Ginger Bites

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Ginger Bites Page 3

by Hart, Crymsyn

  Cameron put a hand on his arm. “I know. Believe me. I know. Look, call this woman. I won’t give you any more excuses because I can see that you’re not going to let off her until you call her. If she likes you, and she’s not opposed to werewolves, then we’ll see.”

  He forced a smile and refrained from pulling his friend into a hug. “Thanks, man. It means a lot to me.”

  “Yeah, whatever. I don’t need the gushy shit. Sometimes you’re such a woman. I’ll try and give you some privacy, as little as we can give one another. I’ll just be up ahead.”

  Zach nodded and watched the other wolf walk a little ways down the street. He dug into his pocket and found the crumpled up card with her number on it. His palms grew sweaty just at the thought of calling her and he was not sure why. This had never happened before with any woman. He pulled out his cell phone and punched in the number.

  He took in a deep breath and stared at the phone for a second before putting it to his ear. It rang a couple of times before she answered the phone. “Hello.” Her sweet voice came on.

  His throat went dry when he tried to speak. Damn it. Get a hold of yourself. Just say hi.

  “Hello, who is this?” the bakery woman asked.

  “Umm… you probably don’t remember me. But my friend and I were in your bakery the other day. We’re having a party you were going to cater it for us. You gave my friend and me your number.”

  “Oh, yeah, I remember. You two come as a pair, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me.” Zach leaned against the wall and mentally crossed his fingers, hoping she would say yes. A bead of sweat slid down the bridge of his nose.

  “It’s something that we can do. When do you want to pick me up?”


  She giggled. “Yes, really. I’m not afraid of a couple of werewolves. What time will you come and get me tomorrow night?”

  “How about eight? Will that work for you?”

  “Yes. Come to the bakery. I’ll be waiting.”


  “By the way, my name’s Ginger.” Then she hung up the phone.

  Relief flooded him. This gave him something to look forward to. Zach slipped his phone into his pocket and walked back toward Cameron. His friend was leaning on the car with a big smile on his face.

  “So what time are we picking her up?” Cameron asked.

  “How did you know she’d actually go out with me?”

  He slapped his shoulder. “Because you’re irresistible.”

  “Fuck you, Cameron.”

  “You wish.”

  “So I’m picking her up at eight tomorrow night.”

  “Great. Now let’s get out of this fucking storm.”

  “Agreed.” Zach slipped into the car and, for the first time in a long time, hope lightened his heart.

  Chapter Three

  Ginger hung up the phone and glanced at Christian. Her friend peered over the top of her glasses at her from the cupcakes she was decorating. The pastry bag in her hand had broken open at the side, smearing red over the back of her hand. Bags adorned her eyes from the late nights they had been pulling to complete all the orders they had and were still getting.

  “So who was that?” Christian asked and wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, smearing the frosting on her forehead.

  Ginger felt a pang of guilt for not helping her friend with the baking, but if she so much as brushed her skin against any kind of confection it went sour. She usually wore gloves when she was in the front of the house checking out customers and never went near the ovens. Ginger had an innate fear of them because she had come to consciousness surrounded by flames licking at her skin. Under the heavy-duty frosting she wore over her cracks, her toes and her two little fingers were slightly singed.

  “You gonna keep me in suspense? Please don’t tell me it was another customer. We can’t take any more orders. I’ve already told the others we’re booked solid.”

  “You know I’d grab a spoon and mix something if I could.”

  Christian took a swig of water and chuckled. “We don’t need another Christmas disaster. I remember the stories my mother told me about the Christmas of ‘84.”

  Ginger hung her head. Memories of that fateful holiday season flashed in her mind when the family had to deal with an emergency and had left her in charge. Ginger knew how to cook and bake, but when she had tried her hand at baking cookies or making frosting it all went to hell. She had only done it because with the family gone, two of the bakers had come down with the flu. That had been challenging and she had burned through several pair of rubber dishwashing gloves to make sure most of her arms were covered from all the frosting and batter that splashed on them. Although it was better to ruin the gloves than have anything go bad from her touching it. “Yeah, that was bad, but on my defense, I did the best I could. At least I didn’t burn down the place.”

