Ginger Bites

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Ginger Bites Page 6

by Hart, Crymsyn

  While she walked, she passed Christmas displays flashing on people’s lawns. Ginger smiled at the plastic Santa Claus and the made-up trees with blinking lights. A sense of peace descended over her. The world marched on, the seasons changed, but she never would. All she yearned for were warm arms around her once more and to know someone loved her.

  Chapter Six

  Zach held the phone to his ear and drummed his fingers on the table. On the third ring someone finally picked up. “Hello, MoMas Bakery.”

  “Is Ginger there, please?” He crossed his fingers and prayed it was her. A soft sigh echoed over the other end of the phone. The sound turned his insides. “I told you to stop calling here.”

  “Ginger, wait. Don’t hang up.”

  “Zach, there’s no point for us to keep talking. You made it quite clear that you didn’t want to be with me.”

  “How can you say that after what we shared? Please let me come over there and explain. Cam freaked out a little bit. Let me take you out for coffee.”

  “Coffee’s not going to fix this. Nothing will. I enjoyed spending the night with you. It was wonderful and I’ll always remember it. But it—we can’t happen. Don’t call here anymore.”

  “I’m not going to let you go.” But Ginger had already hung up the phone.

  “Dude, she already told you that she didn’t want to be with us,” Cameron griped.

  “Yeah, because she overheard you calling her a monster. If you had waited and we had talked to her while she was in the bedroom then this wouldn’t be happening.”

  The other wolf rolled his eyes. “She’s a cookie. Who eats people! Yeah, the sex was great and I can’t get her out of my mind, but what do I say to her after she reveals she’s a cookie and has to eat people to stay alive?”

  Zach gritted his teeth and felt the anger roll through him. His wolf bared its teeth and before he could stop himself, his right hook found a home in Cameron’s face. The other wolf was sent across the room. He landed hard on the leather couch and flipped it over at the same time. Zach stood over his friend and pulled his fist back to hit him once again. Already, a bruise was forming on Cameron’s cheek. He could not kill the other wolf no matter how hard he tried. The other man stared at him, but the smile that had been on his face had disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by a look of defeat and confusion.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Cameron asked.

  “It was all you! You are the one who drove her away. You’re just scared there is someone out there who might break our curse. You’re terrified that if that happens then there’ll be something after. That we can be happy for once. Don’t you want this curse to end? To have someone in our lives that can make us happy, who wants to be around us?”

  Cameron rolled off the couch and got up. He dusted himself off and before Zach knew it he had crashed into the wall. The crunch of drywall and the rattle of his bones jarred him back to his surroundings. Cameron walked over to him, his face red and the cords in his neck straining. He pulled back his fist and was about to punch Zach again, but he stopped within a few inches of his face. The other wolf grumbled and drew his hand away. He sighed and paced the living room. Cameron’s muscles rolled in his back and several of his bones popped. He was close to changing.

  “You have no idea how much I want someone to call my own, our own. Ginger had me going and the taste of her is intoxicating. I still have the flavor of her on my tongue. It takes everything in me not to go down to the bakery and…”

  “And what?” Zach asked. “Tell her that she’s a monster? Tell her that you enjoyed fucking her, but that you’re disgusted with her?”

  “I wasn’t going to tell her that, but it’s hard to believe that under that smokin’ body is a cookie. How is that even possible? I think that’s what blows my mind.”

  “So it doesn’t bother you that she has to eat people to stay alive?” Zach asked.

  Cameron shrugged. “Not really. I mean you and I are predators and we had to eat a few people over the years. I keep getting these flashes of some oversized gingerbread cookie that’s going to try and take over the world. Maybe we’ll have to call in the Ghostbusters or something.”

  Zach chuckled and lifted the couch back up. “She isn’t a gigantic oversized marshmallow man, Cameron. I know Ghostbusters is your favorite movie, but she’s cursed. You heard her. All she wants to be is free of the blight and become human.”

  “Exactly and how can she do that? By eating a couple of werewolves?” Cameron threw up his arms. “How do we know that we are not next on her list?”

  “I don’t think she’s going to eat us or she would have done it that night. And stop being a smartass. You can’t deny the pull that you have to her. Even I can’t. It’s killing me. We have to go there and apologize to her before the big shindig. It’s bad enough we have to make more plans for this damn party.”

  Cameron nodded. “I can’t help it. Being a smartass is in my nature. For once I agree with you on that.”

  Zach saw the frustration on his friend’s face and it echoed how he felt. He understood that Ginger’s constitution was a bit odd and that she was not the average girl, but only they would find a mate who was not cut from a normal mold. If she could be the one to break their years of suffering, then he was going to do anything to see that she was happy. The notion that she was the one who was afraid that she would be eating them, made him smile. Then again, everything about her made him smile. Her wonderful smell, the way she said his name. Her candy cane red hair was the most beautiful he had ever seen and it really smelled like peppermint now that he thought about it. Hearing her voice earlier, that small sigh of frustration and desperation on the phone, had strung his heart into knots. For the past few days of her denying his calls, all it did was turn him inside out, but he was not able to comfort her in any way and that was one of the worst things. Everything had been going so well and then she had told them what she was. At first he did not want to believe it was true. How could a beautiful woman really be a cookie? It almost sounded like some rabid baker had created her and then decided he wanted a real girl instead. When they had found her gone, he and Cameron had searched the house for her to no avail and that had left him empty. The bit of hope that blossomed in his heart had died.

