In the Line of Duty: First Responders, Book 2

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In the Line of Duty: First Responders, Book 2 Page 7

by Donna Alward

  Jake’s chin rested against Kendra’s temple as he spoke quietly. “She wore a burka. The first time I met her, I could hardly see her eyes. She wouldn’t look at my face—it was wrong to make eye contact. Wrong to touch. The burka was shapeless and covered her from head to toe, but she moved with a grace that was beautiful. She passed me a message that day. It was incredibly brave and stupid of her to do that.”

  Kendra’s heart started beating faster, afraid of what was coming next. “Any woman who would do such a thing—”

  “She was risking her life. When I met her later, I told her never to do it again.” He swallowed and she felt his Adam’s apple rise and fall. “She met my eyes. More than that. She showed her face to me that day. I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman, brave and determined. And yet her life was about hiding, about being faceless and powerless. She fought back in the only way she knew how.”

  There was anger in his voice now, and frustration. Kendra leaned back a little so she could look into his face. It was so tense, so…haunted. She lifted her fingers and touched his cheek. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I meant it when I said it was okay.”

  His dark eyes probed hers. “I know you did. Maybe that’s why I finally wanted to tell someone.” He tilted his head a bit. “You would have walked away without knowing, wouldn’t you?”

  “Everyone has a right to their secrets. To their private pain. But if you want to tell me the rest, I’m here.”


  It was a simple but incredibly loaded question. Why was she getting herself involved with Jake, taking on his problems? Leaving the pseudo-sex on the beach out of the equation, there was something more going on. She could acknowledge that in her head even if she couldn’t say it out loud. Something drew them together. Perhaps it always had, right from the time he’d held out his hands, dressed in nothing more than boxers, and commanded, “Cuff me, Constable. You know you want to.”

  It had been a challenge. And, she understood now, a way of punishing himself. A person couldn’t live like that forever.

  “Because it’s time you told someone. It’s time you stopped punishing yourself. Somehow, despite our horrible beginning, we understand each other. It doesn’t have to go any deeper than that.” She touched his cheek with her fingertips. “What happened to Khaterah?”

  He hesitated, deliberating, but finally continued. “She fed me information for days. It got more and more risky, and we…I…got personally involved. I never touched her. Never kissed her. I wouldn’t have risked her that way. Besides, she was married. But it didn’t matter. I fell in love with her anyway.” He laughed bitterly. “It was all impossible and crazy. There was no way on earth we would ever be together and we both knew it. But it didn’t stop how I felt about her. How I wanted to protect her, to take her away from there and the danger.”

  Kendra cursed lightly under her breath. No wonder Jake had been a mess.

  “And then they knew. Somehow they knew that she’d been meeting me.”

  “What happened?” Kendra was afraid to ask, but desperate to know the truth.

  “They treated her as they would any traitor.” His voice was flat. “Only maybe worse. They raped her before they killed her.”

  Shock rippled through Kendra. “Raped…” She took a breath, tried to steady her voice. “How can you be sure?”

  He lowered his chin, met her gaze with his own. Despite the thick emotion in his voice, his eyes were dry. “Because I heard it. I heard the shouts. I heard her scream and I could do nothing to stop it without giving away our position. By the time we got there it was too late. She was already dead.”

  “My God, Jake.”

  “God had very little to do with what happened that night,” he said bitterly. “I heard her being tortured and thought I would go crazy. I still hear them in my sleep. I should have protected her. I should have insisted on staying away from the very first. I was over there to help people like Khaterah, not kill them. And I’ll have to live with that until I die.”

  His eyes were bleak, and Kendra stroked his hair back from his forehead, knowing there wasn’t a damn thing she could do to make it any easier. There was so much more to Jake than she’d ever expected. Behind the charmer, behind the glib barman, was a man who had served his country bravely. A man who had depths she hadn’t even imagined. Who had come home and gone on a two-month tear through town before being deployed again. “You went back,” she whispered. “How could you stand it?”

  He blinked. “Not very well. It was my last deployment. I just wasn’t in the right headspace. There were…problems. Nothing official, but I was unpredictable after that.”

  “What about help after you got home? There are programs—”

  “For people who are a hell of a lot more messed up than me,” he said, sitting up straighter. “I went off the rails for a bit but I got myself straightened around. It ain’t perfect but it could be a lot worse. I came home in one piece without leaving bits of me over there, which is more than a lot of guys can say.”

  Except his heart. Except his pride and perhaps even a piece of his humanity. Not that she would be the one to point that out. She was pretty sure he already knew exactly what he’d lost and didn’t need reminding.

  All of it made her night seem like nothing compared to what he’d been through.

  Except it wasn’t, not really. Because in the end someone innocent had still died. In the end, lives had been destroyed—not just the girl’s but those of her family, who would never be the same again.

  But at least Kendra wouldn’t carry the weight of responsibility of it with her forever. Not like Jake did.

  “Jake, I’m sorry,” she murmured in the deepening darkness.

  “Why are you sorry?” Now that he’d finished his tale, his voice had softened to a deep rumble. “It wasn’t your fault. Nothing you could do.”

