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A Mate for the Beta:

Page 5

by E A Price

  “I don’t mind cooking but usually I just grab something quick and easy. If I want a big meal I eat out. We used to have a lot of pack meals when Adam’s mother was alive.” He smiled at the memory of Louisa Grey. “Dinner was an event in that woman’s house. Hasn’t been the same since she died, maybe it will change when Adam takes a mate. I can’t remember the last time I had a real home cooked meal.”

  The words tumbled out before she could stop them. “Maybe I could cook for you sometime...”

  “That’d be nice.” He said quickly.

  Their eyes locked and... Dennis chose to bring their food and drinks over. The moment was lost, Liv looked away. Shit.

  Dennis didn’t look Alec in the eye and tried to avoid looking at Liv altogether for which Alec was glad. If the boy had done anything else even remotely annoying Alec was certain he would have punched him.

  Alec looked down at his food with some distaste. He really didn’t like the look of it. Liv was digging into hers, making the most charming little moans. His cock stirred.

  He needed a distraction. Reluctantly he started eating, at least if it tasted awful it would dampen his lust. He hoped.

  It wasn’t bad, in fact it was surprisingly good.

  They ate in silence, both concentrating on their food. It was never uncomfortable. Neither felt the need to fill the void with mindless chatter, each just enjoyed being near the other. If Alec didn’t know better he would swear his wolf was purring with contentment at that moment.

  “That was delicious.” Declared Alec when they had finished.

  Liv was surprised to see that they finished at the same time, despite Alec having twice as much food. She sipped her tea. “You sound shocked.”

  He rubbed the back of his head. “First time I’ve ever been in here and not just ordered a burger. I only ordered that because of you. Nice to try something new.”

  She giggled and his cock stirred again at the sweet sound. Think unsexy thoughts... “Glad I could be of service.” She wasn’t making it easy...

  Dennis collected their empty plates. “Can I get you anything else?”

  Liv smiled. “Not for me thank you and please tell Deedee that it was delicious.”

  The bobcat was about to return the smile but seeing the hard look on Alec’s face he changed his mind. “And you Sheriff?” He asked quaveringly.

  “Nothing for me. Just the check. Please.”

  Dennis bustled off. “I really ought to get back to work.” He told her unenthusiastically.

  He was heartened to note that she looked a little downcast at ending their lunch. “I should get going too. I... I had a nice time.” She blushed and continued talking before he could reply to that. “Shall we split the check fifty fifty?”

  “No.” He practically growled at her.

  She raised her eyebrows at the harsh tone.

  “I mean, I ate more than you, it’s not fair that we should split it. I’ll pay the check.”

  She was uncomfortable that he felt he had to pay for her. She worried that she was forcing him into treating this like a date. “At least let me pay for mine though.”

  Dennis left them the check and Alec snatched at it. “No, I insist. If you want to, think of it as a birthday dinner.”

  Her face lit up. “Oh that’s really nice thank you.”

  His heart twisted that she thought that a cheap chicken kiev made for a nice birthday. She deserved more, he wanted to show her much she was worth. He would, every day for the rest of their lives. He just had to break the news that they were mates.

  He paid for their meal and waited patiently while she collected her things together. He led her out the diner, his hand lightly touching her back. Electric jolts shot through her directly to her sex.

  They stood outside awkwardly, neither really wanting to say goodbye.

  “Thank you again for lunch.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  Liv beamed at him and his face lit up. Her heart fluttered. Did he feel something for her?

  His wolf prowled in his mind, pushing him, urging him to claim his mate. Yes, yes he would tell her. Admit to her that she was his mate. He needed to tell her right now. “I need to tell you something...“ He stopped talking and tensed.

  “Alec!” Carried strode towards them, she swayed her hips exaggeratedly. “Where’ve you been? Everyone at the station was wondering.” Carrie asked with fake sweetness, pretending she hadn’t noticed Liv. “Oh by the way I still have one of your t-shirts at my place, I must remember to bring it in for you, unless you want to just leave it there?”

