Ginger Bites

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Ginger Bites Page 4

by Hart, Crymsyn

  “Hello,” he said to Ginger.

  Her lips formed into a smile. “Hello.”

  Seeing her grin made the turtle doves begin pecking at his insides again. He grimaced and wiped his palms on his pants. “Hi.”

  Ginger grinned and wrapped the shawl around her a little tighter. “Hi. Didn’t we already do this?”

  “Right. Sorry. Come on into the car.” He opened the passenger side door for her so she could climb in. Zach closed the door and caught Cameron’s sly smile. Ginger turned and saw him in the backseat.

  “Hi! I didn’t realize I was going out with the two of you.”

  Zach’s mouth went dry as he slid back into his seat. He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were white. “He…um…we…”

  Cameron stuck out his hand and took Ginger’s. A little bit of jealousy enveloped Zach. “I’m Cameron. I’m not sure you remember me from the other day.”

  “I remember the both of you. You look like twins and you’re both wolves. I guess there’s a story behind that. So are the three of us going to dinner? I don’t mind.” Ginger smiled at Cameron and laid her other hand on Zach’s leg and moved it along his inner thigh.

  His cock stirred at the thought of being with Ginger and his pulse raced. The fragrance of gingerbread he had been obsessing over filled his senses. He tried to shake it, but it made his mouth water. All Zach desired was to capture her lips or taste her skin and see if she tasted the same way she smelled. He assumed it was because she worked in the bakery and all that would be around her was gingerbread. It seemed ingrained in her very flesh.

  “We can work something out. I wasn’t planning on infringing on your evening, but due to our special circumstances we have to be near one another,” Cameron explained.

  “Really? Does it have to do with you being wolves?” Ginger asked as Zach pulled out onto the road.

  He focused on not getting into an accident and pushed the thought of how she would taste from his mind at least long enough so that they could get to the restaurant.

  “It’s not because we’re werewolves or in a relationship if that was what you were thinking,” Cameron said.

  “That was one thought, but to each their own,” Ginger responded.

  “It’s because of something we did when we were young. Part of our curse,” Zach said to her, hoping she would not ask any more questions. That would mean more answers. He was not ready to get into those right away if she was not going to be the one for the both of them.

  A sudden jolt of pain ran up his leg when she dug her nails into his jeans. He grunted in pain, but kept his gaze on the street. From the corner of his eye, it appeared her pale skin went even whiter. She grew quiet and had a faraway look in her eyes.

  “Did we say something that upset you?” Zach inquired.

  Ginger shook her head. “No. Nothing. I’ve had my own run in with curses. That’s all.”

  “Are you going to tell us how you know we are werewolves?” Cameron asked.

  Ginger flinched at the question. Zach caught his friend’s eye in the review mirror and shot him a dirty look. The other wolf shrugged. Zach patted Ginger’s hand. She gave him a warm look and a little smile turned up the corners of her mouth. Although he did wonder how she did know they were wolves, it was not like they were going to question her to death.

  “Don’t worry about it. If you don’t want to talk about anything that’s off limits just let us know.”

  Ginger returned the small squeeze on his hand. “Thanks. I appreciate that. There’s a lot about me that I don’t get into.”

  “Sorry I brought it up,” Cameron grumbled.

  She turned to him. “That’s okay. You didn’t know. Maybe some other time.” She took out a small compact mirror from her purse and checked her makeup while Zach pulled into the restaurant parking lot.

  He parked and watched Ginger for a few minutes while she made sure she was perfect, but to him she didn’t need anything to make her any more beautiful. Zach ran a thumb down her cheek savoring the smoothness of her skin. “I think you’re gorgeous just the way you are. You’re one of those women who doesn’t need any cosmetics.”

  Her cheeks reddened. “Thank you. A girl can never be too careful. I always have to check if there are cracks in my face.”

  Zach was mesmerized by her stunning green gaze and her perfect smile. He slid his fingers under her chin and eased her close so that he was inches from tasting her lips. Her breath was warm against his flesh and smelled of peppermint. It stirred his craving for her even more. He was almost there, but Cameron’s cough from the backseat interrupted the mood. Zach ground his teeth together and shot his wolf friend a murderous glance. Ginger pulled away and the crimson deepened along her cheekbones.

  “We should go inside. I hope you don’t mind that Cameron is with us,” Zach said.

  She shook her head. “I don’t mind at all.”

  A playful smile returned to her face and lit up her eyes. It stirred his dick even more. It was all he could do not to take her in the front seat of the car. It was agony not being alone with the woman he was falling for. His wolf wanted to claim her right there. But he had to wait. She slipped out of the car and Cameron wound his fingers through hers. Zach took her other hand and it felt warmer than even his. It was quite comforting and also made her more intriguing. He wished he could get her to talk more. Hopefully, their date would go well and they would not scare her off.

  Once they were inside the restaurant, they were seated by the hostess. Zach sat across from Ginger and Cameron took another table near them. Ginger glanced back at his friend and then at Zach.

  “I thought the three of us were going to have dinner together?”

