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Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana

Page 17

by Brair Lake

  “Because of Jo-Leigh.”

  I shake my head. “If Jo-Leigh hadn’t died. I would have stayed in New Orleans. Shit, I would have either opened my own practice by now or be working hard to be a senior partner. What about you? You returned to Noir Valley after college.”

  Mia slips her hand into mine and I gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’m a small-town girl. Anyway, aren’t you glad I returned?”

  Hazel eyes sparkle with laughter and I pull her into my arms. Her scent of lilies teases my senses. Mia has me and I have no desire to let her go. “The jury’s still out on that one.”

  “Afternoon Alex.”

  My breath freezes in my throat and when Mia scowls up at me, I realize my grip has tightened around her wrist. In seven years, this is the second time Delaney has spoken to me directly. Keeping hold of Mia’s hand, I release her from our hug.


  His brown gaze sweeps over Mia as a smile plays on his lips, which my fist yearns to make disappear. “And this must be the delightful Mia.” Delaney holds his hand out to her, but she ignores it as she steps closer to me. “Jonathan has spoken of you.” Although he knows Mia is with me. I watch as he strips her with his gaze. The lick of his tongue over his over plump lip pulls at my guts. “He said you were pretty. But you’re more than that aren’t you.” He turns to me. His eyes bland. “Is she as delightful in bed as Jo-Leigh was?” He snorts and my stomach twists. Bile rises in my throat. “That woman could go for hours. No wonder you never wanted to share her.” His gaze flickers back to Mia. “Maybe this time you’ll play different. I wouldn’t say no to a threesome.”

  The mist rises as the bile swarms in my stomach and my fist rises. My smile deepens as I watch with pleasure as Delaney staggers, gripping on to the railing then landing on the ground. With a kick to his stomach. I grab Mia’s hand. Then without looking at the man on the floor, I stroll away. Not caring Mia has to jog to keep up with my pace.

  “I’ll find out soon, Alex. You’ll not be able to keep her on the riverboat all the time. I heard about her attempted escape.” Delaney’s voice follows us.


  “Shit, Mia. I’m sorry.” Mia is at the bike. Her helmet swinging in her hands as she watches me. Unable to look at her, I pace and glance down the road. Neither Delaney nor his men have followed. I rub my hand through my hair, “shit. I’ve fucked up.” Mia is close and when she touches me, I flinch, then the pent-up air leaves my body on a whoosh. “Sorry.” I look up at the sky. “Shit,” the sun mocks me as it shines.



  “Don’t be sorry.”

  “You shouldn’t have seen that.”

  “And he shouldn’t have spoken in that manner.” Mia glances down the alley. “Do you think he was there when Jo-Leigh died.”

  I shrug. “He was in prison. Besides, Delaney isn’t the sort to get his hands dirty.”

  “Then he never touched Jo-Leigh.”

  “No. But someone did.” Mia steps closer and as she wraps her arms around me, mine hang loosely at her waist while my thumb strokes the flesh beneath her top. Her warmth comforts me. The anger easing out of me, and I kiss her forehead. “Don’t go anywhere on your own.”

  “I won’t.” Mia slips her hand beneath my shirt. Her touch gentle as she strokes my stomach and once more my blood sings in me. She leans in close. her fingers on the catch to my jeans. “I owe you.”

  “Mia.” She slides to her knees and I check the alley. We are on our own and the metal click of the zipper as it slides down is bliss to my ears. As she shuffles my jeans over my ass, I step back, leaning against the wall. “Are you sure?”

  Her breath tickles my flesh as she bares my dick and nuts to the breeze of the afternoon air. “If I wasn’t. I wouldn’t be doing this.” Her fingers tease me as she frees me. Her grip firm as she strokes my shaft. “Anyway. We’ve a long journey back.” Mia leans in. Her giggle a torment to my aching cock. “And we don’t want you tense on the ride. Do we?”

  “I wasn’t tense until you started playing with my dick.”

  “Tell me to stop and I will.” Mia’s tongue swipes against my aching gorging flesh and blood pounds through me.

  “You know I won’t tell you to stop.”

