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Cop Tease (Too Hot To Handle Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Aubree Valentine

  “I’m on my way in, asshole,” I answer.

  “I wondered if you were going to sit in the car all afternoon. I promise you this gig isn’t that bad, and it pays well. Now get your ass in here so we can get this meeting over with.”

  Shaking my head, I hang up on Cole as I climb out of the truck.

  Molly, his secretary greets me as I walk in the door. “Hey, Smitty! He’s waiting for you.”

  “Thanks, Mol, he’s an impatient fucker.”

  That poor girl puts up with a lot of bullshit from Cole. If he ever wakes up and realizes that Molly thinks he hung the moon – he’ll be a goner. Then again, it may be for the best. Cole’s a dirty, kinky fucker and Molly is one of the purest ladies I know. While I know Cole would do right by her, she sure deserves a whole lot more than the broken man he is.

  She laughs at me as I walk down the hall to the conference room where Cole’s leaning against the table with his hands crossed over his chest. I expected a full room, but there are only two of his other guys in here.

  “Nice of you to finally make it.”

  “Fuck off, Cole,” I grumble as I take a seat and nod at Cody and Jameson.

  “Now that this grump showed up, let’s get to work.” Cole hands us each a folder and starts talking.

  He’s right. This gig doesn’t sound so bad. We’re merely providing back up for a celebrity who’s visiting and performing at a local bar tonight. I’ve got enough time to go home and take care of an itch before I’ve got to meet everyone back at the bar.

  Easy extra cash in my pocket and a distraction from the fact that I can’t be with Zoey right now either.

  The other guys clear out after we’ve been briefed, but Cole lingers behind, which is fine with me. I’ve got a few things I want to talk to him about anyway.

  “So, what’s been going on with you?” He kicks his feet up on the table and leans back in his chair with his arms behind his head.

  “Same shit different day. I do need a favor from you though.”

  The sly smile on his face tells me he already knows what’s next. Not that I’m surprised. We’ve been down this road before. “What’s her name?”

  “Zoey,” I answer as I flip him the finger.

  “It’s been a while.”

  “No shit.”

  “This the same one you’ve been keeping to yourself? You sure about this? Better yet, is she sure about this?”

  “It was her idea. She wants it.” And it’s the truth. She’s admitted that she wants to know what it’s like to be shared between two men, so I told her I’d make it happen. Won’t be the first time I’ve shared a woman with Cole.

  “And you don’t?”

  “Shit, man, you know better than that. We’re having fun. She wants to explore her sexuality. When she mentioned wanting more, I agreed to bring that fantasy to life.”

  “Hey. You know I’m always game for a good time.”

  “Good. I’ll let you know when.”

  Cole nods. “Sounds like a plan, now get the fuck out of here and get ready for tonight. I’ll catch you later.”

  Chapter Seven


  Sleeping with the friend of my best friend’s girl has its benefits. I happen to have good intel that tells me a certain little guy and his momma are in town. And I am going to do my Uncle duties and meet the boy before Rhys can ‘forget’ to mention it.

  As it is, he hasn’t bothered to say a word for the last four nights that we’ve worked together.

  “Rhys!” I yell at the kid before he has a chance to escape.


  Jogging over, I warn him, “I’m coming over later. After I nap and shit. I wanna meet this kid of yours.” Not even giving him a choice in the matter.

  “Fucking, Zoey,” he grumbles and shakes his head. “How is it that when I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on, she was all tight-lipped, but she has no problem telling you my business?”

  “Behold the power of persuasion my friend,” I laugh.

  “I don’t want to know. Call first, man. And, good Lord, give me enough time to get some rest.”

  “God forbid you don’t get your beauty sleep.”

  “I didn’t get this pretty without it.” He gives me a smile and bats his lashes like a girl.

  “Weirdo. I’ll call you.”

  Parting ways, I head home to shower and chill for a little bit. Then I’m hitting the store. Zoey sent me a whole list of ideas to spoil Rhys’ kid with. This is going to be fun.

  I give Rhys until two p.m. before I call and tell him I’m on my way.

