Ginger Bites

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Ginger Bites Page 5

by Hart, Crymsyn

  “It’s definitely a good thing.” Zach claimed her lips.

  Once his mouth touched hers, a jolt of passion rushed through her. She moaned into his mouth and sunk into the kiss. Ginger fought to regain control of herself, but every instinct in her was to surrender to his arms. Finally, she ran her fingers down his chest. His muscles were defined. Zach moaned. His hands rested on her hips, sliding them along her curves until he cupped her ass and gripped it. She jumped and turned her head to break the kiss.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  Ginger glanced up and saw his blue eyes had turned golden brown. “You taste good.” She ran her nails down his chest and stopped at the waistband of his jeans. If she went any further, this might turn into something she was not expecting. It felt good to be in someone’s arms and it had been a while since she had given herself over to the urges inside of her. Normally, she was so keyed up as to whether or not she would have to breakdown and eat the man. But with them, it was different. Every fiber of her being screamed to give in and just this once she was going to.

  “So what does this mean?” Zach asked.

  “I want you,” Ginger whispered.

  “I’ll give you some privacy then,” Cameron said.

  But Ginger looked at him and saw the hurt in his eyes. “I didn’t say you had to leave.”

  Cameron’s mouth turned up into a smile. “Well, then that changes everything. Is this going to be a problem with you, Zach?”

  Ginger studied the other werewolf and she saw his eyes burning with desire. He took in a deep breath as though he was struggling to hold onto his control. His cock pressed against her thigh so she knew he was ready for her. He gripped her ass a little harder before letting her go and faced Cameron. “No. It won’t be a problem. Just so long as you’re not worried we’ll eat you.”

  She laughed. “I can trust you. I don’t think I’m your type. You might find me too sweet for your taste.”

  Cameron’s arms slipped around her waist. His touch inflamed her desire even more. He kissed her neck and nipped her ear. “I have a sweet tooth. So no worries there.”

  He bit into her neck playfully. Ginger arched her back at the sudden contact while Cameron feathered his fingers up her stomach to cup her breasts. She let her head fall back against his chest and for the first time she started to feel like a normal human. Nothing in her was being triggered that she had to eat these guys. Maybe they were the key to changing her destiny. He brushed his thumbs over her nipples which firmed instantly at his touch.

  “You don’t get to monopolize her, Cam. She did say she wanted both of us,” Zach reminded them. He took her hand and kissed the back of it, sucking one of her fingers into his mouth.

  Ginger shook herself from the daze she had fallen into. “You’re right. So whose bedroom has the biggest bed?” She dislodged herself from both wolves and slipped her shawl off, placing it on the leather couch before her. She headed toward the hallway and plucked off her shoes as she did. Stopping midway down the hallway, she glanced behind her and waited to see if they were coming. So far, they were only watching her. Ginger unzipped the back of her dress and shimmied out of it, leaving it on the floor. They still did not move. She bit her lip and removed her bra and dropped it on top of her dress. Her panties followed. After that they followed.

  “My room has the biggest bed.” Cameron led her through a door at the very end of the hall.

  Ginger and Zach followed him into the room. She watched him hurriedly take off his clothes. Scars marred his chest, telling a story of his life. She traced her finger over a few of them and felt Cameron shiver under it. “Battle scars?”

  He nodded. “Before I was cursed, I was fighting for position in the pack. Being the leader’s son didn’t mean anything.” Cameron cupped her cheek and wound his fingers through her hair. His nostrils flared. “Why is it I smell gingerbread when I’m around you?”

  Panic rushed through her for a moment. Should she tell them what she was? They would have to know eventually. But they did not need to know right at this moment. It would break the mood and she needed this. Needed to know she was wanted and they desired her. She shrugged. “I work in a bakery and it’s the Christmas season. Do you know how many gingerbread cookies we are making?”

  “Right. Sorry,” Cameron apologized.

  “You don’t like the aroma?” she asked.

  “No. It’s great, but it makes me hungry. That’s all,” Cameron said.

