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Capturing Kylie [Slick Rock 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Becca Van

  At the sound of his brothers approaching, he sighed longingly, lowered his hand that was still hovering near the door, turned on his heel, and hurried into his bedroom. He wouldn’t have cared if Will and Lach had caught him staring at the door in a trance. He and his brothers really didn’t need words to know what the others were thinking. They had lived and worked together for so long they could sometimes finish each other’s sentences or answer a question before it was voiced. They were as connected as some twins and triplets seemed to be. They knew each other too well to not understand how each of their thought process worked, to a certain degree.

  Because of their compatibility and understanding of each other, they had been the best bodyguard team at the security company and their bosses had kicked up quite a stink when they had resigned. The director of the company had even offered them double their already more than generous salary, but he and his brothers had had enough traveling and living such a lonely life. No amount of money could make up for a life without a loving woman.

  Now all he and his brothers had to do was convince Kylie that she was the woman for them and they were the men for her.

  Now how did that saying go? “Life isn’t meant to be easy.” That was an understatement if ever he heard one.

  Considering the quick temper he’d already seen in her, there might be a fine line between impressing her and pissing her off. He could only hope to figure out how to walk that line.

  Chapter Four

  “Oh, my God, Eva, you look absolutely stunning,” Kylie said with a hitch in her breath.

  “Do you really think so?” Eva asked as she turned this way and that, looking in the huge mirror on the back wall of the bridal shop.

  “That dress is going to knock your fiancés on their asses.” Kylie admired the simple yet elegant dress Eva had chosen as her wedding gown. It was strapless, with the bodice shaped firmly over her breasts and ribs, but instead of the skirt flaring out over her hips, it was fitted and the long skirt was nearly pencil thin with a small two-foot train trailing off the back. There were no frilly adornments at all. It was plain and simple yet beautifully elegant, just like her friend.

  “What shoes are you going to wear? And how are you going to wear your leg brace?”

  “My shoes are over there,” Eva pointed to a box off to the right. “Can you get them for me?”

  “Sure.” Kylie retrieved the box and then passed the low-heeled white shoes to Eva and held her elbow while she balanced to put them on her feet.

  “I’m not wearing my brace. I don’t think one day is going to hurt too much. Besides, if I end up with a cramp, I will have three hot, sexy husbands to help me out.” Eva gave her a lascivious wink and then laughed.

  “You are so bad.” Kylie stepped back once more to view her friend in her wedding finery. “You’re stunning, girlfriend. Those men won’t know what hit them.”

  “Okay. Can you unzip me?”

  Kylie helped Eva out of her dress, and when her friend was once more wearing her jeans and T-shirt and had handed her dress and shoes off to the sales assistant to be packed up, she turned and eyed her up and down.

  “It’s your turn now. Come with me.” Eva grabbed her hand and led her a few paces toward a rack with dresses hanging on it. Obviously, Eva knew what she wanted, because she didn’t waste any time pulling a green dress from the rack. “Try this on.”

  Kylie held the dress up and barely held in her gasp of awe. The dress was gorgeous. It was simple and also strapless like Eva’s, but it was also very daring. She eyed the heart-shaped bodice and the hole in the center beneath the breast line. The dress was open on both sides as well as the middle, and a slit ran up the length of the right side of the skirt.

  “Shit, are you trying to give me pneumonia?”

  “Stop your quibbling and try it on. If you don’t like how it looks or feels after you try it, I’ll let you pick out something else.”

  Kylie eyed the dress dubiously, but she wanted to make Eva happy. So with a resigned sigh, she headed to the fitting room. A couple of minutes later, Kylie was staring at a stranger. The woman in the mirror was pretty, almost beautiful and not someone she had ever seen before. Pale skin on her sides showed through, contrasting nicely with the emerald-green silk of the dress. The strategically placed hole in the fabric showed even more skin to just above her panty line, and when she moved, the slit in the skirt revealed even more flesh.

