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Capturing Kylie [Slick Rock 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Becca Van

  Slick Rock 9

  Capturing Kylie

  Kylie Mailing heads to Slick Rock, Colorado for her best friend, Eva Woodridge’s wedding. There she meets Eva’s fiancés cousins’, Xavier, Lachlan and William Badon and the sparks fly.

  But Kylie has a secret and she is scared to get into a relationship and keeps the three Badon cousins at arm’s length for as long as possible. When the three retired, professionally trained bodyguards find out her life is in danger, they vow to protect her.

  An attempt is made on Kylie’s life and the Sheriff is brought in, but since the authorities in her hometown of Sheridan, Colorado and Slick Rock don’t know who is after Kylie their job is so much harder. An alert is put out among the men of the small rural town to be on the lookout for strangers but the stalker manages to abduct Kylie.

  Will the Badon cousins be able to save her in time?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among cousins.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 39,790 words


  Slick Rock 9

  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-204-0

  First E-book Publication: July 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Slick Rock 9


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Kylie Mailing hugged her best friend, Evana Woodridge. Tears streamed down Eva’s face, as she smiled and motioned for Kylie to come inside the house. “God, I’ve missed you, Kylie.”

  Kylie leaned in and gave Eva another hug, and her breath hitched with emotion. “I’ve missed you, too, Eva. You have no idea how lonely I’ve been without you.”

  “Well, you’re here now and that’s all that matters. Come on and let me show you to your room and then I’ll give you a tour.” Eva led Kylie down the hallway to the guest bedroom and opened the door to show her inside.

  “Oh, this is really nice, Eva.” Kylie looked at the gray-green carpet, which contrasted well with the cream-colored walls and the dark timber furniture. She spotted a framed picture on the wall of Eva surrounded by Quin, Gray, and Pierson, all of them grinning as if they couldn’t be happier. “You have no idea how lucky you are. Those three hot, sexy men adore you. What I wouldn’t give to have a man look at me the way they do you.”

  “We’re the lucky ones,” Quin Badon said as he entered the room and placed Kylie’s luggage on the bed. As he turned back toward the door, he snagged his fiancée around the waist and kissed her long and deep. Kylie turned away from the loving display, her face heating at the passion and love she saw between Eva and Quin. An ache formed in her heart and she barely stopped herself from trying to rub the pain away. She opened the door on the left side of the room to discover an adjoining bathroom. At least she wouldn’t have share a bathroom with Eva and her men. Although she was very happy her sister of the heart had found the loves of her life and was happier than she had ever seen her, Kylie wanted what she had, but didn’t think she would ever attract one man, let alone more.

  When she turned around to see that Quin had finally released Eva and was heading out of the room, she walked back over to the bed.

  “All three of your men are studs, Eva. How the hell do you keep up with them?” Kylie asked and then cringed at her tactlessness. “Shit, sorry. Don’t answer that.”

  “Kylie, don’t you dare start changing on me now. I love you just the way you are.”

  Kylie sank down onto the bed with a tired sigh. “You’re about the only one.”

  “Now, that’s not true.” Eva sat down next to Kylie. “My mom thinks the sun shines out of your ass, and Jack likes you just fine.”

  Kylie snorted out a laugh, because for some unfathomable reason Eva’s mom treated her like she was an adopted daughter. Ever since Eva’s mom had found out that Kylie had no living relatives, she had taken her under her wing. Even though it had been three years since Kylie’s parents’ deaths—her father from a heart attack, and her mother nine months later after wasting away from a broken heart—sometimes she still couldn’t believe she was only twenty-three and already parentless. After her mom had been buried with her dad, Kylie had sold their family home and bought an apartment. She didn’t want to live in a house with so many memories. She also missed Eva more than she let on and had been seriously thinking about moving to Slick Rock, Colorado, to be nearer to her friend.

  “I love them all so much.” Eva’s voice brought her back to the present. “I don’t need to keep up with them. Quin, Gray, and Pierson are all so different and I love each of them for who they are. Quin is so serious most of the time and can be a real hard-ass. Pierson is more laid back and is alway
s quick with a joke. And Gray, well, Gray is a mix of his brothers, and even though his feelings run very deep, he is the mediator of the three. He’s always stepping in and keeping the peace. They each offer me something I need and fulfill me in ways I never could have imagined.”

