One Bear and a Baby: BBW Bear Shifter Baby Paranormal Romance (Who's the Daddy? Book 1)

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One Bear and a Baby: BBW Bear Shifter Baby Paranormal Romance (Who's the Daddy? Book 1) Page 7

by Harmony Raines

  Isabelle moved her hand down to grip his cock, her hand sliding up and down, stimulating his nerve endings then sliding over the head making him thrust his hips forward. It was no good, the time for teasing was over, he was going to come in her hand very quickly if he wasn’t careful, from the feel of her hand on his hard cock. And damn, he was hard.

  Slipping his fingers out of her, he placed his hand over hers and stilled her. Her eyes met his, and he leaned in to kiss her lips, the water covering their bodies, making her skin slippery, as he placed his hands under her thighs, and lifted her so that her back rested against the wall of the shower cubicle. She jumped at the coolness of the tiles against her skin, but then relaxed.

  Holding her in his strong arms, he managed to guide himself into her. Her warm wet sex sheathed him, gripping him as he entered her. He closed his eyes, savoring the moment. She felt so good, wrapped around him like this. The closeness of her, the softness of her flesh, the taste of her on his lips as she cupped his face in her hands and kissed his lips.

  In and out he thrust, his arousal so intense he struggled to hold himself together. He wanted to satisfy Isabelle before he came, but his control was slipping with every moment that passed, with every thrust of his cock inside her.

  She moved, her hands on his shoulders, her nails digging into his flesh, her breathing ragged and he knew she was close too, that she was hanging on, and then the last thread anchoring her to this world came loose and she tensed in his arms, before her sex pulsed around him, setting off a chain reaction. He came, his seed spurting deep inside her.

  The release was enormous, and he let himself go, let himself enjoy the feel of her as she came. His rhythm slowed, but even when he was spent he rocked his hips, giving her everything he had, until she slumped across his shoulder, her lips kissing his wet skin, while she murmured words in his ear that at some points in his past he had never expected, or wanted to hear.

  “I love you, Cade.”

  He held her, not sure if he could say the words back to her. Not because he didn’t feel the same emotion mirrored in himself. He had never told anyone other than his parents that he loved them, and it seemed an enormous step, as if he would be leaving everything he knew about himself behind. And when they were faced with the possible dangers ahead, he wasn’t sure if he could fully let go of who he thought he had to be.

  Lifting his head, he looked deep into her green eyes, seeing the honesty there, the way they sparkled with love, and he understood. Understood that he had to let go of who he had been and embrace the man she made him. Together they would succeed, because they had to. They had a future together.

  “I love you, Isabelle.” She smiled and kissed him, and his world shifted, while his bear roared his approval.

  Chapter Fourteen – Isabelle

  After they made love, they quickly finished washing each other, with kisses traded for soap and shampoo. Then they dried each other, with caresses and more kisses as they prepared for what was before them. She was under no illusion that this was going to be easy. Even if everything went completely as planned, Jenni could still end up in police custody. If they couldn’t prove her innocence, Maisie was still not going to go home to her mother.

  And if it went very badly, then Maisie might be motherless. Those were the risks they were taking.

  Dressed in jeans and a jacket, she went to join Cade, who now seemed more focused, ready to see this through to the end. She could not imagine how hard it must have been for him to be back here, where he had, in his own eyes at least, failed to help a friend and colleague.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  She nodded, and he opened the door for her. Going out into the hallway, she waited for him to lock the door, mentally checking she had everything she needed. Cade wasn’t the only one who needed to act professionally. She was here to lend her help, to see this through to the end and then go home with Cade, back to Tawny Valley, to spend the rest of their lives.

  “As soon as we’ve eaten, we’ll go over to the warehouse, and I’ll try to speak to Jenni.”

  “And then what?” she asked as they waited for the elevator.

  The doors pinged open and they stepped inside, he stood silent while they closed again as if he expected there to be people eavesdropping on their conversation. That was what was so different about him, he was wary. His eyes were constantly roving; she noticed as they got out in the hotel lobby that he automatically scanned the room, his eyes flicking to the doorway to check they had a clear escape route.

  Only when they were out in the street, and he had checked there was no one watching them or following them did he answer her. “Once I talk to her, we’ll understand more about what’s going on. Then I plan to get Jenni out, try to get her somewhere safe.” He glanced sideways at Isabelle. “If you want to back out, I understand.”

  “No. I think it’s the right thing to do. She is Maisie’s mom; I think she should at least be given the chance to start a new life.”

  “After that, I am going to make sure that son of a bitch, Stanhope, goes to prison where he belongs.”

  “Agreed.” She only hoped she wasn’t going to lose her career over this. Then, some things were more important than a badge on your shirt. Isabelle had joined the police to help people and to protect them, and Jenni might need protecting more than anyone else she had ever encountered. Made worse if it turned out she needed protecting from Stanhope, the man who was supposed to have supported her while she was undercover. How could he have betrayed her like that?

