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A Mate for the Beta:

Page 8

by E A Price

  She curled her fingers into the sheets. She grew more and more tense as a ball of white heat grew within her womb. It grew and grew with each thrust, with each lick until finally... it exploded and she screamed as pleasure flooded her body. Her first orgasm, given to her by her mate.

  Her body became liquid, and she struggled to regain her breath. She fell back against the bed revelling in the passion her mate had given her.

  He licked his lips; the taste of her honey on his tongue was the sweetest nectar imaginable. He couldn’t wait any longer to be inside her. He carefully lifted her up and placed her in the centre of the bed, moving away to quickly discard his clothes.

  She raised her head to see him standing at the end of the bed watching her with glittering eyes. His body was a sculpture of hard muscle. A number of angry scars adorned him, she wanted to kiss each and every one of them, to somehow heal them. His torso was dusted with brown hair that led all the way down to his long, thick shaft, she trembled at the thought of taking it inside her.

  He climbed onto the bed and slowly crawled toward her. She lay her head down as he moved over her, he nestled his hips between her legs before lowering his chest to hers. His hard shaft rubbed against her mound and she whimpered. He leaned on his elbows to make sure he did not crush her and lowered his face to hers so their lips were only a whisper apart.

  “Am I your first?”

  She nodded. He tried not to look too smug as his wolf danced around like a freaking gazelle.

  He kissed her lightly on both cheeks and she snaked her arms around his neck. “It will hurt, the first time, but I will try and make it easy as possible, and it will get better.”

  She leaned up and placed a delicate kiss at the corner of his mouth. “I trust you.”

  He shifted his hips slightly and positioned himself at her entrance. The thought of the pain he was about to cause her weighed on him, but even if he wanted to his wolf would not have let him stop now. He needed to be with his mate.

  Slowly he pushed inside her, just a few inches. She was wet and weeping for him and he had stretched her with his fingers but she was still so tight. So gloriously tight. He held still for a few seconds to allow her to become familiar with the sensation of having him inside her before pulling out.

  Her eyes had widened at the invasion but just as quickly looked disappointed when he pulled out again. He chuckled and pushed inside again quicker and further this time, allowing her a few seconds before pulling out again.

  He repeated the action twice more, her breathing becoming heavy. The slow teasing set her on edge. She felt her inner channel clutching and trying to pull him in, but he wasn’t giving her enough. She needed him to move further inside. She needed more.

  He swept his mouth over hers and then pushed inside her again, more forcefully this time. He kept going until he felt resistance and instead of pulling out he tore through her virginity and fully embedded himself inside. She tensed and her hips tried to move under him but he had her trapped.

  Her cry was muffled by his mouth. Red hot pain darted through her. Small tears flowed down her cheeks. She tried to pull away from his mouth but his tongue continued to tangle and tease her, trying to take her mind off the pain.

  When he finally broke the kiss he licked away the tears. His cock quivered inside her as he held still waiting for the pain to abate and allowing her to get used to his size. The wolf was roaring at him to take her, but he would not move until he was sure that she wanted him to.

  After a few moments her body relaxed and the feeling of having him fully inside was breathtaking. She felt full and complete. She contracted around him and he let out a guttural groan and buried his face in her neck. She smiled at the effect she had on him.

  She pulled her arms from his neck and raked her hands through his hair, then lifted his face so he was looking into her eyes. His eyes were amber. “I’m all right now”. Desire and need flashed in her eyes.

  He smiled and pulled out of her to the tip before driving inside her again. Mine. He pistoned in and out of her slowly at first but gradually getting faster. Mine. She moaned louder and louder with each plunge inside. Mine. He alternated between long thrusts and short bursts that had her quickly reaching toward another release. He rolled his hips searching for her sweet spot. She shouted his name and he knew he had it. She started moving her hips toward him, pushing against him as he crashed into her.

