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Rock Hard And Wet (BBW Paranormal Romance) (Nymphs Of New York)

Page 4

by James, Jennifer

  Theo shook his head and unlocked the door for Callie, not even sure how they’d managed to arrive at his apartment. She’d snuck in under his defenses like water through cracks in mortar, he’d laughed and teased and flirted with her, had sex with her—a female he didn’t know.

  In less than sixty-six hours, she’d be back in the harem, and he’d be alone again. Alone with the armor he used to defend himself—damaged and in need of repair.

  Her ass flexed under the skirt, enticing him to bite down on her, grab her, or spank her. All three was actually preferable. He’d grab her, bite down on her ass, and then spank her. In that order.

  Spank? He turned the thought over in his head, feeling the urge out. He naturally shied away from things that would cause harm. But the desire had nothing to do with hurting her. He wanted to feel the firm flesh under his palm, the heavy weight of her over his lap, squirming in pleasure as the strikes turned her butt pink.

  This had to be the nymph’s influence on him, no doubt, turning him into a deviant, horny kid instead of the hardened warrior he’d been before his Confinement.

  She whipped her tank off and dropped it on the arm of his couch. The cinnamon colored leather was so new it didn’t even have wear marks from people—him—sitting on it.

  He studied her back, the slender lines of her shoulder blades and spinal column dipping in to a tiny waist before flaring out into generous, full hips. The knot he’d tied in her scarf proved too hard for her to untie, and she shimmied both it and the ruined skirt down her legs to her slender feet.

  Shit. Her perfect ass was right there, close enough for him to touch if he took three steps.

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder, and the ends of the strands teased the tops of her cheeks. The golden iris of her left eye appeared when she turned her head and smiled at him. “I’m going to take a shower. Wanna come?”

  Oh, did he want to come. A deep purring started in his chest, and he choked himself to contain it. The sound could never pass his lips. Never.

  The lust in her eyes dimmed. He could only imagine the expression on his face right now, trying to keep the mating call to himself. A mating call for a nymph? Hair struck his eye when he shook his head. Maybe he’d gone half crazy during his punishment like they’d told him he would.

  Five hundred years was a long time.

  “I—” The purr started again and he choked on it, coughing around the hum.

  Callie’s warmth enveloped him, her scent cloying in the air. “Are you okay?”

  “Get away.” He clenched his fists and stomped to the hall closet. The doorknob came off in his hand. He grasped at a few towels, didn’t even know if they were the right size for her, and slammed them down on the counter.

  This was ludicrous. Grotesques did not mate outside their species. Especially not with females they’d met a few hours before. He didn’t even have feelings for the girl besides lust and an appreciation for her sense of humor.

  Not that she really needed to know any of it. Callie walked hand-in-hand with trouble. Being with her had already brought the head of the local aerie down on his head.

  Speaking of which, he needed to get up to the roof and find out what Booker wanted. Although, there wasn’t much more they could do to him. Nothing else they could take from him.

  “Theo, you’re making me nervous.” Callie appeared in the doorway of the bathroom with her clothes in her hand. “I think I should leave. I didn’t mean to impose or to make you uncomfortable or…whatever is going on right now.”

  He sucked in a deep breath and released it, counting to ten with his eyes closed. When he opened them again, her tank top was back on and she was busy with the skirt.

  “No, I’m sorry. I apologize. It’s not your fault.” He sat on the toilet and met her eyes. “There’s someone waiting for me on the roof, and I don’t want to go up to see him.” The glass walled shower stall in front of him was close enough for him to stretch his legs out and tap his toes against.

  “Oh?” The whisper of fabric stilled. He chanced glancing at her, so close, so beautiful with her hip resting on the vanity. “Who?”

