SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP Page 30

by K'Anne Meinel

  “Mrs. Woods?” she asked kindly. She was tall for a woman, at least 6’. She had blonde hair with brown roots. Sunbleached it looked like. Her eyes were warm and brown. She had a strong narrowed face that came to a dimple on her chin. Her jawline showed a stubborn disposition.

  “I’m Ms Woods” Joan automatically corrected her after a lifetime of correcting people on the MS.

  Smiling the doctor introduced herself. “Hello, I’m Doctor Kim Warner. I understand your here for a pregnancy test?”

  “Yes” Joan answered. She’d stopped her pacing and stood defiantly in the middle of the room.

  “Could you sit here please” she indicated the exam table “so we can get some more information while they get me the results?”

  “I don’t need an exam” Joan told her rudely. Her nerves were a bit frayed.

  “No, not for an exam. Just a place to sit while we talk” she answered kindly. Boy, this woman was taunt. Looking at Joan’s gorgeous hair that was in a single braid she commented on it. She told Joan how beautiful it was, trying to put her at ease.

  Joan was stiff and it was visible. She thanked the doctor and proceeded to answer her questions. When it came to the question as to why she thought she was pregnant she answered “I don’t” rather harshly.

  Not the answer she was anticipating the doctor asked her “then why were we giving you a pregnancy test?”

  Sighing Joan closed her eyes for a moment. The stress of the last hour was getting to her. She was about to answer when there was a knock on the door and the nurses head popped around the edge asking for the doctor.

  Doctor Warner gave Joan a sorry smile and said “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

  Joan hopped off the table and began pacing again. It took the doctor awhile before she returned. Apologizing she explained that they were short on staff and she was doing more than one persons job. All the fun of working here.

  Joan stood again in the middle of the room listening but not really hearing. Where were the results of the test? My gawd, 20 years ago the tests only took 5 minutes. Expressing her frustration she asked the doctor about it.

  Taking a paper she was holding she looked down and then back at Joan “the test shows negative.” She didn’t smile, not sure if Joan would be happy or not at the news. She was behaving oddly. She wasn’t the sort of person they normally got in here. Her clothes were too expensive. She happened to see Joan pull up in her Mercedes. A car that wasn’t but a few years old. It probably had cost more than her annual salary.

  Joan looked relieved and asked “could I have a copy of that and does it have my name on it?”

  An odd request the doctor hedged “well we don’t normally give out patients confidential paperwork to anyone.”

  “But it’s mine right?”

  “Well, technically it’s about you but it’s the clinic’s paperwork.”

  “Look, I just want a copy of the paper saying that I am NOT pregnant.” Joan was so relieved that is showed on her face. Her voice had changed from the tight sound to a calm rational one.

  “Perhaps Ms Woods you should explain what’s going on?” Dr. Warner’s job was to treat on many levels. This patients demeanor had alarmed her. At finding out she was not pregnant she had totally relaxed. She was behaving very oddly.

  Joan went to tell her when the nurse, yet again popped in. Apologizing, Dr. Warner left again. Joan sat there. She knew it. She knew something was wrong at the hospital. She realized it couldn’t have been an elaborate joke from the actions and reactions of both Grace and Dr. Baird. Thinking about it made her angry again though. The arrogance of Dr. Baird to not believe her and order new tests. The hurt on Graces face.

  Dr. Warner returned apologizing again. She was sorry but a machine had broken down and she knew it’s personality. “Getting back to where we were, could explain to me what is going on?”

  So Joan did explain. She told of her fatigue, how severe it had been, how it screwed up her work. She told about her periods and how they had become spotty, she figured she was going through the change. She told how she had gone to the hospital for tests only to be told that she was pregnant which she KNEW wasn’t a possibility.

  “How do you know you couldn’t be pregnant?” Dr. Warner asked.

  Deciding to be candid Joan answered “I haven’t been with a MAN in over 20 years.” She stated it simply.

  Puzzled at the story thus far Dr. Warner mused “then why would you get a positive at the hospital?”

  “I don’t know. Look, I’m exhausted. I just got back from my honeymoon a couple of weeks ago...” At this the doctor interrupted.

  “Honeymoon? I thought you said you hadn’t been with a man?” She didn’t understand.

  Laughing a little Joan explained “I was on my honeymoon with my WIFE.”

  It took Dr. Warner a count of five to go “Ohhh, your ...” as Joan nodded. Now she understood. Laughing along with Joan she still couldn’t see why the hospital tests had come up positive.

  Joan asked her if her tests here at the clinic could be wrong. Dr. Warner assured her they couldn’t. “We don’t have laboratory facilities here but the tests we did on you are accurate.”

  “Is there anyway I could get a blood test to prove the same thing?”

  The doctor told her they could draw the blood but that it would have to go out to a lab and would take two days for the results. Joan didn’t want to wait that long. She asked what did they do in an important case when they needed the results right away. The doctor told her they sent the blood to the hospital lab. While she was pondering this the nurse interrupted again to ask the doctor something.