  When I walk into his place, I drop all the bags and give KJ a friendly hug before heading right for the cutie chilling on the floor with his toys.

  He looks up at me and hands me a rattle that he just had in his mouth. “Thanks, kid. I’ve always wanted a slobber-covered thingamajig.” His parents laugh at me as I hand it back. “I think you should keep it though. Seems to me like you’ve already claimed it.”

  If anyone else saw this, I’d probably lose my man card. It’s been mere minutes, yet this little guy has his Uncle Smitty wrapped firmly around his tiny finger. He’s even got me making crazy faces and blowing raspberries to get him to laugh.

  I almost envy Rhys right now. All the drama aside, he seems to be living the life. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him happy. KJ and Reid seem to do it for him. Aside from the whole “not telling Rhys about the baby” thing, KJ is good person, and while it sucks that she kept that secret, part of me understands why she might have.

  KJ’s phone rings and she disappears into the kitchen. Voices may be muffled, but I can still hear Zoey on the other line. I’m surprised it took her this long. I’m willing to bet she’s called to check on me. Trust me, I know the woman well.

  “Kels,” Rhys warns, and I look up to see KJ smiling mischievously.

  “What? Zoey wants to know if Smitty looks sexy as fuck playing with our kid.”

  Rhys and I laugh, hearing Zoey’s voice, yelling on the other end of the phone.

  Standing up, I move in Kelsey’s direction and take the phone from her.

  “Yes, gorgeous, I look sexy as fuck playing with my little nephew,” I tell Zoey.

  “He is MY nephew. I saw him first!” she protests.

  “No, he’s mine. I claimed him,” I defend, trying hard not to be turned on by her sass.

  “You share my pussy. You can share him.”

  So much for not being affected by her. A reminder of how hot she looked sandwiched between Cole and I flashes through my mind. “Well, yeah, I might share that, but I’m not sharing him.”

  “You can’t have him. Dibs.”

  We chat for a few more minutes before she says she’s got to go to let KJ’s dog out.

  I walk back into the living room at the perfect time to hear Rhys tell KJ that he can be intimidating when need be.

  “Dude, no one is intimidated by you.” I can’t resist the urge to get a dig in. Handing KJ her phone back, I tell her, “Your girl said to call her later and feel free to send her some pictures of me swooning over the boy,” and quickly add, “I’ll give you a hundred bucks not to send her a single picture.”

  “What’s the deal with you and Zoey anyway?”

  Shit. I should have known it was only a matter of time before she asked. “She likes me,” I shrug.

  “Even I knew that much,” Rhys adds his two cents.

  “We’re just having fun. She’s not ready to settle down, I don’t think I am either. I enjoy her company when she’s got time for me. That’s all it is,” I tell her honestly. Well mostly. I could see myself settling down with Zoey. If I could let go of everything else that keeps holding me back.

  Chapter Eight


  I can see Kelsey’s car pull up outside while I’m talking to Dylan on the phone..

  “My ride’s here. Meeting you at the airport?”

  “You know it, babe. Rhys and I will be head
ing out in a little bit.”

  Grabbing my suitcases, I head outside and lock up behind me. “Perfect. I can’t wait to see you. By the way, I’m not wearing any panties.”

  “Jesus Christ, woman. I’m going to take a cold shower. I’ll see you soon,” Dylan groans.

  “Bye, hot stuff.” I hang up and toss my stuff into the trunk of Kelsey’s car.

  “Big Apple here we come!” I squeal, as I buckle my seatbelt.

  “You’re insane, you do know that, right?” Kelsey shakes her head at me.

  “Whatever. I plan on enjoying the city life this weekend. And, guess who’s meeting me at the hotel!”

  “You did not,” she pouts.

  “Look, you can’t blame a girl for wanting the D, I mean. Dylan knows how to fuck. And since his BFF is coming, he figured he’d join in on the fun!”

  “You realize shit always goes sideways when Rhys and I end up at a signing together, right? And – it’s usually because you ditch me!”

