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Dangerous (Element Preservers Series, Book 1)

Page 24

by Alycia Linwood

  “Yeah, but we’re trying to stop that, right?” he said, clearly trying to cheer me up.

  “Yeah, I guess,” I said. I definitely didn’t want to kill someone, but what were the chances that we could come up with a cure? I didn’t know. They were obviously hiding so much from us. Maybe they did it with the cure too. It felt like we were surrounded by a cloud of secrets… everyone’s secrets, including my own.

  “It’s going to be alright,” Adrian whispered into my ear and pulled my dress down a bit so he could kiss my shoulder. I closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind of all thoughts, but that seemed impossible. I badly needed something else to focus on, anything. I turned around and met Adrian’s gray-blue eyes.

  “I don’t want…” I started to say, but Adrian placed his finger on my lips. He let his finger slide down all the way to my necklace. I gasped, feeling the desire stirring inside of me. Why was he doing this to me?

  “I… can… make… you… forget...,” he said, emphasizing each word with a kiss. His offer seemed so sweet and tempting, and I really wanted to have a moment of happiness in all this mess.

  “No strings attached,” he added with a smile. Funny he said that when we both knew it wasn’t like that. If we did this now, there would be no going back. And it would only confirm we felt something for each other. Did I really want to deal with that later?

  He looked at me as I ran my hand through his black hair. Then I pulled him to me in a kiss so hot that it burned through me more than my element.

  Chapter 27

  Michael and Paula had safely returned somewhere in the middle of the night and they were empty-handed, of course. I ignored Michael’s message because there was no reason for me to be awake at that time, especially when they’d left me behind. The only reason that I was awake was that Adrian and I were going through the files we’d taken from Pandora’s Box. There were some nice DNA analyses, and I was sure Paula would kill to get her hands on them. Ok, maybe not literally kill, but she wanted them pretty badly.

  There was just too much text in the files, so we simply stored it safely in Adrian’s closet. But we had at least found out that the first case of a magic disease carrier who could keep an element for more than a few months was more than sixty years old. How nice of the government to cover that up, and I was sure there was more of it. There had been experiments carried out on magic disease carries just like they had been on Adrian. From what we could read, he was very lucky to get alive out of that place.

  “What do we do now?” I said, running my fingers through Adrian’s hair. I was sitting with my back pressed against the headboard, and Adrian was resting his head on my lap. It was one of those calm and relaxing moments we used to have sometimes.

  “Wait for the dawn?” He looked up at me. That wasn’t what I meant, but I guessed he wasn’t ready to talk about it.

  “Why?” I said.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “Because we have nothing else to do?”

  “Actually, we have things to do.” I laughed softly. “We just don’t feel like doing them.”

  “True,” he said. And we ended up waiting for the dawn. It was hilarious because we actually ran to the window to see the first rays of sun appear on the horizon. Then we went to sleep and didn’t wake up until someone knocked on the door.

  This time Adrian actually waited for me to get dressed and fix my hair the best I could before he opened the door. But damn, it was still early and I looked like a raccoon with those dark bags under my eyes. There was no surprise on Alan’s face, but he didn’t seem happy. I tried to leave, but he stopped me.

  “I need you two for a moment,” he said.

  “We don’t need to hear the same speech again,” Adrian said. “Besides, we are going to be late for breakfast.”

  “It’s not that.” Alan smiled. “And there’s plenty of food in my office.”

  Great. Just what we needed. But part of me wondered why Alan wanted to talk to us if it wasn’t about how romance was forbidden or something. Had someone recognized us yesterday and notified him? I hoped not.

  We were sitting in Alan’s office a few moments later, and really, the desk was full of food. I took a doughnut just to keep my mouth full. Maybe that way I wouldn’t have to answer any questions. But damn, that doughnut was tasty.

  “Would you like some tea?” Alan asked.

  “Sure,” I said, and Adrian just shook his head.