  Her tongue takes another swipe over my flesh and a shudder runs through my body. When she slips my cock into her mouth, I wind my fingers through her hair and as she kisses the tip, my thighs clench. She slips the bulbus head into her mouth. Her tongue torture as she teases the slit. Each suck has me going in a little deeper. The blood pounds harder in my dick as it echoes in my ears. Her fingers find my balls. As she sucks, her tongue swirl over my flesh.

  “Shit, Mia. I’m going to explode. Down your throat or on your face. But I need to come.”

  Mia relaxes her throat, and I slip in a little further. As I hold her face close to me, I grip her hair. My body shuddering as I come. My sperm slides down her throat and I kiss the top of her head. I want to weep at the relief and serenity I found in Mia’s hands.

  “Thank you.”

  I am a maelstrom of emotions. Mia's mouth had given me a temporary relief. Now I am away from her, Delaney’s taunts torment once more. I glance at the deserted five-mile circular dirt road, which makes it an ideal temporary racetrack. The power of the bike, the wind around me and the freedom to go at top speed begins to seduce me as I crave the freedom I will find as the bike roared over the track. I was here to face my competition, Cole Johnson. I glanced over to the journalist. My opponent in the upcoming two-man race, and watch him as he chats with Kit as he checks his bike over. Adrenaline swamps through me. I've waited long enough for this race with my faux foe, and he is going to lose.

  “You have Mia,” Leon said.

  I turn to the club’s Sergeant at Arms, and smile, “it won't hurt him to lose a race. After all, he's won his last five.”

  Leon shakes his head as he chuckles, “So it's about masculine pride. Not the delectable Mia. They do appear to be pretty close.”

  My smile slips as I scowl at the biker. “They’re working on a story.”

  Leon’s eyebrow rises and his smirk pours fuel on to my adrenaline blood pumped body. “What story?”

  “Something to do with the new housing project.”

  “So, it's not jealousy that has you throwing daggers his way.”

  I shrug. Mia is mine. Over the last few weeks while I worked or we were in the saloon, I've watched Cole. He spends his free time with either the whores, Copper or Neat. When Mia is with me, there are no sly glances between them. I study Cole, who sensing my scrutiny glances my way. Although his lips are set straight, he acknowledges me with a stiff wave. I'm not the only one feeling animosity. There are times I catch Cole watching me. His gray eyes like steel as he studies me. I've ransacked my memory. I don't remember meeting him before he hooked up with Mia. Shit, I've copies of my old work files from when I practiced law and his name is not amongst them.

  “Ever think we’ve come across Cole before?” I ask.

  Leon glances over to the journalist and after watching him as he talks to Copper, he shakes his head, “no.” He scratches his head. “for a journalist. He's pretty quiet on Demons Lair and was happy to sign the NDA.”

  I nod, “maybe I'm wary because of Mia.”

  Leon nods then points at Bastion, who is attempting to grab my attention as he waves Cole and me to the starting point. Ten miles, twice around the dirt track, then the race is over.

  Cole pulls up next to me, his gray eyes locking with mine. His lips are set. Then he nods and turns to face the dirt track. He revs the engine on his Road King. I smile as I rev Jayne in response. The track’s not wide. With room for two bikes only, the race is carried out in stages. As the bikes rev again, from the corner of my eye, I watch Candy stroll over to Cole and kiss him. Well, almost devours him. Only then do I wish Mia was here, but she cried off, citing she needed to work on that damn blog of hers.


  I turn to find Patch standing beside me and smile as she leans in to kiss me. She thrusts her tongue in my mouth and for the sake of our audience, and although the kiss lacks Mia’s touch, I play along. When the kiss is over, I have this urge to wipe her taste away from my mouth. Instead I rev the bike, watching Flash step in front of Bastian and raise the white flag. I count to five before she drops it. With one last rev of the bike, I hit the track. The spectators and Cole fade from my vision. I no longer care about them as the thrill of the speed soaks through my flesh to my blood. Two laps, then it will be over. As I round a bend, Flash is back in view and she drops a yellow cloth as I pass her. This is the last lap. The first lap went without incident and I smile. Flash’s reflection still shimmers in my mirror when Cole pulls in front of me. His wheels spinning dust and grit into the air as he veers in front of me. I swear, revving the bike harder, swing to Cole’s other side. This time I'm aware of Cole and pull in front of him. The roar of the bikes echoes around me as we play cat and mouse through the remaining track. Then we round the final bend and I catch sight of Flash up ahead. She has the black and white checkered flag raised. The race is nearly over. I glance to my left. Cole is beside me. The race is coming to an end. With another twist on the acceleration and a rev of Jayne. Cole is forgotten as I lean into the bike. as I pass Flash, she drops the flag and I pull the bike to the edge of the dirt track. My heart pounds. My smile is one of satisfaction.

