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Escaping Madness: Age Of Madness - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (Live Free Or Die Book 3)

Page 7

by Hayley Lawson

  Ryder lifted her hand off Leandro’s head. What part of “don’t stop” did she not get? She knelt beside Leandro and hugged him. He wanted to stay in her warm embrace forever.

  Leandro’s world almost ended when she let go of him and headed into the living room. He remembered the commotion he’d heard from the living room and followed her.

  Before he could go into the living room, he had to get to the bathroom. Dammit! The bathroom door was closed. How the hell was he going to open it? Leandro heard singing through the door. It was an ABBA song, but it wasn’t Massimo’s voice. Leandro vaguely remembered Massimo playing it for his Merry Men and rolled his eyes. That was all Leandro needed—for everyone to enjoy ABBA as much as his Pops. Just the thought made his head hurt even more.

  Then the handle turned, and Carter emerged. He was singing Dancing Queen, and he looked just like a queen—shiny clean and resplendent, with his bows in his freshly braided beard.

  Carter looked down at Leandro, who hated the fact that Carter could look down at him. He had a puzzled look on his face, which was normal for him. “Oh, it’s you, Fluffy. Do you need the bathroom?” Leandro growled in response. Carter grinned and swept an arm toward the bathroom. “Be my guest.’

  Leandro pushed past Carter into the bathroom. This was his house, not Carter’s. He was the guest here. Leandro went to close the door, but couldn’t shut it all the way since there was a chance he’d get locked in. Carter peeked through the crack.

  Leandro growled again. Why was he watching?

  Leandro’s bladder was too full for him to argue with Carter. He needed to piss. He turned to the toilet, and the oh shit moment came over him. He was a fucking wolf! He couldn’t piss in a toilet. And of all people, it was Carter who had witnessed his fuck-up.

  Carter started laughing and Leandro growled back, flashing his sharp teeth. “Easy, Fluffy. Go piss outside on a tree.”

  Leandro pushed past Carter. What kind of animal does he think I am?

  “Come on, Fluffy, don’t get all moody on me. You have to admit it was quite funny.”

  Leandro couldn’t be bothered with Carter’s smartass comments. He needed to get outside, or he was going to further humiliate himself by pissing on the floor. Leandro couldn’t think of anything worse.

  When Leandro passed through the living room, he caught a strange scent. It was his Pops, but he smelled different. Leandro sidetracked into the room, hoping he could hold his bladder a little longer. Massimo looked even younger than he had than when Leandro was a kid. His Pops had gone back in time. Leandro padded over to Massimo, completely and utterly shocked. What the hell had happened last night?

  He remembered his dad speaking to him about something on the porch, but Leandro had been remembering how hot Ryder had looked shooting her bow. That damn alcohol. Leandro remembered agreeing to something, but not what. He now knew.

  Leandro turned to look at Ryder, who had a bandage on her arm that he hadn’t noticed. She’d given Massimo her blood. Looked like Leandro wasn’t the only one who’d had a life-changing experience yesterday. They’d gone from father and son to wolf and vampire.

  Massimo had finally given in to drinking human blood. All those years of me having to force him into drinking rabbit’s blood every morning, and as soon as a pretty girl walks in the house my dad is no longer a vegetarian? Bloody typical.

  The thought of drinking made Leandro remember that he needed to piss. He made a beeline for the exit and ran into the woods as far as he could so no one could see him.

  He loved being able to run as fast as a speeding bullet, but he hated some of the other aspects of being a wolf.

  Namely, pissing in public.


  Just before sunrise, the group left Massimo’s house and headed for Afana’s bunker. Fluffy and Koda were at the front, leading them on the fastest route to the bunker. Fluffy knew a quicker route than the one Ryder had taken. This route took them around the mountains where Carter lived.

  Ryder filled Massimo in on what had happened to Javier as they walked. “It’s scary to think there’s another way to turn Mad, isn’t it? I thought getting bitten was bad enough.”