  “True. Mom would’ve been pissed. So who was on the phone? A guy?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. One of those two who wants us to do their party next weekend. The ones with the wolf cake.”

  An oven dinged and Christian pulled out a batch of fresh cupcakes. “Nice. So you going out with one or both?”

  “One to start with. Both in the end, I think. They did say they were a package deal.”

  “I envy you, Ging. Two guys at once. Sometimes I wish your supernatural charm would rub off on me.”

  Ginger ran her fingers through her hair and came away with a couple of strands caught in a chipped nail. Shit. I’m starting to dry out again. I’m going to have to eat soon. “You really don’t want what I have.”

  “I’m just saying you get hit on by the hottest guys. I know you don’t like the consequences of what you are, but I’d like to have a date once in a while.”

  “Sorry. I’m just a little uptight. I’m going to have to eat soon. Guess there wasn’t enough meat on the last guy’s bones.”

  “I’m sure you’re going to bone the both of them. Have fun.” The bell rang in the front of the shop. She sighed and dropped her head “Your turn. After them, close up.”

  Ginger nodded and went out into the shop. The cases were almost empty. When she looked outside, it was snowing harder and traffic was slowing down. It was going to be a long storm. She could feel it. The city workers were going to be busy plowing the streets, but the cold did not bother her. Instead, she focused on the man before her. The customer was dressed in a long black overcoat with snow dusting his shoulders. He was pale with dark, piercing eyes with brown hair that was caught up in a ponytail that hung down his back. Something about him raked over her nerves. It was the way the air moved over and around him. She inhaled, but did not smell him. He was definitely a supernatural creature. Her grip on the counter tightened as she waited to see what he was going to do.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  “Don’t you remember an old friend?”

  Ginger studied him again and a distant memory sparked inside of her mind. She saw him dressed in a black cape instead of the trench coat. His hair was not pulled back into a ponytail, but hanging loosely around his shoulders. He had round sunglasses obscuring his eyes and a black top hat on his head. Underneath the cloak was a well-tailored suit. When he smiled at her, it all clicked into place. A bolt of surprise went through her. She bounced out from behind the counter and jumped into his arms.

  “Jarreth, by the gods, what are you doing here? How are you?” Ginger hugged him harder.

  He returned the hug and set her down. “I’m well. You’re looking as scrumptious as ever.”

  She hit his shoulder. “Liar. From what I remember, you hate gingerbread.”

  “All because of you. Biting into you was the worst thing I ever did. Made me hate gingerbread for the rest of eternity. I even chipped a fang because of you.”

  “You never told me that.”

  Jarreth shrugged. “Never occurred to me then. I was just astonished that
your blood tasted like molasses. You looked and still look bitable, but underneath that soft exterior is that hard cookie that won’t crumble. Still having to eat people or did you find a cure for that?”

  She studied her hands and picked at the chip in her red nail polish. “Unfortunately. Enough about me. What about you? Still outlawed by the other vampires?”

  “Nope. I’m not widely accepted, but they don’t shun me anymore. And I have a mate. She’s shopping for some new Christmas decorations. She is obsessed with the holiday. We were walking along, looking at the window displays, and I caught a familiar scent. Your particular fragrance of gingerbread is a little bit different than any of the others I’ve come across.”

  “Really? I smell bad.”

  “Not bad. You have a little more molasses in your mix. So I knew I had to come in and say hello.”

  “Ginger, did you need any help?” Christian stuck her head through the opening in the swinging door.

  She glanced behind her. “No, I’m good, Chris. Hey, you got a sec?”

