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Panther Protection

Page 9

by Gracie Meadows

  “I have had enough of this shit, your mine.” He grabbed her arm hard and she suddenly felt the ground move from beneath her feet. She couldn’t figure out what the hell had just happened, but the smell of grass and dirt penetrated her senses and she had a sinking feeling she wasn’t in Kanas anymore.

  “You are now within my kingdom and tomorrow you will be my mate, you will help me take over the world above, and people will do as I say because of you. Sleep, Amelia.” He placed his hand on her head and instantly the world grew dark and she fell into the blackness of a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Axel felt like the world had just dipped and turned on its axis as he hit the brakes outside the Mayweather building. He couldn’t think, and the feeling of home he had just moments ago were gone, to be replaced with an emptiness. Without a word he and Gage took off to the building. The guy in front apparently knew them and didn’t say anything as they ran to the elevator. Seconds felt like hours until they reached the floor. As the doors slid open, Gage roared in rage as the smell of the Troll king, Malak, hit them. He was here, turning he heard a full blown lion growling and snarling at the closet.

  “Where is she?” Gage demanded. But the lion just roared and Axel knew he had her. He couldn’t feel her. Without a second thought his panther needed to kill the man who let her get away and he changed within a fraction of a second and attacked Travis. He promised them and Xandria she would be safe at work, he would protect her with everything that was in him. Well the fucker lied and she was missing. His mate, his home, his love was gone, and this man, this lion was the reason. Travis beat him off, not attacking him, but trying to avoid blows as his panther demanded blood. He bit into his hide and the lion roared and swiped at him, knocking him off balance. Bending low he was getting ready to pounce and take a chunk out of Travis when Gage hit him with something.

  “Enough, we need help.” It was enough to snap him out of his rage and he shifted back, as did Travis. He stood naked now in front of Gage who looked like the world was ending and texting someone.

  “House, ten minutes,” was all he said as he hit the door for the elevator. Travis went and threw him a pair of spare sweats and soon they went into the elevator.


  Gage was in pure hell with Millie gone. He understood the magnitude of a mate, but never had he imaged it would bring such darkness inside him when she went missing. It was almost blinding and he needed to clear his head and think. While Axel went in rage and attacked Travis, he texted the gang to inform them he needed help. Somehow when all of them got together Xandria showed up. She was who he really needed. She would have some sort of answer on how to get her back, and that’s what he wanted, oh and the fucking Troll king's head on a stake too.

  Driving the truck, he didn’t give anyone any warning as his started it and headed to the house. If they wanted to find her it had to be quick. Who knew what the hell he was doing to her, and with her being taken last time, it would only cause a setback in her recovery. She had talked openly to her friends about what happened and it seemed they understood why she pushed them all away and they would be there if she needed them. They weren't just her friends they were her family. Making the last turn he was happy to see the others just pulled in as he did.

  “What the hell, we just left you guys and then she is taken. How could this happen?” Becky was demanding answers while Cece seemed to have her nose in a book.

  “It was my fault I couldn’t keep her safe. He took me by surprise and somehow he managed to get the upper hand. It won’t happen again.”

  “Damn fucking right it won’t, because when we get her back, she is quitting and she isn’t going to be anywhere without us.”

  “Well, I can see the gang is all here, all we need is a mystery machine and you are set.” Turning, they spotted Xandria walking to them. “I know what has happened. And we will get her back. She is in another realm, but like this one, but it has more magic there. When Rebecca opened the door he was able to cross over and now, he wants to control this one. We must travel to that realm and into the kingdom of the trolls to save her. If he mates her before we can retrieve her, all hope is lost, and even Becky’s magic won’t work to get her back. He would have complete control over this world.”

  “Why the hell does he have this type of magic?” Axel demanded.

  “Well if I read right, he does have magic, but it's fueled by a small stone around his neck.”

  “You mean like an all spark, or sorcerer’s stone?” Becky asked as everyone turned to her. Blushing she looked at them all. “Seriously don’t you guys watch movies at all?”

  “I am familiar with your references, Rebecca, and in a way yes. It works to harness the power of his people and it allows him to do, well, what he did to both of you. Don’t underestimate his size, he is incredibly strong.”

  “So we bash the fucker until it breaks and then we kill him, easy peasy,” Becky stated as took the lid off the cookie jar and started eating them. Not wanting to sit and debate anything, they wanted their mate back. Gage was on edge and couldn’t even find the need to sit.

  “How do we get there?” It seemed everyone wanted to chit-chat pleasantries about this, that, and the other, but no one wanted to go get her. Who knew what he was doing to her. He could have beaten her, anything he wanted because he wasn’t there to protect her.

  “We can get there through a small valley, but once I open the doorway it will be rough terrain. I cannot go with you in this. He will sense me and that would put Amelia in more danger. But I feel if we kill him, his son will rise up and except the crown and lead the people to peace as they once were. Not all trolls are bad, just those who are power driven. Now come.”

