Book Read Free

Last Horizon: Beta

Page 26

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “That whole divine light gets a little annoying,” Emelia said softly.

  “Yeah. That was apparently Paval's idea and Larry backed him over Jazzy's objection so it went into the game. All the devs have gossamer winged avatars and use that flash,” Amythyst replied and shrugged.

  “Well at least that makes it easy to tell them apart from the regular gamers,” Felton mused.

  The group gathered themselves and went deeper into the Lonely Wood looking for the Matriarch Widow lair. They trekked through the woods for two hours finding nothing and grew concerned.

  “This is odd. Nothing to be had not vegetable, animal, or mineral? I am not the model of a modern major general, I guess.” Dumadin quipped, referencing the Gilbert and Sullivan song.

  The group rolled their eyes and groaned, “If you start singing we'll kill you ourselves.” Terets said, pulling his swords and advancing.

  Dumadin pulled his shield off his back and his hammer off his belt, “You have no chance ugly.”

  “Enough,” Kittish interjected cutting them off. “This isn't the time for play, boys. We don't know where this giant spider is and....” She was cut off as a large spider crashed down out of the tree tops, landing on Amythyst.

  The group turned on the Matriarch Widow to find themselves facing a level twenty five mob with a small crown on her portrait. “Unique mob,” Dumadin Anger Howled to pull the spider off Amythyst. “Flank out and get ready, the last one was a bitch to kill.”

  The group spread out as the Matriarch rushed at Dumadin. He activated Iron Blood and felt the impact on his shield, thankful for the timely Block. Kittish marked Dumadin and began healing Amythyst who had lost half her hit points to the surprise attack.

  Terets went to attack from the flank to be kicked back by a few legs. At the same time Emelia tried to get close to have a couple of legs flicked out to keep her back. “It is keeping us off its flank,” Emelia called out and tried again, only to get hit by a leg and lose another 5% of her hit points. “Flanks are a bit dangerous at the moment.”

  Dumadin grunted as he got bit, losing 10% of his life and seeing a debuff flash in his UI. Matriarch Poison, aether depletes and heals on you have reduced effect. “Fuck me this is going to suck, the poison is horrible.”

  Kittish noted the debuff and kept her heals rolling, “Terets use the Deathhead poison, Dumadin Stoneskin potion.”

  Her allies nodded and began to follow up as Emelia tried to land Dirty tricks and Felton got Crippling shout onto the spider. “That should lower her chance to hit all around,” Felton cried out seeing his and Em's debuffs hit the spider.

  Amythyst had gotten up and started to chain Icebolts onto the spider. Terets slipped in behind the spider and got two stabs off and poisoned the spider before he realized this was a bad place to be as the spider coated him in web.

  “Mfhgyr,” was all he got out as he was cocooned in web. Felton slid to the back and began to cut Terets out of the web.

  Dumadin began rotating the spider to get them out from behind it, as Emelia moved with him, so the Matriarch wouldn't be able to web anyone else in their group.

  The Matriarch's next two bites bounced off the dwarf as her hit points started to slowly dwindle. Em stood up just to Dumadin's left and attacked from there. Felton got Terets freed and they started to move in from the flank away.

  The matriarch lost 25% of her life and shrieked, backing up slightly. As the shriek echoed spiderlings started dropping down from the trees.

  “Ah next phase, very nice,” Dumadin called out. “Ten spiderlings guys. Like we have before, let's knock them down.”

  The Matriarch sat back as the spiderlings attacked, biting Terets, Emelia, and Dumadin before they died. As soon as the last one died the Matriarch rushed at Kittish. Dumadin triggered Anger Howl as it went to rush by, causing it to turn on him and take away the third shield from the stoneskin potion.

  Terets noted the Deathhead debuff and checked it as he rushed back in. “Sweet the Deathhead poison is a slowing debuff along with minor damage.”

  Felton and Terets tried again to flank the matriarch only to be brushed back by the legs. “Let's attack the leg when it comes at us,” Felton shouted.

  As they tried to press in again a leg came out and they hacked at it, severing it. “Sweet, it works. Let's go at it,” Terets shouted and they attacked the legs of the Matriarch with fervor.

  At 50% the Matriarch pulled back and shrieked again, calling more spiderlings. This time there were twenty of them. “Same as before and try to drink an aether potion when you can or healing to help Kittish if you start to drop.” Dumadin shouted and waited for the spiderlings and Anger Howled again, pulling the majority to him.

  The group systematically killed them off, but they had all been bitten at least once which was starting to tell in their aether bar. As soon as the last one fell the matriarch charged at Kittish again. Dumadin had just taken an aether potion so he could Anger Howl again as his aether bar was depleting too rapidly due to all the spider bites.

  He picked up the matriarch and waited as his friends jumped in again. Dumadin debated the last stoneskin potion he had, but waited to take it. After another few minutes the Matriarch hit 25% and shrieked but didn't back up this time. Thirty spiderlings dropped to the ground and started towards the group.