  Her movements excited him even more and he felt his fangs elongate. He nuzzled her neck licking the soft skin, preparing her. He reached down and used his fingers to rub her clit. Then she was flying.

  She screamed his name and threw her head back. As the orgasm hit her he pressed his fangs down into her skin and felt the sweet taste of her blood over his tongue.

  He continued to massage her nub, keeping the orgasm alive whilst he held still inside her, enjoying the massage his shaft received as she pulsated around him. He removed his fangs and lazily swirled his tongue over the bite, sealing the wound.

  Slowly she came back down and realised he has still inside her. He lifted his lust filled eyes to hers and she contracted her channel around him. He growled at her and she did it again giggling. She kissed him and said one word, “move.”

  He reared back and leaned on one elbow and used his other hand to lift up her ass to change his angle. He quickly pushed in and out of her, more than ready to come in his mate. He penetrated even deeper, he was so big he scraped her walls. The rough movement touched her sweet spot over and over. His eyes were wild and hungry. “Come, come for me mate.”

  “Yes... yes....” Her breathing hitched as she moved towards her third orgasm, one even more intense than the last two. The feeling built inside her until she shattered into a million pieces.

  White hot ecstasy burned through her body. She cried out his name and sank her nails into his shoulders. He roared at the pain as he pumped into her, in a seemingly never-ending climb to his own release. Her tight sex grasped at him, trying to hold him inside her.

  Then she uttered five beautiful words that pushed him over the edge, “I love you my sweet.”

  He and his wolf roared in happiness. His movements became jerky and he burst, his seed pouring into his mate. He thrust into her several more times giving her everything he had. Shockwaves of pleasure pulsed through his body battering him. He had never come so hard. He had never felt such happiness or completeness, he felt humbled and proud to be the mate of this woman. His wolf howled in happiness. Finally they were complete.

  With nothing left to give he dropped his head to her shoulder, his soft shaft still inside her. He licked the bite on her neck and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders tightly, her hands making soothing motions down his back.

  “I love you too angel.”

  Chapter Nine

  14th September

  Alec yawned and stretched while his ancient coffee pot spluttered. He poured himself a cup and took it outside on the porch to enjoy the fresh morning air.

  His little mate was sleeping soundly in his bed where she belonged. No, in their bed. He wondered how quickly he could get her things from the boarding house and move them to his house. He wondered if that would anger her, if she would think it too high-handed. He would do it anyway, it would be easier to ask forgiveness than ask permission.

  Although it might be better if they informed her aunt Emerald of their mating together. He doubted the woman would take the news well. She was a potential wrinkle in their lives. But he and his wolf were too thrilled with the results of last night to really care about anything else this morning.

  He and his mate had slept sporadically throughout the night. After their initial coupling he had awoken her twice more to make love and she had awoken him once. He knew she must be tired. When he woke up he had slipped on his jeans from last night, and quietly left her to rest. She needed all the rest she could get; last night was only the beginning.

  He rubbed his shoulder absently and smiled. The last time they ha
d been together she had bitten him on the shoulder. Hard. She hadn’t broken the skin and the bite marks had healed but the tingling sensation remained. Having her bite him as a she-wolf would had thrilled him and made him come immediately. He had no idea what a passionate little creature she could be. His passionate little angel.

  He was agitated to hear the familiar patrol car moving slowly toward his house. He could already smell the two wolves inside, two of his Deputies Mac and Jake. He let out a low warning growl. It was 7am, what could they want. He wasn’t due to start his shift until 10.

  Mac pulled the car onto his drive and jumped out. “Morning Chief.” Damn perky young wolf.

  He eyed Jake who was still in the car and talking on his phone. Jake did not look pleased.

  “What do you want?” Alec’s tone was curt, Mac ignored it.

  “Adam asked us to speak to you.”

  “Why didn’t you call?”

  “We did, no answer.”

  He grunted. He vaguely recalled throwing his cell phone into the back seat of his SUV. He jogged over to the vehicle and retrieved the phone. Twenty seven missed calls. Damn.

