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Down the Aisle

Page 5

by Christine Bell

  Heart in his throat, he responded. “It’s me.”

  The long pause was like a rabbit punch to the kidney. Jesus, she didn’t even want to talk to him now?

  “You’re not supposed to see me without my veil until we’re married, and I lost it on the path somewhere.”

  He sucked in a steadying breath as fresh hope came rushing in from all sides. If she actually planned on not going through with the wedding, it wouldn’t matter whether he saw her with her veil or not. He’d take that as a positive sign.

  “So take off your dress, too. Then I won’t see the whole thing together.”

  She let out a short, watery laugh and footsteps sounded. “It’s not as easy as you might think.”

  She was close now, and he imagined her face pressed to the door. He laid a hand on it, wishing he could touch her. Hold her. Make her feel better. “I’ll close my eyes and help. If I recall, this wouldn’t be my first time helping you out of a wedding dress, babe.”

  Had it been a year and a half ago the day she’d found Marty banging her friend in the linen closet of their reception hall and he threw her onto the back of his bike to escape? She’d been so hurt and lost.

  “And if I recall, that dress ended up in pieces,” she reminded him, her voice going soft.

  “Come on. You can’t blame me for that. There were two thousand buttons the size of peas and I have these giant mitts that are perfect for busting jaws but not so much for unbuttoning wedding dresses.” If he could keep her talking and make his way into the room, they could work this out. There was nothing they couldn’t beat together.

  “Exactly why you’re not helping me with this one.”

  He could hear her breathing just on the other side of the door, so he knew she didn’t want him to leave yet, but she was firm about the wedding dress and veil deal.

  “How about I promise to keep my eyes closed?”

  She stayed quiet for a while and then blew out a breath. “Okay, but if you look, you’re cursing our marriage to certain doom. Do you understand me?”

  Well shit, no pressure there. “Yep, got it.”

  He closed his eyes and heard the door open.

  “Come on.” She took his hand, and he flinched. Hers was ice cold. So maybe this was just a case of nerves? Sweet Jesus he hoped so. That would be the easiest thing to deal with. A few shots of Jack Daniels and some encouragement, and they’d be on their way. No matter what, he couldn’t imagine leaving this place without her.

  She led him down the stairs, and he resisted the natural instinct to open his eyes to watch her ass sway. It was tough to fight years of conditioning, but he kept reminding himself how important it was to her that he not see her.

  “Sit down,” she instructed.

  He felt around behind him with his foot and lowered himself onto the small couch. A second later, she was climbing into his lap and burying her face in his neck. Yes. He breathed in the fresh scent of her and squeezed her even closer. They were crazy about each other. What could possibly trump that? There was nothing so bad that they couldn’t get through it.

  “Talk to me, babe.”

  She shifted and lifted her head, her dress crinkling as she moved. “What if I can’t do it, Galen?”

  “Marry me?”

  “No, dummy. I mean have a baby. What if,” she paused, and swallowed loud enough that he could hear it in the silence of the room. “What if my body can never do it? It’s been months and months of trying, fertility treatments. Already, it’s taking a toll on our relationship. Our sex life took a major hit; I’ve been depressed and feel like a failure every month. My cycle is just getting more and more sporadic.”

  She tucked in closer, and her voice dropped to a miserable whisper. “What if I’m broken, and no matter what we do, I can’t get fixed?”

  “We have the adoption agency working for us. We already have one possible—”

  “They called.” The words sounded like they were torn out of her, and he froze.

  “Who called?”

  “The agency. Sarah picked another family.”

  The words punctured his gut, and he sucked in a breath. “Okay.” He had a million questions. When? Why? And why hadn’t she told him so they could face it together? But now, none of that mattered. He pushed back his sadness and focused on not fucking this up even worse.

  If things worked out the way he hoped…

  But he couldn’t count on that. Not yet. So he’d have to just speak from the heart and hope it was enough. “I know that breaks your heart, and mine, too, but it’s going to be okay. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. Everything. I know how badly you want a house full of kids, and I want more than anything to give you that. I’m going to give you that, one way or another. But if we never had kids? I swear to God, Lacey, all I need to be happy is you. That’s it.”

  He could feel the hot tears soaking his shirt, and he cursed himself for making the promise not to look at her.

  “You say that now. But what about later? What if it’s harder than you think? What if nobody ever picks us? Are you going to resent me? Or regret marrying me? In your vows, you said—”

  Her voice still shook, and she paused on a sob. He wanted to tear the walls down. How had he gone so wrong?