  “I’m sorry I judged you. Sorry that you had to go through it at all.”

  “You didn’t know. How could you?”

  “And so you came home and bought the bar. Jake’s.”

  “I wanted to be near my family. And I wanted to be done taking orders. When it came to running my own business, this made the most sense to me.” A ghost of a smile touched his lips. “Running Jake’s has saved me the past few months. I needed something to ground me, and as much as I need to be near my family sometimes it’s hard. They ask too many questions. Worry too much.”

  “Because they love you,” she replied softly. “You’re very lucky that way.”

  “Unlike you? What about your parents?”

  Something dark turned in the pit of her stomach. “I stopped trying to keep track of my mom a few years ago.”

  “And your father?”

  She focused on one of the buttons on his shirt. It was a slightly different color from the rest, like he’d lost one and replaced it with one that didn’t quite match. She let out a breath and let the words out. “My dad was killed in the line of duty when I was six.”

  His arms tightened around her. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  “Not your fault. My mom was never the same after that. She tried for a while, but the alcohol ran the house. We moved a lot.”

  And that was how Kendra had gotten so good at being personable but not personal. She knew it. It usually wasn’t a problem. Except now she was getting personal with Jake and she wasn’t quite sure how to do it, how it worked.

  “Anyway, like you, I needed something to ground me. The RCMP was it. And the valley has become my home now.”

  “And yet you’re still flying solo.”

  “You noticed.” Nothing got by Jake, did it?

  “No family, no roommate, no boyfriend…”

  “Old habits. No ties, no hard goodbyes, you know?”

  “I’ll bet you’re sorry you went on a date with me then?”

  She smiled. “No, not sorry about that. I needed it.” She wasn’t sorry either. She’d needed the day out. She’d needed to laug
h. And she could even admit to herself that she’d needed the physical contact. It was ridiculous to be so inexperienced at her age.

  But the closeness she’d experienced with Jake did frighten her. What did it say about her that the first place she’d turned tonight was Jake’s? Had she really been bent on making herself forget, or had something more driven her here?

  On the outside they were complete opposites. He was relaxed and easygoing while she was starched and uptight. He ran a bar and she upheld the law. But inside, in all the other secret corners, she was starting to see they were made up of very similar stuff.

  And comparing her evening to his past was apples and oranges. But when she put it into context, it took on a whole other life. She’d hated being the one to deliver the news because once upon a time she’d opened the door to that same news and afterwards nothing had been the same again.

  A moment like that—when a family is ripped apart, when the woman you love is killed—it was the kind of moment that made the world drop out from under your feet.

  Being held in Jake’s arms felt the tiniest bit like putting them on solid ground again.

  “Telling that father tonight that his daughter was dead…that was the worst thing I’ve had to do in my life,” she admitted. “I know what it’s like to be on the other side of that door or phone call. I know how it tears things apart so that nothing is ever the same again. Thank you, Jake, for keeping me from self-destructing. I owe you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. You needed someone. Maybe if I’d talked to you sooner, I wouldn’t have made some of my mistakes either.”

  “You’re here now and you’re okay. That’s what matters.”


  She sat back in his arms and wrapped her fingers around the collar of his shirt. “Khaterah made her own choices, Jake. She knew the danger and the consequences, just like my father did when he became a police officer. Like I did. Like you did when you joined the Army. If you could have protected her, you would have. I know sometimes it’s harder to accept that you couldn’t. But it is what it is. Maybe it’s time we both started living again. Really living, not just going through the motions.”

  She looked at him for a long moment, his face a little below hers as she sat on his lap, his full lips slightly open. She wet hers with her tongue, felt his warmth beneath her hands, felt the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. Jake was life. And she needed it—and him—so very badly.

  She leaned forward and tasted his lips. There was a faint bite of whiskey and then something she already recognized as his own unique flavor. He opened his mouth beneath hers and she took her time, slowly exploring, sliding closer against his chest and curling her hand around the nape of his neck.

  “Mmm,” he murmured against her mouth. “Kendra, are you sure you want to be starting this?”

  Her blood sang through her veins, the same thrumming excitement she’d felt lying beneath him on the beach. She couldn’t ever remember feeling so alive. She wasn’t kidding herself into thinking this was more than it needed to be—one night. A connection, a shelter from all the crap that had been thrown at them because they’d chosen to do the jobs they did. She understood now what people meant when they said once in, never out. But for the next few hours they could forget.

  “I’m sure.” She nodded, dotting kisses over his jaw and on the side of his neck. “Are you?” She shifted slightly, felt his hardness beneath the outside of her thigh and grinned. “You feel sure.”

  He slid his hand over her ribs and cupped her breast through her shirt, his thumb grazing the nipple. “It’s not me I’m worried about. I don’t want you to regret anything in the morning.”

  There was a swift kick of desire that centred low in her belly. His hand was doing fabulous things, making her feel all jacked up and liquid at the same time. He never stopped his slow ministrations even as he gave her a way out. They were talking about sex. Spending the night. It would be so different than the last and only time she’d been with a man. She was sure of that. Just as she was sure that she’d always regret walking out of this apartment tonight.

