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Forever and For Always

Page 9

by Debra Clopton

  She laughed. “Hello to you too.”

  “Hello,” he said, gruffly. “I’ve missed you.”

  Three simple words meant so much. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  “Then why are we talking on the phone?” he asked and she watched as he hopped from the boat to the dock and strode to the sand.

  Olivia moved from the deck and onto the sandy path and made her way to the beach. “Meet you halfway.” She ended the call and then dropped the phone in her pocket and started to jog. It was hard to do in her flip-flops, so she kicked them off and kept on jogging. Her sundress swirled around her thighs and before she had gotten too far, she had to grab the skirt and hold it as she jogged to keep the breeze from hiking it to her waist.

  BJ was laughing when he reached her. “Having trouble there?” In one quick motion, he swept her into his arms and kissed her.

  Olivia knew in that moment that nothing in her life was ever going to be the same. She was most certainly in love with BJ. And she hoped he felt the same way.

  BJ had to make himself bring the kiss to a halt and then he just held Olivia in his arms, feeling her heartbeat against his. Ever since he’d learned that his life was not what he’d always believed, he’d felt a bit as if he were fluttering in the wind like her cute dress had been before he’d helped her out by scooping her into his arms. Olivia did that for him. When she was near, he felt grounded again. He didn’t know where he was going with everything else in his life but he knew what he hoped for when he looked at Olivia.

  A lifetime.


  “So did you have a good two days with your parents?”

  “I did. Not a photographer lurking in the bushes anywhere trying to get a picture. It was heavenly.”

  He laughed, feeling the rumble of pure satisfaction in his chest. “And they’re not here anymore either. Just like you’d predicted.”

  “I know. I hear they’re back in Hollywood, trying to get the new scoop on bad Brad.”

  “So I hear. So how does it feel to have been a pawn in his sinister scheme?”

  Her smile broadened and she rested a hand against his cheek. “I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but it brought me home and I met you, so all is wonderful. I have no complaints.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear.” He kissed her neck and breathed in the soft scent of her. “You know you drive me crazy?”

  She smiled. “I hope so. If not, I’d be very disappointed.”

  He lifted his head with the intention of kissing her again when he spotted three people on the deck of Shar’s house. “Are those your sisters?”

  Olivia gasped. “Yes, I forgot.” She giggled. “You distracted me. That is Cali and Jillian and my mom. We are giving a surprise welcome home party to Shar and Gage. And since they will be moving into the big house for a while, do you mind if we come over and decorate?”

  “Not at all. I’ve already washed my sheets and moved back to the boat. I’m getting it ready to start charters next week.”

  “Oh, but you own part of the house. I’m sure they don’t want you to move out.”

  “I talked to Gage and insisted that I was just there temporarily. And believe me, I never had any plans to move into that house, especially with a pair of newlyweds. If I ever buy a home, it will be one I pick out and buy.”

  “I get that.”

  “Don’t get me wrong—I appreciate the offer. But another reality is Gage and I are strangers. Besides everything else that’s wrong with me being in the house, the truth is that we need time to get to know each other. Becoming roommates with my new brother isn’t on my radar. If I become a roommate with anyone in the future, it will be a very personal choice.” He kissed her forehead. “Yes, you girls go take over the house. I am perfectly fine with it.”

  He set her feet on the ground and she grabbed her skirt and held it in place. “You are invited. I hope you’ll come. We are gathering at four thirty.”

  “I’ll be there. Do you need any help now?”

  “No, we’ve got it.” She kissed his cheek. “Are you okay? Did your meeting give you answers?”

  “Some. And despite what I just said, I’m looking forward to Gage and Shar arriving home. It will be good to talk to him.”

