One Bear and a Baby: BBW Bear Shifter Baby Paranormal Romance (Who's the Daddy? Book 1)

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One Bear and a Baby: BBW Bear Shifter Baby Paranormal Romance (Who's the Daddy? Book 1) Page 6

by Harmony Raines

  “Bernie brings me a bottle every month or so. Damned if I know where he gets it from, but it’s a smooth drink.” His dad took a sip and then set the glass down. “I thought maybe there were some things you might want to talk about that you might not want your mom to hear.”

  “You mean about Maisie?” Cade asked.

  “About anything. You disappeared, Cade. We knew you were undercover, but we usually hear something from you. Then you turn up on the doorstep with a baby who isn’t yours.” He held up his hand and said, “I am not saying she isn’t welcome. The opposite, we will love her as if she were our own granddaughter. Which she’s not. Is she?”

  Cade shook his head. “No.”

  “And now you’ve found your mate. You know, if it’s an issue for Isabelle, having someone else’s daughter living with her, Maisie can stay here. We’d raise her, love her.”

  “I know, Dad. But Isabelle is all right with it. At least she says she is, and I believe her.”

  “Good. She is a good woman, fair, just, and doesn’t take any crap. You’re a lucky man, Cade.”

  “Am I?” He took another sip of his drink, and then looked at his dad.

  “You can’t take the blame for other people’s actions, son,” his dad said gently.

  “But if I had somehow stopped it… Or searched harder for Jenni. If only I hadn’t been undercover, she might have found me sooner and she could have kept Maisie. I could have helped her clear her name.”

  “We all have parts of our lives we would change if we could. But we can’t, so we make the most of now. You work through it, and make the best of it.”

  Cade put his face in his hands and shook his head. “I know. I never thought life could get this complicated. When I went undercover, it was simple. You play a game, you pretend to be what the bad guys want you to be, and then you nail them. But this time I feel like I got nailed. But then there’s Maisie… Like you said, I wouldn’t wish her away. I wouldn’t want to change a thing. And that spears my heart. Her mom is out there suffering.”

  “So she just left Maisie with you?” his dad asked.

  Cade nodded. “Jenni said the job ended, she put in her report. Then the evidence against the guy they were investigating went missing. Everyone thought it was her, that she had grown too close to the mark. She couldn’t deny it; she was carrying his child. She ran. Then one day I opened the door, and there she was, on my doorstep with a baby, looking as if hell itself was on her heels.” He took a large swig of his drink.

  “What happened to her, to make her want to give away her child like that?” His dad sat shaking his head.

  “Someone got to her. Someone knew her secret. I wondered if it was the mark. That was where I looked first. It took a lot of digging around to put the pieces together as to who he was. It seems they had enough to still charge him: he’s rotting in jail, got fifteen years. I went to see him. I came away convinced it wasn’t him. It appears someone was after the money that was confiscated and the drugs for the same reason, to sell.”

  “How many people on the team knew about her relationship with the mark, and also knew about her pregnancy?”

  “I don’t know. I went to see the detective in charge of Jenni’s case, Stanhope. He was also the lead detective on the case I worked with Jenni. He was helpful because he thought he had let her down too. I never mentioned Maisie though, never mentioned I even knew she was pregnant. I just told him I heard through the grapevine she had made some mistakes.”

  “Do you trust him?”

  Cade shrugged. “I don’t trust anyone right now. No one from my old life, at least.”

  “Which is why you came home,” his dad stated.

  “Which is why I came home,” Cade repeated. “I grew up here, I know the people, I know no one is going to sell me or Maisie out.”

  “Cade, now you’re home, you should let this go. I can see it haunts you, but you have Maisie and Isabelle now, enjoy what you have been given.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Cade said sadly.

  “You have always followed your heart, and done the best you could to find Jenni. Don’t let it become an obsession that stops you making a good life here. The past is the past. Maisie and Isabelle are your future.”