  “We going inside or what?” Mac tapped her foot impatiently whilst motioning to the open door.

  He growled at her and she gave an apologetic shrug. Reluctantly he went back into the house with Mac following behind. Alec glanced toward the bedroom door. He did not want the other wolves to see Liv here.

  He wasn’t ashamed to let people know they had mated. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But in spite of the Alpha’s acceptance he didn’t know how either of the younger wolves would react to a witch joining their pack. Gideon had incited a lot of ill will toward witches, some of which lingered.

  Being mated to him meant that inevitably Liv would join the pack. Whilst some wolves tolerated witches having one as a pack sister would be a different matter. The pack needed time to adjust before coming face to face with her. He wouldn’t want Liv’s feelings hurt. And if that happened he’d hate to have to rip out his pack mate’s throats.

  Also Jake was an unmated male. He was a double threat. Alec knew his wolf would not be able to handle other males looking at his mate just yet. Their mating was too new, and they had not blood bonded yet. His wolf snarled. Technically another male could still claim her.

  “Alec?” The soft voice of his mate drew his attention.

  She was framed in the bedroom doorway wearing one of Alec’s plaid shirts. It was like a dress. A much too short dress in his opinion.

  Mac looked at Liv blankly for a few moments. The she-wolf flashed a look of surprise in Alec’s direction before settling on a knowing smirk. The bite mark on Liv’s shoulder would have gone unnoticed by just about anyone else but Mac had zeroed in on it. It was one of the things that made her such a good Deputy. This morning it just annoyed him,

  It was then that Jake came through the open front door and on seeing Liv he stopped in his tracks, he growled at her in surprise. “What the...”

  He was cut short as Alec tackled him and grasped him by the neck, much as he had done to Ed the night before. Jake choked trying to pull his Beta’s hands off him.

  Mac rushed forward trying to pull at Alec’s arms, to no avail. No, they will not stop him from killing the one who tried to threaten his mate. His eyes became his wolf’s and claws began to form at his fingertips. He would shift and rip out the wolf’s throat. That would teach him.

  The anger coursed through until all he saw was a red mist in front of him and then... nothing. He felt a gentle hum take over his body and the anger receded.

  Liv had placed a hand on his arm and was making calming noises. He looked to his mate and saw the love in her eyes. “Can you let him go please?”

  Without hesitation he released the wolf. Jake dropped to the floor and scrambled away out of reach, coughing and gulping air.

  Alec dropped to his knees and she stood in front of him. Her sweet face was tight with worry. “Are you okay?”

  A splutter came from the other side of the room, and Jake painfully wheezed “is he okay?!”

  Mac tutted, “you’ll be fine, I’ll get you a glass of water.” Jake glared at her. “Don’t look at me like that, you should know better than to growl at another wolf’s mate.” Her caring nature was astounding sometimes.

  Liv smiled down at her mate and stroked his cheeks. Alec nuzzled his head to her stomach trying to appease his wolf. Not caring what his Deputies thought, he reached his arms round his waist, and held onto her, careful not to pierce her with his claws. He sighed.

  Mac cleared her throat. “We didn’t mean to... err... interrupt, but last night someone broke into the Bennett house.”

  Liv let out a gasp. “Was anything stolen?”

  “Not as far as we can tell, looks like nothing’s been touched, but the door was busted.”

  Alec pulled back from his mate and let his hands rest on her waist. His voice was low and gruff. “You two go to the station, and let the Alpha know I’ll be at the house soon.”

  “You got it Chief, come on Jakey. Welcome to the pack Liv.” Mac flashed a quick smile before bounding out the door, with Jake following rubbing his throat.

  He waited until he heard the patrol car leave and stood up slowly. “I’m sorry angel.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and pulled him down into a deep kiss. He wrapped his arms around her in an almost bone crushing embrace. By the time she finished his claws had receded and his eyes had changed back their normal honey brown.

