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To Love and Protect Her

Page 19

by Margaret Watson

  “Something like that.” Griff bent down to kiss her. “How are you doing, Mallory?”

  “I’m great.” She looked up as Reed joined her. “We’re more than great. We had an ultrasound last week, and the baby is perfect.”

  “Did you find out the sex?” Willa asked.

  Reed shook his head. “Nope. We don’t want to know—we want to be surprised in four months. All we wanted to know was that the baby is healthy.”

  “We did pick out names, though,” Mallory said.

  “What did you decide?” Willa asked eagerly.

  Reed grinned. “If it’s a boy, he’ll be Geoffrey Theodore after Mallory’s father and mine. If it’s a girl, she’ll be Kyla Marie, because we just like the name.”

  Griff rolled his eyes. “Am I going to get as sappy as my brothers when we have a baby?” he asked Willa.

  “You’ll be far worse,” she answered with a laugh. “The tough guys always are.”

  Griff laughed and gave her a kiss.

  Then Willa listened as Griff and Reed talked about the business of the ranch in Australia. As they were talking, Ryan came up to them.

  “I need to talk to all of you. I’m looking for Mattie and Dawson, and Brody and Jillian,” he said. “Do you know where they are?”

  “Jillian and Brody went inside so that Jillian could nurse Sarah,” Griff answered. “I don’t know about Mattie and Dawson.”

  “They’re talking to Mom and Dad,” Reed said. “Over there in the corner.”

  Everyone turned around to look. Fiona was wiping her eyes and smiling. Teddy looked stunned. “Whatever it is, it looks interesting,” Griff said after a few moments.

  “You can find out later,” Ryan said. “Right now, I want to update all of you on Betsy Keene.”

  “Is she all right?” Willa asked.

  Ryan gave her a strange look. “You act as if you’re concerned about her.”

  “I am,” Willa answered immediately. “She loved Clint, and she didn’t realize what he had planned. And she did save my life and Griff’s.”

  Ryan’s eyes softened as he watched her. “I should have realized that’s how you would feel. Come on.” He herded them toward the house. “I don’t want to interrupt your wedding, but I thought you would all want to know. Why don’t you go into my study while I fetch Mattie and Dawson?”

  After the noise and gaiety of the courtyard, the house felt still and silent. Reed, Mallory, Willa and Griff waited in the study, along with Jillian, Sarah and Brody, whom they had found preparing to return to the party. In a few minutes, Ryan ushered Mattie and Dawson into the room.

  “I wanted you all to know what was going on with Betsy Keene, since you were all involved with her and Clint to one degree or another. She’s still in prison and undergoing a psychiatric evaluation. I’ve talked to the psychiatrist, and he feels that there is a chance she might be released in another year or so. How do you all feel about that?”

  “It doesn’t bother me,” said Mattie softly. “She did shoot at me, but it was Clint who made her do it. She loved him and that made her act irrationally.”

  “Love can’t excuse everything,” Dawson said, putting his arm around Mattie. “I’d want to be sure that she wouldn’t try to hurt anyone again.”

  “I think that’s what the psychiatrist has in mind,” Ryan answered carefully. “Willa, how do you feel? She kidnapped you.”

  “She also saved my life and Griff’s,” Willa answered. “That should count for something.”

  Ryan smiled as he looked at her. “I figured you would say that. How about the rest of you?”

  After they talked for a while, everyone agreed that if the psychiatrist felt that Betsy wasn’t a threat any longer, she should be released from prison. Ryan looked at everyone, then stood.

  “I’ll tell the psychiatrist how you feel. It may not make a difference, but I’ll let you know.” He gave everyone a smile. “Now I’ll let you all get back to the party. A wedding is no time to hide in the office.”

  They all started to follow him, but Mattie said, “Could you wait for a minute? Dawson and I have some news to share with you. We already told Mom and Dad.”

  “Is it something about the baby?” Griff asked.