  “Ah, yes, I forgot. You don’t like tea,” Alan smiled at Adrian as he poured a cup for me. I took the cup and smiled. The tea smelled good and warm, and I needed something to drink after the doughnut.

  “What do you want from us?” Adrian said suspiciously.

  “I need your opinion on something,” Alan said. “It’s a university project actually.”

  “I didn’t know our opinion would be of any importance to anyone, especially not to you,” Adrian said. I was happy with simply chewing on another doughnut and being quiet.

  “Well, it is important,” Alan said, annoyance showing in his voice. “We’re planning to expand the building and maybe build the biggest university library ever. Or you’d rather have a gym, a pool or something like that. We’re open to suggestions.”

  “How about a beauty parlor?” I grinned, knowing that he meant something educational and not stupid, but I couldn’t help it. As I said it, a wave of dizziness passed over me. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten so fast.

  “That’s a suggestion, yeah,” Alan said, then he frowned at me. “Are you feeling ok, Ria? Do you need some air?”

  “No, it’s just…” I started to say, but the dizziness was back.

  “Maybe we should continue this conversation outside,” Alan said, getting up from his chair. “The weather is nice and I could show you where we could build.”

  Adrian looked at me, worried, and I gave him a reassuring smile. It would pass when I was out of the damn office, I was sure. I figured I could stand up just fine, so we started walking towards the park.

  “We can do this some other time if you aren’t feeling well,” Adrian said to me, but I shook my head at him. We so didn’t need to have a meeting with Alan some other time again. And I wanted us to be done with this so we could meet with Michael and Paula and tell them about the files.

  Alan was talking about something as we walked farther and farther away from the university building. I was impressed by all the beautiful colors in the park and around. The sky was so insanely blue and the sun caressed my skin, making me feel warm all over. But how was that possible so early in the morning? I didn’t know and I didn’t care. The world was beautiful… until I realized we were in the middle of nowhere. How had we gotten here?

  Then I remembered we must have gone all the way to the empty fields that were behind the park. There was really nothing interesting there, except endless grass and trees and… Adrian suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me back. Alan was still walking in front of us, and I looked at Adrian in surprise.

  “Go back!” he said, his voice low and urgent. “Run! Get the fuck out of here!”

  I was staring at him, not understanding what he was saying.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Alan said, and I looked at him. Then my eyes fell on the gun in his hand, which was pointed at us. Oh, shit.

  I gasped, and Adrian stepped in front of me, hiding me with his body. What was going on?

  “It’s me you want,” Adrian said. “Let her go.”

  “No,” Alan said. “I need both of you.”

  We had to solve this somehow, and I reached for my element. I didn’t care if I burned the guy alive. My life was in danger, along with Adrian’s. Only there was nothing… I couldn’t do it. I panicked.

  “I can’t feel my element,” I choked out.

  “Of course you can’t,” Alan said. “I spiked your tea.”

  Oh, crap. That was why I felt so dizzy and lightheaded.

  “What do you want?” Adrian said. I wasn’t exactly sure would it be better
if I was the one covering him, since I couldn’t find a reason why would Alan want to kill me too. But madmen usually didn’t have that kind of logic.

  “I know it was you who stole the journal,” Alan said. “And I know where you both were yesterday.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Adrian said. I just stood there in shock. How had he found out about all of that?

  “Don’t play stupid now, Adrian,” Alan said. “Because I know you aren’t. You wanted that journal, and I don’t know how you found out about the hotel, but somehow you did. And don’t try to deny it because your car was there. I know because I put a tracker on it.”

  Oh, nice. We were royally screwed.

  “Ria wasn’t with me,” Adrian said.

  “Ah no? But I don’t know any other girl who would be willing to go with you, and you two seem to be pretty close anyway,” Alan said. “Actually, I bet she’s the mysterious blonde who was never seen again.”

  “So what? My car being there doesn’t prove anything,” Adrian said. “Besides, since when do you mind me taking my lovers to a hotel instead of bringing them here?”