  “Not the most promising of futures. I had to get myself medically discharged so I could go and look for Maisie’s mom. I used all my savings, I have no job, no home, no prospects.”

  “And that would tell most people, Isabelle included, that you are a good man. A loyal man, not to mention you have taken on the duty of father to a child that is not your own.” His dad got up, downed the last of his scotch, rested his hand on Cade’s shoulder, and then said, “I’m going to bed. But I want you to know your mom and I are very proud of you, and will always be here for you. And Maisie.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Cade said, resting his hand on his father’s.

  As he sat alone, finishing his drink, he thought over what had happened and realized he would never truly be at peace until he knew Maisie was safe. And he would never know that unless he went back and faced his demons, and finally put things straight. Whether he found Jenni or not, he had to know the answers, or they would eat him up inside.

  Chapter Twelve – Isabelle

  “This doesn’t look good,” Isabelle said, looking up from her paperwork as Cade walked into her office, Maisie in his arms. She could tell by the set of his face that she wasn’t going to like what he was going to say.

  “I spent last night going over what happened, with Maisie’s mom and everything.” He came and sat down in the chair opposite her.

  “And you’re going to go and find her,” she stated.


  “That’s what I thought, so I’ve done some digging, and this is what I’ve come up with.” She slid a piece of paper towards him, then waved at Maisie. “Hi there, sweetheart, can I have a cuddle?”

  Cade looked at Maisie, who was smiling at Isabelle, and then let her go to his mate. It made her feel better that he trusted her with his ward. Isabelle got Maisie settled, and watched Cade’s face as he went over the document.

  “And these are genuine?” Cade asked.

  “Yes. The photos are recent,” she said.

  “The dates on them show it was about four weeks ago.” He flicked through the papers. “She resurfaced? She’s set up shop selling a new drug, Niq It. Mind-bending stuff. And very dangerous.”

  “Do you think she’s the brains behind it? Jenni is there in the thick of it, according to surveillance.”

  “Is there anything to suggest she is undercover? Maybe she resumed her old job.” He frowned as he sifted through the information.

  “Her name was never cleared; she’s still wanted by the police.” She tried to judge his reaction. “And there is no ongoing case linked to this warehouse.”

  “So how did you get these?” he asked, confused. “I searched for months for any sign of her.”

  “OK, so when I said I would do a little digging, I went to my source in the shifter community. I explained what I needed. He said he would do what he could. This way it does not get traced back to you. Or me.”

  “And he found her just like that?”

  “Not exactly.” She came and sat on the desk next to him. “They started by looking into this Detective Stanhope. It seems he swims in muddy waters.”

  “He set Jenni up?” Cade asked.

  “He is the obvious choice. He also bought a new house in Spain about six months after the evidence went missing. He told everyone an old aunt had died and left him some money. But money soon goes when you start spending it.”

  “Now he wants more.” Cade’s anger bubbled up inside him. “He’s using Jenni again.”

  “My guess is she is vulnerable. He tracked her down and is using the threat of either revealing her whereabouts or veiled threats about Maisie. Remember when she told you to stop looking for her?”

  “She was warning me off because of Stanhope.”

p; “That’s what I think. The question is, does she know you still have Maisie? And has she told Stanhope?”

  “Are we going to go and find out?” She tried to keep the concern from her face; she didn’t want Cade rushing in there, but she knew he deserved to know the truth. She also knew she would go with him, and watch his back.

  “Yes. I can’t believe she is involved in this because she wants to be. But because she has to.”

  “Although you have to be prepared to find that she is not being used, that she may be in on this too. People do strange things for money.” Her arms tightened instinctively around Maisie.

  “I have to find out. Not only for me, but for Maisie,” he said firmly. “It’s not your fight, Isabelle. You don’t have to come with me.”

  “Really? We’re mates, right? And are you going to tell me that if this wasn’t reversed, you would let me walk out of your life into danger?”


  “Don’t you dare tell me it’s different for you.” Her voice rose in anger, and she felt Maisie tense. “Sorry, sweetheart.”