  The urge to tell her everything, to spill his guts out to this female hovering on the edge of running from the room, from his apartment and life almost forced the story from his lips. Who better to tell than her, a near stranger who’d be gone in a few days? But he had a flaw, even after all the long years trapped in his stone form. Selfishness. The very sin that led to his punishment to begin with still resided in his heart. If he told her of his shame, she’d leave.

  And the last thing he wanted right now was to be alone. “Booker. His name is Booker. He’s the head of the aerie.”

  “Oh.” Callie moved closer, and then perched on the vanity next to him. “So don’t.”


  Her fingers caressed his scalp, finger combed his hair back. “Don’t go if you don’t want to. What will happen if you stay here with me?”

  “I don’t know. They’ve already taken everything from me.” He shrugged. “Yell at me, perhaps. Tell me how foolish and indecent my behavior today has been.”

  The sound of a smothered giggle reached him, and he cocked his head to see her face. Pink cheeks, nostrils flaring, and her hand clamped over her mouth. Yes, giggling again.

  The mirth bubbling over in her eyes took root somewhere in his gut, and he began to laugh as well. To hell with Booker, his edicts, and his ideas of propriety. Being encased in stone for five hundred years changed Theo. What did he care for the aerie’s demands and ideas about behavior? He’d watched and observed over all those long years alone. Acted as confessional for the sinners who came to speak to him, the sounding board they relied on because they knew he could not tell anyone their secrets.

  And perhaps they sensed that he would not, even if he could.

  He caught her ankle in his left hand and circled the delicate bone with his thumb. Soft, supple calf muscle gave way to the hidden place at the back of her knee, the edge of her thigh. At that point, he stilled, not moving his hand any higher. Waiting.

  A shiver ran over her, and then she guided him around to the front of her leg, to the crease where thigh and torso met. He ran his finger down the flesh there, her pupils enlarging with desire as he stroked.

  The time for indecision and anger over the past slid away. Now, there was only Callie.

  He surged to his feet and crowded in close to her, crushed her hips to his, wanted her to feel the hard length of his cock and know how much she turned him on. This time when he kissed her, he took his time, using care and slow deep probes of his tongue to drive her higher and higher.

  She moaned and wriggled, reached for his zipper, and even though his erection hurt from being trapped in his pants, he took control of her hands, holding them with gentle restraint behind her back.

  This time, he wasn’t going to fuck her senseless against a wall. She’d come—when he let her. After he’d tasted every inch of skin, plunged his tongue inside her tight channel, licked his way from the top of her spine to the base, and sank his teeth in her delectable ass.

  The purring rumble started again under his diaphragm and he forced it down. Idiotic mating urges. The aerie made sure to remind him he wasn’t a real grotesque, hadn’t been for centuries, and yet the instinct still rode him.

  Fury and aggravation climbed up his throat and he channeled it into his sex drive. He’d lose himself in Callie’s body and forget. At least for a while. One thing was left to him; one thing they couldn’t take away was his protective nature. It resided in his DNA, the aerie be damned, he’d never lose that. No matter how angry he was, he’d never hurt an innocent. So, no matter how much rage boiled beneath the surface, he could use it to fuel his drive for sex with this female and enjoy her lush body.

  He put pressure on her wrists, only enough to force her arms out straight and present her breasts to his mouth. The tank top covered her gorgeous tiny nipples. It would never do.

on the counter and don’t move.”

  Callie did as he asked, and he released her wrists. Her swollen lips beckoned to him. He took the temptation as he burrowed his fingers into the front of her shirt, ripping it down the middle.

  She cried out against his mouth, bucking her hips over his cloth covered dick. The friction and heat sent pleasure zinging through his body to pool in his balls.

  He wrapped his arms around her chest, trapping her hands behind her back and lowered his head to her breasts where he tasted, sucked, and nipped every inch until her nipples were red and he could hear the blood pulsing through them.

  “Beautiful. They’re perfect.” He flicked her right peak, then the left, one last time. Her irises glowed molten gold and he traced one eyebrow. “You’re extraordinary.” Her breath hushed in and out on pants. Theo backed away and gestured to the remains of her skirt. “Take it off.”