  As I remove my helmet, Day reaches me and slaps my back. “Shit, Alex. I thought you were going to lose.”

  I smile, it's wide, I can feel it in my stomach. “Just giving Cole a taste of what victory could taste like if he won.”

  Day chuckles as he slaps me on the shoulder once more, then he is gone. After the customary congratulations by my fellow brothers, I find myself on my own. I was still basking in my victory when Cole strolls over.

  “Congratulations,” he said.

  “Thanks - you’re a good rider,” I said

  “Taught by the best.”

  “Yeah - who was that.”

  Cole chuckles, “my father.”

  I nod, “I’d like to meet the man.”

  Cole shakes his head and smiles, “he never leaves Reno.”

  I smile, hold my hand out and Cole takes it in a firm grip, “good race. I can see why you won the last five.”

  “Thanks. I'm looking forward to the bike rally weekend.”

  “It’ll be good.”

  Due to other obligation Devil’s Comfort and the Scarlet Runners are committed to, the rally has been pushed back, and it's going to be awhile before we all get together. But the new date is fixed. Cole nods, slipping his arm around Candy as she joins him. Again, I find myself missing Mia, but we will celebrate my victory when I return to Demon's Lair.


  I watch Cole and Candy walk away, whilst hoping Patch, who has tagged along with Candy, goes with them. I’m sure Cole wouldn’t say no to a threesome.


  “I just wanted to congratulate you on your win.” She sidles closer. Her fingers on my arm and as tempted as I am to shake free of her hold, I remain still.


  “Maybe we can have a private celebration of our own before returning to Demon’s Liar.”

  Before Mia moved into my cabin, I would have taken the whore up on her offer. Shit, If I was fucking one of the other whores, I would have taken Patch’s offer up. But Mia has me, and I’m not going to do anything stupid to jeopardize what we have. I chuckle, turning my gaze to the group of bikers, Cole has his back to me and as I watch him, I realize I have nothing to fear from the journalist where Mia is concerned. Where the club and Delaney are concerned, doubt still plagues me.

  I turn my gaze back to Patch. “Thanks for the offer, but Mia is waiting for me. We have plans.”

  “But the kiss.”

  “That kiss. That kiss meant nothing, Patch. Mia and I are a couple. I’m happy with her. Shit, why not hook up with Day or Kit. I’m sure they wouldn’t say no to your company–Oh, and one more thing, Patch. Never approach me like this again. If I want to fuck you–I’ll come looking for you.”

  Patch’s cheeks flush red as her gaze blazes into me. Then, with a slight nod, she turns, striding towards the other whores. After she is gone, I look at the sky. It is clear. The sun is bright, and I smile. Mia is stuck with me. Now I have to convince her I am worth keeping.

  Chapter 26

  Mia: Poppy’s Home Noir Valley

  The roar of a cheer from the living room sends a shiver through me. It’s five days since Alex and I ran into Delaney. Five days since I gained my constant shadow. When I’m on the riverboat, and Alex is not about, he either leaves me in the casino or the saloon where one of the other bikers can watch. An honor usually given to Neat. I thought life on the riverboat was stifling before I met Delaney. Now I am a virtual prisoner. This morning, Alex begged me to give him his orgasm. My smile twists as I recall the frustrated look on his face, and only consented when he agreed to let me visit Poppy. The roar comes gain. My bodyguard is watching football while I drink beer in Poppy’s dining room. Neat, who is on an errand today, has temporarily been replaced by Cole. It amazes me how easily he has fallen into the life of the River Demons. Especially as I thought he had more sense. But as I got to know him, his alpha traits often makes its appearance, especially when he is being bossy. Like Alex, he dominates a room with his presence.