  Her friend came into the front of the house. “Yeah. What’s up?” She wiped her hands on her apron.

  “This is Jarreth. He’s an old friend of mine.”

  Jarreth took Christian’s hand and kissed the back of it. “Charmed. You’re the owner of this wonderful establishment?”

  Christian blushed. “Yes. You’re a friend of Ginger’s? She’s never mentioned you. How long have you known her?”

  “Oh, about a century or so. Or at least it seems that way.”

  “It’s okay. She knows about me.”

  The vampire seemed to visibly relax. “Wonderful. I’m sure it’s good to have someone to confide in. She part of the family you protect?”

  “I am. Eleventh generation and counting. So are you a cookie come to life too?” Christian asked.

  “Not exactly. I’m a little more sanguine than that. You could say Dracula and I are cousins so to speak.”

  Ginger watched the other woman’s reaction and saw the color drain from her face. Christian yanked her hand away from Jarreth’s and backed away. “Wait. You’re telling me that you’re a vampire? How is that possible? Ginger?”

  “I’m sorry. I thought you knew considering Ginger is her own supernatural creature. Haven’t you told your family about the other races walking the earth?”

  “Christian, it’s okay. He’s not going to hurt you. And no, Jarreth, I haven’t talked to her about the others. I didn’t think it was that important unless something came after her. I hate to say this, but maybe you should leave.”

  Jarreth sighed. “Okay. I don’t want to make your friend uncomfortable. I’m sorry if I scared you. That was not my intention.” He wrapped Ginger into a hug. His cold body pressed against her and she suppressed a shiver.

  She inhaled again and smelled the copper on his breath. His muscles were hard and she remembered the first time she had been in his arms. When she had first been in his embrace centuries ago, she had thought for a split second that he might have been the one who would break her spell. Then she had sensed he was something other than human and her dreams had been crushed. After he had sunk his fangs into her and they had reconciled, they became friends. And as all things in her life seemed to happen, he disappeared into the night. Ginger assumed that was the way of vampires.

  “It was good to see you. Now that I know where you work, I’ll stop in again and we can do some more catching up. I’m sure you’ll end up finding someone to make you happy, the way I am.”

  “Sounds like a good plan.” Ginger kissed his cheek and backed away. She pulled Christian to her and watched the vampire walk out of the bakery and vanish into the darkness. Once the snow swallowed him up, she turned her attention back to her friend.

  “Was he really a vampire?” Christian asked.

  “Yeah. I wasn’t expecting him. I’m sorry if he spooked you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about vampires? Are there other things out there you’re not telling me about?”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t think it was important. Not many people can handle the fact there are other supernatural creatures out there. I’ve always protected your family from anything that would harm them.”

  Her friend’s forehead creased. “Has there ever been a threat to the family? To me?”

  Ginger sighed, flipped the sign to closed, and locked the front door. A wave of relief washed over her. Tomorrow night she had a date and maybe it would end differently than most of her dates. Maybe this one would live. She thought about all the supernatural creatures she had come across over the years. Vampires, werewolves, shape shifters, fairies, other magically created beings, yeti, and other things that she had no name for. The wizard who created her had other magical creatures he kept captive. She seemed to be the only one he had doted over except for the werewolves he had an affinity for. They were always his pets and she steered clear of them because they were twisted creatures, torn from their original shape and morphed into some mixture of human and wolf. They were kept on silver chains and unleashed when the wizard wanted to enact justice. When she had finally escaped, the wolves were on patrol and she had caught her master off guard. Into the fire he went. His screams had been the sound that she heard while she escaped to freedom. Knowing that the sorcerer was dead had given her some comfort over the years.

  “No. I’ve run into I don’t know how many things over the years. Most don’t sense what I am until they come upon me munching on some innocent man. You probably pass by some paranormal creature every day and never even know it. Like those two guys that came in here, the ones we’re doing the party for next weekend.”

  “What are they?”