  Giving up a baby was not the kind of thing anyone did lightly. People made mistakes; it didn’t make them bad people. Although she also knew that it might. That Jenni might not be the vulnerable one here. Isabelle looked sideways at Cade: Would he be able to see Jenni for what she truly was, good or bad? Or would Isabelle have to step in? She hated the idea of potentially driving a wedge between herself and Cade.

  She looked ahead. It was her duty to do the right thing, and that could not stop now, even for her mate. They had stopped at a small restaurant down a back alley that served the best Chinese food she had ever tasted. The conversation between them was stilted, and she missed the easiness that had been between them. Cade was slipping further away from her; she only hoped the mating bond could anchor him to her enough to see them through this.

  “Being back here brings back painful memories?” she asked.

  He looked up at her, his chopsticks, which he used so naturally, paused in midair. “Yes. Not all painful. I’ve been trying to go through everything that happened, things I’d shut out of my head. Trying to make sure I don’t fuck up again.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  “If Stanhope is the bad guy here, why didn’t I see it sooner? I keep thinking that when we were both working under him, I missed something.”

  “You were taught to trust him. He couldn’t have always been bad, maybe when he saw Jenni falling for the mark, he figured it was worth the risk, he had the perfect fall guy.”

  “It’s hard to know who you can trust,” he said, putting his chopsticks down.

  “Which can’t be said about us,” she said firmly. “We both have to trust in this bond between us. I hope you hold onto that.”

  “As if it was my lifeline,” he said, his hand reaching across the table to hold hers. “Don’t worry. I know what you are thinking; I know that there is a chance Jenni really is the bad guy now. But I have to know for myself, and I have to make Stanhope pay for it either way if I can prove his guilt.”

  “As long as we have that straight. We have to abide by the law, no matter how hard that is.”

  “We most certainly do, Sheriff.”

  Finishing their meal, they left the restaurant and resumed their journey across the city. The walk helped clear her head, so when Cade said, “Here are the warehouses. Do you have the number?” she nodded, and together they walked through the gates, which didn’t seem to be guarded, although there was a whir of a surveillanc
e camera above their heads. Neither of them looked up at it; they planned to walk around as if they were two lovers looking for somewhere to be alone. Two lovers in the night.

  It was a good plan, and much better than skulking. If anyone found them, they would just leave.

  Simple. Those were the best plans, less to go wrong.

  “It’s on the next row over,” she said. They weaved through the warehouses, holding hands and occasionally stopping to kiss, which gave them a good opportunity to look over each other’s shoulder to check if anyone was following them.

  Nothing. No one. Except for what looked like a homeless man, whom they had stumbled upon. He had made up his bed for night under one of the overhangs covering a warehouse door. He ignored them, and they ignored him.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  She nodded. They had their plan worked out: he would go on alone and try to make contact with Jenni. Isabelle’s job was to stand guard, and watch for trouble. They would have their cell phones on, she would be able to hear what was being said, and if anyone came to the warehouse while he was inside, she would shout into her phone. Even hidden in his pocket, he would be able to hear with the enhanced senses his bear gave him.

  “Be careful,” she said, pulling him close and kissing him, wanting to linger in his arms, even though she knew the sooner they made their move, the sooner this whole thing would be over.

  “I will be. And you too. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you,” he said, his voice rough as he pulled away from her and set off, heading down a narrow alley which led out to where Warehouse 17 was situated.

  The sight of him disappearing around the corner and out of view made her panic. What if she never saw him again? What if there were men with guns there who were waiting to shoot him?

  Then his voice came over her phone. “Relax, I’m OK. I promise I’ll come back to you.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  He didn’t hesitate this time. “I love you too.” A pause. “I’m going in.”

  She knew she couldn’t say anymore, only listen. And hope.

  Chapter Fifteen – Cade

  Cade approached the warehouse cautiously. He didn’t want to rush in and find himself surrounded by men with guns. Getting killed before he had a chance to talk to Jenni would help no one.

  Tension built up in his body. His bear didn’t believe in fight or flight, only fight, and as they drew nearer he struggled to stop his bear taking over. This situation was different to what he had faced undercover. Then he would be acting on information fed in from both visual surveillance and audio. Phones would be tapped, conversations recorded.

  This time he was blind. There was no telling who, or what, would be inside the warehouse, if he even got that far.

  As if to answer his question, the door of the warehouse opened and two men came out, He couldn’t see if they were armed, but their body language told him they were not here to ask after his health.

  “This is private property,” said the first man, six foot tall with ripped muscles shown off by a muscle-fit T-shirt. Tattoos up his arms showed skulls and angels, the usual embellishments of a man who wanted the world to think he was invincible.

  “I have come here to see the person in charge.”

  “Have an appointment?” the second man, less muscle, shorter by almost a head but equally tattooed, asked.

  “She knows I’m coming. Just tell her Cade is here. She’ll want to see me.” He stopped, not wanting to appear threatening, not yet at least.

  “She’s busy.”

  “You want to keep her waiting?” He looked at his watch. “I was already a little late, now you are going to make me really late, and she doesn’t like that. Does she?” They looked at each other, filled with uncertainty. “Oh, you don’t know her well enough to understand her wrath.”