  Joan waited patiently as the doctor answered and then unable to help herself, Joan asked the doctor about the problems in the clinic. The doctor explained that they were so underfunded that they’d had to let some of the staff go. They were under the same regulations as Planned Parenthood. They weren’t officially part of that organization though. It had been thought that their area was too small for the office. When Planned Parenthood had left she had come and started her own non profit business using the same building and leaving the sign on it. They were understaffed, overworked, and slowly going under.

  Joan’s heart went out to the hard working doctor. After her recitation she said hang on a moment and left the office. She returned with a copy of Joan’s chart and handed it to her.

  Then she told her of another office that did have a lab where the bloodwork could be done TODAY. She went to the wall phone and punched in some numbers. Speaking to someone she arranged for Joan to have the bloodwork done in an hour. Sitting back down she told Joan that a friend of hers ran a small practice over in Wittenburg and that she’d have her results today. She wrote down the directions for Joan. Then she asked if there was anything else she could do.

  Joan took a deep breath. She was so grateful to this beautiful and kind doctor. Thinking quickly she said “can I make a call in here with my cell?” At the doctor’s nod Joan pulled out her phone and hit the auto dial.

  She got a hold of Craig and told him that she wanted the foundation to messenger a check for 250 immediately down to the old planned parenthood building. Looking down at her chart with it’s address across the top she gave that to him. She told him in no uncertain terms to get it done now.

  Puzzled Dr. Warner watched while this eccentric woman called out orders on her phone. She turned to finish up making her notes on the chart, taking advantage of every available free moment. She had no idea what the woman was talking about but when she heard the amount and the address part she listened in on the conversation.

  Joan pushed the disconnect button and smiled at the doctor. She thanked her for her time and asked if she could leave. Dr. Warner told her she could. Joan gathered her things including the directions and left, thanking Dr. Warner again. The doctor watched her leave and thought what a different person that one was, well it takes all kinds, we get one or two oddballs a week.

  Joan left the clin
ic with a bounce in her step. The protesters tried to once again stop her and pass her the literature they were clasping in their hands. She brushed them off and got into her car. She nearly hit one of those idiots.

  She was over halfway to Wittenburg when her cell phone rang. Pushing the speaker button on the panel she hooked the line into her car. Graces voice came through her speakers.

  “Joan, are you okay? Where are you?” Grace was very worried.

  “Grace,” her voice sighed as though in an exhalation “I’m fine. I have another appointment. I have to go.” She reached to disconnect and Graces voice stopped her.

  Frantic she yelled “WAIT! What’s going on Joan? What are you doing?”

  Joan was picturing Graces hurt face. It made her heart hurt. It had been tortured. The hurt, the betrayal of it all, it tore at her. Fighting back immediate tears Joan answered “I’ll tell you later okay?”

  Grace could hear the tears in Joans voice. Not knowing the cause she assumed the worst “Your not getting an abortion are you?”

  Angry at this assumption of guilt and upset over what she had already been thinking Joan snapped her reply “None of YOUR business. Goodbye, Grace.” All the coldness, all the fury was back in her tone as she hung up and turned OFF the phone. She WAS angry. That Grace would have no faith in her about this. She shook her head and talked to herself the rest of the way to Wittenburg. Still angry she missed her exit and had to turn around.

  Grace again stared at her phone. She’d been trying for over an hour to get through but could tell that Joan must have turned it off. Sitting there in her office she had just kept hitting the redial button every few minutes. She had been surprised when it actually rang through. When she hung up her phone she was no better off than before when she hadn’t been able to get through. Instead she felt worse. She could hear that Joan was upset. These appointments that she was supposedly going to. She was convinced that Joan was frantically trying to arrange an abortion. Disappointment at Joan’s betrayal pounded on her heart. What had happened? Then she had a thought. Joan had told her about Sydney and the man who attacked her. What if Joan had actually been raped? Perhaps Joan had omitted telling her to protect Graces feelings. Now, ashamed, she was going to solve the problem the only way she could think of. Yes, that had to be it. Didn’t Joan know how much Grace loved her? Didn’t she know how much she cared? Trust could be such a tricky thing but my gawd, they were married! She remembered back to the conversation they once had about Joan having a child for them. Remembering Joan’s stand on the issue she was positive Joan would go through with the abortion. She was going to be a grandmother again four times over by summer. She wouldn’t want a child at this stage in the game. Hurt, overwhelming hurt hit Grace like a knife. She sat there curled up in her chair wanting to cry but too hurt to do so. Her office door was locked and her phone on do not disturb.

  The doctor in Wittenburg was in a dinghy office. Joan was sure at one time this place had to be a mechanics garage or gas station. It gave her the creeps but she was surprised to see the state of the art lab. Obviously this doctor didn’t spend money on anything but his lab. She thought to herself that he might just be a mad scientist as he took her blood. He let her watch as he processed it to confirm that indeed she was NOT pregnant, no chance of it, however she was a bit anemic. Thanking him, she took the paperwork that told her this. She paid his bill and left.

  She was so relieved to have two doctors confirm things that she was practically floating back to Wausau. Before she knew it she was home. She went inside and sat on her bed thinking about the events of the day. The two papers she had would prove her innocence but what the hell had happened at the hospital. That incident could irreparably harm her relationship with Grace. How could it have happened?

