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Panther Protection

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by Gracie Meadows

  Panther Protection

  The Hidden Pack [3]

  Gracie Meadows

  JK Publishing, Inc. (2014)

  * * *

  Tags: Erotic, Fiction, Menage, Paranormal, Romance

  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Ménage – MFM.

  In book three of the Hidden Pack: When magic was released and truths came out, Millie was left with an uneasiness, making her question everything—especially her own judgment. However, reality waits for no one and she is forced to go back to work. With her powers coming to the forefront, can she overcome her past, and finally look toward the future?

  Axel and Gage discovered their mate and while one embraces it, the other fights it. The time has come for them to open up and confront their past, but will Millie understand why the pair are the way they are. Can the two adjust to the change in their lives or will they break the bond they have carried since birth over a woman.

  When an unexpected threat comes into their lives, the three find themselves asking for help from the one person they have been avoiding most—Millie's mother. Will Axel and Gage be able to keep Millie safe, or will they fall prey to the new threat?

  Join the Hidden Pack as three lives unfold, either together, or with a pair walking into the sunset while one stands alone.

  Panther Protection

  The Hidden Pack

  Book Three

  by Gracie Meadows

  © Copyright April 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.


  All cover art and logo © Copyright April 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by ML Hill

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  This book goes out to all my dedicated readers, and those who are huge supporters of the JK Publishing family. You make it all worthwhile when I write these books. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love you all.

  ~ Gracie

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Books by Gracie Meadows

  JK Publishing, Inc.

  Excerpt from Till My Last Breath

  Excerpt for Covered by Bubbles

  Chapter One

  Millie was still sleeping as Axel and Gage sat outside on the small porch of her ranch style home. Becky had stopped by earlier and Gage had been the one to actually talk with her.

  “Becky, she will talk when she is ready. Until then, we will watch over her. She is safe with us,” was all he needed to say, but in truth, there was so much more. He was the quiet one, understanding more than people realized. When magic had been unleashed, Millie was discovered to be some type of fairy princess; however, all it did was make them realize she was their mate. He'd had a feeling when they first met and his panther clawed at him, but as a man, he hadn't made the connection. Axel was the one having real issues. He had always wanted to avoid a mate for the longest time.

  Gage knew if Axel didn’t get his head out of his ass, then he would claim her for himself. He couldn’t let the only chance he had to be happy run away. However, right now, they had so many things to worry about besides claiming their hotheaded, quick-witted, sexy as sin, mate. Millie was everything he loved in a woman, and then some.

  Taking another drink of his coffee, he looked at the sun as it started to rise, letting them know the day was beginning once again. Axel shouted and he jumped as Xandria popped in unexpectedly. He still couldn’t get use to her doing that.

  “Good morning, gentlemen. I am glad I caught you both before Amelia awoke. Trouble is coming I fear. Magic is open to all, good and bad, and Amelia is going to be drawn into it. Just like you have said, other packs have noticed missing shifters, and those who now crave the dark arts will be going after them. Just like Rebecca was the key, and her child will help guide those lost to safety, Amelia plays her part as well. She is pure, inside and out. Your strength will center her, and help her as challenges will be thrown at her. As her mates, I expect you to take care of her, and claim her as your own.”

  “My what! Oh hell no.” Everyone turned to see Millie standing by the door, in just an oversized t-shirt, and mad as hell. “I am not mating with fricking panthers, not now—not ever. I don’t want anyone. You all can pack sand for all I care. I’m done with this shit. I’m getting coffee,” with that she slammed the door heading inside.

  “Well that went well,” Axel said as he took another drink of coffee.