  “They’re lucky to have you, Eva.” Kylie gave Eva another hug and then opened her bags to start unpacking. “So are you scared about getting married?”

  “No,” Eva replied with a glowing smile. “I can’t wait to officially be Mrs. Badon.”

  Eva stood and helped Kylie put away her clothes. “The dress fitting is tomorrow at ten o’clock. I can’t wait until you see my wedding dress.”

  “Me either.” Kylie zipped up the empty bag and slid it beneath the bed. “How many are coming to the wedding?”

  “Around eighty, I think.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot.” Kylie sighed and hoped she would be able to cope with being around so many people. She often felt claustrophobic in crowds and hoped she didn’t make a fool of herself by having a panic attack.

  “Not really.” Eva headed toward the door. “I’d better go see if my men need help with making dinner.”

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  “No. I know how tiring traveling is, just rest for now. Come on out whenever you want.”

  “When are your mom and Jack arriving?”

  “The day before the wedding.” Eva was about to pull the door closed but paused. “I forgot to tell you that my fiancés’ cousins are going to be here tomorrow. They are staying until after the wedding and from what I gather, they are also looking around for a ranch to buy. Quin has asked them to stay here for as long as they like, and the same goes for you. I don’t want you going anywhere until we get back from the honeymoon. Will you promise to stay in Slick Rock for a while?”

  “Funny you should mention that.” Kylie broke eye contact with Eva, worried about how her news would be received. “I decided to move here and have already leased my apartment.”

  Eva squealed and rushed back to Kylie. She hugged her tight and Kylie blinked rapidly as tears pricked the back of her eyes. “Thank God.” When Eva released her, and she saw tears of happiness in Eva’s eyes, she had a hard time controlling her own emotions. “I had this speech all prepared and was going to harangue you until you agreed to stay. Now I don’t have to. This is the best wedding present I will ever get.”

  “Eva, are you okay?” Gray stopped in the doorway and looked at his fiancée with concern. “Are you having another cramp? Are you in pain?”

  Kylie could see the love and worry he had for Eva and felt a little envious, but she smiled toward Gray, hoping he couldn’t see through her façade. But she was also happy that Eva had three loving men who accepted her and looked after her. Eva had been born with congenital hip dysplasia, and because of all the surgery she’d had as a child, she wore a brace and often suffered debilitating cramps.

  “I’m fine. I just had some great news.” Eva hooked her arm into Gray’s. As she led him from the room, she looked back over her shoulder. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

  Kylie nodded and watched her friend retreat as Gray closed the door behind them. She sank down onto the side of the bed and pushed her palms against her eyeballs, trying to relieve the dull ache behind them. As much as she loved Eva and wanted to please her, there was no way she could share a house with strange men while Eva wasn’t there. The wedding was just less than a week away, but that at least gave her a few days to find somewhere else to live while she was in Slick Rock, and if she couldn’t find anything to lease then she would rent a room at the motel. At least that way she wouldn’t have to worry about having men underfoot.

  After gathering some fresh clothes, Kylie showered and then dressed in her comfortable jeans and a T-shirt. Once done she headed toward the large modern kitchen. The scents of cooking food assailed her nostrils. It had been hours since she’d last eaten and her stomach growled. What she saw when she entered the kitchen surprised her. Eva was sitting at the counter, leisurely sipping a glass of wine, while Pierson set the table and Quin and Gray bustled around, putting the last touches on the meal.

  “Kylie, you’re looking refreshed.” Pierson winked at her. “Would you like a glass of wine?”


  “I hope you like meatloaf,” Gray said as he began to carry the food to the table.

  “I love meatloaf.” Kylie sniffed appreciatively before bringing the bowl of mashed potatoes from the counter to the table.

  “Sit your ass down,” Quin said in a low but firm voice.

  “Woof,” Kylie responded without thinking and then cringed inside as her natural sassiness and defense mechanism kicked in.

  Quin stared at her for a moment and then tilted his head back and burst out laughing. “You’ll do.”