  She remembered something. The vision of Grace and Beth in the stairwells. Suddenly she remembered something else Grace had told her. Reaching for the phone she dialed Craig and asked him to fax over some paperwork. It was an odd request but as the foundation was hers he complied. He asked if there was anything else he could do to help and she told him no. She heard the bell on her home fax machine. She went into her studio and watched the paper fax out. It didn’t take long to have the names she wanted. She called one and arranged for an appointment, today, within the hour. She also requested that certain people be at the meeting. She named their titles and a couple of names. A total of four additional people. Her eyes narrowed in contemplation of THIS meeting.

  She stopped in the bathroom to freshen up. Looking at her spritzer she was perturbed. Her perfume was very expensive and made just for her. In the years since the spa had helped her she had become a very confidant, very striking woman. She was ready for this meeting. She still had to tell the butterflies in her stomach though. She thought she might throw up. She went downstairs and grabbed a banana. Mrs. Richardson asked if she wanted lunch but she shook her head. She was lost in thought. Knowing better than to push it Mrs. Richardson watched her employer for a moment. Then she asked if she was okay. Joan smiled wryly as she finished the banana, yes thank you she was. Grabbing an apple as she left she gathered up her papers and put them in her purse. Putting on her coat she grabbed her gloves and her keys and went out the door.

  ~ CHAPTER 36 ~

  Graces pager went off. She ignored it. It went off again. She ignored it. After the third time it went off she heard a pounding on her office door. Standing up she read her pager as she went to open the door. About to pound on it again Greg stood there with his hand raised. Her pager in hand Grace looked at him.

  “Where have you been?” He asked.

  “Right here. Why what’s up?” She asked him.

  “I’ve been paging you. Didn’t you hear it?” He saw the pager in her hand and frowned. Shaking his head he said “there’s a meeting that’s been called. You were specifically requested to attend with me. Come on or we are going to be late.”

  Grace knew if she was specifically asked to attend a meeting she couldn’t refuse. Trying to think of why she would be called on the carpet she wasn’t about to ask. Her boss had paged her and she hadn’t answered that page, she wasn’t going to add fuel to THAT fire.

  They walked up to the director’s office. The DIRECTOR’S OFFICE? Grace was wondering what in the world was going on. Greg held out a chair for her and then sat next to her. The lab chief was there and then Dr. Baird walked in. What the heck? Grace had little if anything to do with these particular doctor’s in the hospital. Why were they all here? She could tell by their faces they were wondering as well.

  Dr. Anderson, the director of the hospital walked in escorting a brown haired woman. Grace turned to see who it was when her jaw dropped to see Joan. The director sat Joan across the conference table to his left. The four doctors faced them.

  “Now, we can begin.” The director started off. He introduced Joan to everyone. Neither Dr. Baird, Greg, or Grace indicated that they knew her. The only ones who truly didn’t know her was Dr. Anderson and the lab chief, Dr. Eaol. Curious expressions were on everyone’s faces except for Grace and Joan’s. Joan pulled from her purse her papers and added them to a file that she had carried in.

  Grace stared hungrily at Joan. She had worried herself sick all day about her and there she sat coolly in her expensive Italian suit. She could feel herself getting angry.

  Joan could see the hurt on Graces face but could do nothing. Watching her out of the corner of her eyes as she was introduced to the other doctors she saw the anger begin and misinterpreted it. Using her own anger at this she funneled it to use in her presentation.

  Dr. Anderson explained that Joan was THE Woods of the Woods Foundation and had asked for this meeting to bring attention to a matter that concerned them all. Smiling at Joan he turned the floor over to her and she stood up.

  “Yesterday a patient came to this hospital complaining of fatigue. She went to see a doctor about it and he drew blood to run some tests. He called her the next day to come in for a consult to tell t
he results of those tests that were run in our lab right here at the hospital. Those tests were wrong.” Joan smacked the file in front of her.

  Thinking he knew why HE was here Dr. Baird attempted to interrupt. At Dr. Anderson’s warning he shushed.

  “The patient requested that the tests be redone and was refused. She was told that they couldn’t possibly be wrong. Tests outside this hospital today proved that the original tests WERE wrong.” Her glance included Dr. Baird and Dr. Eaol. She pulled the two papers from the stack in front of her and put them in front of the stack. Dr. Baird reached for them but she put her hand on them shaking her head.

  “Further research indicates that a person working in the lab had access to these tests, had motive, and possibly did manipulate the results.” She pulled another paper from the file in front of her and laid it out.

  “I’m here to ask you doctor’s” with this her cold glance included Dr. Anderson. “How such incompetence can occur?”

  Dr. Anderson was alarmed. That this had occurred in his hospital was bad enough. That this trustee of the hospital was aware of it was worse. That this generous contributor to the hospital could pull that funding at any time made him shudder. He gulped.

  “Ms. Woods. I’m sure there has to be an error somewhere here that we can take steps to correct.”

  Joan gave him such a cold look that he was sure they were going to lose the funding she had so generously provided them with in the past.


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