  “Me too,” Zach added.

  Ginger looked behind her and saw he was undressed as well. He had scars across his chest too, more so than Cameron. They had both fought their battles and earned the right to be human. She understood how they too yearned to have someone to live for. Hopefully, she could be that someone for them just as she prayed they were the right ones for her.

  “I’m hungry too.” She licked a line across Cameron’s chest, to his throat, and drew his Adam’s apple between her teeth and bit down lightly. He shivered. His hands slid down her hips until he found her moist slit. Ginger jumped when he slipped a finger inside of her. “Shit!”

  “This okay?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She shivered from the unexpected pleasure that it brought her. Ginger thrust her hips forward, craving more of him inside of her, and captured his lips.

  Zach trailed one hand up her spine. It felt as if he was going the wrong way on her skin, causing her to arch her back. Her breasts brushed against Cameron’s chest while she plunged her tongue into his mouth. They met and wound around one another until the wolf pulled away. Cameron’s eyes had changed to gold. Zach’s fingers smoothed over her ass. He separated the mounds until his fingers found her asshole. She sucked in a loud breath when he slid one inside of her.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  “No. Just wasn’t expecting that.”

  Cameron slipped another finger inside her wet depths and began to pump them inside of her. Ginger began to lose focus at the pleasure flaring through her. Cameron’s cock pushed against her thigh and she needed to have it inside of her. Zach’s dick poked at the small of her back and she wanted him too. The urge to have both of them riding her nearly overwhelmed her psyche. She had never experienced such pure wantonness before. It felt wonderful.

  Ginger kissed Cameron once more and tugged on his bottom lip before reaching down and caressing his length. He let out a sigh and thrust his fingers inside of her once more before she guided his shaft inside of her. Zach released her from his hold and kissed her nape. Cameron raked his fingers along her back and picked her up. Ginger clutched his upper arms, wrapped her legs around his waist, and got lost in the tempo that had been created between them. The pressure of her orgasm was building in her already. Each time Cameron drew out of her, he hit her clit. Ginger moaned. Her nerves were electrified from the carnal act. Sweat trickled down her forehead. Her whole body sung, but she felt incomplete.

  “Yes. Like that!” Cameron cried out.

  She reached behind her and cupped Cameron’s balls. She caught Zach’s gaze staring at the both of them and he was nearly drooling. He stroked his length while he watched. Cameron drove his hips upward and buried his dick completely inside her. Ginger lost herself and a cry set forth from her lips.

  “More!” Ginger begged

  He nodded. The look in his eyes was wild. He groaned again and backed up until they hit the bed and Ginger crashed on top of him. But they did not stop. Ginger was almost there. Just a couple more strokes. She began to ride him harder and he gripped her hips to control their rhythm, but she was beyond control. He drove into her again and hit her clit. That movement sent her over the edge as the bliss of their union washed over her and the flush of the orgasm took her away with it. But she wanted more. No, she needed more. Ginger focused on Cameron and drawing him into her faster had the feeling of being filled, but Ginger felt a gentle touch on her arm. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Zach. She stopped. Cameron plunged into her once more before he realized she ha
d ceased their lovemaking.

  “Now is not a good time to stop,” he panted.

  Zach ran a finger down the center of her spine. The small gesture sent flares of cold fire running along her skin. The longing in his eyes tugged at her heart. He slid his hands under her arms and cupped her breasts. From there, he climbed onto the bed and pressed himself to Ginger. Having both of them on the bed with her only made her hornier. Cameron was still erect inside of her. If she moved, she was bound to slip into another orgasm and drown in the pleasure of it.

  “Sorry, dude. But I wasn’t going to let you have her all to yourself. I have to take that fine ass.” He cupped Ginger’s mounds and gripped them hard. She squirmed on top of Cameron and needed to have Zach inside of her also.

  “Let’s go, big boy,” she purred.

  He nibbled on her neck. “As you wish. I can’t wait to feel you. With all three of us connected, in bed together, skin to skin.”

