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The Paradise Will

Page 28

by Elizabeth Hanbury

  ‘No, indeed!’ she said, smiling. ‘That would never do.’

  ‘Of course, if, after all my protestations, you still wish for the banns then so be it; I will perfectly understand if you want more time to make arrangements. The details are more important to a woman than a man, I believe.’

  She shook her head. ‘I prefer a quiet ceremony and as it is not yet a year since Uncle Tom died, it would also be more appropriate.’ Alyssa, blushing rosily, then whispered, ‘It is shockingly forward to admit it but I-I desire you very much, Gil. A special licence will be just the thing.’

  He made a low sound of approval before kissing her again.

  Moments later, he asked, ‘My love, you understand Henry, as a local magistrate, is now aware of Draper’s crimes and your cousin’s role in the affair?’ When she nodded, he added, ‘Henry thinks Draper’s probable sentence will be transportation. With regard to Piers’s involvement, I believe we can trust Henry to be discreet.’

  ‘But what if Draper speaks of it?’

  ‘He may do so to try to save his own skin. He may even claim Piers was involved in the arson, but he was well known as a malcontent before this and no one will give his story credence. Besides, Piers committed no actual crime: he is only guilty of selfishness, and stupidity,’ he observed. ‘At least arrangements have been made for Draper’s wife and children; your idea to employ her as a dairymaid is an excellent one and means they will not be disadvantaged. Piers told me she was crying when he reached their cottage yesterday. Her brute of a spouse had only stayed long enough to collect a few clothes and then, without a word of explanation, tossed three shillings towards her and the children and left.’

  ‘Piers did well to find him so soon. I believe he was on the Salisbury road, making for London?’

  ‘Yes. He admitted his guilt almost immediately and did not resist, probably realizing to do so would be pointless when every farmhand and landowner for miles would be looking for him.’

  ‘Transportation to the colonies is not a pleasant thought,’ she observed, with a shiver.

  ‘No, but he will be considered lucky not to hang.’

  She nodded, and gave a little sigh. ‘The children can attend school in Dorchester when everything is settled.’

  ‘You know I will help with setting up the school, but we have more important things to attend to first, love,’ he murmured, before his lips captured hers once more.

  Alyssa sat in the large bedchamber on the west front of Eastcombe, sipping wine with Gil. Their marriage day had passed in a happy blur; now, dinner was over, the servants had retired and finally, they were alone. The glow of a spectacular sunset shimmered outside the open window and the warm evening air carried the scent of honeysuckle and stocks from the gardens below. They relaxed on the sofa, ostensibly to watch the sunset but more often to observe each other in the fading light.

  The day had heightened Alyssa’s anticipation for the night to come. Gil’s eyes burnt with a fierce unadulterated passion which sent shudders of desire rippling through her body. The touch of his hand engendered the same effect, and as for his kisses … the sensations that pooled in her stomach when he kissed her were both delicious and shocking in their intensity. She sipped her wine and watched her new husband over the edge of her glass, her mouth curving with amusement.

  ‘Why do you smile,’ he murmured.

  ‘Because I am happy.’

  Gil grinned. ‘And I, profoundly so, but something particular made you smile then,’ he said. ‘I know your smiles, my love, and adore them all, but I am particularly fond of that one.’

  ‘Which one?’ she teased.

  ‘You know exactly what I am referring to, Wife.’ His quiet purr made the final word a caress. ‘The smile which tells me an amusing thought crossed your mind.’

  She pulled her face into an expression of dismay and fluttered her eyelashes. ‘Fie on you, sir! We have been married less than a day and already you can read my thoughts. Is a lady to have no secrets?’

  ‘None she need keep from her husband,’ he replied, a roguish gleam in his eye.

  She laughed softly. ‘I was thinking I am glad you obtained a licence, otherwise we would still not be married.’

  ‘And you would be at Hawkscote, while I—’ He leaned closer and continued, ‘I would be lying alone in my bed dreaming of you as I have done every night since we met. But tonight’ – he nuzzled tiny kisses along her jaw – ‘you are here and I don’t have to dream any longer.’