  “It is, really,” he agreed. “How are we going to defend ourselves from something we know nothing about? I wonder if it is airborne after all.” Massimo shook his head. “No. If it was, we would have all turned by now. It must be something that is already inside us, as I originally thought. I hope Afana has a computer and it’s possible to link it to the outside world.” Massimo’s eyes widened at the thought, “Maybe there is someone out there who knows what’s going on.” Massimo nodded as he spoke. “There has to be. And we need to find that person before it takes any more good people.”

  Ryder smiled. “I hope you’re right, and if you are, I’ll help you find them.”

  Massimo’s eyes crinkled with joy. “You are a sweetheart. Let me check with the others to find out how long it will be before we’re there.” He jogged over to Fluffy and Koda at the front of the group.

  Massimo really did have a spring in his step. My blood is damn good stuff! Ryder thought and snickered. Time to wind Carter up… “Where’s that lovely sweater Tightwad knitted for you?” Ryder asked, referring to the colorful sweater Tightwad had given him the night before. It looked like a fairy had farted on it, and it suited him perfectly since it matched the bows in his braids. Tightwad looked like he was wondering the same thing. He was wearing his colorful sweater, why not Carter?

  “I didn’t want to get blood splatters on it.” Carter looked at Ryder as though it were obvious.

  Tightwad had a look of horror on his face. “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that. I should go back and change.” Tightwad stroked his sweater fondly.

  Carter smirked. “I have to say, Ryder, you’re clearly dressed for a fight.”

  Ryder looked at her clothes—the ones she always wore—and back at Carter. “Go sit on a cactus.” She laughed. Ever since she’d seen the cactus, Ryder had been waiting for an opportunity to make a joke involving the spiky plant.

  Carter only looked confused; the joke was lost on him. Next time, she would use it when Massimo was around. He would get it.

  Ryder stroked Black Beauty. “Aren’t you two riding together?” Ryder asked Carter and Graham. Graham had Black Beauty hitched to the cart, which was filled with extra weapons and other supplies.

  “I fancied getting the blood flowing in my legs,” Carter responded.

  “What, instead of the blood being pumped to your dick?” Ryder snickered. Carter and Graham couldn’t contain themselves and cracked up.

  Carter’s eyes widened. “Jeez, Ryder, you’ve got one dirty mouth.”

  Ryder grinned. “It comes with living in the bunker for years.”

  Massimo jogged back to the group. He didn’t walk anymore; everything was a jog or a skip, like a school kid.

  “Hey, Massimo, do you know Darth Vader?” Carter asked.

  Ryder looked at Carter, puzzled. “Who’s Darth Vader?”

  Carter gasped. “Oh, he’s Luke Skywalker’s father.”

  “Spoiler!” Massimo shook his head. “You’re not supposed to tell people what happened in the movie.” He rolled his eyes, wondering how Carter could reveal such a big secret.

  Carter was confused. “What? Why?”

  Of course, he wouldn’t know the rules since Massimo hadn’t told him. He’d shared Carter’s first movie, and hadn’t told him the rules. “My bad. I should have told you. When you watch a movie, you don’t tell others what happens, in case they want to watch it,” Massimo explained. “Anyway, back to the question. I’m afraid I don’t know Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker.”

  “How about lightsabers? Does Graham have one of those? That would be one killer weapon.” Carter waved his axe around like it was a lightsaber, making the swooshing sound.

  “We don’t have any,” Massimo admitted. “But it would be good if we did.” Carter kept on with the swooshing noises as he swung his axe. Massimo
smirked. “The Force is strong with you.”

  Carter’s face lit up, and his eyes widened. “Really?”

  Massimo nodded. “Really.”

  Koda raised his hand, and the group instantly stopped with their weapons in their hands. They were ready for anything. Koda pointed at the woods to the left that wrapped around the mountain.

  They all waited for something to happen, then the leaves rustled and a red-eyed figure appeared. The Mad was covered in angry red sores, her clothes were ripped, and she had blood around her mouth.

  Carter recognized the woman. “Rebecca, is that you?”

  “If it was, it’s not anymore,” Byrant said. He was right. The Mad sprinted at the group.

  “Kill shot,” Ryder yelled. “Don’t waste bullets!”

