books I sell, I just want to tell a story. While this is true, how am I to know I have a story worth sharing without your feedback? Reviews matter. If not for the word-of-mouth, for the validation I did something right. Thank you so much for taking the time to jot down your thoughts and let the community know I may have some talent for this writer biz. ;)

  My path would be steeper if not for the friendship and guidance from my mentors, Ella Fox, Jaime Cooper, and Rachel VanDyken. Thank you for letting me PM you with my crazy ideas and demented nonsense. I could not push out these little cluster-fucks without you.

  In my dedication I mentioned ‘My Village.’ Daily, my village grows and I love it. Thank you Rivi Jacks for encouraging me, supporting me, and always checking in to see if I’ve jumped off the bridge or not. Many, many, many thanks to Michelle Engler, Sadie Bissett, Yaya Citron, Tammy Ann Dove, Celia Callaway, Stylo Fantome, Rose He, Jay Benitez, Arianne Dudley, Amanda Huth, and Lacey Smith for reading, pimping, and/or reviewing. You guys are amazeballs!

  A vital part of my village are my beta readers and core support team, Gayle Williams, Michelle Rodriguez, Ang Cetrangola, and Crystal Solis. Without you, I would be that tree in the woods that no one hears if I fell. There are no words. My heart to yours, I love you guys! I still can’t believe how truly lucky I am to have people like you in my life. You believe in me more than I do myself and remind me all the time to not doubt. I think you guys have a screw loose, but I suppose that’s why we’re friends. LOL!

  Also MASSIVE applause for your help with P1’s release! The day before release I was put in FB Jail for a slightly naughty pic. When the Michelle’s call for help went out, I was flooded with support. Special S/O to Dee Palmer! Girl, you are a rock star!

  Thank you, thank you, thank you to my editors CJ Fling, Fran Owen, and Sharon Stogner. Thank you for making my books not suck as much grammatically or otherwise. If any of you readers catch a few more errors, they may have been left there on purpose because that’s how I roll. Deal with it.

  Big booty shakes to my phenomenal formatter, Stacey Ryan Blake! Thank you for never asking me how, just taking my ideas and creating something magical.

  And in the book production category, five glitter crowns to CLP’s very own, Judi Perkins! Your creativity and ability to capture exactly what I needed for cover, teasers, book markers, banner, branding, and anything else I asked of you is beyond measure. Your work is as stunning as you are, babe! Thank you for staying up till the wee hours to finish my shit so we could meet our deadlines.

  Finally, but definitely not least of all, to my outstandingly wonderful hubz, Zach. Thank you for your constant encouragement, putting up with my mood swings, my “book-mode,” my overly-generous giveaways, my crazy friends that I have to PM back before bedtime, and for being the first one to really believe in me. I owe you everything and you are my H.E.A. I also appreciate you helping me out with certain scenes to ensure their realism and believability. *wink, wink* Love you more every day forever and ever, and ever!




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