  So she reached for the buttons of his shirt and said, “Are you going to talk all night, Jake?”

  She spread the light fabric wide, revealing the expanse of his chest, touching the warm skin beneath. His eyes seemed to penetrate her in the darkness, intensely black as she ran her fingers over the wide expanse. He bit down on his lip, and she smiled as he quivered beneath her fingers. “You’re holding back,” she whispered. The music from the bar downstairs still sent a rhythmic thump through the floor that echoed between her legs as his hand slid over her hip.

  “I don’t want to scare you,” he murmured back.

  “Please,” she begged, “Don’t treat me like I’m breakable.” She wanted to meet him as an equal. She wanted to see Jake unleashed. What she wanted, she realized, was nothing short of it all.

  “You know what you’re asking?” he said in the darkness, his voice rippling along her nerve endings.

  “I do. I’m asking you to let go with me. And I’m asking you to let me meet you halfway.”

  “Then we have to get up.”

  “Get up? Why?”

  He cupped her chin in his hand. “Because when I make love to you I don’t want it to be on some cramped sofa I’m scared of falling off of or on my living room carpet. I want you on my bed. My very big bed.”

  She scrambled off his lap and he took her hand.

  “This way,” he said, leading her down a short hall to his bedroom. Inside, he let go of her hand and went to a small table beside the bed and flicked on a small lamp. “Welcome to my sandbox.” He grinned, his chest still visible beneath the gaping tails of his shirt. “Wanna come play?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” she answered. Suddenly, the weight of the day seemed to lift from her shoulders. She hadn’t known it could be this way—playful. She was feeling her way through it, and it felt wonderful, liberating. She reached for her buttons and slid them from the holes, untucked her shirt and slipped it off.

  “Oh, Officer,” Jake teased, eyeing her lace bra with appreciation. “That’s some concealed weapon you’ve got there.”

  “What, this?” It was all new to her, but she was willing to experiment even as heat rose in her cheeks. She ran her finger down her cleavage until it caught at the front clasp of the bra. She toyed with it for a moment, her gaze never leaving his as she raised a teasing eyebrow. “This is everyday issue.”

  “Really.” He stepped forward and reached for the waistband of her trousers. “I can’t wait to see what else you’re hiding.”

  She slipped out of the pants and stood before him in matching satin-and-lace panties. “Do they meet your specifications, sir?” she asked, turning in a slow circle.

  “Ken,” he murmured, catching her around the waist and pulling her close. “If I’d known you had these on under your uniform…”

  “You what?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “I wouldn’t have waited so long to ask you out. You’re beautiful, you know that?”

  She was fairly sure she wasn’t, but his words lit something inside her anyway. She felt beautiful, whether she truly was or not.

  Jake reached behind her, slid the elastic from the back of her braid and tucked it in his pocket before plunging his hands into the dark strands, teasing them out of the plait until her hair fell in waves to her shoulders. “I love your hair down,” he murmured as he threaded his fingers through it. It felt so good, the way his fingertips massaged her scalp before sliding through her hair to her shoulders. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, enjoying the sensation until she heard a guttural sound from his lips and felt his mouth touch the hollow of her throat.

  His left hand slid beneath the waistband of her panties, cupping her bottom and pulling her close against the zipper of his jeans, a promise of what lay ahead.

  “You’re getting ahead of me,” she chided, trying desperately not t
o lose herself to his touch so quickly. She wanted to give as well as receive. Wanted to take control as well as be controlled. She unbuttoned his jeans and slipped her hands inside to rub against the soft cotton of his briefs, feeling the hard warmth of him against her hand as his hips pressed forward involuntarily.

  She gave a little squeal as he looped an arm beneath her legs and picked her up. It was incredibly cliché, and she adored every second of it as he took her to the bed and laid her atop the spread.

  Then he stood back, stripped off his shirt and dropped it on the floor. He slid his jeans the rest of the way down and knelt on the bed beside her.

  He slid the hook from the loop of her bra and revealed her breasts as he dropped the bra to the floor on top of his clothes. She lay back, her hair splayed across his pillow as he reached for her panties and slid them down her legs.

  She was naked. On Jake Symonds’s bed. And she was so ready for him her whole body throbbed with it.

  He raked his eyes over her body, sliding his gaze back up to rest on her face. “Beautiful,” he confirmed.

  Jake told himself to take his time. In the few hours since she’d walked up to the bar and ordered a drink, he’d run through more emotions than he cared to recall. They had all brought him here, to this moment, with her.

  With Kendra, stretched out naked and willing on his bed. Exactly as he’d imagined her after the day at the beach. Only better. Her hair spread across the white of his pillow like an ocean wave, and her hands rested on either side of her head, making her breasts lift and damn near beg for his touch. Her belly was hollow and hard—God, he loved her physicality—and her legs were long and lean, and if he didn’t take time to think, to slow down, he’d be between them right now and pleasuring them both.

  But that would be over too soon, and he wanted tonight to last. He needed it to last. Needed, like she did, to feel full of life and energy and exist in the moment rather than think about the past or worry about the future.


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