  Byrant had his gun pointing at the woman. “Do it, Byrant,” Everyone shouted at once. Carter had been working with him last night to build his confidence, which had taken a hit after he’d choked during the fight outside Graham’s workshop.

  “You’ve got this. Just pull the trigger,” Carter told Byrant calmly.

  Byrant squeezed his eyes shut and pulled the trigger.

  Carter grinned and slapped Byrant on the back. “Looks like you really are the best gunslinger in town.” Carter and the others were pleased that Byrant was back in form, since they needed him to be able to shoot at the bunker.

  The Mad slumped to the ground. There was no need to two-tap; she wasn’t going to come back to life after that.

  Koda nodded. “Nice shot!” A few of the men agreed. There was a noticeable difference in Byrant. His confidence had begun to return.

  Ryder was relieved since it meant they wouldn’t have to worry about him freezing up and getting killed. They needed capable shooters on their side.

  The group all looked down at Rebecca’s body, except for Carter. He was looking in the direction Rebecca had appeared from.

  The mountain settlement.

  Carter’s face was ashen with worry. “The kids,” he breathed.

  Ryder looked toward the settlement. She wouldn’t leave the kids if there were Mad on the loose. They’d stand no chance. She hoped Terrier would wait for her, and wouldn’t leave kids defenseless by getting killed.

  “Change of plans,” Ryder announced. “We need to check that Carter’s settlement is okay first. Also, we may be able to get a few more people to help.”

  Everyone agreed without a fuss.

  “Carter, we’ll have to be quick. I don’t want to lose too much daylight.”

  Carter nodded. “Thank you, Ryder. I’ll take you by the quickest route.” He took off running with the group right beside him.

  “Ryder,” Graham shouted, and she turned around to see Graham on the cart. There was no way he could get up there with the cart and weapons. “I’ll stay with Black Beauty,” he called.

  “Do you want someone else to stay with you?”

  “Not when I have these.” Graham swung his axes with a big grin on his face. “Hurry up, though. We don’t want you getting lost.”

  He’s right. My sense of direction sucks! Luckily, we have a wolf and a tracker in our gang, and they’ll find me if I get lost. “Yell if you need us,” she told him.

  Ryder followed the others up the mountain. The ground was wet and mossy under her boots and she had to leap a number of fallen branches, but she caught up with the gang.

  “Mad at three o’clock,” Koda yelled. Everyone turned right to see a pair of glowing red eyes coming straight at the group.

  “We got this one,” Massimo said. He and Fluffy stood ready for the attack, and the rest of them kept running. It would take too much time if they hung around for each kill, and Ryder also knew that Massimo wanted to test his newly-regained strength. Part of Ryder wanted to see it, but that would happen soon enough.

  Massimo’s fangs protruded, and his eyes were aglow. He was in full vampire mode and felt stronger than he ever had before. The Mad was coming for them, but it had no idea that it was coming for Death. Leandro growled and made to spring at it, but Massimo stayed his son with a hand and moved forward to meet the Mad head on.

  The Mad lunged at Massimo, but the vampire blocked its clumsy swipe and punched a hole through its skull. The Mad collapsed, falling off Massimo’s fist with a wet pop. Massimo removed a clean handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped his hands.

  Fluffy gazed at Massimo in wonder.

  “What?” Massimo asked. “I can fight, too.”

  The first things they heard when they reached the mountain settlement were the groans. Everyone had their weapons ready in a flash. Carter held up his hand, and the group slowly approached the sound.

  It was coming from the cages with the infected parents. At least they hadn’t escaped, although they looked worse than they had a day ago. They were more red sores on their exposed skin, and they were pissed. They reached through the bars try to grab the people as they passed.

  Byrant had his gun out and was ready to shoot.

  “Don’t do it!” Carter ordered, getting between the Mad and Bryant’s gun.

  Willard looked at Carter, confused. “First he wants him to shoot, now he doesn’t. Which is it?”

  “They can’t get out. I made sure of that,” Carter assured them.

  “Why are you keeping them?” Massimo asked when he and Fluffy arrived. Massimo had blood spatters on his clothing, but Fluffy was his usual pristine white.