  “Have you got it on yet? I’ve found some matching shoes.” Eva called through the curtain. “Kylie?”

  Kylie gave the woman in the mirror one last look and the opened the curtain. She waited with bated breath while Eva looked her over.

  “Oh my God. You are the most stunning woman I have ever seen. Xavier, Lach, and Will won’t be able to take their eyes off of you.”

  “What?” Kylie squawked and then cleared her throat.

  “Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the way they all look at you.”

  “Don’t start, Eva.” Kylie snatched the emerald-green high heels from her friend’s hand and bent to put them on.

  “Make sure you don’t bend over like that on the day of the wedding, because you will have every male eye pinned to that hole in the dress, wondering if your boobs will fall out.” Eva chuckled.

  “They won’t. I already checked. The support in the bodice will prevent me from flashing anyone.” Kylie straightened up and looked at Eva. “There is no way in hell I’m getting involved with anyone.”

  “Do you like the dress?” Eva asked.

  Kylie narrowed her eyes and stared at her friend. She knew damn well that Eva was ignoring her last statement.

  “Yes. I would feel more comfortable if there were a little more to it, though.”

  “Kylie, you have never seen how pretty you are. I wish you would see yourself the way I see you. You are gorgeous, girl, and will have every single man at the wedding vying for your attention.”

  “I don’t want a man in my life, Eva. God, I have a lunatic stalking me. The last thing I need or want is a relationship right now.”

  “You want them just as much as they want you. Did you think I didn’t notice the way you were looking at them over breakfast? The sexual tension between you four was so thick I could have cut it with my knife.”

  “Just because I’m attracted to them doesn’t mean a thing.” Kylie began to carefully remove the dress with the curtain still open so she could see Eva as they talked. “They are arrogant, conceited, bossy assholes, and I don’t want anything to do with them.”

  “You’re lying to yourself, Kylie.” Eva sighed as she took the dress from her. “They may seem arrogant and domineering, but they are just what you need. If it hadn’t been for those three men cajoling and pushing you, you wouldn’t have eaten your breakfast. Do you think I didn’t notice you hardly ate anything last night? That you just pushed your food around your plate pretending to eat? You have lost too much weight, girlfriend. I’m worried about you. You have dark smudges beneath your eyes from lack of sleep and your ribs are poking through your skin. You’re beginning to look anorexic.”

  Kylie sighed but didn’t argue with Eva. What could she say to the truth? Kylie had lost just over ten pounds and although she had been healthy, she’d always been on the lighter side of her ideal weight for her height. She’d been living on fear and nerves too long, and it was starting to show. Maybe now that she was away from her hometown and that asshole, she could begin to relax a little. But deep down she knew he would catch up to her. Somehow, someway, her life was in danger and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

  * * * *

  Will studied the sketch the police artist in Sheridan had compiled from the information Kylie had given him, and then handed it to Xavier, frustrated that Kylie hadn’t been able to see the shape of his eyes or their color.

  After breakfast, Will, Xavier, and Lachlan as well as their cousins went down to the sheriff’s department to visit Damon Osborn and Luke Sun-Walk
er to see what information they could dig up about Kylie’s stalker. What worried Will the most was that if the prick managed to track Kylie to Slick Rock, she may not recognize him and she would be in danger.

  “Has any information been found on this fucker?” Lach asked Sheriff Luke Sun-Walker.


  “I’ve done a complete nationwide data check,” Sheriff Damon Osborn said. “No alerts came up.”

  “Fuck.” Will burst to his feet and began to pace in the sheriff’s office. “I hate this shit. Surely someone somewhere knows who he is. A man doesn’t change his spots overnight. He had to have broken the law before now.”

  “Surely there have been other reports of rape, right, Sheriff?”

  “Women, yes, but men is another story.” Luke sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I’ll go through the database and see if there have been any reports on rape against males, but you and I both know that not all crimes are reported.