  She nodded. Zach took her hand from Cameron’s balls and placed it on his cock. Ginger slid her palm across it, feeling the silky smooth skin. Zach quivered from her touch. From there he took her hand, brought it to his mouth, and licked it. Zach guided it down to his dick again to use his saliva for a lubricant. “Lean forward a little.”

  “Kinky.” She lifted her eyebrow.

  Ginger focused back on Cameron while anticipating having Zach inside of her. She gripped his forearms. He wrapped one of his hands around her neck and pulled her down. Cameron began to kiss her slowly, and then deeper as he began to move inside of her once more. Her hunger matched his. Her heart raced inside her chest. Zach slipped inside of her. This was what she had yearned for, the three of them together. Small blazes ignited inside of her. She ground her hips along Cameron’s thighs to get a rhythm going. Zach placed his lips on her nape and feathered his fingers along her stomach. He went into her a little bit more.


  Each time Zach entered her, the feeling of being stretched and full was nearly overwhelming. It was a strange pleasure she did not indulge in very much. Then again, having threesomes was not something she did all the time either. This one made her all melty inside and she wondered if she had a chocolate center. Soon, Zach was completely buried in her. The agony was too much and she couldn’t take it anymore. Cameron tried to control the pace the three of them kept, but Ginger was too enveloped with the bliss that was riding her body. White pinpoints of light had started to appear behind her eyes. Zach clutched her hips while he pumped into her harder. She wasn’t even sure how he was holding on to his control. Cameron nipped at her shoulder. Each time he went into her, he bit her a little harder as though he was trying to eat her completely. And she wanted them to devour her.

  “More. Please. More!” she cried out.

  Both men increased their already frenzied pace and slammed into her. She was out of breath and nearly out of her mind. Cameron bucked upward, groaned, and then fell back onto the bed. She continued to ride him. The orgasm she was rising to was about to crest and hit the barrier of her flesh. Zach released her shoulder. His heavy pants blasted against her ear. His hands meandered to her breasts. He squeezed her nipples. The quick pain was what she needed to slip over the edge. Ginger screamed, trying to say his name, but the words came out distorted.

  Zach dove into her one last time and then rested his head on her nape. Ginger collapsed on top of Cameron with Zach’s added weight on her back. Her flesh was slick from the sweat and their shared coupling. Everything in her felt right. They were all together and she still had no urge to eat either of them. Zach rolled to her left. She released Cameron and slid off him so she was in between the two men. Zach slipped his hand around her stomach. Cameron turned and gazed at her with a satisfied smile on his lips.

  “That was wonderful,” she said and moved a strand of hair from Cameron’s cheek.

  He caught her wrist and pressed his lips to it. He flicked his tongue along her flesh. “You taste wonderful, vanilla and gingerbread.”

  Zach nuzzled her neck and she wiggled against him, still feeling his hard cock pressing into her. Being between them made her feel whole and completely human, but there was still the pressing notion of what she truly was and no matter how much they made her happy and she did not want to eat them, she had to tell them what she was. It was only fair they knew the truth. She hated to shatter the great moment. Ginger chewed her lip and realized she should have told them before they hopped into bed, but she had gotten swept up in the moment. Now it plagued her. She sighed and wormed her way out from between the both of them and sat on the edge of the bed with a sheet wrapped around her. She held the sheet close and took in a few deep breaths as she began to tremble. In the back of her mind, she knew how this was going to go. But they had a right to know what they were getting into.

  “What is it?” Zach asked.

  Ginger shook her head. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

  “What?” Cameron asked.

  “You asked me earlier, in the car, what my curse was. Do you still want to know?” Ginger held her breath before looking behind her. She was not sure that her heart could hammer any harder against her ribcage or that her stomach would hold down her dinner. Standing up, she faced the two wolves on the bed. They both nodded. Terror filled her stomach. If they were going to truly discover who she was, then she had to show them. It would hurt, but it would be okay.