  Millie took another look in the mirror and was still unable to see any changes. Sh
e could feel them, but that was all. For someone who was supposed to be a fairy princess, she sure as hell didn’t look like one. She would die right now to have a bigger rack to fill out some of her dresses, but as it sat, she was still a perky B and never growing. She was still trying to grasp the fact her mother was now real and she was some super magical creature who had all these super awesome powers and worked with the Moon Goddess. Millie knew she didn’t have much, hell, her Granny raised her the best she could, but even then, Millie went without a lot of things. She never complained and was always grateful to her for taking her in, and now that she knew the truth, she was beyond blessed to actually know her and have shared a special connection with her. Her mother, hell, she couldn’t even call her that, Xandria wanted to try to connect, but she was hesitant.

  Millie may not have the physical scars and bruises from her abduction, but the mental one’s still remained. She could smell the bastard on her as he grabbed her breasts as if they damn water balloons that would pop if you squeezed hard enough. The smell of alcohol and sweat poured off him as he licked her skin telling her all the things he was going to do to her. Running to the bathroom, she threw up again. This had been the normal routine, and she was in serious need of sleep, but it never really came. She had managed to avoid all issues with using makeup, and lots of coffee. So far no one had heard her screaming at night, but ever since Xandria had told her she was in danger, both Gage and Axel were staying in the other spare rooms to try to protect her from… God, she had no clue.

  Heading down the stairs, she assumed everyone was out doing whatever the hell they do. She was in serious need of coffee. Today she had an interview since money didn’t fall from trees. Once she was down the stairs she heard voices, well more precisely she heard Xandria’s. Crap on a cracker, this isn’t going to be a good day. As she approached she heard her tell the men that she was in danger, blah, blah, blah. And that’s when she heard it… Mate. She was their mate. Oh, I don’t think so!

  Millie had had enough with egotistical males telling her what and who she could be with. Ever since she found the truth about Becky, shit was rolling down hill, and she was recently the one who took a good chunk of it. Now she was stuck in the realm of this reality, where she was some fairy princess, stuck to life with two men, who, she had to admit were yummy in their own right, but she didn’t want them. She was done with men, she was done with being told this and that. She was being a brat, but right now, she didn’t give a shit. She had another bad night, and didn’t know how much more she could take. She wanted to talk with Becky about trying to get the damn dream blocked, but knew with her little bun in the oven that she wouldn’t be allowed to do anything like that. Pouring her cup of coffee, she sat down and looked at the number written by a friend. It was for a doctor. She was half tempted to call him, no she would call him and get some sleeping pills. A dreamless sleep is what she needed to recharge before she joined the workforce.

  She was happy Axel and Gage hadn’t come in yet and was counting the minutes until they did. Maybe she could just work up enough frustration so she could blast their tight assess like Becky did to the fucker who touched her. A shutter ran through her, she really did need help. Drinking her coffee, she barely tasted the bitter brew before she poured another cup. Today she was running off pure adrenaline, but the crash, she didn’t want. Not today when she had an interview for a job. She needed to get on with her life and forget all the crazy shit that happened. Finishing her coffee quickly, she headed up stairs.

  Slipping on a yellow sundress, she brushed out her hair before pulling it into a side braid and then put on her mascara. She could do more, but this was an interview to take over the evil bitch monster's position for the respectable Travis Mayweather. Summer was his assistant, and when she was reported missing, the position needed to be filled. She didn’t really want to work for him, hell, all she ever wanted to do was be on stage, but reality was, she needed to be in a larger city to make it big, and not stuck in Misty Falls. Slipping on a small white sandals, she was dressed and ready to face the day. Not sure what she would need other than her resume, she took her folder and her small purse.

  Heading down the stairs she could hear Axel talking to Gage, but once again Gage wasn’t saying anything. She did find out that he did indeed talk, but not very much, and she learned that when he did talk to shut up and listen because it was normally important, but right this minute she didn’t care, she had to be somewhere.


  Gage watched as Mille came into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water and an apple before turning to leave again. She looked really good this morning, and he was wondering what she was up to. Her simple yellow sundress showed off her curves and flared out to help frame her legs. The top created a simple sweetheart type of style that allowed him to see her breast. She wasn’t large compared to normal women her size, but they looked amazing on her frame.