  “He’ll join us later, I’m sure. Right now he’s just giving us some time to get to know one another first. See if we’re compatible. You were right though about us being twins. We’re alike in many ways and vastly different in others.”

  The waiter came around to take their drink order.

  Ginger addressed the waiter. “Gin and tonic for me. Couple of extra limes on the side, please.”

  “Okay. For you, sir?”


  The waiter left to get their drinks. Zach perused the menu and glanced at Ginger over the top of it. She seemed to be looking over the menu, but he caught her gaze lifting over the menu and studying him. He chuckled and stretched his hand over the tabletop. Ginger slid her hand into his. “Ginger, how much do you know about werewolves? I’m not trying to pry into your past, but if you know a good deal about us, then it’d make some things easier about our relationship.”

  She was about to answer when the server returned with their drinks. He set them down on the table and he took their orders. Zach got a rare steak and she got the same which surprised him. When they were alone with the bread, he tore a piece off and checked on Cameron, who was sipping on a beer. He raised the bottle, acknowledging them.

  “Why do you want to know how much I know about wolves? I already know what you are, so does it matter?”

  Zach swirled the bourbon, listening to the ice cubes clink against the edge of the glass. “It matters because it’d help me explain about how Cameron and I are. About how wolves meet their mates. If you already know about our mating habits then I don’t need to tell you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Mate?” She nearly choked on her drink and set it down with a shaky hand.

  Shit. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have put it that way, but you knew what we were so I assumed that you knew more about us than…”

  “No. It’s okay. I understand now. In the car, when we were talking about curses, it brought back a lot of memories. I normally try not to remember my past.”

  “Painful?” Zach asked. He watched the recollections play across her face and saw her wince at something that must have popped into her mind.

  “You could say that. I know more about werewolves than most supernaturals know. It’s not normally something I get into.”

  “I don’t mean to drag up bad memories. I have a few of those too.”

  She took a sip of her drink and set it down when the waiter delivered their food. He waited until the waiter left. “If we could change the past, we wouldn’t be who we are today.”

  “Yeah, that’s very true.”

  “What is it that you’re ashamed of? That put this curse on you?”

  Zach shook his head. “If I tell you, then you have to answer my questions.”

  “Okay. That’s fair.”

  He stared at the blood seeping from the steak and gripped the knife. It reminded him of Gretchen’s blood so many years ago spreading across the cobblestones. Her golden hair had been matted with it. It had been his fault. If he had told her what he was or that Cameron was the same as him, if she had not come upon them when she did, she never would have been frightened. And if her father…no, it was already too late. That was the past and he could do nothing to change it.

  “A long time ago, there was this woman. She was the daughter of a powerful man and Cameron and I were both in love with her. We weren’t close then. Yeah, we shared the same pack, but he was the pack leader’s son and I was nothing. Gretchen couldn’t make up her mind who she wanted. Her father preferred Cameron, of course, but I always liked to think that Gretchen had more of a thing for me. Cameron and I got into a fight over her. We transformed in front of her before we even knew she was there. Gretchen bolted from the room. We chased her, but in her terror, she missed the stairs and tumbled to the floor below. The impact split her head open. Not even her father, who knew about herbs, could save her.”

  Ginger threaded her fingers through his. “That’s a horrible way to lose someone you care about. How was it you were cursed?” Ginger asked.

  Zach tried to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. “I was young, Cameron too. We were both infatuated with her. I didn’t want her as a mate, but she was beautiful and I did love her. She was the Master’s daughter and supposed to be untouchable.”

  “Master? Were you his slave or something?”

  Zach realized he had slipped up. He stabbed his steak until it was nothing more than a massacred piece of meat and he realized he felt that way too. All used up. It had been so long since he had anyone to call his own. Sometimes the endless years with scores of women, who paraded through them, he wondered if he would ever find a reprieve. That was exactly what the wizard’s curse was meant to do, make them suffer the way he had suffered. After that, the man had tried different creations to replace his daughter, but none of them had ever come out quite right. Zach quaked at the memory of some of the grotesqueries he saw.

  If Ginger knew about werewolves, then she must have known about other paranormal creatures. She appeared to be a straight forward human, but there was something about her. Something that rubbed on him and gave him a familiar feel the longer he was around her. It was more than the instinct to be her mate. It he could just put his finger on it. The wizard had never ruled over them that they could not talk about him to outsiders.

  “Most werewolves live a couple of centuries. Maybe two and a half, but the curse on Cameron and me has made us live for over four and a half centuries. We stopped aging. The only way our blight can be broken is for both of us to find the same mate. If only one of us finds a woman and she’s not compatible with the both of us then our curse kicks in and we become half wolf, half man.”

  Ginger cut into her steak and took a bite of it. “That’s awful. I know that’s not how long wolves are supposed to live. And the form you’re assuming is not natural. It must hurt.”

  He nodded. “It hurts like hell, but I don’t have a choice. It’s also the reason we’re so close to one another. If we’re more than a hundred feet apart, then we start to change. Although it starts slow and then the pain increases. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. So, I’ve told you about us. Now it’s your turn to share.”