  ‘Neither do I,’ she whispered, contentedly. After a pause, she said, ‘You know Gil, he did not say it but I could tell Piers was pleased I asked him to give me away.’

  Gil leaned his head against the cushions, glass of wine in one hand, Alyssa’s fingers clasped in the other. ‘He did seem pleased,’ he admitted. ‘And despite being somewhat preoccupied myself during the ceremony, I noticed he could not take his eyes from Letty.’

  ‘She looked as charming as I’ve ever seen her. Poor Piers! He only remembered at the last moment to give my hand to the clergyman.’

  ‘Did he?’ he said, raising his brows a little. ‘I confess I did not register his omission because I was too busy staring at my bride.’ He grinned. ‘What a pair of moonlings we must have looked! But Henry fared no better: even he was lost for words at the lovely picture you presented.’

  ‘Oh yes, the squire,’ she said, taking a sip of wine. ‘I’m pleased he could attend, although I was not sorry Mrs Nash and Caroline were unable to leave Bath at short notice.’

  Gil chuckled. ‘Henry tells me Caroline is exceedingly busy there and has secured the attentions of a gentleman, who, much to Henry’s chagrin, is quite as high in the instep as his daughter. I understand he is only the second son of the Marquis of Fairfax, which will be a slight blow to Caroline’s plans,’ he said sardonically. ‘Nevertheless, Lord Storey is an excellent catch. Moreover, his conceit and the consequence he feels he is owed because of his family name and wealth are apparently insufferable.’

  ‘Oh dear, he sounds odious,’ said Alyssa, amused.

  ‘Perhaps notice of their betrothal will have been posted when we return,’ he said, regarding her from under half-closed lids, a lazy smile curving his mouth. ‘We shall be out of the county for some weeks.’

  ‘Oh?’ she queried, with a look of surprise. ‘Where are we going?’

  ‘Once our affairs are in order here, I intend to take you on a short tour of the Continent.’ Lifting her hand to kiss the soft skin on the inside of her wrist, he asked, ‘Should you like to see Rome, Vienna, and Paris?’

  ‘I would love it above all things!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘Then we shall go, but en route, we will travel to London; as you know, we have something we must do before journeying to Europe.’

  ‘Of course! We have to see Mr Bartley. It is only three weeks until the end of the period I was required to live at Hawkscote.’

  ‘Just so, my love; I received a similar letter from him, if you recall,’ he said serenely but with a faint tremor at the corner of his mouth.

  The ready laughter sprang to her eyes. ‘Gil, have you sent Mr Bartley word of our marriage yet? I confess I have had no time to do so.’

  He shook his head and acknowledged with another chuckle, ‘No. I considered advising him, but thought it is news best kept until we meet him in person. Mr Forde agreed to keep our secret a little longer and assured me there is no issue in relation to the terms: officially, you are still resident at Hawkscote even though our time is currently divided between there and Eastcombe. Naturally, now we are married,’ he added, grinning at her, ‘we are dining together more than once a week.’

  Alyssa smiled. His dry humour was one of the many things she adored and for some moments, she studied the face she loved. His features were capable of appearing hard, almost ruthless, at times, but they were also mobile and expressive, with laughter lines that creased the skin around his eyes when those bluegrey irises glowed with warmth. She held her breath at the l
ove and desire she saw there now, and whispered, ‘I will never willingly move far from your side.’

  Gil’s gaze held hers for a long moment, and then drifted slowly to her lips; soft and pink, they quivered invitingly under his scrutiny. The pale skin of her throat swept down to the enticing curves just visible above the bodice of her gown, the silk fabric clinging provocatively to her figure. Sliding one hand to her waist, he moved the other to brush against her breast; she sighed and shuddered, and he felt the crest immediately peak and harden against his palm. Gil swallowed. Dear God, she was bewitching and already he wanted her with an all-consuming aching desperation.

  ‘Alyssa, take your hair down for me,’ he said, drawing in a steadying breath.

  She reached up to pull out the pins until it lay about her shoulders.

  ‘Beautiful,’ he breathed, and ran his fingers through its silken chestnut mass. ‘I have dreamed of doing this so many times.’