  “When Jenni gave Maisie to me, she didn’t say a lot, just looked as tired as hell. I offered her a place to stay; I said I could protect her. She said she would think about it, but then she left in the night, leaving a handwritten note and Maisie. In her note she said she couldn’t accept my offer, that it was too dangerous for Maisie to be near her, in case he found them. I can only imagine how bad it must have been. If I find out it was Stanhope who marked Maisie…”

  “We’ll figure it out. Between us we will put it right,” she promised him, not because she couldn’t bring Maisie up as her own child, but because families belonged together. Mothers belonged with their daughters. Isabelle only hoped Jenni felt the same way, and didn’t turn out to be some coldhearted cop who had turned to the wrong side of the law.

  “Yes, we will. I’ll take great pleasure showing Stanhope what it’s like to be the one who is bullied. I plan to bully him right into a confession.”

  “Damn right!” Isabelle said, then covered her mouth. “Sorry, Maisie, we don’t need you learning those kinds of words.

  “Let’s get going, we can hit the city before nightfall.”

  “Right.” Isabelle got up. “We should get going. Will your parents look after Maisie while we’re away?”

  “Yes, I’ve discussed it with them. They’re not happy about me going, but they understand.”

  “I guess they’re worried they might not see you again for another couple of years.”

  “No chance. I’m coming back here as soon as I can. Although I have no idea what kind of job I’m going to do.”

  They left the office, Isabelle locking it up and then heading over to the town deputy’s house. Dan Fairfield worked as a part-time deputy and full-time carpenter. It gave him flexibility to drop everything if she needed him. They had a good working relationship and she knew she could trust him.

  That hadn’t stopped her making a comprehensive plan of what he had to do, but she would only be going for a couple of days. She liked Tawny Valley, and planned to spend the rest of her life as the sheriff. As long as she could have Cade by her side.

  Glancing across to the man who was her mate, as he pointed up at the birds, and then pretended to swoop down with Maisie in his arms, giggling hysterically, she couldn’t help but smile. This would all work out. It had to. But how was Cade going to feel if Jenni took Maisie back?

  She wanted him to be happy, but a sense of jealousy crept over her, not about his relationship with Maisie, but with Jenni. Isabelle hoped the guilt he felt would never make him feel torn to do the right thing by Jenni.

  He is our mate, no one else’s, her bear confirmed.

  “Ready?” he asked straightening up, with Maisie still in his arms, laughing and throwing her head back to look at the birds.

  “As I’m ever going to be,” she said.

  “I want you to know how much I appreciate this.” He looked at her earnestly.

  “I thought you wanted me to stay here.”

  “I want you safe. But I also want you by my side. We’re stronger together. I get that.”

  “I thought you were just bringing me along for the sex,” she said and laughed.

  “That is just a perk.” He stopped still and turned to her. “A very nice perk.” He leaned in and kissed her. “You know, Maisie’s first words are either going to be damn or sex. It’s going to happen.”

  “Damn… Oh… You know, I might need to wash my mouth out.” She took his hand and they walked back to his house. There they collected his stuff and said goodbye to Maisie and his mom.

  “Don’t worry, I raised you OK, she’ll be quite safe here.” His mom picked Maisie up and kissed her cheek. “This momma bear is going to take really good care of you. Grandpa bear is too. He is bringing you some nice bananas home later. You love banana pudding, don’t you, Maisie?”

  Maisie cooed and slapped her lips in response, lightening the mood. “Thank you, Mom.” Cade kissed his mom, and then Maisie, before shouldering his pack and walking to the door. As he left, he turned around and waved to them both. “Bye.” They waved back, his mom wiping a stray tear from her cheek, and then he shut the door.

  “It’s the right thing to do,” she told him as they walked back across town. They went into her house, which felt weird. Only yesterday she had been thinking of him and Maisie moving in with her; now they were about to leave town and had no real idea when they would return.