  He took a couple more steps towards them and lowered his voice conspiratorially. “Let me tell you. I have seen what she does to people who annoy her. And tardiness is one thing that gets her annoyed.”

  “You’re making it up. Candice is a pushover.”

  “Ahh. Candice likes you to think she is a pushover. Just because she doesn’t stand out here all muscles and spoiling for a fight, does not mean she won’t deal with you in her own unique way.”

  “Unique?” Big Muscles asked.

  Cade winked. “Not for me to say. She doesn’t like people talking behind her back either.”

  “You’re full of crap,” Small Muscles said.

  “Suit yourselves. But I know if I was you, I would rather take my chances and at least tell her I’m here. Or does she like you making executive decisions?” He kept his voice congenial, as if he was their friend.

  “Call her.” Big Muscles turned to Small Muscles. “Tell her this guy is here.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Just call her. If she isn’t expecting him, we can deal with him afterwards.”

  Small Muscles took out a phone, and walked off a little way, all Cade could hear was mumbling, and his name been repeated. He could only imagine the shock and surprise on Jenni’s face; he hoped she managed to keep it out of her voice.

  Of course she would, she was a professional. They both knew how important it was to keep emotions under control when you were undercover. Although Cade certainly was feeling a bit rusty about that side of things.

  “She says to bring him up.” Small Muscles beckoned and Cade followed; he didn’t want to give Big Muscles the opportunity to give him a shove to get him moving. He could get himself deeper into trouble, without the help of someone else.

  Walking in silence, they headed towards the warehouse, Cade studying the building, noting where the emergency exits were, although he doubted they would be easy to get through. If this building housed any criminal activity, the place would be almost certainly sealed. One door in, one door out. That way the chances of any of the merchandise disappearing out the door when no one was looking were a lot less.

  No, once he went in, he was sure he was only ever going to come back out through the door he was now entering. The question of whether he would be walking or in a body bag would depend on whether he could trust Jenni or not. Was she still one of the good guys, or had the chance of acquiring money turned her into something dark and unpredictable? The kind of woman who abandoned her child to keep her safe, or because she had become an inconvenience?

  “Up there.” Big Muscles indicated a metal staircase, which led up to an office suspended over the main warehouse floor. This time he could not resist giving Cade a shove, and Cade had to restrain himself from turning around and hitting him square between the eyes.

  That would have to wait.

  Keeping his eyes focused on the room at the top of the stairs, he climbed. The weight of the phone in his pocket reminded him that Isabelle would be listening. Damn, he hoped this didn’t end badly, he would hate for her to be haunted by the sound of her mate dying. If this turned bad, she would be powerless to help, although that wouldn’t stop her from coming charging in and attacking with tooth and claws, because the depth of their bond ran so deep.

  We have to live through this no matter what, his bear said.

  I know. It was one thing he had not taken into account. The newness of having his mate by his side had not allowed him to take her reactions into account. Yet he was sure, if he died tonight, she would perish alongside him in a bid to protect him.

  Cade flexed his muscles. Not happening.

  By the time they reached the top of the staircase, he had assessed the two men who were flanking him. He knew that Big Muscles favored his left leg, and that his shoulders were stiff. If there was ever a case for not having huge bulging muscles, he was it. In his bid to be the biggest he had lost flexibility. Cade knew how to beat him—move fast, hit hard, preferably in the face.

  Small Muscles was probably the more dangerous opponent. He would be able to move quickly, so the element of surprise was going to be Cade’s best hope
to defeat him. A kick in the solar plexus for Small Muscles would knock him to his knees, a swift punch to the chin would render him unconscious…

  The door in front of him swung open before he had a chance to finish his plan of attack, and before him stood Jenni. She was a lot thinner than he recalled, her eyes dark and her cheekbones pronounced. If he was a betting man he would say that she was not a happy woman, not happy at all. For him that was a good thing, it meant she was not a good cop turned bad, she was a good cop forced to be bad.

  It also made his heart ache for all the months of Maisie’s life Jenni had missed. Those precious memories that could never be recaptured.

  His anger towards whoever had caused this surged, and his bear scratched at the corners of his mind, wanting to get free and avenge her. Cade calmed him. This was not the time for action, it was a time for cool headiness.

  “Candice,” he said, watching as her eyes fixed on him. “I told these goons you were expecting me, but they seemed to have their own ideas. They don’t seem to realize ideas need more than one brain cell to be any good.”

  The two men shifted on their feet, hands clenched into fists. “That will do,” she said sharply.

  Whatever softness he had seen in her disappeared. Along with the two men. They had been dismissed and they knew it. They also must know the consequences of disobeying their boss. Cade wondered if this was not going to go so smoothly after all.

  Jenni backed into the office, and motioned for him to follow. He did, trying to relax his body and appear non-confrontational. If she had made a choice to be bad, he would walk out the door and leave her to it. He wasn’t a cop anymore, he reminded himself.

  “What are you doing here, Cade?” she asked quietly as he moved level with her. He didn’t turn to look at her, pretending she hadn’t asked the question.

  “Can we talk freely?” he whispered back, his lips hardly moving.

  She shook her head slightly.


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