  BJ watched Olivia head back to Shar’s place and then turned and went back to his boat. Three weeks ago when he’d first docked in Windswept Bay, he hadn’t had a clue what was in store for him. He shot a glance over his shoulder at Olivia and saw her disappear inside with her family. He’d tried to call Lilly earlier, needing to hear her voice. It had been weeks since she checked in with him and he at least liked to know she was okay. His sister was a free spirit who liked to do her own thing but still, this was too long. Maybe it was the fact that Olivia had such a large family that had him realizing that he and Lilly needed to connect more. He also needed to tell her about what was going on in his life.

  Her phone went straight to voicemail, like it had the last time he’d tried to call. “Lilly, it’s me. Call me back, okay? We need to talk… Love you. And Lilly…I miss you.” They didn’t normally take the time to leave a message. They knew to call back when they saw each other’s number so wasting time leaving a message didn’t make sense.

  When he reached his boat, he checked his watch and realized he only had three hours before the party. He decided he might as well stay docked here until then and then he’d move the boat back to the spot he was leasing at the marina. If he was going to stick around Windswept Bay, and he had plans to do so, then he was going to have to get a truck. He and Olivia had used Shar’s Jeep for their date the other night but the next time he took Olivia out, he planned to do it with his own transportation.

  Chapter Twelve


  The crowd of family all shouted with happiness as Gage pulled his car into the driveway amid all the family vehicles. There was no way to hide all of them, so a semi-surprise had been all Olivia and her family could come up with. Despite the fact that it was broad daylight and the yard was full of family, the newlyweds appeared surprised.

  Shar was out of the car like a rocket, a huge smile plastered across her face. “Oh, it’s so good to see everyone!” She rushed around and gave each family member a hard hug.

  Olivia couldn’t help the bubble of joy she felt at seeing her dry-witted sister so happy.

  “And you,” Shar said, when she got to Olivia. “You are here.” She engulfed her. “I told Gage that I was going to have to go to Hollywood and kidnap you just to get you home for a visit.”

  “She did say that,” Gage said. “Hello, I’m Gage. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He was handsome, with a dark hair and eyes that instantly had her attention. They were BJ’s eyes. It was unmistakable.

  “It’s nice to meet you too. I regret so much that I missed your wedding…both times.”

  Gage’s smile widened. “We missed you both times. But you’re here now and from what I’ve been hearing, you have befriended my brother.” He held his hand out to BJ, who was standing beside her. “I can’t wait to spend time with you at last. We have a lot to talk about.”

  Olivia liked Gage already and as she looked from BJ to Gage, she saw a new beginning happening in front of her.

  “Come on, everyone,” Violet called to all of her family. “Let’s move this party inside and out on the back deck. We have plenty of food and cold drinks. And Sam has smoked a fantastic brisket for everyone.”

  “Oh yeah, you’re speaking my talk now,” Jake called and led the stampede of brothers into the house.

  Olivia looked at Shar. “She’s laid out a feast in there.”

  Shar locked arms with her and they headed inside. “She shows her love with food.”

  Olivia locked arms with her triplet. “I have missed you, sis. But I think I’m going to stick around for a while and see what kind of job turns up for me around here,” she said as they entered the house.

  Shar stopped. “Are you kidding me? You can hav
e my spot at the resort. Really, you’re the PR person. Ask Cali and Jillian how my PR skills are. They are awful. Just awful. It’s a wonder I haven’t run entire groups off with my mouth. Cali, Jillian—get over here.”

  Olivia felt a little overwhelmed but then this was Shar and it did not surprise Olivia in the least that her blunt-talking, not-always-filtered sister was not the most diplomatic when it came to public relations.

  “Olivia is looking for a job. Did you two know this?”

  Cali stared at Olivia, as did Jillian. “You’ve decided to stay?”

  “I think I’d like to. I’ve really thought about it and I know now that I didn’t leave Hollywood, running from scandal. I was running from Hollywood itself. I tried to love it but I just don’t.”

  Jillian hugged her. “Welcome home, sis. And maybe BJ has a little something to do with this?”

  Olivia smiled. “Maybe.”