  “You’re right. There are absolutely no proofs against you,” Alan said. “And I know your father’s journal actually belongs to you, so there’s no real harm. I’m suspicious about the hotel though, so let’s just try something.”

  “Try what?” Adrian said. I was glad that no one had noticed we’d broken into the Pandora’s Box. We'd managed to close the door, and since no one could open it, there was no way someone could find out about it so soon. Besides, there were so many papers that I didn’t think they’d notice something was missing even if they looked. I was sure no one would risk the life of one of those remaining important people just to check.

  “Stop me or I’m going to shoot you both,” Alan said and he didn’t look like he was joking. Adrian took a step towards him, but Alan just shook his head.

  “Not like that.” He smiled. “Use your head, boy.”

  I wasn’t sure should I do something, but nothing came to my mind. My mind actually wasn’t in a good condition at all, and I wondered what kind of drugs Alan had put in my tea. I hoped Adrian knew what Alan wanted.

  Adrian glanced back at me for a second and then the ice started forming rapidly all over the gun and going for Alan’s arm. Alan dropped the gun and started walking towards us. Should we run? But Alan didn’t have the gun anymore and if he’d wanted to do something with his element to us, he’d have done it already. If I’d been confused before, I had no idea how I felt now.

  I think Adrian still debated what to do when Alan reached us and hugged him. That was so weird that I thought I was hallucinating. Adrian seemed taken aback too and he just stood there unmoving.

  “I knew you had an element!” Alan said, finally letting go of Adrian. “Your mother would be so proud.”

  “What the fuck?” Adrian said out loud my thoughts exactly.

  “Sorry, I just knew you’d never admit it if I didn’t do something extreme.” Alan smiled like nothing had happened. “The gun wasn’t even loaded.”

  I glared at him. So he’d drugged me, threatened my life and all for what? To get a confession from Adrian? I was so pissed I thought I could rip his head off right there. Adrian probably guessed my thoughts because he reached for my hand and squeezed it. Or maybe he was afraid like me that he would lose control and kill the guy.

  “You sick son of a bitch!” I yelled. “I can come up with a million other ways to find out! This was just… fucked up!”

  Adrian had to use both hands to stop me from going for Alan’s throat. Even though Adrian was touching me, I could still feel the faint flickering of Alan’s element and I wanted it. And no, it had absolutely nothing to do with my disease… well, I wasn’t sure. But Adrian was too strong for me and I couldn’t get free. Damn!!! Some weird mix of an angry scream and a cry escaped my lips. I was losing it… badly.

  “Ria, sorry,” I heard Alan’s voice like he was somewhere far away. Things were becoming blurry in front of my eyes. I blinked, but it didn’t help much.

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  “Ria! Ria, no!”

  Chapter 28

  I woke up with the worst headache ever. I could feel someone’s warm body pressed against mine. Someone was holding me, and we were lying on something. I wanted to open my eyes, but my eyelids were too heavy. Voices. Someone was talking, and I tried really hard to hear. But the words didn’t make sense to me at first. I wanted to move my arm, but I couldn’t. Oh, crap. Was I in some kind of a coma? But how the hell could I think so clearly? It must have been that drugs Alan had given me. Me and drugs simply didn’t go together. Maybe I should get a job as a drug tester so they could find out about the weirdest side effects.

  “So you’re saying I have a sub-element.” I recognized Adrian’s voice.

  “Yes,” Alan said. Ugh, why was that stupid psycho still around?

  “How many of these are there?”

  “A lot. But so far we know of ice, dust, smoke, mist and whirlwind,” Alan said, and I could feel Adrian’s body stiffening. He’d probably thought he was the only one with a strange element and this whole thing surprised him a lot.

  “You could have told me, you know?” Adrian said bitterly. “We wouldn’t be going through all this if you had.”

  “Sorry, but I couldn’t tell you because I’m forbidden to tell anyone who could tell someone else,” Alan said. “And I’m sure that whatever I did, you wouldn’t tell me the truth.”