  Soon, her bear told her firmly.

  As soon as we can, Isabelle answered. We have to do this for Cade and for Maisie.

  Her bear understood. Maisie was like a cub to them, theirs to protect.

  “I’ll grab some things. Make yourself at home.” She headed for the stairs, but then turned and said to him, “I mean it, this is your home as well as mine.”

  He smiled at her and shook his head. “It all seems so wrong. I’m supposed to be the provider.”

  “And you will be. Again, if it was the other way around, you would insist what is yours is mine.”

  He covered the short distance between them and pulled her to him, kissing her hungrily. His hands stroked her body, and she wanted to take his hand and drag him off to bed. Instead she settled for holding him close, feeling the strength of his body, hearing the beat of his heart, and tasting him on her lips.

  “We need to go, it’s a long drive,” she said, reluctantly pulling away from him.

  “I know.” He stood as the bottom of the stairs and watched as she walked up them; she could feel his eyes on her, and it inflamed her arousal, making each step harder. When they got to their hotel later today, she was going to make love to him, and then wake up in his arms tomorrow.

  That’s what she told herself as she changed into jeans and a sweater, her eyes constantly drifting over to the bed, where she imagined them sleeping and making love for the rest of their lives once this was all over.

  Chapter Thirteen – Cade

  “Are we going to the hotel first?” he asked, as they arrived in the city he had lived and worked in for years. Back then it had seemed like home; he loved his job, loved the thrill and excitement of it all, but not now. Now he wanted a quieter life, with his mate at his side.

  Yet being back here stirred something in him. A need for revenge. A need to put things right. He might not have protected Jenni before, but now he knew the true facts, he was determined to save her and reunite her with Maisie.

  “I thought we could go to the hotel and freshen up, then we head over to the warehouses where Jenni operates from. They do keep clandestine hours,” Isabelle said, pulling off the road and turning off the ignition. “Home sweet home while we’re in town.”

  “Right: room, shower, then work.” He opened the car door and got out, stretching, trying to unkink his muscles. “And food—I’m starving.”

  “Good point. Maybe we can stop off somewhere on our way across town.”

  “I know just
the place,” he said.

  They got out of the car and grabbed their luggage from the trunk. The hotel was decent enough, clean, and close to the station. Isabelle went and checked in, and then they went up to their room, where a double bed stood, beckoning them.

  “I’ll shower first,” she said.

  They were both hot and sticky after the ride, and it would be good to freshen up, because he knew that there was a chance they would not be seeing the inside of this hotel room, or any other, for a day or two.

  He heard her switch the shower on and then sat down on the edge of the bed. Trying to make a plan was impossible, and Cade was the kind of man who needed a plan, but so much was outside of his control.

  Except one thing. He got up and went into the bathroom. The steam was fogging up the mirror, and he could only make out the shadowy silhouette that was his mate. Stripping down quickly, he opened the shower door to a screech from Isabelle.

  “It’s only me.” He grinned. “Or were you expecting someone else?”

  “No. I’m used to living on my own, so I wasn’t expecting anyone.” She stood with her hands covering her body.

  “I thought it would save time if we showered together, you know, I’ll wash your back, you wash mine.” He took the soap and began to make it into a rich lather. Then he rubbed the suds all over her body, until she relaxed and let her hands drop to her sides, while the water splashed down over her body. He wanted to lick it off, every last single droplet. He settled for massaging her breasts with the suds.

  She was so soft and round, that was what he loved about her most, she was tough when she needed to be, but when they were alone like this she was soft and inviting, and oh, how he wanted to be invited.

  His left hand slid down over her stomach, over her hip and then down along her thigh. A slight movement as she opened her legs wider was the invitation he desired to explore deeper. Much deeper.

  He rubbed her clit, one finger sliding further back to dip inside her sex. She groaned, her hands going to rest on his shoulders for support as another finger slipped inside her. In and out he worked, while he lowered his head to suck on her nipples, feeling the water spray all over his face.


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