  “We are fucked, ignore the babies and kill this bitch,” Dumadin panted, taking his last aether potion to Anger Howl the spiderlings to him and Iron blood one more time. He guzzled the Stoneskin potion as they reached him and hunkered down, hoping his friends could burn her fast enough.

  A minute went by with him being shredded by bites as his friends did what they could. As he died the matriarch fell with a hiss. Unfortunately this caused the remaining spiderlings to berserk and to the last the group died, some of them twice as the elixir kicked in bringing them up only to be mobbed again. The last ten spiderlings paced around for a while, then went back into the trees as the corpses of the players faded.


  Half an hour later the group reformed and looked at each other. “Well we killed her, but fuck that was brutal.” Dumadin said, watching Terets move among the corpses to get what he could. “Amythyst, scout out a little and see if you can find a cache nearby please.”

  Amythyst nodded and stealthed, moving off as the group took the time to assess the damage to their gear. As Terets gathered mats Dumadin and Felton honed and cleaned weapons and armor, leaving the leather gear for Terets to tend to.

  “Guys, she had a Full Matriarch Venom Gland, says quest item on it. I believe this is what we take to the alchemist in Veno. Also a Giant Silk Web Sac, says quest item take to any tailor. We should run this past Dunstun and see what he thinks. Also, give me your leather to patch up please. I'm done looting. Here are the venom glands, Kittish,” he handed her ten glands as he took armor and began to repair it.

  Five minutes later Amythyst came back with a small jeweled chest, which was locked. “I found only this near some bones. Terets, give it a try please, otherwise we'll have to find out what else can be done with it.”

  Terets nodded and tried to pick the lock only to fail. “Fucking lock picking isn't even a mini game, just flat RNG bullshit.” He cursed and set the chest down and collected Amythyst's leather to repair.

  “Let's just take it with us for now, maybe we'll find something to help us with it.” Kittish suggested as the armor and weapons were done being repaired. “Let's fast travel to Stoutbank and talk with Dunstun about that web sac.”

  Agreeing, they popped into existence in the town square and started towards Silken Layers. They nodded and exchanged words with the town folk as they moved.

  “Oh, me and Em got an achievement for the fight, too,” Felton chuckled. “They titled it good I think, it's called 'You're a special kind of...'

  “We got that one for Theodore when we fought him,” Dumadin commented.

  Amythyst chimed in, “I got it for the spider as well which is

  The group entered Silken Layers and were greeted by Dunstun, “Greeting champions. What can I do for you?”

  Terets laughed, “I think it's what can we do for you, Dunstun.” He pulled the web sac out and put it on Dunstun's counter.

  Dunstun stared at it, blinking and then his face fell, “I can't use it. I am not a master or grand master. Oh the shame to have it so close and be unable to use it.” The group blinked and waited a moment for Dunstun to compose himself. “Thank you champions, but this is sadly beyond my skill. The tailor in Veno will be able to use this easily, though.”

  The group looked at each other and conferred for a minute. As they finished talking, Terets spoke again, “Will you be able to use it in the near future?”

  Dunstun's face broke into wonder at the question. “I... honestly don't know. I think I am close to learning the secrets of being a master but... It might be soon or never. If you want, I will pay you its worth just for the prestige of having it. If all else fails, I can use this to barter for the training needed from Roscar in Veno to become a master.”

  The group conferred again and then smiling, broke apart. Terets spoke again. “Dunstun, we have considered this matter and are sad to say we won't sell it to you.” He waited as Dunstun's face sobered and he nodded with a sigh. Terets spoke again after Dunstun sighed, “We've agreed to give it to you as a gift for the betterment of Stoutbank. This town should not depend on Veno and if you become a master it will aid them greatly on that way.”

  Dunstun was stunned speechless and stood there slack jawed for minutes, not daring to believe. Theresa came out of the back and shook him to get him to respond. “I... I... I...”

  Theresa giggled and spoke up, “We thank you champions, for your generosity. Please let us at least give you all outfits befitting your status in town.”

  Congratulations, you are now Heroes of Stoutbank.

  The town honors your names as you have shown your heart to them.

  The town folks will give you steep discounts and buy all your items at increased rates.

  Your name has spread to surrounding villages and towns and you will be known there.

  Now they blinked, stunned by this achievement. “Guys,” Felton started, “I just became a champion of Stoutbank for this.” Emelia agreed that she had as well.

  Kittish giggled and informed them, “We're now heroes of Stoutbank. I like this generosity reward system.”

  Laughing, the group shared in Dunstun's cheer as he took the sac away and came back to get them all his very best outfits. They left with Excellent Silken outfits fit for feasts in court. They were worth twenty gold each and had decent durability.

  As they left there the group decided to go to the Inn and relax for the rest of the night. As they entered the Inn a mighty cheer rose up.

  “There they are, the Heroes of Stoutbank, give them three cheers! A drink on the house for everyone!” Bjorn shouted as they entered, setting off another cheer. Most of the shop owners were here along with random town folk and adventurers. The next few hours were spent telling and retelling the mighty fight with the Matriarch.