  Everyone went to stand and when Becky stood Xandria spoke, “No, Rebecca, you cannot go. If you leave this world you would risk the life of your children.” She seemed more pissed off than anyone, but Dmitri and Nik said they would stay with her since he, Axel, Travis, and Cece were going. They would have called Tiny, but it seemed the giant bear was running around helping the Alpha take care of things. He wasn’t sure about bringing Cece, but her knowledge was vast and she would be an asset, and a liability. Giving her a warning not to leave their side unless told to, they followed Xandria out of the house and through the small woods that surrounded Millie’s house.


  Millie sat on the bed of a large room unsure of what the hell was going on. She knew right away she was taken and the feeling of emptiness crept up on her making her grab her chest. Were they dead? Did Malak kill Travis? So many thoughts ran through her head, but she needed to find a way out. Running around the room she first went to the door and found it locked. Well shit. Then the window, but as soon as she went to push it open, she noticed bars were lining them and she had no way out. She pushed and pulled to see if she could move them at all, and nothing. Getting mad, not because she couldn’t get out, but because she wasn’t going to be another damn victim again. She was done with men and women grabbing her whenever they pleased. She wasn’t a damn Barbie doll you play with and then toss away or pass to the next one. Groaning in frustration, she looked around the room to try to find something she could use as a weapon if someone came and unlocked the door. Maybe a lamp and she could hit them over the head. As she scanned the room she didn’t see too much, but found another door. Running she was happy when it turned and allowed her to open it, but frowned when she noticed it was just a bathroom. In it sat a simple single shower, and a toilet with a sink. Nothing else, nothing she could use to help her escape. Shaking her head she went back into the room when she heard the door unlock and a man she had no clue who he was smiled at her.

  “Amelia, so glad you could join us. I am Zalph Malak, you have met my father, Razi. He had just told me the happy news that you are to be mated. I am to bring you food and clothing. If you have any questions or need anything please just knock on the door and a guard will assist you.” She started to yell at him that she wasn’
t there because she wanted to be and there was no way in hell she would mate with a fucking troll. The thought made her sick, leaving a foul dirt taste in her mouth. Zalph set a small tray down on her bed with a small bag.

  “Good evening, Amelia. A maid will be in the morning to dress you for your event.”

  “Wait, please stop, I don’t want this. You have to stop.” She reached out to him, but he had shut the door far too quick. Not sure what to do, she knocked on the door and a small window opened that she hadn’t seen before.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Yes, you can let me out,” she demanded.

  “No can do. The king said you are to remain here and no one is to talk to you unless it is necessary.” Then he shut the window. Growling now, she screamed. Well with a damn guard keeping watch she needed to do something. Walking over to the bed, she lifted the tray and saw some fresh fruit. She didn’t know what these people did to her food, so she left it alone. Next, she looked in the bag and found clean clothes. Nope she wasn’t having any of that. She just sat on the bed and thought about what to do. She knew some messed up Troll king wanted her to be his mate to use her power. Her power. Shit, she needed to figure out how to use it fully and get out. Running back to the door she banged again and the window slid open.

  “Yes?” Getting on her tiptoes to allow her to look him directly in the eyes before she spoke.

  “Can I get an unopened bottle of water?” The man blinked a couple of times then left. He didn’t shut the window, which she cheered herself for, it actually worked. She noticed she was in a room down a long hallway full of weird light. She heard some yelling and shouting and then before she knew it she was staring in the red eyes of Malak.

  “So you think you can try to use your powers to get what you want. I’ll have you know that it won’t work on me. It works really well with shifters and humans that is why your guard was able to leave even though it cost him his life.” She gasped knowing she had sent a man to his death because she wanted out. She had killed once before, but that was out of anger, this was different.

  “Just let me go. I have mates, and they will look for me, and I have a mother who will kick your ass. As soon as nothing is standing between you and me, I am going to do exactly that, kick your ass!” she yelled, but it only made him laugh and shut the window.

  She stood alone in the vast room of emptiness, not knowing what to do. The feeling of helplessness wasn’t something she had ever wanted to feel again. When she was attacked a few months ago, she had fought him with everything she had, but now, she was stuck behind a giant door and bars. A prisoner in every sense of the word. Closing her eyes she sunk to the floor by the door and let the few small tears run free as the thought of never seeing her mates again hit her, never being able to tell them how much she loved them. Gage for his quiet strength, Axel for his overprotectiveness and being an ass but was sweet once you saw the inner him. Both so different, yet, they completed her. Now, she just needed to hold onto that feeling and not let go—determined to survive.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Axel ran as fast as he could, even with Travis helping Cece he couldn’t seem to get there quicker. Time was running out and dark was upon them within a matter of a few hours. Millie had been missing for some time now, and each passing minute, fear crept into his heart.