  When Cameron had called her a monster, he nearly died and the wolf inside of him had also wanted to pounce on his friend. He tried to go back to the bakery, but whenever he had a chance, Darius called with another errand for them to do. He was getting sick of being a lapdog and he wondered if the wizard knew they had found someone and was trying to keep them from going after her.

  “Zach, look man, I feel shitty about what I said. We need…I need to apologize to her. You think you can help me with that?”

  “Yeah, I can do that, but it’s going to take some serious ass kissing on your part to make her even want to talk to you.”

  Cameron shook his head. “You’re going to have to do the same ass kissing if we want to make up to her.” He snatched the keys to the car. Zach grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. “What now?”

  The wolf sighed. “Cam, I know it’s hard for you to say that you’re wrong. I appreciate it.”

  “It’s nothing. I was a dick and I have to tell her that. Come on. Let’s go find something for our gingerbread girl.”

  They left the house and headed to the nearest flower shop. When they entered, they were surrounded by everything Christmas. The shelves were layered with poinsettias and mini Christmas trees. Lights hung around the room and the radio played a station that was all holiday music. What would Ginger really want for Christmas? Was she as lonely as they were? What did she enjoy eating, besides people? Was she a chocolate person or did she want jewelry? Maybe she had a collection of things and they did not need to get her anything. Or maybe she enjoyed lingerie? He shook his head and glanced at all the flower arrangements and none of them seemed perfect for her. Roses were too ordinary and he wanted something exotic. He glanced around the sh
op, and nestled in the back were pots filled with orchids. Zach examined them and discovered a black one. He picked it up because it was different. The delicate blossoms seemed to be the thing that screamed Ginger.

  “You’re getting that?” Cameron asked. He set a bouquet of white and red roses on the counter. The clerk eyed them as Zach paid for the flowers and the orchid.

  “Yes. She deserves something unusual. She is a unique creature.”

  Cameron shrugged. “Ginger is that. But maybe best to stick with something familiar in case she doesn’t like the exotic.”

  Zach grabbed the orchid while Cameron took his roses. They drove from the florist to the bakery and parked. At least now some of the snow had melted and parking spots were abundant. They were about to enter the shop when Cameron answered his ringing cell phone. He motioned for Zach to go ahead of him. He smiled and went inside holding the orchid and prayed that Ginger was there. His heart beat double-time and he nearly lost his grip on the pot from his sweaty palms.

  “Can I help you?” The sweet voice did not belong to Ginger, but he did recognize it. It was the other woman who had taken their order, the owner.

  “Is Ginger here?”


  “Do you know when she’ll be back?”

  “I’m not sure. You’re one of the guys that’s been calling her.”

  Defeat washed over him. “Yeah. You got me. How did you know?”

  The owner frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “She told me what you said about her and what you could mean to her. Now, if it’s true, I want the best for her. But you were dicks and hurt her feelings.”

  He nodded. “We screwed up, and yes, we’re here to beg for her forgiveness. I’d really appreciate it if you’d tell me where she was. Ginger only overheard a small portion of the conversation between me and my friend. When we went out to talk to her, she had disappeared. We tried to find her, but she was gone. Can you at least give her the flowers and tell her we’re sorry.”

  The woman sighed. She stared at him for a long time, making up her mind. “You seem sincere and you aren’t the only one who said some things they regret. I called her a couple of horrible names. Don’t make me regret this.”

  “I won’t. I swear.”

  “Go around back, through the door, and up the stairs. Her apartment is there.”

  Zach grinned and nearly kissed her, but he didn’t want to drop his plant. “Thank you.” He began to leave, but turned back around. “I hate to ask, but how is the cake coming?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Everything will be fine. Go beg.”

  Zach left the bakery and Cameron grabbed his arm once he was out the door. “We have to go.”




  “Because high and mighty ordered that we check in.”

  Zach grumbled. “I swear he knows whenever we’re happy he has to fuck with it. I’m sorry. We have to make this work with Ginger. I’m going up there and you’re coming with me.” He walked toward the back of the building. There he found a door and when he opened it there was a set of stairs. It took a moment and he felt his skin begin to crawl because he was stretching the distance between him and Cameron. The sensation went away because his friend was following behind him. Zach went up the stairs and heard the door close at the bottom of the stairs after a couple of minutes. His throat went dry and he hoped that he looked okay. Please be home.

  After a minute he got up the courage to knock. Cameron was cramped beside him on the landing. He knocked again and the door opened. Ginger looked through the crack with her hair up in a bun, looking paler than she had the other day. It seemed she had faint cracks on her face as if there were hairline fractures on her skin. Dark circles were under the green eyes and she appeared thinner than the other day.

  “What do you want?” she snapped.

  “We wanted to say that we were sorry.”

  “And we brought you these.” Cameron shoved the roses at her, but she didn’t take them.