  “Carrie!” Alec’s voice was low and dangerous.

  Carrie ignored him and swung a malicious gaze in Liv’s direction. Slowly she looked Liv up and down a look of derision on her face. “New girlfriend? Hard to keep track, seems like you’re with a different woman every other day, each one easier than the last...”

  Liv had paled but when she heard the vicious words she couldn’t help herself. “Is that you admitting that you’re easy?” Squeaked Liv, her voice trembling.

  Carrie looked at Liv with hatred as her cheeks pinked with rage. Carrie had been certain that Alec would eventually come back to her. As time passed that certainty was wavering and the way he had looked at this girl... he looked smitten. Carrie was so much better looking than her, and had a much better body. She was gorgeous and she knew it, and so did all the other men in Rose. Alec seemed to think so too at one time but then his ardour for her had cooled.

  The two of them had enjoyed absolutely fantastic sex and they even found things to talk about that didn’t entirely bore her. She was more than willing to move into his house and help with his pack duties. As the mate of the Beta she would have no problem giving those other wolves orders. Who knows, with her help maybe he could work his way up to Alpha. She’d be the perfect mate. Why did Alec not see that?

  Alec spoke lowly but firmly, “Carrie, you’re out of line.”

  Carrie looked at him in wonder. Why was he reproaching her? Why didn’t he say anything to the blonde bitch? That woman had no right to speak that way to the future Alpha female of the pack.

  Carrie sneered at Liv. “This one Alec? Really? You’re actually fucking this fat little girl?”

  Carrie almost fainted at the sound of the roar that resounded from Alec. In a flash Alec stood before her, eyes blazing and claws extended. He was breathing heavily. “Carrie. You’re. Fired. Don’t. Come. Back.”

  A number of passers by, and people in the Diner, had not failed to hear the roar and were watching the exchange eagerly. Carrie looked round trying to find support from someone. Anyone. She was met with stony faces.

  Alec looked round at Liv. She was trying to melt into the wall of the Diner. He hoped because of Carrie and not because she was scared of him, but even if he wanted to he couldn’t possibly rein his wolf in any further right now.

  Carrie tried to put her hand on his arm, and lowered her voice seductively. “Please Alec...”

  He shook her away. “No Carrie, your behaviour is unacceptable. You need to leave.”

  She looked between Alec’s stormy face and Liv’s embarrassed one before stamping her foot and striding away with as much dignity as she could muster. Now that the show had ended people started drifting back to what they were doing before.

  Alec still shook slightly with rage. “Are you okay?”

  He asked her so softly that Liv almost thought she had imagined it. She looked into his eyes and nodded. Of course she was okay. The world could be ending and she’d be okay if Alec was with her.

  Alec wanted to kick something, he was actually making progress with his mate and now one vindictive bitch had ruined it.

  “Liv I’m sorry...”

  “Alec?” Jake, one of his Deputies came up to them.

  “Goddamnit what?” Bellowed Alec.

  “I have to go.” Said Liv quickly. Before Alec could protest Liv gave him a half hearted wave and walked away quickly. His wolf howled in dism
ay. Fuck.


  Liv barely concentrated on the road. The scene outside the Diner playing over and over again in her head on a loop.

  She felt humiliated. For a second she had allowed herself to believe that he wanted to spend time with her, that they had a future. Then the reality of the situation had all come crashing down.

  Leggy, beautiful Carrie. Carrie was closer to his own age, closer to his own height too and a lot sexier than herself. She was exactly the kind of woman Alec went for. So why would he want a short frumpy witch when he could have someone like her?

  True Alec hadn’t allowed Carrie to get away with her hurtful words, she doubted the two of them would ever be together again, but Carrie just told the truth. And the truth hurt.

  She was parked and jumping out of Emerald’s car, which she had begged to borrow, before Liv really realised what she was doing. She’d driven all the way to her friend Agatha’s house without even registering anything. Thank heavens she hadn’t come across any animals on the road!