  With her hair down and curling around her face, she looked wildly sensual and yet her eyes held a note of artless candour alongside the desire lurking in their depths. Why had he never noticed how thick her eyelashes were, or realized that flecks of green nestled among the brilliant blue of her eyes?

  ‘Wait here,’ he muttered thickly, before he took both wine glasses and placed them on the table.

  Alyssa, watching as he returned to sit beside her, saw that his tender smile did not disguise the longing in his eyes. She eagerly returned the light teasing kisses that followed but, pleasant as these were, she needed more and when at last he tightened his embrace and crushed his mouth fiercely against hers, she welcomed it and instantly reciprocated, surrendering to the desire sweeping her along.

  She arched her neck as he kissed the sensitive skin beneath her ear, and began to nibble softly on her earlobe. Slowly, seductively, his mouth reached the exposed flesh of one shoulder and Alyssa gasped as he nuzzled along the lace edging her bodice, the faint stubble along his jaw gently brushing against her skin as he did so. She shuddered with delight when his hand cupped her breast, his thumb grazing back and forth over its crest until it peaked and strained against her gown. Her breathing quickened and with a soft moan, she uttered in a ragged voice, ‘That feels wonderful!’

  ‘Good,’ he said, with a tiny smile of satisfaction.

  He kissed the base of her throat and along her collarbone, cupping her other breast as he did so, caressing the soft flesh with his fingertips until he bent his head and, with exquisite yet agonizing slowness, teased at its peak through the sheer fabric with his lips. Another moan of desire escaped her.

  He murmured approvingly, ‘Your skin tastes of honey and roses, and I need to sample more of it.’ Pulling her closer and continuing the tantalizing, seductive exploration of her breasts, he unfastened three buttons of her gown and eased it off her shoulders to reveal the smooth skin beneath. ‘You are so beautiful,’ he breathed. Then, he kissed her again and, eyes burning with indigo fire, asked softly, ‘Will you come to the bed with me now, love?’


  She nodded and unfastened his shirt with fingers that trembled slightly. The garment fell open and, finally, she could touch the warm skin beneath.

  ‘So many times I have dreamed of doing this,’ she echoed with a little sigh, as she let her fingers glide over his chest. Another searching kiss, full of sensual promise, followed and she arched closer, desire rippling through her as her breasts craved his touch without the distraction of barriers.

  ‘Slowly, my love,’ he said, smiling into her eyes, already dark with passion, ‘we have the whole night before us.’

  A flush stole over her cheeks. ‘But Gil, I want….’ Her whispered request died away. It was impossible to articulate what she was feeling; her body ached for something intangible, an instinct her body understood perfectly even if her mind did not.

  ‘All in good time,’ he said gently. ‘I want to pleasure you first.’

  She shivered again and then murmured, ‘How shall I bear more pleasure than this?’

  ‘This is only the beginning,’ he replied, trailing yet more kisses over her skin.

  Entwined, they moved to the bed, and Gil dealt with the delicate pearl buttons of Alyssa’s silk chemise one by one. He let it slide to the floor before staring in frank admiration at her body.

  ‘Dear God, you are delectable,’ he said, in a husky voice. Her breasts, now fully revealed, were ripe and full with beckoning rosy tips, her skin luminescent in the fading light.

  Alyssa looked away, suddenly self-conscious, but he placed a finger under her chin to draw her gaze back to his. ‘My love, you are perfect – from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. I could look on you forever and not be sated.’

  Captivated, Alyssa watched as he removed his remaining clothing with lithe efficient movements. He too was beautiful: naked, his body was as lean and well-defined as a marble statue. Fine dark hair covered his chest and arrowed down his stomach but it was the expression in his eyes which quickened her heartbeat still faster.

  He slid into the bed and gathered her close, and in the midst of so many new sensations, Alyssa discovered simply lying next to him – skin touching skin, the hard ridges of his body against her soft curves – was incredibly erotic.