  “I didn’t get to finish my vows before you ran away. Yes, I talked about wanting a house full of love and children. I still want that. I know you do, too, and I’d move heaven and earth to make you happy. But if it takes a decade, I will still spend every day of that thanking god that I have you. Nothing will ever change that. I have faith in us. Now you need to have faith in us, too.”

  She kissed the corner of his mouth, then dead center. The salt of her tears still made him want to break stuff, but he felt calmer. More focused. It was going to be okay. As long as she still loved him, they would be okay.

  She pulled away and sniffled. “Okay. Okay, I believe you. And I’m sorry to be such a drama queen. It’s just, the call and then stress and the nerves. But I love you, and I feel the same way you do. We’ll get through this, whatever happens.” She kissed him once more and patted his shoulder. “I love you so much, and I’m sorry I ruined our day.”

  “It’s okay.” She slid off his lap, and he pushed himself to his feet, careful to keep his eyes squeezed shut. “I think it’s kind of our thing now, ruining weddings. Let’s just own it.”

  She turned him to face the other way and gave him a little shove. “Okay. My mother is going to have a field day, though. Now go figure out how to dry off your shirt. And wipe your mouth, too. Apparently that shade of lip gloss is pretty ugly. I’ll meet you at the altar.”

  She led him back to the door, and to his relief, her hand was warm and soft in his. Everything was going to be okay, for today at least. And maybe, if his plans came through the way he hoped they would, everything would be even better soon…


  The next half hour went by in a blur. There was a mopping and repairing of the face conducted by Cat and Courtney, the locating of a slightly muddy veil, and then a march down the stairs, followed by a far more terrifying second one down the aisle. And once again, Lacey stood in front of the minister, holding her bouquet of flowers in a death grip. If roses produced juice, she could have provided their wedding party with some refreshing beverages by now.

  The blood buzzed in her ears as Galen turned to face her and Cat stuffed a ring into her hand. This must be it. She cleared her throat and waited for her cue. The officiant mumbled something, but the next words stood out loud and clear. She was both surprised and grateful at the feeling of total calm that fell over her.

  It didn’t matter what else was wrong; this much she knew was right. They’d deal with whatever came next together. If that meant them giving up on the dream of having a baby, then so be it. Her heart gave a painful squeeze at the thought, but she shoved it away. The love of her life had something to say to her.

  “I, Galen, take you, Lacey.” Galen’s gorgeous brown eyes gleam
ed suspiciously as he spoke, and the glow that had started as a tiny ember in her heart spread outward. She didn’t take her eyes off him until he slid the circle of gold onto her finger.

  Now her turn.

  “To be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish till death do us part.” She repeated the words, completing the ritual. And when she slid the ring on his finger, the guests erupted into cheers.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Galen tugged her close and bent low, lifting her veil. He kissed one corner of her mouth, then the other, before kissing her full on the lips. “I love you, Mrs. Thomas,” he said with a grin. He scooped her up into his arms, and she let out a squeal.

  “You’re not supposed to carry me yet!”

  “I’m your husband now. I can carry you if I want to.”

  She was pretty sure that hadn’t been part of their vows, but she wasn’t about to argue. He cut through the crowd, who wolf-whistled and only encouraged him, and carried her into the center tent, to set her on the dance floor.

  The beginning of their wedding song began to play, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They danced, bodies swaying together in perfect rhythm, and everything felt so easy. It wouldn’t always be that way, but for tonight, it was enough.

  After dinner and a lovely champagne toast delivered by Shane, everyone got a little loose. She and Galen were grinding on the dance floor when the DJ called her over to a chair in the center.

  “Mrs. Thomas, I think you know what time it is.”

  She was a little buzzed and made to look at her watch. With a sad sigh, she realized that it was almost over.

  “Time for the bouquet and for that garter belt to come off!”

  She’d forgotten all about that. The DJ called for all the single ladies to come on stage, and Cat and Courtney wound up in front. Lacey eyed them and estimated the angle she’d have to throw the bouquet to get it straight to Cat, and then she spun around. The crowd cheered, and she let it rip. She turned around just in time to see Cat slip on a napkin and Courtney reach up a hand instinctively to avoid taking a bouquet straight to the face.

  Cat righted herself and busted out laughing at the horror on Courtney’s face.

  “Aw, honey, it’s just an old wives tale. You’ll be fine.”

  Courtney nodded, looking dazed.

  Next it was up to Galen to get the garter. He led Lacey to the chair of honor. She peered down at her husband, who looked extremely pleased to be kneeling between her legs, and grinned. “I put it up high, handsome, so you might be there for a while.”

  His smile in return was ripe with promise, and a little shiver went through her. “Man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.”