  “Can one of you get me a wet cloth and a dry towel?”

  Cameron left the bedroom. The dread churned in her stomach, weighing her down. Zach put a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t think you need to worry about us eating you after what we just did.”

  “I’m not worried about that. I should have told you sooner, before this happened. There’s more to me than you know. I’m just not sure you’ll want me after you find out.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine. You can deal with us being werewolves.”

  Cameron handed her what she had asked for. Ginger tucked the sheet in place and wiped an area on her arm so it was clean and it softened the skin. She flexed her fingers and felt a little bit of her unearthly hunger creep into her nature, but it was her nails that she focused on. She curled her fists until the points pressed into her skin. She bit her lip against the oncoming pain. They had to see. They had shared with her already what they were. Oddly enough, their story sounded familiar. There had to be other wizards in the world who kept werewolves. The one who created her could not have been the only one. She gathered her courage and sliced a line down her flesh using her nail. The two men gasped, but she cut deeper until the blood ran down her arm. She winced and was able to peel back the skin. Where there should have been muscle underneath her skin was all cookie. Disgust consumed her as she stared at what was there. Blood ran over the cookie the way it would with normal human flesh, and it was supple which meant that she did not need to eat anything soon.

  Zach grabbed her arm. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  She blinked the tears away and swallowed the pain. “This is my curse. This is what I truly am underneath the human skin. I’m not mortal. The reason you smell gingerbread when you’re around me is because it’s what I’m made of.” She held the skin open and let the werewolves see. Cameron leaned over and poked at her cookie. Ginger winced. More blood seeped out and she caught it with the dry cloth. Cameron leaned over and inhaled.

  “Dude, what are you doing?” Zach asked.

  “I want to be sure what she’s saying is right.” Cameron touched his finger to his lip. “Your blood tastes like molasses and regular blood. What made you this way?”

  Ginger heard the disgust in his voice. “I was created this way. The man who baked me, made it so that I’d look human on the outside, but on the inside I’m a cookie. The only way my curse will be broken is if I find a man who I don’t want to eat. I’ve never come across one. Both of you make me feel different. I can’t explain it. I’m not sure how to completely break my curse. If I go too long without eating h
uman flesh my skin gets brittle and cracks like dried frosting. So while you were worried about eating me, I was worried that I might have to eat you.”

  She pulled her arm away and wrapped it up with the cloth. It burned when her skin settled back onto her cookie. It would heal soon. Exhaustion washed over her. Ginger was not sure how they would react. Zach caught her when she swayed and led her to sit down on the bed. She flashed him a small smile and put more pressure on her wound.

  “Are you okay?” Zach asked.

  She nodded. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Zach, can you come here a minute?” Cameron asked.

  They were going to tell her how much they were disgusted by her. Zach looked back at her and then to Cameron. She nodded and motioned for him to go. Both wolves left the room. She glanced at the door and knew what she had to do. There was nothing that she could do to change their minds. It did not matter if the sex was mind-blowing. The wooziness had passed and her arm was no longer bleeding. The wolves were not going to want her. She gathered her undergarments and slipped them on. From there she grabbed her dress and put that on along with her shoes. Her shawl was still on the couch. Ginger touched her lips where they had both kissed her and where they had caressed her during their lovemaking. It would be a night she would always remember. Ginger grabbed her shawl and wrapped it around her shoulders. She paused and thought about going back into the bedroom to talk to them. But a load crash sounded down the hall. She listened intently and little wisps came to her ears of their conversation.

  “…you can’t want that…”

  “Cam, keep your voice down, we just…”

  “…she’s a monster…”

  Tears stung her eyes, but it was what she expected. It had been a mistake to sleep with them. For so many years she had been alone and she was going to be alone for so many more. Christian had told her to leave her alone. A tear trailed down her cheek. She opened the door and joined the dark. The snow crunched under her heels and cold tried to invade her bones, but since she did not have any it could not freeze her insides. She glanced up at the sky and saw the clouds releasing more white fluffy flakes.


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