Book Read Free

Carol Lynne

Page 9

by The Last Bouquet (lit)

  Hearn and Tyler started laughing. “Come on lover, take me home,” Nate chuckled, taking Ryan’s hand. “Make sure you come by after Gracie gets settled in.”

  “We will,” Hearn replied.

  Ryan put his arm around Nate as they neared Rio. “Have you ever seen Hearn so happy?”

  “No,” Ryan agreed, pulling Nate closer to his side. “It looks good on him.”

  “Sure as hell does.”

  “Come on,” Rio whined. “I’ve already pulled the truck up.”

  Nate chuckled and rolled his eyes. “We’re coming.”

  He let his men lead him outside. Like usual, Nate sat in the centre between Ryan and Rio. “I liked Hearn’s ideas for the after-school and summer kids’ programmes.”

  Ryan nodded his agreement. “He’s definitely done his homework as far as finding the money in the town’s budget. And I think he’s right about making community service hours mandatory for high school graduates. They’ll not only learn to become more civic minded, but it’ll look good on their college resumes.”

  Nate went quiet. Maybe Hearn would be better at the job as mayor. He’d definitely shown the town his superior business skills earlier in the evening. Nate didn’t want to admit it, but he knew he’d win the election. Hearn was a nice guy, but he rarely talked with people outside of the park.

  He felt a hand slide up his thigh to rub against his cock. Nate glanced sideways at Ryan. “Yes?”

  “What’s got you thinking so hard?”

  Nate shrugged. “If Hearn would make a better mayor.”

  Ryan’s arm dipped from the back of his seat to Nate’s shoulders, pulling him closer. “I think Hearn is a wonderful man. Lord knows he’s a hell of a lot smarter than that jackass Mitch ever gave him credit for, but no. I don’t think he’d make a better town leader.”

  “But you just said…”

  “I know what I said, but you have to possess a certain amount of finesse to do the job justice. You, my dear, have that in spades. People listen to you because they want to, not because they have to. Do you see the difference?”

  Nate grinned. “Because I’m the cutest guy in school I might get to wear the homecoming crown?”

  Both Rio and Ryan burst out laughing. “Yeah, something like that,” Ryan chuckled, with a shake to his head.

  * * * *

  Tyler ran his hand down Hearn’s bare chest. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Hearn reached down and covered Tyler’s hand, bringing it up to his mouth for a kiss. “Thanks. I was actually quite pleased with the presentation. I may not win the election, but at least I got people thinking.”

  “Exactly,” Tyler agreed. Tyler sat up on his knees and studied Hearn. “You don’t really want to be Mayor Sutherland anyway, do you?”

  “No, not really,” Hearn admitted. He still hadn’t divulged to Tyler the real reason he’d decided to run. Maybe it was time he laid his cards out on the table. “I did it to make you proud of me.”

  Tyler leaned over, putting a hand on either side of Hearn’s head. With his face two inches from Hearn’s, Tyler’s eyes narrowed. “What’re you talking about?”

  With Tyler in his face, Hearn couldn’t back away enough to avoid eye contact. “I know it was a stupid thing to do, but at the time I didn’t think I was worthy of someone like you.”

  Tyler stuck his tongue out and rimmed Hearn’s lips. “Does this go back to the way Mitch made you feel?”

  “Yeah. Everyone in town likes you, and you do a hell of a lot for them in return. I thought if I showed you I cared about Cattle Valley as much as you seem to…well, that you’d think I was good enough.”

  “Good enough for what? I’d already told you I loved you.”

  “That’s not always enough,” Hearn confessed. It sure as hell wasn’t for Mitch. That is, if Mitch ever loved him in the first place. No. Hearn had to believe his ex felt something.

  Tyler sat up and crossed his arms. “I have a feeling this insecurity goes beyond Mitch.” Tyler reached down and cupped Hearn’s face. “Did you get along with your parents before they found out you were gay?”

  What? Hearn felt like he’d been slapped. Where was this coming from? “They were adults.”


  Hearn shrugged. “So? They weren’t around much. They were wealthy. They had better things to do.”

  Tyler bent down and kissed him. “Did they love you?”