  Kylie shrugged off his comment, though she couldn’t help but wonder what he meant. She would do…for what? She had no clue, but at least he didn’t seem to have taken offense to her response.

  “You look tired, Kylie.” Gray’s eyes wandered over her face.

  “Traveling is always wearing on a person,” she answered nonchalantly. She wasn’t about to tell Eva or her men that it had been more than two weeks since she’d slept through the night. They had a wedding to worry about. They didn’t need her unloading her problems on them right now. There was no way she was going to spoil their time by spilling her guts. She’d never been one to lean on anyone.

  They all talked as they ate and Quin explained that his cousins, Xavier, Lachlan, and William Badon were arriving sometime tomorrow from Dallas, Texas. “They finally had enough of answering to rich assholes with no manners and resigned from the security company where they worked as bodyguards. They grew up on a ranch and have decided that they want one of their own now.”

  Kylie just nodded, not sure if she was supposed to say anything when Quin looked at her. She wasn’t sure she liked the gleam in his eye and wondered if he was up to something, but she didn’t know him very well, so maybe she was imagining things.

  “Have you told Kylie about the other families who live in Slick Rock, baby?” Quin asked Eva.

  “No. We haven’t had much time to talk yet.”

  “What other families?” Kylie asked.

  Quin looked at Gray and then Pierson, and then three sets of male eyes gazed at her.

  Gray cleared his throat. “There are a few polyandrous relationships in this town. Most of the people involved in ménages are our friends. We are one of eight polyandrous relationships that we know of.”

  “Okay, what has that got to do with me?”

  “We just wanted you to be aware that not all relationships in this town are conventional,” Pierson said.

  “Does the thought of a woman being loved by more than one man bother you?” Quin looked like he was holding his breath, frozen in time and ready to pounce once she opened her mouth.

  Kylie glared at him and let fly. “I can’t believe you would ask me that.” Before she knew what she was doing, she pushed back from the table and rose to her feet. “If I had a problem with what you were doing, do you think I would be here, ready to be a bridesmaid in your wedding? I don’t give a fuck how you live your lives. As far as I am concerned, live and let live as long as everyone is happy and no one gets hurt. I can see how much you all love Eva and she loves you. That’s all that matters to me.”

  Kylie stormed from the kitchen and glanced around. Whoa. Had she actually just gone off on Quin like that? She needed to get some real sleep soon, because she was losing it. Knowing Eva would come after her and not wanting to face her friend after making such a fool of herself, Kylie headed outside to walk off her aggravation, hoping to buy herself some time to pull it together. Before her tear-filled eyes could adjust to the darkness outside, she was already making her way down the front steps and heading toward the road. She didn’t see the hulking figure in front of her until it was too late. Her breath left her lungs in an “oomph” as her che
st connected with a rock-hard torso. Her lungs ached and burned when she couldn’t take another breath. If she had been able to breathe, she would have let loose with a scream loud enough to wake the dead. Fear skittered up her spine and adrenaline spiked in her blood. Her vision grew dark from lack of oxygen, and if it hadn’t been for firm hands grabbing her upper arms, she would have fallen back onto her ass. No matter how hard she tried to inhale, no air expanded her lungs. Tears streamed down her face and dripped off her jaw.

  Large, warm hands caressed her back and a deep voice spoke calmly to her. “Just relax, sugar. You’ll get air in a minute. Don’t fight it. You’ll be fine. I’m sorry I ran into you and hurt you. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Shh, don’t tense, I’ve got you.”

  Her tense muscles relaxed when she realized it wasn’t who she had immediately thought it was. If Kylie hadn’t been fighting for breath she might have shivered at the sound of that deep, masculine voice washing over her. As it was, her nipples were already hardening and she mentally cursed her body’s reaction to a stranger. Another set of hands landed on her shoulders and began kneading the tight muscles. Finally, Kylie was able to fill her lungs with life-giving oxygen, and she began breathing normally again.

  Sidestepping the men surrounding her, she backed up until she could see them. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness and she was able to make out three hulking brutes watching her intently.

  “Who are you?” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

  The tallest and bulkiest of them stepped forward. “I’m Xavier Badon and these are my brothers, Lachlan and William. And you are?”


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