  “From the description on the bottom of the artist’s depiction, the perpetrator is one large, mean son of a bitch. Ms. Mailing’s description was also a little vague. She couldn’t see his eyes or really tell what color his hair was. Without more precise information this is like looking for a needle in a haystack.”

  “I would suggest you stay close to your woman.” Damon tapped a couple of keys on his keyboard and then looked at each of them. “Stay vigilant and don’t let her out of your sight.”

  “Easier said than done,” Xavier muttered.

  “God, I’m so glad we are past the wooing stage with Eva.” Quin smirked.

  “Felicity gave Tom, Billy, and me a run for our money.” Luke smiled.

  “Rachel kept Tyson, Sam, and me on our toes, too,” Damon said.

  “Just make sure you go slowly with her,” Gray suggested. “If you push her too far, I can see her running.”

  “Okay, let’s go join our women for lunch at the diner.” Lach folded the picture and put it in his pocket.

  “Don’t worry too much about Kylie.” Luke stood and shook his hand. “I’ve already got all the men in town on alert. If any strangers show up in Slick Rock, we’ll be ready.”

  “Thanks, Luke, Damon.” Will shook Damon’s hand and headed out. His brothers and cousins joined him after saying good-bye to the law officers.

  They were already waiting at the diner when the women arrived. Will looked Kylie over and was pleased to see her safe and sound. He hated to see her looking so tense and tired, but there wasn’t really anything he could do about it. At least not yet. What he wouldn’t give to have her in his arms with her naked body along his. He pushed his thoughts aside when he noticed Kylie’s frown and the way she was looking out the window as she followed Eva to the booth.

  He scanned the area but couldn’t see anything, so he turned his gaze back to Kylie. Her face was paler than normal and he wondered if she was feeling sick. Eva sat down in the booth across from theirs with her men, and when he saw Kylie eying the space next to Pierson, he rose to his feet and maneuvered around until he blocked that seat. Kylie had no choice but to sit with him and his brothers.

  She gave him a glare and practically threw herself down on the seat in a fit of pique and then snatched up the menu and pointedly ignored him and his brothers. Will glanced at his brothers and saw the humor in their eyes, just as he tried to school his own features, so as to not upset Kylie, his brothers did the same.

  The waitress approached their table and stopped with her pen and pad in hand. “What will you have?” she asked.

  Will, Xavier, and Lach ordered and waited while Kylie did the same. He was about to step in when she ordered a salad, but Xavier beat him to it. “And another burger with the lot.”

  The waitress moved across to the other booth and Will waited for the explosion, counting in his head, wondering how long it would take.

  One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six…

  “Just who the hell do you think you are?” Kylie snapped. “I’m a grown woman and have been taking care of myself for a long time. I don’t need you or your Neanderthal brothers taking over my life.”

  “Then start acting like an adult and I will treat you like one,” Xavier said in a cold, hard voice.

  “Xavier.” Will glared at his brother.

  Kylie made a growling noise in her throat and then turned toward him. “Let me out.”

  “No,” Will replied calmly.

  “Look, you arrogant ass, I need to use the ladies’ room. So unless you want to be cleaning up a puddle off the floor, you will let me out this instant.”

  Will eyed the furious woman beside him. He didn’t think she really needed the bathroom, but he wasn’t about to stop her going if that’s what she wanted. Beneath that furious glare he could see desire and her need to ignore it. Kylie Mailing wasn’t only running from the asshole after her, she was running from him and his brothers as well as herself. But that was about to change. He wasn’t going to let her ignore the feelings she had for him and his brothers. Usually he was the patient one out of the three of them, but this time he wasn’t about to hang back. It was too important that he and his brothers get Kylie within the circle of their arms where they could keep her safe from her stalker and also from herself.

  She needed them more than she knew.