  Christian leaned against the counter and shook her head. “This is a lot for me to take in, Ging. I can deal with your situation, but…”

  “Can you really, Chris? Have you ever really sat down and thought about exactly what I do? I don’t walk away from a date and leave them snuggled in their beds. I eat them. I tear them to pieces and eat the juiciest parts. Sometimes all of them, depending on how long I want my appearance to last. Do you know how many people I’ve had to kill to survive?”

  “Shut up! Shut up!”

  Ginger glanced at her friend and saw the tears streaking down her cheeks. They had always been friends. She had been the other woman’s caregiver, her nanny, her older sister, and her best friend all rolled into one. They had done almost everything together and she protected her, but in the end, Christian was human. The consequences of her lifestyle had never truly dawned on her. Ginger sank down next to her friend. “Look, I’m sorry for the shock to your system. You know I would never hurt you.”

  “Really? Just because you swore not to eat my family doesn’t mean you won’t one day get mad at me and decide to get rid of me. All those innocent men you devoured through the years…”

  “I told you how I lived a long time ago. If I could change it, I would. I just want to be human. I go on. Being immortal has been so much fun. But hey, I understand if you want to tell me to go to hell. Many of your relatives have. You know where I am if you want to talk.” Ginger slipped out into the back and grabbed her purse. She needed some air and time to think. This was not the first time she had to deal with this situation and she prayed that Christian would come to an understanding that she did not enjoy doing what she did. Every time Ginger fed it took a little bit of her humanity with it and worsened the guilt. Of all the lives she had taken over the years, she prayed it would stop and one day she would end up being mortal. And that was the reason she kept on because maybe one day she would be free. Maybe one of the pair she was going out with would be the one. All she had to do was go out with them and see.

  The cold air of the storm tingled her skin, but she did not really feel the frigid temperature. The snow settled on her arms and the sound of Christmas music filled the air. Each store window was decorated with artificial trees, sporting green and red baubles. Some trees
were decked with popcorn and fake cranberry strings with slivers of tinsel tangled in the branches. She had always enjoyed in the past when a tree was trimmed with candles and ribbons. Some of the pre-lit trees were fuchsia and turquoise, but Ginger preferred the real thing. She wished the world had not spiraled into merchandising and commercializing Christmas. It was so much easier when gifts were given and people gathered because they wanted to reconnect. Maybe that was one of the reasons she had stayed with Christian’s family. They made her feel wanted. They allowed her to share their lives and every year she was grateful for that. Now, with Christian questioning everything that she knew, Ginger wondered if her time with the family had come to an end.

  I can’t think about that. I have to focus on the future. No matter what happens, I’ll always watch out for her. She’s my friend. I’ll always look after her.

  Chapter Four

  Zach double checked his appearance one last time in the bathroom mirror and slicked his hair back just to make sure he looked okay for his date with Ginger. Butterflies had roosted in his stomach and long ago turned into rabid turtle doves that were now dive bombing his insides just to keep him jumpy. Nothing could calm him. Even his wolf was nervous and he was not used to that. Normally, Zach was confident and had no problem picking up women.

  “Don’t you look handsome?” Cameron leaned on the bathroom door.

  “Stop being a smart ass.”

  “Who says I’m being a smart ass? I’m quite serious. Come on, hot shot, before you’re late and your date turns into a frozen candy cane. I’ll sit in the back. Don’t worry.”

  He shook his head and wondered what Ginger was going to say having the two of them in the car. They climbed into the car and drove to the bakery. She was waiting outside as though the cold did not bother her. Her green dress accentuated her eyes and showed off all her curves. She had on black shoes and a black shawl. Her breath hung in the air like a crystalized mist before it evaporated. A foot and a half of snow had fallen the night before and the crews had been out for hours trying to clean it up. The roads had been salted and some of the cars had been plowed in. Luckily, there was a spot in front of the bakery he wedged the car into and hopped out.


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