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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

Page 22

by K'Anne Meinel

  They discussed it after awhile but could find no reason why that picture should affect Grace so. It wasn’t just Grace though that it affected. Yoshi had confided that she and her husband had never had such an active time in their life after it had been put into the gallery. Joan thought about destroying the abstract. Grace talked her out of it. She said Joan’s work was too important to nonchalantly destroy it. Maybe some of the early stuff but not this one. They laughed. Joan hadn’t thought of a name yet for the work but after careful consideration decided to call it Aphrodisiac and to keep it away from Grace. They made love that night and it wasn’t as intense as the last time the abstract had affected Grace but it was good, very good. Joan teased that perhaps they should keep the painting for their own private collection but Grace shuddered at the thought. She didn’t like losing control of her body or emotions. The picture caused her to do both but way beyond just losing control. She worried, what if Joan hadn’t been there, would she have strayed because of the effect of a painting? These doubts were not good but she was pretty certain that Joan was all she wanted and needed.

  Not completely decided on what to do about the abstract Joan had it crated and stored at the gallery. The digitized photos she refused to put on the website for the time being.

  She discussed another catalog with Allan. All the work she had been doing this last year needed to be shown. It was so diverse. The catalog needed updating. Allan told her she really needed exposure. He again pressed her for the tour. She discussed it with Grace, explaining that she would be away for months on end, not just weekends here and there. She wanted Grace to go with her but Grace felt that she couldn’t leave her work. An extended leave of absence of that duration wouldn’t be a good idea. She felt though, after four years of putting Allan off, that Joan could no longer do so. It would harm her career. She should go for it. So Joan capitulated to Allan and they agreed to release a new catalog in February and she would start her world tour in Chicago. Two weeks there, then on to Miami. From there they would go to New York, then London, Paris, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland. In Italy they would go both to Venice and Rome. He might even be able to work out something in South Africa, in Egypt perhaps Cairo. Definitely Moscow. Perhaps something in Turkey. Then there was Asia to consider. Bangkok and Hong Kong. Tokyo, Japan. Sydney, Australia. He mustn’t forget his hometown of Los Angeles and there was San Francisco to consider as well.

  He’d thought about this for four frustrating years and he was determined to do the best job he could for Joan. All his other clients he reassigned to others in the agency and he concentrated full time on all the arrangements for Joan’s world tour and catalog release. He insisted that they include Aphrodisiac. It would be one of the few originals that they would take to the exhibits. He figured two weeks in each city, a few would only take a week. Some might even be more. He assigned a team of assistants to work out the details, find the exhibit spaces, make hotel arrangements. Joan insisted on first class and this helped with her image that he wanted to create. He even subtly worked into her PR about the stalker but claimed no knowledge of how that occurred when Joan cornered him on it. She didn’t want to think about that ever again.

  The new printers they used for the release of the catalog and the layout designers they used were fabulous. This would be the best catalog she had ever produced. They worked frantically to have it released by February. Joan received the first couple copies to give to family and friends. The night before she left they all went to dinner to toast her new catalog and the beginning of the tour. She wasn’t certain how long she would be gone, she left the details to Allan. The PR bandwagon was churning out work at levels she wasn’t used to. Already details of the tour were on the website and would be released with the catalog. Her copies had come a week before anyone else’s and the next few days would be busy ones for the galleries as they hit their mailing lists.

  That night before she left, she and Grace were sitting in front of the fireplace enjoying their last evening together for awhile. Grace still refused to travel with her but Joan understood how important Graces work was to her. Grace did agree to fly to Chicago, Miami, and New York for a couple of weekends at least so the separation wouldn’t be as intense. Joan did get her to lightly commit to meeting her in Venice for a week at least. It would require a lot of travel for only a week but according to the schedule that would be four months or so down the line. Joan felt terrible about the enforced separation and told Grace her feelings. Grace reminded her how important her work was to both of them. How this inconvenience was only temporary. That Grace loved her deeply and this wouldn’t harm their relationship. Joan loved her too. They sat looking into the flames discussing all the places that she would be seeing. As a going away present Grace had given her a new laptop to keep in contact with. She’d given it to her a week ago so she could work out any bugs before she left. Her old laptop was positively ancient and Joan was grateful at Graces thoughtfulness. It wouldn’t always be convenient to phone with the time changes. An email could be sent anytime from almost anywhere.

  Grace reluctantly drove Joan to the airport. Even though the first leg of the trip was in Chicago she felt a great sense of loss. A premonition of disaster as it were. She almost said something to Joan but then thought it would be selfish to put her own problems on Joan’s shoulders. She waved to her cheerfully as Joan went through the security checkpoint. She didn’t let on how lonely she would be or how much she would miss her. In a week she would meet her for a weekend. She convinced herself that it would be good for their relationship which had nothing wrong with it in the first place.