  “Nice try. It’s because you want his D, which I can’t blame you. I mean, that time I popped by, just before he was about to boink you? You could tell he wasn’t lacking.”

  Ohhhh yes, I walked in on those two about to get it on, right on her kitchen counter.

  “Christ. Stop talking.”

  “Just sayin’.”

  “Hey, speaking of boinking. How’s the relocating coming? Have you told him yet?” Admittedly, I’m sad that my best friend is going to move four hours away. Even though, I am happy for her. Rhys makes her happier, and she deserves that happiness.

  “No, I’ve not told him that I’m probably going to move in with him. I’ll let him sweat it out. You know you’re helping me pack when we get back, right? It’s in the girl code book.”

  “Well, shit. Can’t I boycott this? Oh! I have a great idea…instead of moving in with Rhys, I’ll come with you, we can move in together.” Listen, I can be happy for her, doesn’t mean I have to be thrilled or eager to help her pack up.

  As it is, I barely see her anymore, now that Rhys is in the picture. Hell, she got back from Rhys’ Monday and this is the first time I’ve seen her since. Other than one phone call the day Dylan got to meet Reid at Rhys’ place, I haven’t even heard from her. It’s weird when we usually hang out a few times a week, sometimes just to sprint together, but even that isn’t happening now.

  “No offense, I’d rather live with Rhys.”

  There’s a shocker.

  Her driving is insane, but we make it to the airport and to Atlanta for our half hour layover without any hiccups.

  KJ is at Starbucks getting her caffeine fix when Rhys and Smitty finally make it off their plane to join us.

  “I’ve got a dare for you D.” I wink at hot stuff.

  This is going to be epic.

  “I think you should go give Kelsey a hug. See, I didn’t tell her that you two would be on our flight. This would be a great surprise.”

  I knew he would take the dare. I’m surprised that Rhys went along with it and is going to let him though.

  I’m about to piss my pants when KJ elbows him right in the nuts. I don’t know what’s funnier, Smitty getting elbowed in the nuts or Rhys’ giggling like a schoolgirl.

  “Stupid ass, you’re a goddamn cop, and you didn’t see that shit coming?” Rhys gasps between chuckles. “That’s what you get for touching what isn’t yours.”

  KJ shoots me a death glare. “You told him to do it, didn’t’ you?” She knows me too well.

  “Maybe.” No regrets.

  “Venti Caramel Macchiato for KJ.” The barista sets her drink on the counter for her to take it before she turns back to Dylan. “I’m sorry. Hopefully, you’ve learned a valuable lesson about approaching unsuspecting women. You might want to go back to basic training though. I’m pretty sure you should have been able to see that coming, like Rhys said.”

  “Yep,” he squeaks. “I think I need an ice pack for my nuts now.”



  “You grip that bottle any tighter it’s going to shatter in your hand.” I elbow Rhys. “I thought you didn’t drink at these things anyway.”

  “I didn’t, until her. If I don’t take the edge off, I’m gonna wind up doing something stupid and really piss her off.”

  “God, you’ve got it bad.” The poor guy is mad as hell right now because his girl has decided they’ll be pretending they don’t know each other at this event.

  “And you don’t? Dude, your ass followed her here just for some pussy. The guy I know can get it whenever he wants back home.”

  “I can. If that’s what I want. Just so happens she’s the flavor I want right now. Plus, she’s doing some big cover reveal during the actual signing. So, watch out now, buddy, I’m making my modeling debut tomorrow. You won’t be the only hot cop anymore.”

  “You bastard. You could have told me.” He smiles and I shrug.

  “Could have, but what would be the fun in that.”

  “Are you really going to dive head first into this? I mean if you are, that’s great. I’ve certainly had fun with it.”

  “Nah, it’s not for me, but she wanted me on a cover, so I did it.”

  “And yet you don’t have it bad. Right. Keep telling yourself that.”

  “Speak of the devil.”

  Zoey slides up next to me and takes my hand. “Come with me, I need to introduce you to someone.”

  That’s my cue to leave Rhys’ brooding ass at the bar.