  After a few hours the group had to log, leaving the party in full swing as they retired to rooms upstairs for the night.


  The next day, after saying goodbye to Bjorn the group fast traveled to Veno.

  “That was fun last night. Now let's see what the alchemist will give us,” Dumadin commented as they entered the city.

  “Makes me wonder what it will be, as well,” Kittish agreed as they walked hand in hand.

  After stopping a guard for directions they found the shop Full Cauldron. Upon stepping inside they were greeted by a haughty elf, “Welcome to the Full Cauldron, I am the owner Joseph Brighteyes. How may I help you?”

  The group looked the elf over in his fine silks and his attitude and stepped back for Kittish to speak. “Well hello, sunshine. We heard you wanted a thing we found.” She pulled out the Matriarch Venom Gland and held it in her hand, watching him.

  Joseph's eyes bulged and he made a small grasping motion before stilling his features and hands. “Ah yes, I did want that item. I have had an offer to anyone who can bring it to me. I will give you six hundred gold for it.”

  The group blinked and looked at each other, and Kittish winked at them turning back to Joseph. “Well that's a good place to start, but we were hoping for more. It was dreadfully difficult to retrieve.”

  Joseph eyed her, his eyes narrowing, “I see then. I can't go above one thousand gold. That is a finality and even then I will have to send a letter to the bank with you for it.”

  Terets cleared his throat, “You don't have any way of opening chests do you? Say small jewel encrusted ones?”

  Joseph’s eyes sharpened as he looked at them. “If you found a small chest near the spider, then possibly. May I see it, please?”

  Terets didn't like this man but drew the chest out to show him. “This is the one I speak of.”

  Joseph nodded with a smile, “Oh yes, I have the key for it. I will offer you the key and three hundred gold, or the one thousand gold for the venom.”

  The group pulled back to confer in whispers about what offer sounded better. They kept glancing at Joseph, who was eyeing them with a gleam in his eye. Finally Kittish stepped forward again, “We'll take the gold and the key then.”

  Joseph blinked as if not sure he heard right and opened his mouth before closing it with a snap and nodding once. He handed over the key and three hundred gold with a frown on his face. “I didn't expect that. Most would take the money up front rather than gamble.”

  Kittish smiled back sweetly, “We are an unpredictable bunch, we Bananas.” Laughing, the group left the shop and went towards the bank with the chest. Stopping at an alleyway, Terets opened the chest and showed it to the group. There were gems of all different shapes and sizes inside. The group blinked as Terets shut and relocked the box.

  “Maybe we should see the jeweler before we hit the bank?” Terets suggested.

  The group chuckled and agreed, and with directions from a guard found the shop Pretty Stones. Upon entering the shop they were greeted as normal. “Welcome to Pretty Stones, I am the owner Gregor Diamondskin, How can I help you?” The group smiled as they looked at the dwarf before them.

  “Your brother Thund looks a lot like you, Gregor.” Dumadin greeted the owner, glad this one didn't boom out words like Thund. “He was very nice to us at Stoutbank. We have some gems we wish to sell off. We hope you can help.”

  Gregor grimaced slightly at his brother’s name, “Oh yes, he is very helpful. Let us see what you have, then.”

  Terets set the chest on the counter along with the key, watching the jeweler. Gregor took the chest and examined the chest and key, “Good quality. I can give you three hundred just for the chest. I hear gems inside though. Let's see what you have.” Opening the chest, Gregor stopped and blinked and began to slowly separate stones onto the counter.

  The group watched him as he separated the gems by some unknown formula. After a few minutes he finished and had three distinct piles. “What we have here are common stones, uncommon stones, and precious stones.” He motioned at the bigger pile, “Common stones, not useful for much but baubles. I can give you maybe fifty gold for the lot. The uncommon stones will take a bit more care. Without checking each one for quality I can hazard a guess of three hundred gold for the pile. If you want to break them down you could end up with more or less. The precious stones though, those are worth much more. I would have to examine each one to properly value them. I'll make you an offer you before I do so. Any item with a blue tag in my shop for each of you and six hundred gold for the entire thing, gems, chest and all. Or you can wait for met to individually examine each of these,” he motioned at the piles of uncommon and precious gems, “and I'll pay you straight gold for them. But it will take a few days to examine them all.”

  The group pulled back to confer in whi
spers while keeping eyes on Gregor who watched them with bright eyes. “Can we take a look around before coming to a decision?” Terets asked.

  Gregor motioned them to look around and stepped back from his counter so they felt better about taking eyes off him for a few seconds at a time. The group scoured the shop and realized the blue tags were of good quality like Amythyst's or Felton's necklaces.

  The conferred again and then Terets stepped back to the counter. “We will accept your deal Gregor. We'll select our items and inform you.”

  Gregor smiled broadly and nodded as he scooped the gems back into the chest and went to secure them. He came back out a few minutes later and gave each member what they asked for, then handed over a chit to the bank for six hundred gold to the bearer. “Many thanks, adventurers. Please come back any time.”


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