  When she’d rolled the offending fabric to her feet and stood with it pooled around her ankles, he clenched his hands. It took all his control to refrain from dipping his tongue into her belly button, then heading south to lap at her pussy.

  “Now, undress me.”

  The brush of her nails over his skin as she peeled his clothing away nearly drove him insane. She knelt at his feet to work his boots off. Her hair draped over her shoulders and across her breasts so that her nipples played peek-a-boo with him. When she’d freed his dick and “accidentally” let the head rub over her lips he almost came.

  Finally, they stood facing each other. Her stare roved over his form, and the smell of her arousal increased.

  “Your body is incredible, Theo.”

  It took all his control to endure her caresses over his chest and stomach. He stopped her before she could encase his throbbing shaft in her palm.

  He’d never given much thought to his looks, although before his Confinement, many of the females of his kind engaged in sex with him.

  The muscles and his stature served a purpose. He’d been a soldier, a guardian. His body had to be strong to serve its function. But those words from her, from Callie, sent a shot of lust to his cock and it jerked.

  “Into the shower with you. I want to see your hair.”

  “Is that all you want to do in the shower? Get washed up?” She circled his nipple and leaned in to bite down on the sensitive area.

  He took a quick half step and grabbed her ass, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. “I said, into the shower.”

  She shrieked, laughed, and squealed when cold water hit her legs. “Hey! Turn up the heat!”

  “I bet you can do that yourself.” A sharp sting rang through him when her palm connected with his left cheek.

  “Oh, I can do more than just that.” Both of her hands squeezed his ass. “Set me down and I’ll show you.”

  He adjusted his grip, and the slide of her skin over his as he released her nearly undid him. Steam began to fill the room. She backed into the shower spray, tilting her head back.

  “This dye is supposed to be permanent, but I should be able to get the water molecules in it to cooperate and break it down. Petra will be pissed when she finds out I took it out early. Took forever to figure out how to get them to bind to my hair in the first place.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest so that he didn’t toss her on the floor and fuck her until he came seemed like a good idea. “Good, I didn’t want to have to start calling you Ariel. I like Callie better.”

  She laughed and gave him a sexy grin. “Hand me the shampoo.”

  The bottle sat on a ledge behind her and to the right. He got close enough to touch, but made sure to hold himself stiff and away from her. If she wanted to play a game, he’d oblige her.

  Until blue balls completely overrode his sense.

  He attempted to hand the bottle to her, but she spun in place. “Will you help me? It’s hard to wash hair this long on your own.”

  Wet, the locks extended all the way to the middle of her ass. He bit back a growl and dumped a bunch of it on her head in frustration. Callie’s shoulders shook, but she remained still. Little brat was laughing at him.

  The only way to get a job done was to do it.

  He lathered her hair from top to bottom, making sure to torture her as much as she did him. Some of her hair went over her shoulder and breasts, so as he washed it, he also thumbed her nipples and cupped her. The very ends of the strands trailed over the front of her pussy, so he dipped his finger tips into her slit and circled her clit.

  A full body shudder moved over her, and she rocked on her heels.

  He withdrew his hand and gave her a little push toward the shower spray. The nymph wanted to torment him, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t do it back. “Okay, all done.”

  She shot a look of frustration and challenge over her shoulder and stood under the spray fully, until the last of the shampoo rinsed away to reveal her natural color.

  “Damn. Callie, your hair is extraordinary.” Every color of water he’d ever glimpsed streaked through her hair. As she moved, it resembled waves of the ocean, sometimes glinting with highlights like white caps. “Petra was right to have you dye it.”

  “Yeah? Well you know what this means.” She gathered it all to one side and twisted it into a rope. “We’re going to have to stay here and have sex for the next few days, because now I can’t leave.”

  He chuckled. “It’s a terrible fate.”