  And boy, did he. He slid his hands slowly, excruciatingly over her ankles and then higher to trace the muscles of her calves.

  “You know there’s only one, right?” she asked breathlessly.

  “How would I know that unless I checked?”

  Their guests started hooting and screaming and by the time he’d retrieved his prize, Lacey had broken out in a fine sweat. He bent low and pressed a kiss to the inside of her knee. “I think we need more of these,” he murmured, and then stood, twirling the blue garter on his finger.

  “Single guys, front and center,” he called. The men lined up, and when he tossed it over his shoulder, it was headed straight for Shane. Then, a hand shot out and snagged it from mid-air. Lacey gasped as Rafe held his prize aloft. She shot a glance at Courtney, who looked like she’d been gut-punched. She wet her lips nervously and seemed to be considering whether to back out or not when Rafe turned toward her with a mocking smile.

  “Ready for me, Court?” he asked. He didn’t wait for an answer and instead walked toward her. Walked? Hell, he stalked, like a lion approaching his prey. Even Galen was impressed.

  “Damn, is he going to put the garter on her or eat her?”

  Lacey shrugged. “Maybe both, if she’s lucky,” she whispered. Her husband chuckled and pulled her closer to settle in and enjoy the show.

  By the end of the night, Lacey’s face hurt from smiling. They’d waved goodbye to their friends and family and climbed into their limo. In less than two hours, they’d be on their way to Puerto Rico. Five days of sun. Five days of fun.

  Five days of breaking away from the reality that they were still no closer to having a baby than they’d been almost a year ago.

  Chapter Five

  Lacey opened her eyes as the cool breeze tickled her cheeks. God, she loved it here. They’d been in San Juan for four days now, and she’d never been happier. The first time they’d gone, a year before, they’d met another couple on their trip. They’d gone back to their villa, and during a Three’s Company style misunderstanding, she and Galen had been propositioned by them to engage in some down and dirty partner swapping. So when their car on this trip had pulled up to the same Grotto Villa that couple had stayed in, Lacey about had a heart attack.

  Galen laughed his ass off when he realized her first thought was that he’d changed his mind and wanted to take them up on it. Come to find out, he’d rented the villa because they’d had their first kiss in the grotto-style pool. How romantic was that?

  She let out a happy sigh and rolled to the side to plant one on her brand spanking new husband. The only sign he’d ever been there was the dent in his pillow, though. She pushed herself onto one elbow and listened closely. Waves lapping against the sand outside her window? Check. Low hum of the ceiling fan? Check. Hot man in shower? She strained hard to hear it, but nope. She hopped off the bed onto the warm, terracotta tiles and padded out of the room into the main part of the house. By the time she reached the lanai, she could hear it. The low male voice singing what sounded like a Katy Perry song.

  She closed the door gently behind her, maximum stealth engaged. He kept on singing, so she was pretty sure she was in the clear.

  She pulled the baby-doll nightgown she’d donned when they arrived over her head and tossed it onto one of the lounge chairs before padding across the cobblestones to the pool on her tiptoes. She found herself staring at the backside of a tan, buff, sexy, and mostly naked man standing under one of the manmade waterfalls. His broad shoulders tapered down to a lean waist that he’d maintained even after he’d retired from boxing. The thickly corded muscles that ran down the sides of his back were still lean and strong from hours at the gym. She slipped into the water, wading toward him, closer and closer. Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth as she reached out a hand to—

  “You’re really taking your time about it, aren’t you?” He growled and turned to face her. Either he’d woken up with morning wood or he’d known she was there the whole time because his shaft was stiff and at the ready. She stepped up onto the ledge next to him and he moved closer, crowding her until her back was against the rock face.

  “You think you’re pretty sneaky, huh?” he asked, stepping to one side so that the cool water sprayed the front of her body. She gasped as the rush battered her hard nipples.

  “I love that. So sensitive,” he whispered, dipping his head to suck one pebbled tip into his mouth. She tensed and clutched his head to her, shocked that she could want him…need him so quickly. If he lifted her up right now, spread her legs and slid deep inside her, she would have been more than ready.

  He released her nipple with a soft pop and nuzzled her. “I bet you thought you’d come out here and land yourself a quickie, didn’t you, Mrs. Thomas?” he whispered.

  She wanted to answer him, but he stole the words from her mouth when he cupped her center with his hand and slid a finger into her in one sure move.

  “Ah, yeah,” he groaned in approval. “I think that is what you wanted. But guess what, babe?”

  She didn’t want to guess. She wanted to—

  “It’s not going down like that this time.”
  He dropped a kiss to her shoulder blade, then to the crease between her breasts, then lower. One on each rib, one over her navel, then one on each hip. He stopped there and let his teeth sink in just how she liked it. She gasped.