  Those first six weeks were hard for everyone. With repetition though the entire crew worked out some of the wrinkles. They smoothly set up each exhibit. The advance work paid off in the amount of people who came to meet Joan and admire her work. Sales were incredible. Joan found her evenings filled with smoozing with people from all walks of life. Mayor’s, congressmen, art collectors, art dealers, the list was never ending. Allan handled all her social engagements. He resented any time that Grace came in the picture because that meant one or two nights where he didn’t have Joan on display. She went to more parties than she had in her life. Her luggage went from 2 bags to 4 and then even more. Eventually it became part of the equipment they shipped to each exhibit. She needed to dress for the various occasions. When Grace saw her in New York they took time to go to a beauty spa together to get a treatment and both came out looking fantastic. Joan’s braids were styled differently. They weren’t in corn rows any longer on her scalp but hung in layers over her head. It required a bit more work to do but Allan had hired an assistant by the name of Kara to help Joan with things like that. To fetch water when she needed it, to make sure she ate.

  London was foggy but Joan loved the mystery of it. She met an English lord who had admired her work for some time and was thrilled to finally meet the artist. He took her to the opera, the ballet, and to a play. She made it clear to him that she was committed to a partner but he persisted anyway. He was totally fascinated by this American artist. Her views, her art, her way of life, even her politics absolutely enthralled him. He followed them to Paris, to Belgium, to the Netherlands where she finally politely shook him off. He had just kept appearing. Escorting her whether she wanted to or not. Allan had played up the PR on that and her picture appeared in several London papers as well as Paris. All clippings were added to the website for added prestige.

  Joan was exhausted by the time they finished Munich, Berlin, and Vienna. The thought of going to Switzerland didn’t thrill her but after Zurich would be Venice and she had Graces promise to be there for a week. THAT she was looking forward to. She felt she could keep going just for that ‘prize’ at the end.

  Grace admitted she was looking forward to Venice as well. She had never dreamed of traveling as much as she seemed to do with Joan. Fiji had been their last vacation together and her passport was in order. Allan handled the travel arrangements
for her. The weekends in Chicago, Miami, and New York hadn’t been enough. She truly missed Joan. The emails didn’t tell enough. As time was going on they weren’t as chatty. She could tell Joan was tired. She was homesick. She didn’t really enjoy all the parties, the other social events that were part of this tour. Even signing her work wasn’t fun anymore. She was feeling as though she were a pawn. The PR and everything with the Lord had made her very well known. Europe thrived on gossip such as that. One publication even insinuated that they were having a steamy love affair. Joan emailed Grace frantically about that one, insisting is was all part of the game being played but that it was untrue. Grace didn’t doubt Joan at all. She knew it was all a game that they were playing to promote the work. Joan deserved all the recognition she was getting but she didn’t deserve the crap that went along with it. Hiding her own insecurities Grace kept up to all appearances a strong unfailing loyalty to Joan. But when she was alone some nights she missed holding Joan so badly that it physically hurt. Her doubts would surface and she would worry that Joan would meet someone. Joan had been totally open about the English Lord and how angry she felt about it, Grace knew she didn’t have to worry about THAT one.

  She hated being alone in their house anymore. The nights were the worst. She didn’t have anyone to look forward to. She worked longer hours at the hospital to compensate, as a result she missed more than a few of Joan’s calls. They were both so lonely for the other. Each tried not to worry the other with their doubts, their fears, their worries, or their anxieties. They tried to keep a positive note when they did actually speak. It was a balm to actually hear the other’s voice on the end of the line but it was too little, they both needed so much more.

  Grace confided some of her doubts to save her sanity with her colleague and friend Jason. He and his wife Linda had been part of the crowd last summer playing on the river. Their daughter Lydia adored Grace and wanted to be a psychiatrist just like her, not like her old man. Jason knew both Joan and Grace very well and could reassure Grace that things were okay, that she wasn’t insane. She began to go out more with friends from the hospital. She met a few new ones as well. One nurse named Beth she had lunch with periodically. They had a lot in common both of them working in the medical field and they could commiserate about patients. Sometimes doctors didn’t associate with nurses but Grace had no qualms about it. It was just nice to have a couple of sounding boards while Joan was gone. She saw Craig, Jane and their family regularly, Aaron insisted. Since Joan had come into Grace’s life, she had FAMILY and she hadn’t realized before that it had been missing, now she wouldn’t give it up for the world. Adam had proposed to Gwen and been accepted. They made plans to marry in September. Grace was thrilled for them and excited as though it were her own son getting married, in a way it had become so. Joan would fly in from Moscow for that weekend and both of them were thrilled at the prospect.

  ~ CHAPTER 25 ~

  Joan spent the day at the exhibit meeting and smoozing. Signing autographs and prints. It had been a long day when Kara arranged for her to go back to the hotel. She was anxious to do so as she knew Grace was coming in today. Kara had arranged for her to be picked up at the airport outside of Venice.

  Joan walked into the hotel flanked by Allan and Kara. Her own personal watchdogs she always felt. She was stopped by a fan for an autograph and Allan beamed. Looking around the lobby of the hotel as she signed she spotted a welcome sight. Sitting there watching her was Grace. She quickly finished the autograph, chatting with the woman briefly, she thanked the woman and abruptly left heading for Grace.