  “You could say that.” Mattie grinned, then reached out for her husband’s hand. “Dawson and I just found out that the baby is babies. We’re having twins—a boy and a girl.”

  After a moment of stunned silence, everyone began talking at once. Finally Mattie held up her hand, laughing. “I’ll tell you everything we know. Both of the babies are healthy, but I have to take it easy from now on. No riding or working with horses. We’ve already decided on names. The boy is going to be Colin, and the girl is Alyssa.”

  “You’re not naming the girl Matilda?” Griff asked, giving her an innocent look.

  Mattie picked up a throw pillow from the couch and tossed it at him. “I don’t know how you put up with him, Willa,” she said. “This baby will not be cursed with the name Matilda, or anything even closely resembling it. Alyssa is the most feminine name we could think of.”

  The sounds of the reception echoed down the hall as Willa looked at Griff, standing with his arm around Mattie’s shoulder. His two brothers stood on either side of him, their wives next to them.

  “So much has happened in the last year,” she said softly.

  Griff moved to her side and hugged her. “The day Mom saw that news story about Bryan’s kidnapping changed all of our lives. Teddy found his half brother Ryan, and we all found the loves of our lives.” He brought Willa’s hand to his mouth and gave it a lingering kiss. “Thank God she saw that story.”

  “Amen to that,” Brody said, taking Jillian’s hand. “If we hadn’t come to Texas, I wouldn’t have found Jillian again. And I wouldn’t have a daughter.”

  “And I wouldn’t have met Mallory,” said Reed. He gave his wife an affectionate look. “And we wouldn’t be expecting a baby in four months.”

  “Heaven knows what would have happened to Mattie,” said Brody with a teasing grin.

  “She would still be giving me gray hair,” said Griff. “Now she’s giving Dawson gray hair.”

  “It won’t be long before Mattie will be on the receiving end in the gray hair department,” Dawson said with a grin. “Wait until these twins start walking.”

  “Mattie is going to be a great mother,” Willa said, smiling at Mattie. “Anyone can see that. A little thing like twins isn’t going to rattle her.”

  “I’ve wanted children for a long time,” Mattie said, beaming. “My prayers have been doubly answered. My only regret is that my family won’t be closer.”

  “We’ll be back in Texas all the time,” Reed assured her. “With all the business ties we have with Ryan, one of us will be here about every month.”

  “And we’ll go home regularly, too,” Mattie said. “Especially now that the Australian Fortunes are part of the U.S. Fortune business. Dawson will have lots of reasons for going to Australia, and the twins and I will go with him.” She gave her brothers a mischievous look as she laid her hand on her protruding abdomen. “From the way they’ve been kicking, I have a feeling that Alyssa and Colin are going to be bigger hellions than I was. They’ll need their uncles to keep an eye on them.”

  Willa slid her arm around Griff’s waist as she moved closer to him. “I can’t believe that now I have not only four brothers and a sister, but nieces and nephews, too. I’m so glad you came to my apartment that day last December, Griff.”

  “I am, too,” Griff murmured as he bent his head to kiss her. “Even though you were almost kidnapped that day, it turned out to be the best day of my life.”

  “And mine.” She lost herself in Griff’s kiss, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that the other couples in the study were exchanging kisses, as well.

  “I’d say this trip to Texas has been the making of the Australian Fortunes,” Griff said.

  “You said it,” agreed Brody.

Griff curled his arm around Willa. “Here’s to Texas,” he said, and he touched his head in a brief salute.

  “And the happiness we all found,” Reed said.

  Griff put his arm around Willa’s waist as all four couples headed out of the study and back to the reception. “The rest of our lives is waiting for us through those doors,” he whispered.

  “I can’t wait to see what it holds,” she answered.

  They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, then turned to walk into their future together.

  Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Margaret Watson for her contribution to THE FORTUNES OF TEXAS series.


  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7339-3

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen




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