  “I don’t know, I guess. Hell, they were my parents. I had the best of everything growing up, the best schools, the best nannies, the biggest toys.” Hearn didn’t want to talk about his past. He ran his hands down Tyler’s back to his ass. Spreading his lover’s cheeks, he circled the puckered hole with his middle finger.

  Tyler moaned, before shaking his head. “Stop trying to distract me,” he scolded.

  “I don’t wanna talk about my parents.”


  Exasperated, Hearn sighed. “Because they don’t mean anything to me! Surely, you of all people can understand that. I’ve talked to my mother a few times on the phone, but it’s not like she’d ever ask me to visit.”

  “Why wouldn’t she ask you to visit? Goddammit, Hearn, she’s your mother.”

  Hearn shook his head. “Just forget it. I don’t need someone with a fucked-up childhood trying to psychoanalyse mine.”

  Tyler stared at him for a few moments before jumping off the bed. Hearn watched his partner’s back visibly stiffen as he walked towards the bathroom. The door slammed and Hearn groaned. “Fuck!”

  He was just about to go after Tyler, when the door swung open with such force it made a small dent in the wall behind it. With fire in his eyes, Tyler marched back over to the bed.

  “Let me tell you something,” Tyler began, finger pointing at Hearn in anger. “My ‘childhood’ may have been fucked up, but at least my mom told me that she loved me, every goddamned day. Which is more than I think you can say. I think you clung to that piece of shit, Mitch, because he was the first person to show you an ounce of caring.”

  Hearn rose from his position until he was eye level with the man having a tantrum right in front of him. He held up a hand in warning. “Put the finger away,” he growled.

  Tyler froze. Hearn watched as his lover’s gaze went to his outstretched hand and the finger in question. He saw the reaction in Tyler’s eyes first. The outstretched hand came in to cover Tyler’s mouth as he turned to retreat to the bathroom.

  Jumping out of bed, Hearn quickly followed. “Breathe, baby,” he instructed from the doorway. “Just relax and concentrate.”

  Tyler shook his head, falling onto his knees in front of the toilet. “I’m sorry,” Tyler stuttered, lifting the lid.

  “Don’t be,” Hearn warned. “It’s the first time you’ve probably ever stood up for yourself.”

  Tyler closed his eyes and rested his forehead on the arms braced across the cold porcelain. Hearn watched as Tyler took several deep breaths. “Easy,” Hearn soothed, sliding in to sit behind the man he loved.

  “I shouldn’t have said those things to you,” Tyler choked around a sob.

  Hearn rested his cheek against Tyler’s back, needing the connection. “I’m glad you did.” He teased the hair at the nape of Tyler’s neck. “You were probably right. When I found Mitch, I thought…at last.”

  It hurt to admit it, even to himself, but he’d needed Mitch’s love so much he’d turned a blind eye to everything. “I think he probably fucked around our entire relationship. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice a difference once we moved to Cattle Valley.” Hearn shrugged. “I didn’t want to see it. I finally had someone who, at least on the surface, seemed to put me first.”

  Tyler pressed back. “Hold me?”

  Hearn sat up and gathered Tyler into his lap, and wiped his lover’s tears.

  “I love you,” Tyler declared, chin wobbling.

  Tilting Tyler’s face up, Hearn kissed him. As he tasted the interior of Tyler’s mouth he thanked God he’d bee
n given such a special gift. He knew the addition of Gracie would be a welcome one, but he also knew he’d have felt complete even if it were just him and Tyler for the rest of their lives. “I love you, too.”

  “Take me to bed.”

  Getting his feet under him, Hearn scooped Tyler up from the floor and carried him out of the bathroom, laying him gently on the mattress. He tossed the lube they’d used earlier onto the bed before coming down on top of his lover. He truly was proud of Tyler for standing up for himself. Although arguing wasn’t something he looked forward to, it was important for Tyler to understand he could speak his mind.

  He began kissing his way up Tyler’s neck, taking the time to cherish what he had. Reaching Tyler’s mouth, he brushed his lips over Tyler’s. With a moan, Tyler opened for him, begging with unspoken words.