  Zoey walks me over to another lady, who looks mildly familiar. “Katie this is Dylan. The hottie you’ve been drooling over on the cover of Cock Tease. Dylan, meet Katie. She is my incredibly talented and patient personal assistant.”

  I shake Katie’s hand then rub the back of my neck awkwardly as she blushes.

  “Have you read Cock Tease?” Katie asks.

  “Uhm, that’s a no. I wasn’t offered a copy,” I tease Zoey.

  “And, he will not be reading it anytime soon. Thank you very much.” She smiles before leaning up on her tip toes to whisper in my ear, “There’s no need for you to read it when you’ve experienced the real thing.”

  Squeezing her shoulder gently, I let her know without a word, that I know exactly what she’s up to.

  “There you have it, now you two won’t be strangers tomorrow when you’re sitting together at my table. I figured I’d introduce you two before, you know, you needed to head out tonight, Katie.”

  “Nice try, Zoey. I’m in no hurry to leave, but you two love birds go on.”

  Turns out Katie saw right through Zoey’s little act too. The little minx isn’t fooling any one.

  New York City is going to get a whole lot hotter when I get her back to the room. What she doesn’t know, is that I’ve got my own little surprise for her.

  Chapter Nine


  “Cole,” Zoey gasps as the hotel room door shuts behind us. “Let me guess, you happened to be in town this weekend too?” She turns her attention to me, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “He asked what I was up to this weekend. He happened to be free, and we figured you might need something to take your mind off the big reveal tomorrow.” I shrug as I pull my shirt over my head.

  “We’re getting right down to business then, are we?” Zoey asks, tossing her own shirt on the floor before Cole or I can respond.

  “That depends. What do you want, Zoey?” I ask.

  “Silly question. You know I want both of you.” Her voice is laced with desire as her eyes flick between the two of us.

  Finally getting with the program, Cole stands and pulls a blindfold from his pocket.

  “Lucky for you, we’re eager to give you want you want,” he says as he slips the blindfold over her eyes.

  “No peeking,” I whisper in her ear before gently biting her earlobe.

  “Oh, God.” She sighs, leaning back against me as Cole reaches for her breast.

  “You like that baby?” I wrap my hands around her

  “Yes,” she sighs. “More, please.”

  With the blindfold firmly in place, she’s at our mercy. Guessing at which touch belongs to who and where our touches may land next. We take turns removing the rest of her clothes, letting our hands and our tongues dance against her tan skin as she writhes in pleasure.

  Free from the confines of the fabric, we lay her back on the bed and I watch as Cole licks at her pussy.

  The erotic image playing out before me is better than any porn I’ve ever seen.

  Her responsiveness and eagerness makes my cock weep.

  Removing the last of my clothing, I climb up on the bed and trace over her torso with my fingertips then begin playing with the cool metal on her nipples. My own body throbbing has me moving, adjusting myself so that I’m lined up with her gorgeous lips. As if she can sense me near, her mouth opens and her tongue slips out, catching the head of my cock.

  When her first orgasm hits her, she moans around me, and my balls tighten. Her hand moves and cups me, driving me right over the edge as I cum down her throat.

  We go several more rounds before the three of us are sated, exhausted and satisfied.

  Zoey’s body is curled next to mine. As she slips into a peaceful slumber, Cole makes his escape – leaving us alone.



  Dylan’s little surprise last night proved to be the perfect distraction.

  Without the usual pre-signing jitters, I find the morning moving smoothly as I gather things to meet Katie in the conference room to set up.

  Thirty minutes before the doors are set to open, Dylan joins us. Dressed in a well-fitting pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt, he looks amazing. It’s not until he comes closer that I notice exactly what’s on his t-shirt. As I read the white print I nearly lose my mind.

  “This book boyfriend does it better.”

  “Seriously, Dylan?” I raise an eyebrow and take the cup of hot coffee from his hand.

  “Care to disagree, Miss Daniels?” He smirks back.

  Cocky fucker.

  “Maybe after I’ve had my coffee. Thank you.”

  Dylan nods in response and takes a seat between Katie and me. “Let’s do this, ladies.”


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