  “We are almost there,” Xandria replied as she kept up the steady pace. It seemed like they kept going in circles but within fifteen minutes they found a weird looking oak tree and stopped. “This is where I leave you. You will see the castle once you enter, but it is a long trip, and at night is when most of the trolls like to come out. They are not day creatures as most would like to think. The Troll king has this power and could walk among everyone because of his linage, so once inside walk north for an hour then find a tree high enough to be out of reach and rest until daybreak. Continue north, but when you get to the small clearing, turn west and keep going until you reach the castle grounds. There are several passages that lead under the castle, try to find one. That is all I can do for you.” She turned and faced him. “Please bring back my daughter. I have been without her for all her life, I cannot live another day without her.” This was the first time Axel had seen real emotion from her toward Millie. She normally did her best to try to hug and talk, but Millie was laid back and laughed, where Xandria was a queen and stuck in her world for far too long.

  “You know I will.” He didn’t need to say anything else as he watched Gage go to the tree and walk through a small looking hole, it was amazing that Gage kept walking and didn’t come out. Travis then grasped Cece’s hand, who seemed to be shaking, and walked in and he followed with one last look at Xandria. It was a weird sensation. The way he kept walking it felt like the inside of the tree and the smell was strong of moss, grass, and wet wood. He kept walking, not sure when it would end, then suddenly it did, and he was standing in a weird field just like the one they had entered in. He would have thought he took a wrong turn if it wasn’t for the fact everyone was standing there looking at them.

  “Okay, north is that way. I set a timer on my watch. We have an hour, make the most of it,” Cece stated as she took off in a run. Not wanting to fall behind, and not wanting her to take the lead, he ran up in front of her and kept going. It seemed like a large forest engulfed them, but it was thicker with trees that seemed hundreds of years old, and the earth just took over. It wasn’t hard for him, being a panther, but Cece seemed to struggle the deeper they got. Thank God Travis was there and seemed to take on a protective roll with her, lifting her up and onto his back. They had been walking for what seemed like minutes when Cece’s timer went off.

  “We have to stop here. I might need some help with climbing the tree, I’m not a shifter remember,” she joked.

  “I say we go further,” Axel countered. He didn’t want to rest knowing his mate was still in the castle, which he totally forgot to look for.

  “We have to listen to Xandria, she has been right about a lot of things, and she is going to be right about this. She knows these lands better than we do, and we need to get up a tree.”

  Just as he was about to tell her that idea was stupid, noises could be heard and rustling started to come from all direction. Grinding his teeth in frustration, he watched as everyone climbed a large tree and sat, he too followed. They had placed Cece closest to the inside on a taller branch next to Travis, and he and Gage took their own. Sure enough within five minutes a bunch of men, well more like midgets really, started to run around looking at things with large looking spears. They didn’t seem to hear or scent them. Keeping his eye glued on the men, he watched as they walked away. He whispered up to Travis that he would take first watch so they could sleep, then Gage and then him. Between the three of them someone would always be mindful of the world below their feet.


  Millie woke with the noise of a screeching owl at her window. She ran to the window looking out and saw a bunch of weird looking people. Could those be the trolls? She had only seen two, Malak, and his son, Zalph. Both looked, well normal to most. Malak had red eyes, where Zalph did not. That got her thinking, if he was Malak’s son, then where is the queen, or mate? What was she needed for if someone else was there. Ewe, maybe he was one of those guys who has multiple wives and only wants them for sex and power. Okay that thought did make her puke in her mouth a little. Keeping the window open, she looked out at the land and the trees of the forest. The sky was bright with an orange moon setting a glow. She normally would have found this beautiful, but being she was held captive she just, well, she didn’t have a damn clue what she thought. Not sure what tomorrow would bring she climbed into the bed that was there and went to sleep.


  Gage woke up to the sound of beeping. It was Cece’s watch again. He shook his head at the simplicity of the act, but grateful too. They needed to head out. They had to make it to the castle and wasn’t sure how the hell to get into the castle. Waking everyone up, Travis sa
id there hadn’t been any activity for a few hours and they all climbed down. The four of them continued to run until they spotted the clearing. Sure enough there seemed to be a path that turned west. This time Cece was able to run without stopping and the four of them took off. They needed to stop a few times, and the feeling of them being followed bothered them. One waited while the others sat by a small stream drinking some water. He had wished he had remembered to pack some type of food, but his mind was solely on finding his mate as was Axel's. Nothing had come up and soon they left again. This time the castle became clearer and he had to admit it was pretty impressive. The large castle looked out on a ledge that overlooked the ground below. He wasn’t sure how they were going to get up there, but they were if it was the last thing he did.

  “So, any clue how to get inside?” Travis asked as their pace slowed some.

  “Not a damn clue. I was thinking about looking for a door or something,” Gage said back looking in the direction of the castle.

  “Okay, what kinda door?”

  “Well, I remember reading somewhere that trolls like to leave underground passages, and one that hasn’t been used is on the other side of the castle. So we just need to, umm find it.” Cece peered up at them hoping she hadn't pissed him off. He didn’t think he could get mad at the small little human, she had done nothing but help them along the way, and she wanted her friend back as much as any of them.

  “Great, going in blind, again,” Axel grumbled but continued to walk. The path seemed to take a steep grade as it grew closer to the castle. They needed to find a door, and not get spotted so he pointed to a small area along the outside of the moat. It had been dry, so it no longer held any water making crossing easier for them. It dipped down leaving a darker colored brick wall than the lighter brick above them.


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