  “The worst.”

  The game hadn’t ended for him. He spied the conditioner and plastered her to his side with one arm while retrieving the bottle with the other. “Proper hair care includes moisturizing. Let me put some conditioner in it for you.”

  The press of her breasts to his chest and her pussy so close to his dick was going to give him a heart attack.

  She hissed and wriggled her belly over the line of his shaft. “How about while you do that, I make some adjustments down here. I think that you’ve been neglecting your cock, and I have the perfect therapy for it.”

  “Oh, really? How does one neglect their cock?” He squirted a large glop of the stuff into his hand and smoothed it over as much of her hair as he could while only using one hand. The difficulty of controlling her grew as she manipulated her torso to drive him crazy.

  “Well, they need plenty of exercise. Strength training, one might call it.”

  Something tugged at his balls, then massaged its way over his ass to tease his opening. He jerked and choked at first, then settled as pleasure spread through him. The sensation of pressure and probing at his puckered hole was new, but not unpleasant. In fact, it felt good. The glide of her wet, supple skin combined with her manipulation of the water tormented him. Her pussy was close enough to his cock that he could slide between her lips with a tiny dip of his knees.

  The pressure and glide of liquid at his ass and testicles pulsed in a jetted stream, and he groaned. The water never breached him, only teased and tormented him with a sensation similar to a licking tongue.

  “You… Are you doing that?” He reached the end of her hair and spread her cheeks with two fingers, letting one bump over her in much the way she did to him. She went to tip toe, dragged her sex across his, settled back down, and bit his ear.

  “Yes.” Theo released his control over her torso and buried both hands in the hair at the back of her head.

  “Control over water, remember?”

  The massage on his balls wound up around his dick and squeezed. “Fuck. How do you do that?”

  “Practice.” She wrapped one leg around his hips and claimed his mouth. Their tongues entwined, and he broke away with a gasp when the tingling heat of orgasm tightened his balls.

  He jerked away from her mouth and plunged his fingers into her pussy hard and fast. More water flowed over his back, massaged his muscles and the masses of scar tissue at his shoulders.

  He breached her ass with the tip of his finger and thrust it in and out a few times. “Do you like this?”

/>   Their lips connected in a fierce kiss.

  He guided her back into the shower spray to rinse her hair, hurrying through the task. The slick, warm water recreated the sensation of hungry mouths and tongues and drove him toward the brink. “You’d better stop if you don’t want me to come. Between your body plastered to my dick, and what you’re doing with the water, I’m going to burst.” He licked the column of her neck and turned the shower off. “And I want to come inside you.”

  The gold of her irises swirled and she snaked her tongue out to taste his mouth. “Okay.”

  Chapter Five

  Callie clamped her palms down on his shoulders and jumped up, trusting him to catch her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. The head of his erection teased her opening, and he moved her hips forward and back so that it slid through her honey.

  “Ahh…you’re so hot and wet.”

  The hard muscles of his abdomen ground against her inner thighs. Theo looked like a carved statue, the male perfection of his form incredible. Since he’d removed his shirt to reveal the body beneath the cloth, she’d had a hard time focusing on anything but the ridges of muscle and the fine white lines of scar tissue criss crossing him.

  The sweet caring nature he’d hidden beneath the gruff, grumpy demeanor surprised her. She knew that part of it was an act to cover a deep well of hurt, but she also believed that this was the real Theo behind the mask he’d presented earlier. The tough as nails grotesque existed, but it wasn’t his true face.

  The desire to know what his people, Booker in particular had done, burned through her, but there was no way in hell she’d ask him now. For one thing, he was the sexiest man she’d gotten naked in years.

  And for another…it warmed a place inside her long gone cold when he looked at her with those grey swirls in his eyes and the low toned purr escaping his chest that he kept trying to smother. Even when his irises flared red with anger or irritation, Theo’s presence sent her girl parts into sit up and beg mode.


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