  Ginger shook her head. “You did and I appreciate that. My life sounds as complicated as yours. Before I get into mine, you mentioned mates. Is that why you’re out with me because you think I’m your mate?”

  Zach winced at the comment. He was hoping she would not pick up on that. Now that she had brought it up, he could not ignore it. He noticed Cameron observing them intently. Cameron was about to get up, but he waved him back. There was no reason for him to come over until he found out if Ginger was even interested in him.

  “Yes. Ever since the bakery, I can’t wipe you from my mind. I normally don’t make a fool of myself with women. I’m pretty levelheaded and I don’t tell strange women I meet in bakeries about werewolves. So, yeah, I think about you constantly and it’s interfering with everything else. So I think you might be my mate. I’m nervous as hell being here which is unlike me. Each time I inhale your scent, all I smell is gingerbread. Tell me I’m wrong, but you have to be the one.”

  She leaned back in her chair and ran her fingers through her hair. The red strands caught the light and accentuated her pale skin. “We don’t know if I’m the mate for your other werewolf. Let’s see.” Ginger got up and walked over to Cameron. She whispered something in his ear and then kissed him quickly on the lips.

  Zach’s wolf growled at the show of affection, but he wrestled with his inner beast and tried to remember that if they were going to be with the same woman then they had to share. He had to be sure it was all for the right reasons. He had to be sure that she was the one that they could both be with. Cameron leaned into the kiss and slipped his hand around her waist. It appeared he was attracted to her, but was his wolf into her?

  That was the big question.

  Chapter Five

  Ginger sat in the front seat of Zach’s car with Cameron in the back. Their dinner conversation spun in her mind. So did the kiss she had shared with Cameron. The imprint of his lips still burned against hers. He had been the one of the two that she had first been attracted to. It was he that had made her feel all tingly inside. Zach had caught her off guard. When she touched him the pull was there too. She was not sure if they were both her mates or if she was feeling something for one and transposing it to the other one. When she had kissed Cameron, her insides had trembled and she had wanted to fall into his arms. Would Zach make her feel the same way? If he did, then maybe they were both the men for her. She could not help but laugh at the idea that they were worried about eating her. But she was worried about eating them. So far, her exterior had not cracked. I hope it doesn’t come down to either one of them. They do seem nice.

  The car lurched forward and she realized it had come to a stop. Both wolves climbed out and Cameron opened the door for her. She took his hand, the warmth of it enveloped her skin and she was glad to feel that familiar zing that stirred her passion. They led her inside of their house. Zach had inquired about her past and she had deferred the questions. Ginger glanced around the house. It was a mixture of antiques with modern technology that made her head spin. The television was almost as large as the wall and underneath that were several different gaming systems. Mounted in the corners of the room were speakers that would shake the walls and could possibly crumble her to bits if the bass was turned all the way up. Brown leather couches sat in the center of living room and several dark red candles were scattered around the room. An uneasy silence settled over the room. Ginger sighed and glanced between the two them. They were waiting for her to make the next move. Honestly, she was waiting to see what her next move would be.

  Just earlier she had revealed herself to Christian and she feared she had lost her friend. Now she would not be able to go back and tell her how her date had gone. I can’t think about her right now. I have to focus on these two wolves who are praying they don’t have to kill me. And I’m wondering if I won’t have to eat them. What a pickle I’ve gotten myself into.

  “So how in the world do you figure out if someone is your mate?” she asked, dared a small smile, and met each of their gazes.

  Zach cupped her face between his hands. He was war
m and she enjoyed that. It made her feel human. He drew her closer until their lips met and he kissed her. When his mouth touched her, it sizzled her cookie core so much she thought her frosting would melt. It was as intense as when she kissed Cameron. It set fire to her nerves and made her almost forget that Cameron was in the room. He slid his fingers along her sides and pulled her close to him. They fit together pretty well. She pulled out of the kiss to regain her breath. Ginger rested her head on his chest and realized she had been clutching his shirt. When she inhaled his musky scent, she did not feel the need to eat anything. That was a good sign. Cameron’s warmth flared behind her and rubbed across her back. His lips pressed on her nape and his hands trailed over her stomach, which turned to flutters and she could not keep her head on straight. Their combined scents came together and she felt something shift inside of her. It seemed her inner cookie was crumbling and she did not know how to keep herself together.

  Ginger moaned. “You have to stop.”

  “Are we hurting you?” Zach asked.

  “No. But before this goes any further, we need to talk. You said that you weren’t sure I was the one for you. How do I know if I spend the night, one of you won’t wolf out and then decide to use me for a midnight snack?”

  Cameron pulled away, leaving her with Zach. When she turned to look back at Cameron, he was breathing hard. So was the other wolf. With them having moved away from her she could concentrate and her head stopped spinning. She faced the two men and took a deep breath.

  “Zach has a point. There is something different about you. I tried to fight it, but I can’t. Even my wolf feels it.” Cameron shook his head.

  “So is that difference a good thing or a bad thing?” she asked.

  Zach stepped closer until he was only inches from her. Even though he was taller than her, she could tell they fit together perfectly. The charge between them pulled her toward him and to Cameron.


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