  “Where you off to, little fairy?” Axel asked as he took a drink of his coffee. Gage knew he was poking an already pissed off fairy, but he knew it was just Axel being, well Axel.

  “It’s none of your business,” she snapped.

  “That is where your wrong, Millie, you are important, and also our mate, you won’t leave until I know your safe, now where?” he growled at her.

  “Fine, calm down, puddy cat, I have an interview in about forty-five minutes. So if you don’t mind, I would like to get a move on before I’m late,” she quipped back at him.

  Gage sighed knowing this was going to be going back and forth. The two of them where like oil and vinegar. It was going to be some type of fairy comment and then a cat comment. He looked at the time, they already were into the argument for ten minutes. He knew what needed to be done. Quickly downing the rest of his coffee, he stood and went to the sink as he heard Mille ask Axel if someone took his birdie away from him and if he was a good boy she would bring back some catnip for him.

  He walked over to Mille and the sweet smell of honeysuckle filled his nose. She smelled amazing and all he wanted to do was push his nose in the crook of her neck and inhale her scent more. She looked up at him and he reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. She eyed him before he grabbed her arm and led her to the door. The static shock he felt as he touched her skin was more evident now after she learned of their mating. She didn’t say anything as he dragged her to his truck instead of her small car. He opened the door for her and helped her inside. He stood to help with her seatbelt, but she batted him away and did it herself.

  She sat there looking out the window and said nothing. “Where?” was the only thing he said to her. She seemed resigned to her fate and rattled off the address to the Mayweather Corp. on the outskirts of town. She must be taking over the personal assistant job, and he wasn’t sure about how he felt about that. He knew she deserved better, and should live her dream, but she was resigned to her fate of working. With her living there, he wanted to talk to Axel and see what he wanted to do with the shop. Back home they had an auto body shop and it was making really good money and being panthers, it allowed their senses to pick up anything wrong with a vehicle quicker than a machine. He was personally willing to turn it over and open another one there if she wanted them to stay, or she could come back with them. His gut told him it was better for her if she stayed with her friends, and now with magic open to everyone, who knew what was going to happen.

  She pulled open a small folder and was reading some of the papers inside. It looked like she was studying the company. He knew she was smart, and most people didn’t give her enough credit for that. They used the quiet, meek, little Cece to get all their answers, which was good, but no one understood she was also very smart. She relied on her looks to get her through because that was all people saw of her. Yes, she was gorgeous, he'd admit that whole heartedly, the fates had given her the gift of beauty. However, he was determined to make sure people saw more than the outside of her.

  It only took about twenty minutes from her house
to get to the main building for her interview. She started to fidget with her dress, smoothing it down over and over again, trying to get rid of the invisible wrinkle. Gage reached over and took her hand stopping her actions and giving her a small squeeze of reassurance. She looked down at her hands and then up at him, giving a small shy smile. She looked so damn cute right then and there. Parking near some trees that offered shade, she then sighed and thanked him.

  “I can call when I’m done.” He shook his head no. There was nowhere he needed to be, and he wanted to be there when she returned from her interview.

  “Fine wait, I don’t know how long I will be.” She was trying to get him to leave. Was she embarrassed by him? He wasn’t unattractive, not that he cared, but he didn’t have problems with securing a bed partner when he wanted one. She was out of the truck within seconds and headed into the building. She was going to keep them on their toes and he looked forward to it. He sent a small text to Axel to let him know he was going to wait. Unlike the wolf twins, he and Axel were not blood like that. Yes, they were from the same family, born from brothers, making them cousins, but even that was rare. Both he and Axel were older than most but appeared to only look twenty-seven at most, verses their fifty years. Knowing it was going to be a while, he leaned his seat back and rested. He cleared his mind and tried to think about what to do to win her heart.


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