  The food was brought out and still there was no sight of Kylie. She had been gone for nearly ten minutes and he was beginning to get worried. Trying to act casual so Eva wouldn’t notice that her friend was no longer sitting down, he sauntered toward the back hall, where the restrooms were situated. Will knocked but was met with no immediate reply. He put his ear to the door and was ready to knock again, this time harder, when he heard the sounds of muffled sobs coming from the other side. That was more than he could stand to hear. He flung open the door, and what he saw tore his heart out. Kylie was sitting on the floor against the wall underneath the pair of hand dryers, with her knees drawn up and her arms wrapped around her legs. Her head was resting on her knees and her hair was obscuring her face. Her shoulders were shaking and she was gasping for breath.

  Will hurried over and sat on the floor beside her. Kylie was so caught up in her misery that she didn’t even notice, or if she did she didn’t show it. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and another around her tiny waist and scooped her up and onto his lap. She looked up for a second and then she buried her face against his chest. Her whole body was trembling from her efforts to hold her emotions in.

  “Let it out, sweetheart.” He ran a soothing hand up and down her back. “I’ll hold you and keep you safe.”

  Will continued to hold her while she cried, and finally her trembling abated and he suspected so did her tears. Finally she lifted her head and swiped at the moisture on her cheeks with the backs of her hands.

  “Are you okay, honey?”

  “Yeah,” she answered on a hiccup. “I’m sorry. I don’t normally cry.”

  “Kylie, don’t you dare be sorry. You’ve been living under a lot of stress and not sleeping. It’s all taking a toll and has to compound and come out sometime.”

  “I’m sorry I snapped at you before.”

  “Don’t worry about it, sweet thang. We all need to let off steam now and then.”

  Kylie must have realized where she was and tilted her head slightly before asking, “What are you doing in the ladies’ bathroom?”

  “I was worried when you didn’t come back after a bit, so I decided to check on you.”

  “Oh.” She tried pushing the arm around her waist away, but he was having none of that. Not when he had finally got her where he wanted her.

  “Are you hungry?” Will asked. He’d intended the double entendre, but realized that she hadn’t caught it once she answered him with a slight smile.

  “Yes, actually I am.”

  “Good.” Will decided to let her see how hungry he was. “So am I.”

  He lowered his head and brushed his lips back and forth over hers. At first she stiffened in his arms, but a
s he continued to ply light kisses on her mouth, she relaxed against him. He slid his tongue across the seam of her mouth and she opened up to him on a sigh. That was all he had been waiting for, a green light from her to take the kiss deeper. He thrust his tongue inside and tasted her. She was everything he thought she would be and a hell of a lot more. She was home and hearth and desire and sex all rolled into one slim package.

  He groaned into her mouth and slid his tongue along hers. She kissed him back just as voraciously, and she shifted on his lap, making his half-hard cock suddenly stiffen completely. Without breaking the kiss, he shifted his hands to her waist and lifted her until she was straddling his hips. Her soft breasts smashed up against his chest and her hard little nipples stabbed him.

  Will knew he couldn’t take this any further. He was already in danger of coming in his pants, since he could feel the moist heat of her pussy against his hard cock through the fabric of their jeans, but this wasn’t the place to continue seducing her. They were in the women’s restroom in the diner, for God’s sake, and anyone could walk in at any moment. He began to run his hands up and down her back and arms, which she had linked around his neck, and then eased the hungry kisses down until he was sipping at her lips. Finally he pulled his mouth away from hers and stared into her passion-glazed green eyes.

  She was a stunning woman and had no idea how much she affected him and his brothers. Her face and neck were also flushed a red hue and he wondered how far down that flush went.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “You and I both know that this attraction between us is a two-way street, sweetheart. Don’t you dare say that you didn’t enjoy that as much as I did!”

  Kylie pushed against his shoulder and scrambled to her feet. She kept her face turned away from him, but he could see her profile in the mirror on the wall, and he gained his feet with a sigh.

  “Look, just because I am attracted to you doesn’t give you license to paw me whenever you want,” Kylie snapped. “I have enough to worry about without dealing with you and your domineering brothers. Just leave me the hell alone.”


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