  Agatha was a fellow witch, and like Liv, her powers centred on making things grow. Agatha was elderly and struggling with arthritis but refused to move to the boarding house, stating she would never be dictated to by Emerald Cole. No one really blamed her. Agatha didn’t have any family so Liv made an effort to visit her as often as possible.

  Liv knocked on the front door and called out to let the older woman know it was her. She waited but there was no answer. She tried the handle and on finding the door unlocked she went in, calling out.

  It was possible that Agatha was asleep, but generally Agatha didn’t like sleeping in the day. Liv went from room to room of the cottage but her friend was not there. She noticed that Agatha’s purse was on the kitchen table. Liv started to worry.

  Agatha’s back door was also unlocked. Liv went out and looked in Agatha’s garden and green house but still she was nowhere to be found.

  Liv called out her name a few times but received no reply. Thinking of Iris, panic started to set in.

  There was no cell phone to ring, Agatha refused to carry one.

  What to do, what to do... Alec! Of course, he gave her his card and told her to ring him if she had any problems.

  Her hands shook with worry as she fumbled to find the card and then get her phone and dial the number.

  When at last she got through his deep, reassuring voice rumbled over the line. “Alec it’s Liv.” She said quavering.

  He could tell immediately that she was upset. His wolf leapt to attention. “Are you alright? Where are you?”

  “I’m at my friend Agatha’s house, she’s disappeared.”

  “I’ll be right there, what’s the address?”

  She told him and he firmly commanded her to get in her car and lock the doors. He was on his way.

  Chapter Six

  Alec raced to his patrol car and sped all the way to Agatha’s house. Fearing his mate may be in danger sent the adrenaline racing through his body. His wolf roaring at him to hurry.

  After what felt like an eternity he arrived to find Liv biting her lip and fidgeting in her car. Thanks heavens she’s okay. He tapped on the window impatiently.

  At last! Seeing him just made everything better. She rushed out of the car and hurled herself at his solid chest. Crushing herself against him she curled her fingers into his uniform.

  He was a little surprised at her reaction but did not dwell on it. He immediately wrapped his arms round her, holding her soft body against his tightly, and rested his head on hers. They fit together so snugly. They were made for each other.

  After a few minutes she realised he was making soothing motions on her back. The warmth of his body seeped into hers. She felt herself becoming aroused at the close contact, and if the bulge at her stomach was anything to go by Alec was feeling the same too. If she just leaned up she could guide his head down for a kiss...

  No! She had to stay focussed. Agatha could be missing and in danger.

  Grudgingly she pulled her face away from his chest and looked up at him, her eyes watery. “I’m okay now.”

  Alec wanted to sweep her up in his arms and never let go but... that wasn’t really feasible. Instead he loosened his arms round her, slightly, and asked her to tell him what happened.

  She explained, whilst they stood together still embracing, about finding the house empty and unlocked, but with Agatha’s purse still there. Just like Iris...

  “Let’s go take a look.” He said gently. He took one of her hands and walked into the house.

  Liv almost jumped out of her skin. There in the kitchen stood the woman herself. Agatha was by the sink washing mushrooms.

  “Agatha!” Shrieked Liv, Alec’s arms once again made their way around her, holding her steady. If it hadn’t been for Alec’s secure grip on her she might have slumped to the ground.

  The older woman turned round, completely unfazed at having Liv sneak into her house and scream at her, not to mention being cuddled the Sheriff. Agatha cast a twinkling look at them. “I was wondering when you two were going to come in, I didn’t like to disturb you, you seemed... busy.”

  Liv blushed too stunned to talk. Alec cleared his throat. “Ms Blackport...”

  “Agatha please.”

  “Agatha, is everything alright?”

  She cocked her grey head at them. “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?”

  “But I came here... and the, the, the front door... it was unlocked... I looked all over... you were gone!” Liv spluttered.