  “Alex trusts Cole with you?” Firebird asks.

  I nod as I glance at the red head. “I think it’s more he trusts Cole not to let me slip out of his sight. He still hasn’t forgiven Copper for my escapade.”

  “Yeah. Day called round later that day. Then proceeded to lecture me for meeting you,” said Poppy, and I roll my eyes at her.

  “I don’t know. What I know about Delaney. He’s not a nice person.” Eve pops a cookie into her mouth, then takes a swallow of her beer.

  My body shivers as I recall my meeting with Alex’s enemy. The way his eyes lingered on my body has bile rising in my throat. When Alex decked him to the ground. I could have cheered. I needed Alex in the alley and he freely let me do my thing. The slight smile lingering on my lips slips as I recall our return to Demon’s Liar. After forbidding me to go to New Orleans, and he disappeared to another one of his ever-ongoing meeting, I called in a favor from an old friend from college. I could have called Hank with my request, but I’m sure he would have turned me down, informing Alex I was snooping. In my research on Delaney, I never connected him to Jo-Leigh’s death. Jo-Leigh’s coroner’s report on her murder arrived in my inbox this morning. Although I only glanced through the report briefly, what I read, made unpleasant reading. Her death had not been swift, making me wonder if Delaney had been present.

  “What do you know about him?” I ask.

  Eve looks at me from over her bottle. Then glances towards the connecting door to the living room, where it has gone quiet, and her voice softens. “He comes from money and was always in trouble as a teenager. That was how he managed to get caught up in the business he’s in now.” Eve takes another swallow of her beer. “And he didn’t get to the top by being nice.” Her chuckle sends a shiver through my spine, “He makes our boys look like angels.”

  “He turned my flesh cold when we met him.” I take a swallow of my own beer. “And I don’t think it had anything to do with Alex. It was there in his eyes.” I scratch the back of my neck. “Shit, I’ve had men strip me with just a glance. And not once did they leave me wanting to be sick. If I never see the man again. It’ll be too soon.” My smile is one of self-mockery as I shake my head. “To be fair. I don’t mind the bodyguard.” My gaze shifts to Poppy, and our eyes roll in mutual understanding. “Having lived with Data and Pond, I’m used to it. I just hope Delaney gets fed up with Noir Valley and leaves soon.”

  Firebird taps her fingers against her bottle. Her amber gaze steady as she watches me. “I know he’s your brother. Bu
t I can’t help feeling Jono is behind this.”

  My lips twist in a parody of a smile. “With a brother like Jono. You would hate to think what kind of enemies we have.”

  “You have more friends than enemies. We’ll not let anything happen to you,” Poppy said.

  I raise my bottle to her. “We’ll do the same for you. Poppy.”

  “I know you will.”

  “Anyone want another beer.” Firebird stands as we nod.

  “This party is only just starting,” I said.

  “He’s pretending to be asleep,” Firebird said.

  “Who is?” I ask Firebird as she returns to the dining room.


  “He’s a nice guy. We need to fix him up with someone.”

  “What about me.” Poppy grins as her eyebrow rises.

  “I said he’s a nice guy. Don’t be pissing Day off just yet. He can only just tolerate Data.”

  Poppy’s lips purse as she scowls towards the connecting door. “They need to understand it’s the twenty-first century and women can do what they want.”

  “Underneath the uniform they wear. They really are Neanderthals,” I said.

  Eve giggles. “Bastian’s moving into the twenty-first century.”

  “He is coming around to you having the operation.” Firebird asked

  Eve nods. “I think we’ve nearly exhausted every possibility from reconstruction to just leaving the scars alone once the flesh is healed.”

  At twenty-seven Eve recently discovered she has the mutated breast cancer gene and has made the decision to have a double mastectomy. “That’s love, Eve.”

  Eve’s smiled is tinged as she stares at her beer. “I want a baby.”

  “What’s stopping you. –I’m sure Bastion’s happy to oblige in that department.”

  “Nothing. I don’t have cancer. I have the gene. Mom and grandma were in their fifties before they died.”


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