  Gil kissed her slowly while his hand caressed her body, skimming her leg from ankle to thigh, over the curve of her hip until he reached her breasts. He teased and honoured each in turn by cupping them gently and brushing their sensitized taut crests with his fingertips before lowering his head to lingeringly caress each pink tip with his mouth.

  Alyssa gasped and murmured on a rapturous sigh, ‘Don’t stop….’

  ‘I won’t,’ he promised, huskily, ‘I want this to be as perfect as it can be.’

  Her body shivered again with pleasure in response; she was lost to his relentless sensual exploration.

  He ran his tongue tantalizingly along her lips, deepening his kiss before moving to capture the erect peaks of her breasts again as he made lazy circles on her stomach with his fingertips. Gradually, he drifted lower, and she drew in a breath and opened her eyes.

  ‘I love you,’ he whispered, against her lips. ‘Trust me, and relax.’

  A smile curved her mouth and, as he continued to weave his beguiling aura, she surrendered to bliss on a long shuddering sigh, luxuriating in the feelings he was creating. Her hands strayed with increasing assuredness and Alyssa discovered by exploring his body she could give pleasure as well as receive it. Adrift in a sea of sensation, she barely recognized her own voice as it murmured rapturously on some distant shore.

  ‘Please, Gil,’ she implored eventually.

  Her murmurs of pleasure and the movement of her body against his made it increasingly difficult for Gil to control his own arousal. His breathing came fast and ragged but he fought to hold on a little longer.

  Moving above her, he whispered, ‘Look at me.’

  Her gaze found his. ‘I’ll try not to hurt you,’ he murmured. Her reply was a desperate whimper of longing and he entered her moist heat, every muscle and sinew straining as he fought against the desire to bury himself completely. He waited, allowing her body time to adjust and gritting his teeth against the exquisite feeling of it tightening around him.

  Alyssa’s mouth sought his as she lifted her hips in eager welcome and her hands roamed over his shoulders urging him closer. Wave after wave of sensation began to radiate outwards from her core until she suddenly tensed.

  ‘Alyssa?’ His breathing was rasping and uneven as he searched the flushed face inches from his own.

  Through a haze of passion, she whispered, ‘It’s all right … I….’ Another deep quiver ran through her body and she wrapped her arms around him tightly, saying, ‘Please, I need you so much.’

  Gil whispered her name again, this time as a benediction, and immersed himself in her warmth with a guttural moan. It felt unbelievably, astonishingly good but not nearly enough to sate his desperate need – or hers: she cl
ung to him, breathless with yearning. Love overwhelmed and consumed him. He wanted to pleasure her, possess her, and never let her go. With another fevered groan, his mouth captured hers as he moved in the age old rhythm, slowly at first and then with relentless urgent passion as her movements and gasps of pleasure matched his. Bound together, their desire soared to impossible heights and to that dizzying explosion of ecstasy. Her cry of joy was followed a second or two later by his, as he relinquished the last shreds of restraint to reach his own shuddering release.

  The quiet that followed was broken only by their unsteady breathing.

  Slowly, by degrees, Alyssa floated back to reality, still entwined with Gil, still with his warm weight above her. Lying in dreamy contentment, she realized this was how it felt to be truly loved. He had been the gentle and considerate lover she knew he would be, arousing feelings she was unaware she even possessed until tonight.

  Stroking a strand of hair back from his forehead, she sighed with pleasure and said simply, ‘I love you.’

  He moved his weight on to his elbows to gaze down at her. In the aftermath of their lovemaking, her pupils were dilated, the wild silken mane of her hair was spread over the pillow and a flush tinted her cheeks; she glowed with sensual satisfaction. Arms around her, he rolled on to his side, taking her with him. ‘You are breathtaking,’ he said, a look of wonder on his face. Then, kissing the tip of her nose, he whispered, ‘I hurt you, didn’t I?’

  ‘A little but I wanted you so much the pain was fleeting.’

  ‘Next time will be even better,’ he said, brushing his lips against hers.

  ‘Then I shall think I have died and gone to heaven,’ she murmured incredulously. ‘I can scarcely believe the pleasure we have just shared exists, let alone imagine it could be transcended.’ Alyssa felt him chuckle at her words.


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