  “You don’t have to apologise to me.”

  Absently he stroked her back. “I don’t want you to see me lose control. I don’t want you to see me when the wolf takes control.”

  She pulled back from him slightly. “Your wolf is part of you. You never have to hide anything from me my sweet.” She placed one hand over her heart and the other over his, “I love every single part of you with all my heart.” He grinned as his wolf rolled over and started panting. Fucking puppy.

  She trailed her hand down the hard muscles of his chest until she came to his groin. She blushed with shyness but tentatively brushed her hand against the impressive bulge.

  He shuddered at the caress. “Temptress. Do that again and I will carry you into that bedroom and not let you leave for a week.”

  “Only a week?” She asked with mock innocence.

  He barked a laugh. “Or how about until I give you so many orgasms, and take you to the heights of such bliss that you can’t even remember your own name?”

  She played with the zipper of his jeans. “Promises promises mate.”

  He groaned. He could not believe that he had to be the responsible one. He wanted to take her there and then. His erection was as hard as a rock and ached to be inside her but... he had to talk to his Alpha. Iris was still missing. Someone might be abducting witches. Hell any witch in the town could be in danger. Including his mate.

  They needed to find out what happened to Iris and quickly, so that they could enjoy their time together as new mates.

  “I need to get dressed and go talk to Adam now. If I stay here any longer I don’t think I’ll ever be able to leave.”

  She withdrew her hand and nodded, “I know, I really do need to get some fresh clothes too.”

  He pouted. He was a little disappointed that she had given in so easily.

  She beamed at him knowing what he was thinking. Only two days and she could read him like a book. “Don’t worry, I fully intend to seduce you later tonight.” With that she wiggled her butt and flounced back to the bedroom.

  God tonight could not come soon enough.


  Liv flicked her eyes over to her mate. Her mate! It had happened so quickly and was more wonderful than she could have imagined. Inwardly she cursed herself for not just jumping him a year ago.

  After a brief argument it had been decided that Alec would drop her off at the boarding house so that she could pack her belongings, whilst he went to the Bennett house. He had been
pleased that she had so readily agreed that as a mated couple they should live together. She didn’t want to wait anymore than he did.

  He had, however, tried to put his foot down and insist that he help her collect her things, he wasn’t happy about being apart from her. But she had pointed out that he had a job to do and it wasn’t really feasible for them to be together every second of the day, grudgingly he acquiesced.

  After her sexual teasing and the argument he had stomped around the cabin muttering darkly before throwing on his uniform and herding her into his SUV.

  Every few minutes he glanced at her then unobtrusively tried to rearrange the bulge in his jeans.

  She was still wearing his shirt, and not much else. The dress and underwear she had worn the previous night were in tatters. She had tried putting on a pair of his jogging pants but they were far too long. So instead she opted to wear the shirt, as well as a pair of black boxers underneath and a brown belt she had found to cinch in the waist of the shirt.

  The shirt was like a mini dress anyway. Teamed with her ballet style flat shoes it almost looked like a dress you would buy in a shop. Of course ordinarily she would be wearing a bra, as it was she was hanging free...

  She noticed him looking at her so she licked her lips and crossed her legs. He was almost drooling. A sharp toot of another driver’s horn brought his attention back to the road. God she felt wanton!

  She was a little embarrassed at how she had been teasing him and rubbing his erection. She had never acted that way before. Could one night of lovemaking turn her into a nymphomaniac?!

  Finally they pulled up to the boarding house. She was a little nervous about how her aunt Emerald was going to react.

  Before the SUV was barely in park, Alec had loped round to her side and was pulling her out. He slowly dragged her down his body until she was stood flush against him, his erection pressing into her stomach.

  His eyes glittered amber. She felt her nipples tighten and heat pooled between her legs. He was about to lean down, he was about to kiss her, he was about to take care of the ache she felt...


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