  She glanced at the flowers and then at the both of them. “Why? So you could call me more names? So you could tell me I was a monster to my face instead of behind closed doors?”

  “No, that’s not it. Please, can you let us explain?” Zach saw her struggling with what they were saying.

  “Fine. You have five minutes. Make me believe that you didn’t mean what you said.”

  Relief washed over him when she stepped aside and let them enter. He glanced around and noticed it was dark in the whole apartment with the shades drawn. She had a television and a nice couch, but it was sparsely furnished. “These are for you.” Zach handed her the orchid and Cameron held out the roses.

  She took the plants. When her fingers brushed Zach’s, her skin was cool. He wondered if she was sick. A faint smile appeared on her face. “Thank you.” She set them on the counter. Her fingers ran over the petals of the roses and she sighed. “They’re beautiful.”

  “Nothing’s as beautiful as you, Ginger,” Cameron said.

  A dark chuckle tumbled from her lips. “You really are trying to suck up because I feel and look like shit.”

  “Are you okay?” Zach asked.

  She shook her head. “No. I’m hurting and I’m hungry.”

  “We can get you something to eat and to a doctor,” Cameron replied.

  “No doctor. Unless you want to be the main course, I don’t think you want to get me something to eat. Maybe the hobo down the street might work.”

  “What happens if you don’t munch on human flesh?” Zach asked.

  “See my face. It will start to flake off and then you’ll see the real me. All gingerbread cookie.”

  “I bet you’re still good enough to eat,” Cameron commented.

  Ginger laughed. “I haven’t actually been without my human façade for a long time. I learned to eat so that I could blend in. The man who created me, he was all about experimenting and seeing what my limits were. I did a lot of things I regret these days, but I can’t change the past.”

  “So if you eat people, do you eat all of them?” Cameron asked.

  “Will you shut up?” Zach said, hoping that Ginger would ignore him. He saw the hurt flash across her face when his friend brought up her feeding habits.

  “No, it’s a valid question. You’re wondering what happens to the body. Most of the time I eat what I have to. The man normally dies. Sometimes there’s something left and I call the hospital. The best part is the heart. It keeps me going longer, full of vitality I guess, but I’m not sure. I don’t have fingerprints and any evidence I leave behind is all cookie crumbles and frosting flakes so I don’t know what to tell you. The other night was wonderful; I was hoping you guys would be the right ones for me. Thank you for the flowers, but consider yourselves lucky you dodged a bullet. You should go. My stomach is rumbling.”

  Zach saw she winced when she turned away, but he could not help it. He walked up behind her and slipped his arm around her waist. A zing went through his flesh and he moaned. She was coming home with him. Ginger froze when he touched her. Zach inhaled her scent and smelled the gingerbread, but underneath that there was something off, something decaying, but it did not deter him. He pressed his lips against her neck and tasted the staleness of her skin along with the hint of rancid molasses.

  “Don’t,” she breathed, but he heard the frustration and the need in her voice.

  “Don’t what? Say that I still want you? Say that I’m a little afraid of what the three of us could be together. Don’t tell you that the three of us are meant to be together? If you can’t feel that, then maybe you’re right and this isn’t meant to be. I’m not going to turn away from you.” He glanced at Cameron and saw the same craving he felt on his companion’s face. Zach held his breath. The seconds ticked by and he wondered what his wolf friend was going to do.

  Cameron ran the back of his hand down her cheek. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about what I said. It just came out. I s
houldn’t have called you a monster. Making love to you was wonderful. I haven’t stopped thinking about you.”

  “No. It’s true what you said. I am a monster. I’ve been so alone that even the remote possibility of not being alone is foreign. You two were a miracle. Being this close to you, it dulls my hunger. I never thought that would happen.”

  Cameron kissed her gently. Jealousy boiled Zach’s blood and his wolf shifted uncomfortably underneath the surface of his skin. It was all he could do to remind himself that Cameron was his friend and that they were in this together. Ginger slipped an arm around him and drew him close so they were all connected, flesh to flesh. Ginger buried her head in Cameron’s shirt. Zach felt her chest inflate as she drew in a few large breaths, taking in Cameron’s scent. He trailed his fingers over her sides and felt her shiver underneath his caress.

  “We’re here for you,” Cameron whispered. “We won’t leave you. I might be an ass, at least Zach tells me that, but the mating instinct in us takes over and sometimes we forget just what that means and you’re a woman who needs to be wooed.”

  “He is an ass. Don’t let Cam fool you, Ginger. But what he said is true. Most wolves lose themselves to the mating instinct. We forget about everything that we are and the normal things about dating. We will figure this out.” Zach moved her hair aside and trailed his lips over her throat. She quaked more and let out a long sigh.

  “Can you forgive us? Forgive me?” Cameron asked.

  She nodded. “For now. But if you two are assholes again, then I’m not sure.”

  “We promise that won’t happen again,” they said in unison.

  Ginger wiggled out from between them and her absence was something Zach did not want to feel ever again. She smelled the flowers. Ginger leaned against the counter and undid her hair from the bun. When she pulled her hand back, he saw a clump of red hair in her palm. “Shit!”


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