  “Great.” Shar hitched a brow at Cali. “Put her in my job. Now. I’ll go work with the sea turtle hospital full-time. With Olivia on board at the resort with you and Jillian, the sky is the limit.”

  Cali laughed. “Shar is serious, Olivia. If you haven’t figured it out. She has tried so hard and we have loved having her but her heart is with saving the sea turtles she loves. And that’s where she should be, even if you don’t want to step in and take her place. But we would love to have you join us.”

  Jillian had been nodding while Cali spoke. “Oh, Olivia, it would be perfect with you there. It would be wonderful for all four of us to be working together but Shar is our Superwoman and we need her to represent us in saving the turtles.” Jillian winked at Shar.

  Olivia felt tears well in her eyes. “I really would love to join you at the resort. It sounds fabulous.”

  “Yes!” Shar yelped. “Thank you, God.” She looked at the ceiling. “Seriously, thank you, thank you.”

  “Group hug,” Cali said, as she always had when they were kids. And all of them gathered up and hugged.

  And Olivia could not believe it had taken her so long to find her way home.

  The sun had set when the welcome home party ended and everyone had gone home. Olivia had caught a ride to Shar’s place with Jillian, despite him telling her he would walk her home on the beach. She’d told him he needed to spend some time with Gage, and she was right. But this was Gage’s first night home from his honeymoon in his house with his bride. BJ was not feeling comfortable about keeping the newlyweds apart but the minute he started to leave, Shar stopped him.

  “Hold on there,” she demanded from the kitchen, where she was placing the last slice of chocolate cake on a paper plate.

  There had been threats to her brothers earlier that no one was to eat her last piece of cake. BJ had thought that the slice of cake would go missing during the good-bye hugs as the brothers had headed out but miraculously it was still sitting on the cake plate.

  “Do not walk out that door. Gage is coming in with my suitcase and then you two are going to spend some time together. You’re going to take this piece of cake back to the boat with you when you go, too.”

  He eyed the cake. “Me? That’s your cake.”

  She laughed. “No, I saved it for you. It’s your ‘I’m glad you’re a part of the family’ slice.” She covered it with foil, walked around the counter and into the living room area, and held it out to him. “Welcome to the family, BJ.”

  BJ took the cake. “Thanks. You know that if your brothers learn I got this piece of cake, they might hurt me.”

  She laughed. “You look like you can hold your own. But if you don’t want it, I can keep it.” She started to take it back but he held on and grinned.

  “I think I’ll risk it.”

  “Risk what?” Gage walked into the kitchen with two large suitcases.

  “Her brothers’ wrath when they find out your wife gave me the last piece of chocolate cake.”

  “Hey, I thought that was for me?”

  Shar walked into the kitchen and picked up two plastic forks; she came back and handed them both one.

  “You can share it. Now, go. My head hurts thinking about all the stuff you have to discuss. Besides being newfound brothers, you own this gosh awful gigantic corporation together. I’ve hogged Gage long enough. Have at it, boys. And enjoy the cake.”

  With that, she strode out of the room and headed up the stairs.

  Gage was all smiles as he watched her go. “Man, I love her. That is some kind of woman.”

  BJ thought of Olivia. He hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off her all evening. “You two look really happy.”

  Gage nodded. “I don’t know what I did to deserve her but I’m grateful. Come on. Show me your boat. And bring that cake.”

  They walked down the short path and across the sand to the pier. The light from the windows of the captain’s quarters helped illuminate the boat deck as they went on board. “You’re getting around good,” he said. “Has the gunshot wound completely healed?”

  “I still feel a twinge every now and again. But mostly it’s healed.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He took the wrapper off the cake and set it on the table on the deck. They both stared at it and then, laughing, they sat down and each dug their fork into it.

  “So…” Gage paused before he stuffed his fork into his mouth.

  BJ didn’t hesitate; he had the cake in his mouth almost instantly and was chewing when Gage dropped his bombshell.