  As he finally kissed his lover, he reached for the tube beside the pillow. He slicked his cock and guided it to Tyler’s already stretched hole.

  “Make love to me,” Tyler whispered against Hearn’s lips.

  “Every day in every way,” Hearn answered, slowly pushing his way inside Tyler’s heat.

  Even as his hips began to move, Hearn knew this was more than making love. It was a cementing of their bond. Tyler’s body moulded to Hearn’s, moving with him on every thrust.

  Riding the edge of his climax, Hearn realised he’d never truly made love. Even though he’d been sexually active for quite a few years, he’d always equated a slow fuck as making love. How wrong he’d been. Gazing into Tyler’s eyes, Hearn felt as much with his heart as he did his dick. The pleasure wasn’t simply physical, but spiritual as well. Yeah. That’s the difference, he concluded as he spilled his seed deep inside the man he loved.

  Chapter Ten

  “The Gym,” Rio answered the phone.

  “Hi, Rio. It’s Joseph. Is Will there by chance?”

  “Nate’s making last minute preparations for the party later. Did something happen?” They’d managed to keep Nate’s birth name out of the papers, but that didn’t mean the Senator hadn’t found out.

  “Nate, yes, I’m sorry. I forgot it was Election Day for you guys. Tell me, how’re his chances?”

  “Good. As a matter of fact, we’re combining parties with the other candidate.”


  Rio chuckled. “Yeah, you gotta know Cattle Valley. When the guy you’re running against is a friend, it’s all pretty civilised.”

  “I’ve got to get out there someday and see this Utopia first hand.”

  “You should. We’d love to have you, provided you bring Phillip along,” Rio teased.

  Joseph chuckled. “I promise to never try and poach Nate.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Listen, I had something I wanted to run past Nate, but since I have you on the phone, do you mind if I ask you a question?”

  “Okay, shoot.” Rio peered around the room, making sure no one needed his assistance.

  “I was wondering what the job situation is like in Cattle Valley? You see, I’ve got a kid who just turned eighteen and is no longer eligible for the programme. Problem is, he really has nowhere else to go.”

  “Is he trained in any certain vocation?” Rio asked.

  “Formally? No. But he’s worked in the kitchen here at the shelter since he first wandered through our doors three years ago. He’s a damn fine cook, I can vouch for that.”

  Rio rubbed his chin. “Let me talk to a few people and get back to you. I mean, he’s more than welcome to come here without a job, but it might make the transition easier on him if he knows he’s moving towards something.”

  Joseph was silent for a moment. “Yes. He’s become quite attached to us over the years. But recently he’s been having problems with an ex. Phillip and I think it would be best to get him out of the city before the ex does something more serious than slapping him around.”

  Rio gripped the phone. There was nothing he hated more than to hear about abuse of any kind. “Put him on the next plane. If I can’t find him something, I’ll give him a job here at the gym.”

  “Thanks,” Joseph sighed. “You don’t know what a relief that is.”

  “Do you want me to wire you some money for a plane ticket?”

  “No. We’ll dip into some of the money Nate sent if you think that would be okay with him?”

  “It’ll be fine. Nate donated that money for you and Phillip to use as you see fit. It sounds like keeping this kid safe is a good enough reason. By the way, what’s his name?”

  “Jay De Luca. And, Rio, there’s something else I should warn you about.”

  By the tone of Joseph’s voice, Rio wasn’t sure he was going to like what his new friend had to say. “What?”


  The first thing that popped into his head was china. “You mean breakable, or feminine?”

  “Both, actually.” Joseph paused once again before continuing. “You did tell me Cattle Valley was tolerant, right?”

  “Yes. I don’t think you need to worry about Jay being flamboyant here. Hell, look at Nate.”

  Joseph cleared his throat. “Jay isn’t flamboyant in the least. He’s quite shy, but his mannerisms…well, let’s just say they make a lot of people uncomfortable. It’s the reason we’ve let him stay here so long. He wouldn’t be safe on the streets, if you know what I mean.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye out for him, but I honestly don’t foresee any trouble.” Rio wondered what he’d gotten himself into. Still, it sounded like Jay needed a safe place to live, and Rio couldn’t think of a safer place than Cattle Valley. “Make the arrangements, and give me a call back. I’ll make sure he gets picked up from the airport, either by me or someone I trust.”