  “Oh I must have left it unlocked” said Agatha dismissively. “It happens at my age, I spent hours yesterday looking for my glasses, which were of course on the top of my head. You were really worried weren’t you?”

  “Well yes, after Iris...”

  Agatha harrumphed. “That woman probably cast a spell that went wrong and made herself disappear. She always did prefer her magic on the dark side... Sit down girl you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Alec manoeuvred her into a chair. “Why don’t you both sit down and I’ll make it.”

  Agatha smiled at him. “I won’t say no to that.”

  Liv watched as Alec was directed round the small kitchen. He moved surprisingly gracefully for his size and considering what he was doing. Liv was staring at his butt when Agatha nudged her and Liv turned beet red.

  She whispered loudly to Liv, so Alec could no doubt hear. “I like a man who knows his way around the kitchen.” She gave Liv a knowing look. “Plus it doesn’t hurt that he’s very sexy.”

  Alec himself actually reddened and Liv stifled a giggle.

  The three of them spent an hour chatting amiably while Liv recovered from her near panic attack. When they left Agatha pressed Alec into promising to come back and visit her again with Liv. Liv inwardly groaned at the fact the Agatha was trying to play matchmaker.

  They walked out to their vehicles. Liv felt like a complete fool, worrying and getting upset over nothing. He must think her a complete idiot or worse, think that she lured him out there under false pretences.

  Alec lingered by her car. It occurred to him that Liv may have been lying about worrying Agatha had been missing. The thought that she might make up a story like that actually elated him. That she would go to extreme measures just to see him made him feel very self-satisfied. Although her reactions certainly seemed genuine...

  Either way he was pleased that the incident with Carrie seemed to be forgotten, and even more so that he had at last managed to get his hands on his mate. His whole body still tingled. He had thought it might appease his wolf a little, but if anything it had made the wolf angry and demanding for more...

  Liv scratched her arm absently. “I’m really sorry,” she began lamely, “I didn’t mean to drag you out here for nothing.”

  He held up his hands in a placating gesture. “It’s absolutely fine.”

  She looked at him doubtfully. “I mean it, you were just worried about your friend. I’m glad you didn’t hesitate to call
me. If anything like this happens again do the same, I’ll come running I promise.” God he sounded desperate.

  She smiled shyly. “Thank you for coming so quickly, and for calming me down.”

  He looked at her hungrily. “It was my pleasure.” He felt his arousal rise at an alarming rate, his wolf was clawing at him to take control.

  He had to do something to appease the beast, make some kind of gesture. “I was wondering if you wanted to come to Bar Luna tonight for a drink...” His wolf growled impatiently waiting for a response.

  Was he asking her out on a date?! Uneasy excitement bubbled in her stomach. “With you?” She asked coyly.

  He panicked. What if she said no? His wolf was already on the brink of bursting forward, what would he do if their mate rejected them. His wolf might just drag her down to the floor and... the thought of the damage he might cause was too much for him. He had to soften the blow.

  “Yes, and there’ll be some other members of my pack there. Adam, Mac, Acksel, Kim...”

  Ah, Kim. She was the one who was a six foot tall, drop dead gorgeous she-wolf with long mahogany red hair and stunning green eyes. Oh yeah, and one of the many women Alec had slept with, and was probably still sleeping with...

  She quickly hid her disappointment. “Umm, well I have plans with a friend but maybe we can stop by.” Great, now she had to find a friend to go to the bar with.

  Who the hell was this friend? Were they male? Did they have feelings for her? Could he kill this friend? “Well, maybe I’ll see you there.” He mumbled.

  They waved their goodbyes to one another and each brimming with regret set out in their own vehicles.


  “I tried to warn you about her.” They were in Alec’s office, Adam was seated in the chair that Liv had occupied only a few hours ago.

  “Hmmm?” Alec wasn’t even pretending to listen. He was thinking about the way Liv had looked at him as she sat in that very spot, it was mesmerising.

  Adam picked up a stapler from the desk and threw it at Alec’s head. He caught it and twisted it between his hands.


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