  “Do you want to buy me out of my share of the business?”

  BJ choked. “What?” he wheezed.

  Gage reached over and slapped him on the back. “Sorry, man—didn’t mean to do that to you.”

  After a moment, BJ got his breath back and stared at his brother. “You want me to buy you out? I don’t want your business. I was going to make you the same offer. I was actually going to walk away completely, but Larry told me there were provisions that didn’t allow me to walk away. That everything would remain in my name and that wouldn’t be fair leaving you to run the corporation alone while I reaped the benefits. So I was going to sell it to you at a rock-bottom price.”

  Gage shook his head and finally bit into the cake. “Our dad, if you haven’t figured it out, was a brilliant man in business. But he was unlucky in love. I’ve given this a lot of thought. He worked all the time and he had a silent pain that I never knew about while he lived. And that was you. As a kid, I had everything I could want except time with my dad. He barely spent time at home because he pretty much lived at the office. And when he wasn’t at the office, he was on business trips.”

  Gage laid his fork down, stood up and walked to the boat railing. “Do you know what it was like when I found those pictures of him on this beach, playing and laughing with you when you were a toddler? It was like my heart was ripped out of my chest.” His voice was raspy with emotion. “Sorry, man,” Gage continued after he cleared his throat. “You had everything I longed for as a kid but you were a toddler and probably have no memory of anything in those photos.”

  “I don’t,” BJ said. “But I’m sorry you didn’t have that. I had it with my dad. The dad that I know.”

  They stared at each other.

  “It’s messed up.” Gage laughed gruffly.

  “Yeah, it is,” BJ agreed. “I don’t understand it at all. My mother looked about as in love in those pictures as any woman could be. And I have to admit that I never saw that kind of look in her eyes with my dad. She was happy and loved her life but when I saw those photos, it was the look of love in her expression when she looked at your dad that got me in the gut. I didn’t know who the kid was but I knew who she was.”

  “And that’s the million-dollar question then: why did she leave and break my dad’s heart? Because I’m convinced that’s what happened. He lost my mom, then found your mom, and then he lost her and you when she ran away. Me, I lost him and my mom the day I was born…at least the dad I longed for. When I was ten and had run the latest nanny off, he started taking me to t
he office with him and I found a new family in the people who worked in the office. And as I grew, I learned the business and the more I learned, the more time I got to spend with Dad.”

  He paused. “Shar helped me figure this out while we were gone. He’d lost so much that he couldn’t get close anymore. Only through what he did best and always succeeded at and that was business. This business is his way of showing us his love. He never stopped hoping he would find you. And he provided for you from the day you were conceived.”

  It still made BJ uncomfortable and sad. “Part of me wishes I’d known him but in wishing that, I might never have known my dad. I might not ever know why my mom left. But all I can think of is what Larry said, that they fought over him wanting her to move to New York and she refused. I think that has to be it, that she was afraid your dad, our dad, would try to gain custody of me and he was the one with the money.”

  “That’s what I think too. It’s the only thing that fits.”

  “So where does that leave us?” BJ asked. “Because if you think my mom had an aversion to the big city, believe me, it could not compare to what I feel for it. Out there is where I was born to be.” He looked out at the moonlit water. “Not holed up in a skyscraper, making money I’ll never be able to spend in my lifetime.”

  “Then, we both sell. I can have buyers lined up tomorrow. We sell and make the lives we want.” Gage held out his hand.

  BJ stood. “Deal.” And they clasped hands and shook.

  “Something tells me this is right. This house, this beach. This, I believe, is where he was happiest. And that’s why he never sold it.”

  BJ’s heart tugged thinking about the man he’d never know. “I think you’re probably right.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Olivia went to the resort the next day. She’d sat on her deck for a long time last night, watching BJ and Gage talk on the boat. And then, feeling guilty for watching them even from the distance, she’d gone inside and gone to bed. She hoped things had gone well. BJ’s boat had been gone when she woke up.


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