  “I can’t thank you enough,” Joseph replied.

  “No need. This is exactly what this town was founded for.”

  After hanging up, Rio went to find Mario. He had a spare room and job to find.

  * * * *

  “You two about ready?” Hearn asked, walking into Gracie’s room. Tyler was putting the finishing touches on Gracie’s hair. “Ready?” he asked again.

  Tyler fastened the bow holding Gracie’s black curls out of her face. “I think so.” Tyler stood and turned their daughter around to face him. “What do you think?”

  “Pretty as a picture,” Hearn complimented.

  Tyler had insisted they buy Gracie a new dress for the election party. Hearn had tried to argue that she already had a closet full of new clothes, but Tyler rolled his eyes and bought one anyway.

  “You’re going to spoil her,” Hearn had admonished.

  “Yep,” Tyler had agreed. “And she deserves every bit of it.”

  Leaning against the wall, Hearn looked at the two people he loved most in the world. They both deserve to be spoiled. He watched as Tyler lifted Gracie off her bed.

  “We’re ready,” Tyler said, leading Gracie by the hand.

  Hearn reached down and picked his daughter up. “You’ll steal everyone’s heart.” He placed a kiss on Gracie’s nose, before turning to give Tyler a kiss. “Let’s get this over with so we can come home and watch television.”

  Shaking his head, Tyler led them out to their new SUV. Hearn set Gracie in her booster seat and buckled her up. “All ready, princess?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Shutting the car door, Hearn needed a moment to get his emotions under control. After the judge had granted him Temporary-Guardianship, Gracie had started calling him Daddy and Tyler, Dad. Hearn doubted he’d ever take it for granted. They still had some red tape to wade through before Gracie was officially theirs, but at least they were able to bring the precious little girl home with them.

  Opening the driver’s door, Hearn climbed behind the wheel. “Let’s go do the concession thing and then get the hel…heck out of there.”

  In a town the size of Cattle Valley it hadn’t taken long to count the votes. Hearn had received his call before he’d begun to dr
ess for the party. The election had ended as he knew it would, but he was still rather shocked by how many votes he’d actually received.

  Tyler’s hand landed on his thigh. “Doesn’t matter that you lost. I have a strong feeling you accomplished what you set out to do.”

  With a nod, Hearn backed out of the drive and headed for the reception hall connected to the church. When he pulled into the parking lot, the party appeared to be in full swing. “Nate does know how to throw a party,” Hearn commented.

  Tyler chuckled. “That’s because Nate is the party.”

  They had barely walked into the hall when Rio came up to them. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked Tyler.

  “Sure.” He held up a finger and pointed towards Nate. “Gracie, why don’t you go give Mayor Gills a big hug and tell him congratulations.”

  Hearn was actually shocked when Gracie squealed in delight and ran towards Nate. He gave Tyler a questioning expression.

  Tyler grinned. “She spent all day with the man decorating for a party, what did you expect?”

  Chuckling, Hearn wrapped his arm around Tyler’s waist as his partner spoke. “Okay, I’m sorry about that.”

  Rio smiled. “No big deal. Nate’s crazy about her.”

  “Well he can’t have her,” Hearn added.

  Rio shifted a little and glanced over towards the back wall. “I was wondering if you’d rented your loft out yet?”

  Tyler’s head tilted to the side. “No. Why?”

  “I thought maybe you’d lease it to me. I just picked Cattle Valley’s newest resident up from the airport.” Rio gestured to the young woman standing in the corner.

  “You mean that girl over there?” Tyler asked.

  Rio rubbed the back of his neck. “His name’s Jay De Luca. It’s a long story which I’ll be more than happy to fill you in on later, but for now, he needs a place to stay. I’ve also promised to help him find a job.”

  Hearn gazed at the tiniest, thinnest, hell, prettiest man he’d ever set eyes on. No way was that a man. “Really? That’s a guy?” he couldn’t keep from asking.


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