  “Because they are the parents of some of the kids in the settlement. We need to see if their kids are all right,” Carter reminded them as he pushed Byrant’s gun down.

  A child’s scream rang out, and they all pelted in the direction it had come from. When they were almost at the settlement, the stench of rotting flesh hit them. There were two Mad on the ground. Their legs were gone, their flesh had been bitten away, and bones protruded through their exposed muscles. None of that stopped them from dragging themselves inch by inch toward the settlement.

  Two wolves with blood around their mouths came sprinting down the hill and blocked their way. Both were white like Fluffy. The group looked at the wolves and then at Fluffy.

  Ryder asked what they were all thinking. “Hey, Leandro, are you all related?”

  Leandro walked up to the white wolves. They looked just like him, a male and a female version of himself. He chuffed at them, trying to find out what happened. They didn’t respond, unless he could call licking their butts a response. Disgusting.

  The female wolf stared at Leandro. He tried again, but it was like he was speaking to them in a different language. Maybe he was.

  The male wolf headed over to a tree and pissed on it, right in front of everyone. Does he not have any dignity?

  Carter laughed and pointed at the wolf. “See, Fluffy, that’s how you have a piss.”

  Leandro cringed with embarrassment while Carter regaled the others with how he had caught Leandro trying to use the toilet. I’m going to rip his vocal cords out one day to shut him up.

  Carter tried to break the tension between them and the wolves because they needed to get past them. Carter gingerly walked around them with his hands away from his axes to show the wolves that he had no intention of harming them.

  They let him pass. It appeared as though they were only after the Mad, which was a good thing for the Merry Men. They all slowly walked around the wolves and the Mad, who were pulling themselves along the ground toward them like they wanted to bite down on their fresh flesh.

  Massimo was the last person to walk around the Mad, and they moved quickly in his direction. Massimo stood his ground and snarled at them with his fangs on display. The Mad didn’t even stop. They weren’t scared of a vampire.

  Which annoyed Massimo.

  “I really don’t have the effect on the Mad I was hoping for,” Massimo complained.

  One of the wolves snarled and darted at the Mad, then pulled on its leg tendons which stopped the Mad from getting any closer to Massimo. They were stopping the Mad. It
looked gross, but Ryder was glad they were helping.

  Leandro chuffed his thanks to the wolves. They looked at him and then kept chowing down on the bloody tendons.

  These animals are wild weirdos.

  Leandro slowly walked away from the wolves and the Mad, following his pack.

  When they reached the settlement, there was a fight going on between the mountain people and the Mad.

  There were no kids there, so Ryder glanced around, terrified she’d see them on the ground. They weren’t present, but there were dead Mad wherever she looked. There had already been one hell of a bloody fight, and it wasn’t over.

  Ryder glanced back. The wolves had followed them.

  “Stop him,” Maxwell, the leader of the mountain settlement, yelled as a Mad staggered away from the fight toward the watering hole where Ryder had washed her clothes.

  “I’ve got him,” Ryder called back. She nocked one of her cloth-wrapped arrows and dipped it in the alcohol. Shit, I need someone to light it. Before she could ask anyone, Carter was by her side. He took the flint and made a spark, and it was enough to light the arrow. Ryder aimed for the staggering Mad and let the arrow fly. It landed in the Mad’s back and his dry, bloody shirt caught on fire.

  The Mad dropped to the ground. He wasn’t going anywhere now.

  An oncoming Mad had his throat slashed before Ryder could shoot him and fell to the ground, cut down by Maxwell. Louis and Andrew, who’d guarded her shack, joined them.

  “Nice to see you again,” Maxwell said as he fought alongside Ryder. “I wish it was under better circumstances.”

  “Me, too. Where are the kids?” Ryder asked. Carter leaned into the conversation as the three of them fought off the Mad.

  “They are safe,” Maxwell told them, and Carter left out a breath of relief.

  A gurgle came from behind Ryder, and she turned to see the body of a man lifting itself up off the ground. His leg was in a weird position; it was broken and looked painful. His eyes were going red. He had the Madness.


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