  Grace saw her as soon as she had come in the lobby. She looked so sophisticated in her French clothes. They made her look taller than her 5’7” frame. With her braids hanging about she looked exotic, important, and very artsy. A woman stopped her. Grace saw the fixed smile that Joan had coined as her ‘fan’ smile. Courteous but not condescending. Pleased but not inviting. Joan looked up and saw her.

  They met halfway in a bear hug. Not wanting to kiss her in front of an audience, Grace instead whispered in her ear. “God your a sight for sore eyes.” Joan’s eyes teared up she was so happy to see Grace. Allan and Kara came over to say hello and ask about her trip. Thanking them for making all the arrangements they left the two of them alone. Joan began leading Grace to the bank of elevators. Grace pulled back to gather her luggage.

  “Why didn’t have them put that in the suite? You could have waited there for me as well, you have to be tired from traveling.”

  “They wouldn’t let me into the suite.” Grace told her.

  “What do you mean they wouldn’t let you in the suite. I told them you were coming and to prepare the room for you.” Stopping dead Joan was frowning at her.

  “When I arrived in the limo they welcomed me but told me that they had a room available for a Dr. Grant Monroe, not Grace.”

  Shaking her head at the stupidity of it Joan asked “They couldn’t see that there had been a mistake made?”

  “I was told or they implied they thought I was a groupie or something and that they couldn’t possibly allow me into Madam’s suite.” She smiled and gave a chuckle at the thought.

  “How long have you been waiting down here in the lobby?”

  “About an hour or so.”

  With that Joan strode up to the desk. Grace tried to grab her arm to hold her back. Angrily she banged on the bell. A clerk immediately answered the summons.

  “Ah Madam Woods, how may I help you?” He smiled charmingly at her. She was a very important person to the hotel. Very famous. He himself had seen the papers with her in them.

  “You can get me the manager, immediately” her tone brooked no conversation or argument.

  “Yes, of course Madam, I’ll get him immediately.” The clerk bowed slightly and rushed off. If someone of Madam Woods stature requested anything you obeyed instantly. They catered to the rich and famous here.

  “Joan, this isn’t necessary.” Grace pleaded with her.

  Looking over at Grace, Joan was again thrilled to see her here. The elegance of the hotel lobby around them, the room had to be over a hundred years old, and with Grace here it added to it’s charm. Joan was struck dumb for a minute realizing that finally Grace was HERE was with her. She could hold her, could touch her. Shaking it off though Joan replied “Yes it is” she raised an eyebrow at Grace and the manager came running up to the desk.

  “Madam Woods, I am Leonardo Mancini, the manager here” his arm encompassed the entire lobby as it waved about “how might I be of service to you?” Joan wasn’t sure but she thought his heels clicked together.

  “Monsieur Mancini” she began not sure if it was the correct form of address but not really caring at the moment “when I checked in to my suite last week I mentioned that my partner would be joining me in a week.” At this he nodded smilingly, acknowledging the conversation. “I called down a few days ago to confirm that” he again nodded. “My assistant Kara arranged for a car to pick my partner up from the airport with you I believe?” He smiled pleasantly and nodded confirming everything she had said. “When Dr. Monroe, my partner, arrived here though, she was denied the comfort of my suite. It was implied that she wasn’t who she said she was. She has sat here in your lobby for over an hour waiting for me.” He looked alarmed. His eyes flicked to Grace and back to Joan. “Now I ask you Monsieur, is that anyway to treat a guest, much less a guest of MINE?” Joan hadn’t let her voice raise in anger. She had calmly state the facts. She could see the expressions clearly on the managers face and he was sweating.

  “Madame Woods I must beg your most humble apologies.” His thick Italian accent was coming through. He sounded so European to her. Turning to Grace he said “Dr. Monroe, I too must apologize for my staff. In their ignorance they have gravely insulted you. I will investigate this incident immediately and I assure both of you” his glance incorporated both of them “that they will be dealt with.”

  Joan and Grace both thanked him politely and t
urned to go.

  “Ladies, if I may” his voice stopped them. “I would like to give you dinner this evening” he searched for an expression for a moment and triumphant continued “on the house.”

  Joan thanked him and he passed her an extra pass key that his clerk surreptitiously handed him. She and Grace headed with the luggage for the elevator. They were met by a running bellboy who insisted on carrying the luggage for them.

  They went up to the fifth floor where Joan’s suite was located, no one said a word. The bellboy refused any tip and left the luggage neatly inside the door. They were alone. Grace looked about at the luxurious suite. She hadn’t ever seen anything like this. Europe was an old country and many things that American’s expected or had at their hotels would never be considered at a European one. The furnishings alone were incredible and must date back hundreds of years. The antiques were incredible. After looking about the suite she turned to Joan and said “Not bad, not bad at all.”

  Joan had watched the play of emotions on Graces face. The room was fantastic. It’s old world charm and sophisticated taste was hard to get used to at first. After staying in so many hotels though Joan had become used to certain types of accommodations.


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