  “Of course I wouldn’t,” Adrian scoffed. “But I could tell someone else now.”

  “No, you won’t do that,” Alan said. “Because then I would have to tell the Council about you, and they’d take you back… there.”

  Ah great, threatening Adrian with the worst thing ever. How nice. I really wanted to at least punch the guy in the face. The feeling in my fingers returned a little, but now I didn’t want to move because I didn’t want them to know I could hear them.

  “Why did you say my mother would be proud?” Adrian asked.

  “Because her family had had water a long time ago and ice is a sub-element of it,” Alan said. “Your father’s side of the family had had earth. And I believe ice is much cooler than dust.”

  “Huh,” Adrian said. “But my parents didn’t have any element or a sub-element?”


  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know,” Alan said.

  “How can I have it then?”

  “I don’t know,” Alan repeated, not pleased with not having an answer. “I believe some people might know, but they’re not sharing. Not with me and not with anyone.”

  Maybe the answer was in those papers we had stolen but had been too lazy to go through.

  “So, basically, Ria is in this condition because of your curiosity?” Adrian didn’t hide the anger in his voice. Well, I wanted to know that too.

  “Yeah, but I didn’t know this would happen,” Alan said like it was a perfect excuse.

  “That’s a lame excuse,” Adrian said. I opened my eyes and tried to sit up.

  “Now that’s an understatement,” I said. “You deserve an award for the biggest idiot on the planet!”

  “Glad you’re awake, Ria,” Alan said, but didn’t look like it. I could see relief flash through Adrian’s eyes.

  “Whatever,” I said. “I would appreciate it if you could leave the room. Now.”

  “Alright,” Alan said, going for the door. “See you later.”

  Adrian waited for him to leave and then he kissed my forehead.

  “You don’t know how glad I am to see your eyes again,” he said. That was such a weird thing for him to say. I didn’t have nearly as gorgeous eyes as he did. Once I’d hated his eyes, but that had been before I saw there was more to them than just coldness.

  “Can’t get rid of me so easily.” I smiled.

  “Good,” he said. “Can you walk?”

I can try,” I said. “Why?”

  Deep inside of me something froze, because I was afraid he’d cast me off again. I didn’t want to get hurt. Not by him. Yeah, somewhere along this whole thing I had admitted to myself that I did have feelings for him.

  “Your brother wants to talk to you,” Adrian said. “He’s in your room.”

  It didn’t matter whether I could walk or not. I had to get to my room as soon as possible. If Oliver wanted to talk to me, he wouldn’t leave until that happened. I didn’t want him here longer than necessary, because I wasn’t sure he was exactly safe to be around. And if Paula or Michael came to look for me in my room and found him… well, things could get ugly.

  Oliver was sitting on my bed, looking as charming and dashing as usual. I wondered how many girls had gotten the disease from him, because I didn’t think he cared at all about that. He smiled at me as I entered the room. I locked the door just to make sure no one would interrupt. This was something between my brother and me only.

  “Hi, sis,” he said. “Had a rough day?”

  “You could say so,” I said, walking over to him and sitting down. Maybe it was stupid, but I wasn’t worried about my safety. He wouldn’t kill me for no reason.

  “I assumed you had questions, so I came,” he said.

  “Hard not to have questions when so much shit happens,” I said.

  “True.” He sighed. “So, where do I start?”

  “I want to know why we have the disease when our family has a pure element.”

  “I’ve been trying to figure that one out for years,” he said. “It’s just a bad genetic code. And it all comes from our great-grandfather.”

  “Let me guess, it’s Jonathan, right? From our mother’s side?” I said. “The freak who might have signed some kind of a deal to kill anyone who married a person with a different element?”

  “Yeah,” he said, “it’s him. And guess what? The bastard had the magic disease.”

  “What?” I frowned. “But that’s impossible!”

  “Impossible is nothing.” He smiled. “I thought you had learned that when you got the disease.”


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