  “Mm,” she murmured, slipping her hands into his hair and pressing him closer. He wrapped his strong arms around her thighs and murmured her name.

  “Come with me,” he demanded. His tone sent a thrill straight to her core. As sweet as he could be, once the clothes were off, her man had no qualms about taking the reins. She had to admit, she liked it. He stepped down into the water to his waist and took her with him. He cradled her to his chest and lazily walked them to a wide, flat sunning rock in the center of the pool then lifted her with ease onto the warm, flat stone.

  She laid back, letting her knees fall open.

  “Jesus, you’re beautiful.”

  She pushed back the nerves that still made a quick appearance now and then, and opened her eyes to watch him. His jaw was tense as he stared down at her like he wanted to consume her. The heat of the smooth rock seeped into her muscles, making her feel relaxed and languid.

  He leaned in to flick his tongue out, tasting the knot of nerves that pulsed to the touch.

  She gasped. One light touch, and languid flew out the window. She strained toward to him, desperate to get more of his magic mouth.

  “I love watching you squirm like that, so if you’re trying to rush me, you’re doing it all wrong,” he drawled.

  In spite of his tough words, she could hear the tightness in his voice, and she knew with just a little more effort…she wriggled her hips and whispered the word he loved to hear.


  With a growl, he pounced on her. His fingers gripped her hips as his hot tongue lashed at her. She wrapped her legs around his neck, squeezing his face with her thighs and urging him on. This was exactly what she needed. Puerto Rico. Sun. Water. Her man. A week to lose herself and remember exactly how good it all was, baby or no. A lifetime of Galen was no hardship.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth and bathed it with the tip of his tongue until she was pleading wordlessly for mercy. Just a little faster. Just a little harder.

  “Oh God.”

  He lifted her, kneading her against his face until the pressure became too much to bear, and she shouted his name. Her whole body flexed and bowed. Her legs shook with the force of it as she came hard against his mouth. He held her close until she stopped shaking, murmuring praise against her hip as he set her back against the rock. Her breath slowed, and she waited for him to come up there with her. To slide deep inside her and start the storm all over again.

  “Whatcha waiting for, Mr. Thomas?” She asked when she could form a sentence.

  She ran a lazy hand across his broad, tanned shoulders.

  He climbed onto the rock, peppering her warm skin with cooler water. “I was trying to give you a second to prepare for this.”

  He lay on top of her, covering her sun-warmed body with his chilly one, and she squealed. “Off! Off! I give!”

  He laughed and rolled to his side, pulling her on top of him. “Forget it now. You asked for it.” She straddled him and sat back on her heels, glaring down at him.

  “I was a little brain dead and didn’t think it through. You could’ve warned me.” Already, though, her body was warming his, and the urge to toss him back into the water was fading fast. He ground his bathing suit-clad groin against her, and she flexed back as the tingles started flowing again

  “Seems like you’ve got something for me, husband,” she whispered. He treated her to a lethal grin and reached between them, tugging down the front of his shorts. His cock sprang forward, hard, thick and ready.

  “Mmm.” She cupped his balls in her hand and squeezed, a sizzle running through her when he groaned.

  The stone was rough against her knees as she rose high to take him in, but the sting was fleeting. She slid down over him, relishing every inch as he filled her. She rocked forward, seating him deeper, and he pulsed his hips to meet her.

  “God, that feels good.” It was slow at first. The edge was off, and she wanted to enjoy every thrust—the pulsing inside her, the catch of his breath when she rolled her hips just right. But then he reached up and cupped her breast, tweaking her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, taking control, moving his hips faster and faster. Then it was all heat and need as she slammed down on him.

  “That’s it,” he said through gritted teeth. “Take what you want, babe.” He released her breasts to grip her hips and used them to work her over him, the pace almost punishing. But he knew, because then there it was. Right there. She arched into him, the feel of his swollen cock taking her over the edge, sending her body clenching and pulling at him as she came.

  “Fuck,” he grunted, and exploded right behind her, the hot spurts of liquid filling her.

  When she finally got her breath back, she pulled in closer and burrowed into her spot in the crook of his shoulder. Absently, she caressed the firm muscles of his abs, relishing the heat and play of muscles even now. She loved this man. There were thousands, no, millions of people who didn’t even have that. The love of a good man. She needed to stop dwelling on the things she didn’t have and start focusing on the positive.

  “I love you, Galen.”

  He shifted and trailed his thumb over her collarbone before responding. “I love you, too, babe. And there’s something I want to give you.”


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